The guild will have a story alongside Power but not as common like this is an one off.
The Guild was founded by Robot Man, a living cyborg made by Earth's best scientists, Monster, a mutant moose turned into a monster, Wizard, a being of higher power, Spinner, a regular women of speed, Mind, a telepathic girl from the planet of Pluto, and Mystic, a female sorceress. These 6 heroes stop an alien threat that threaten Earth 2 years ago.
Now inside their secret base, Robot Man was tuning up himself when Spinner came running in. " Spinner what is it now?" said Robot Man." God John. You are so pushy and Wizard demand you right now like he will kill us if you don't go to him." said Spinner." Tell him.I will be there in a few minutes okay Ellie?" said Robot Man/John." Okay I will tell him but he won't be happy about it so be quick." said Spinner/Ellie. Spinner then ran off." That girl. I know I have been alive for only two years now but it feels like forever. System update." said Robot Man.
Robot Man started to walk toward the kitchen. He then saw Wizard." John.You are here." said Wizard. Wizard was a magical person from the magical plane which had every magical thing you can think of. He came here with his daughter Mystic." Hey Wizard.What's up." said Robot Man." Nothing much.It is that my daughter is giving me a headache." said Wizard. Then Monster came into the room." When I live with my family before they were killed by the humans. My two daughters were a pain to deal with but I learn a couple of things form so if you need any help just ask me." said Monster." Thanks Beast but how do you deal with a boy?" said Wizard." Is it a wizard boy?" said Robot Man." No a mortal boy." said Wizard." Let me have my coffee before I tell what to do with boys." said Monster. Monster grab a coffee and Robot Man grab some oil." Okay.Start talking before Spinner find us." said Robot Man." Does Spinner like you or something Robot of man." said Wizard who was drinking a Viking beer." I think so but who knows?" said Robot Man.
The three males kept talking when Mind float in her nightgown." Um Destiny you are wearing your nightgown." said Wizard." What? Oh crap I was sleep floating again.Can you forget this ever happen okay guys?" said Destiny/Mind. Destiny floated away." That girl is such an airhead." said Monster." Yeah but she is very strong with her powers for a rookie." said Robot Man.
Around a few hours at 10 AM,the team was wide awake." Okay Wizard,Mind,and Monster.You three will be taking on the simulation today while me,Spinner,and Mystic are on patrol today in the last known location of the Fire Bolts main research lab and after you three finish training.Please join us." said Robot Man. Robot Man was searching for Mystic." Where is Mystic?" said Robot Man.
In Mystic's room,she was sleeping." Three,two,one." said Spinner. She turn on a light that flip Mystic out of her bed." Ow! Spinner! What is up with you throwing me into the wall like that?" said Mystic." You are late for morning briefing." said Spinner." Did John tell you to come get me?" said Mystic as she was getting dressed." Yeah." said Spinner." Tell him.I will be out there in a minute." said Mystic. She closed the door and said," Peace and quiet."
She left her room and was walking toward the team." Daughter.You are late again." said Wizard." Sorry Dad but I had a really good dream." said Mystic." Yeah my daughter was just like this so be lucky you have her." said Monster." We better getting going. We have a long flight ahead of us." said Robot Man." Where are we going anyway?" said Spinner." The country of Brazil." said Robot Man.
As the two women got onto the ship,Wizard grab Robot Man." Can you figure out the boy she is crushing on yet?" said Wizard." Why should I?" said Robot Man." I will use Magic to...." said Wizard." Hurry up Johnny!" said Mystic." Okay.I am coming." said Robot Man. Robot Man got onto the ship with the two girls in the seats behind him." One of these days,I am going to teach you how to fly this thing." said Robot Man.
Robot Man walk up to the pilot seat and started up the ship, he set in the coordinates, and then turned on auto pilot." This is way too easy." said Robot Man. Robot Man walk to where the girls are." John.Shouldn't you be driving the plane?" said Spinner." Auto Pilot." said Robot Man." Oh yeah." said Spinner." So Mystic? You excited to not be training and going to Brazil." said Robot Man." Yeah Party capital of the world right and we are going there to party right?" said Mystic." Um.What does your father think?" said Spinner." Trust her. I heard her father drunken adventures so he is a fan of the party." said Robot Man.
Then the ship start to blink." What is happening John?" said Spinner." The ship must be attack by the Fire Bolts's defense. Hold on and I will call the rest of the team." said RM. RM got up and call Wizard." Come down here with Mind teleporting to our location now." said RM.
The ship crashed and Mystic save them with a spell." Thanks Mystic for helping us." said Spinner." I guess I should thanks but I need to go stop the plane from falling and killing people." said Mystic.She made the plane go poof." Okay so the rest of the team will be here soon but first we need to find the Fire Bolts." said Robot Man. Robot Man then press some buttons and was in a normal human outfit." Let's go to the city where my sensors sense a Fire Bolts signal." said Robot Man." God John is so pushy sometimes right Ellie?" said Mystic." Yeah Donna.He is " said Ellie." You are thinking that a robot is super cute." said Donna/Mystic.
The three made into the city and saw the villain's team The Evil Seven. Sheriff Eagle is a cowboy from the near future when the world has gone western again,Doctor Brain is one of the smartest being on the Earth,Destruction has a Robot Man but gone wrong,The Elements are Fire,Water,Earth,Tech,and Air spirits combine,Princess is a super hero from women powered society, Zeus was a reject god and had powers of all them, and the newest member X was the leader of Fire Bolts." Oh shit." said John." Master X, I sense the members of the guild Mystic,Spinner,and Robot Man." said Doctor Brain." Okay let them come to us by smashing the place to the ground." said X. "Hell yeah!I like that." said Destruction. The beast ran around and was destroying buildings.
Then Mind,Wizard,and Monster appeared." Aw shit." said Monster." Ah the whole guild is here. Get them and bring them to the base and knocked out." said X." Yes Sir. Okay Evil Seven attack." said Sheriff . The 6 ran toward them." Okay Spinner get them Elements, Monster Destruction, Mystic Princess, Wizard Zeus, Mind Dr.Brain, and I will get Sheriff." said RM. Zeus shocked Wizard down and shot evil Skeleton at Wizard to hold him down,Mind was knocked by Dr.Brain's psychic powers,Mystic was thrown by Princess into several buildings,The elements made a jail for Spinner out of Tech and Fire,Monster was knock out and punch out by Destruction, and thrown with the rest of the knocked out Heroes." How is this possible?" said RM." Lucky us." said Sheriff. The Texan shot down Robot Man into pieces." Call X. Tell him we were are ready for the next job." said Eagle.
Next time Power Part 4 The guild team up.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Powerful Power part three Dr.Dimension
The next part will be about the Guild and Power team up
A few days after the attack on Brendan's family,the city was on a rise of crime but the hero Power as the town called him was knocking them out left to right. Power was flying to school which he was almost late for class." Why did that crooks have super powers?" said Power. He transformed back into Bob and he ran at lighting speed to class but then he was stop by a time force." Hey!What is going on here?" said Bob. Then a man came in by teleporting. He had a lab coat on him." Who are you?Some reject professor?" said Bob." I am Dr.Dimension. I am the future greatest hero. I wish to speak with you." said Dr Dimension." So how do you know who I am?" said Bob." I will tell you if you follow me." said Dr.D." Um sure but since you control time um. Can you pause so I am not late for class?" said Bob." Absolute." said Dr.D.
Dr.Dimension pause time and teleport off with Bob to a undefined place." So where are we?" said Bob." The near future." said Dr.D." So who are you exactly and how do you know who I am?" said Bob." I am your son." said Dr.D." You are kidding me right?" said Bob." No I am not because I am your son." said Dr.D.
Dr.D made a projector." So what is this son?" said Bob." Your future." said Dr. D. Bob then saw him with Dr.D as a baby with a women." So who is the girl?" said Bob." Your wife but I can't tell you who that is because the time-space thing." said Dr.D. The screen turned into Dr.D was flying with his sister and Bob drink a soda." So you have super powers like me?" said Bob." No I got the power of space,flight,time, strength,speed,smart,and morphing. My sister got your powers while I got moms." said Dr.D.
Then the screen turned to Bob with Dr.D talking to him." Ace, you are the hero we need so I need you to stop this future. So could get me from the past and stop your sister?" said Future Bob. " So my daughter is going to rule the world? That is so creepy." said Bob." Yeah." said Dr.D." Dad.What about my girlfriend being under sister's rule?" said Ace." Who is she?Good chap." said Bob." She is the daughter of a fellow superhero who you will meet later." said Dr.D. The screen turned off." So any question Dad?" said Dr.D." Okay one,why is your name Ace. Two,where is your girlfriend now? Three,is Stella my wife?" said Bob." Your wife picked the name. In the evil castle over there. No figure it out. Now lets go save the future!" said Dr.D.
The two went up to the castle and then Bob transformed into Power." Okay so what is my daughter like?" said Power." She has your powers and she has a super human army so we need to be smart about this when we started to attack." said Ace. Then a alarm went off. Then a thousand guards appeared around the two." You two disobeyed lady Casey or Power Women." said a guard." Really Power Women? I guess I should be proud but eat freeze breath." said Power. Power froze the guards with his breath." Smooth Dad but how do we get in without getting caught?" said Ace." Okay I will sneak in and then I will distract your sister and you save your girlfriend." said Power." Actually Power. I am actually not Dr.Dimension." said Ace. He then transformed into an older female version of Power." Hi daddy.Do you like me?" said Power Women." Where is Ace?And I do." said Power." With his girfriend,mom,my unborn sister,and you." said Power Women. She shot a sleeping potion at him and froze Power." Sorry Pop but I guess I am the better one." said PW. She unfroze the guards and ordered them to carry the frozen hull of Power.But Casey didn't notice that Power cloned himself and he shrunk himself down into an atom and he hided on the ice shell.
In a few minutes, the ice husk was in jail. Power grew back to normal and saw Dr.Dimension in chains." Ace!" said Power." Who are you?" said Ace." I am your father Bob at 15. Your evil yet amazing looking sister brought me here as you." said Power." You are my dad but he,Mom,and my unborn sister went into am alternative Dimension." said Ace." Ace.I know you because of your sister. So trust me and we are going to stop your sister." said Power. Power made a sword and he cut the chains and it let Ace go." Thanks but what about my girlfriend? She went into a different jail cell. So can we save her first?" said Ace." That is so cute brother but you are so dumb." said Power Women.
Power Women stood with a angel,sorcerers,quick person, and many more super women." You like my army daddy. These are women you will meet around your age but older." said PW." Why are you doing this Casey? I am your father and I demand to know why." said Power." You never gave me respect. You treat me like a slut and a bad daughter and I was growing up when you were mostly paying attention to him and helping him with his problems. It made me sick. I have problems too!" said PW." Casey. We can stop this." said Ace." No I won't brother. Girls get my daddy. I want my brother dead." said Casey." Well I said I would never hit a women but this time I will allow it.Stop her son." said Power. Power ran toward the girls and Dr.D tackled Power Woman. Power got trapped inside a magical bubble." Sorry Bob. I love you but you will burn." said the angel. The angel fired arrows,the sorceress made the bubble painful, and the other women hit with their powers." Teleport." said Power. Power teleport out of the bubble.
He appeared and then froze the girls,shock the girls,punch the girls,kick the girls,burned the girls,and teleport the girls into the jail cell." That was easy. Now lets go find my son's girlfriend." said Power. Power started to fly around inside the castle.
Meanwhile outside,PW and Dr.D were fighting. " Eat my fire blast." said Casey. A fire blast was huge as a skyscraper came toward him." Portal shield to the dimension of fire." said Ace. The fire went in the portal." Let fight without our powers Casey." said Ace."Let's dear brother." said Casey. The two started a fisticuffs.
Back inside the castle,Power found his son's girlfriend." Wow Bob. You look just you do from a picture from when you were 15." said the girl." I am from the past to save you and my son from my daughter." said Power." Make sense coming from my soon to be father in law. Now.Can we go save Ace or Blake?" said girl." What is your name?" said Power as he was breaking the chains." Miley or Element women." said Miley.
The two ran toward the open wall where the siblings were fighting it out and Casey was having a upper hand." Sorry dear brother but you must die." said Casey." Get off my man you bitch." said Miley. Miley flew at Casey and they had a cat fight." That is so cool yet creepy that my daughter is in a fight." said Power. Power then ran over and helped Ace up." What are you doing here? Did you save Miley?" said Ace." Yeah and she is hot. Good job but she remind of a girl from TV." said Power." Thanks Dad but I think I want to marry her." said Ace." That is great man but tell her after this. Lets go son." said Power." Right Dad." said Ace. The two joined the fight.
After Ace locked PW which was an dimension of a perfect life for her." That was awesome Bob. You save us from Casey. A total bitch by the way." said Miley." That is my sister you know." said Ace."Sorry Ace but she is." said Miley." Yeah but someone told me that Ace has something to tell you." said Power." Yeah I do. Miley I love you and I think you are the greatest girl in the world. When we met back when we were kids. I knew you would be my girl so will you married me?" said Ace."OMG yes Ace. I will but where we will have it?" said Miley." You could have back with me and Stella back in time." said Power." Dad I know that Casey brought here to kill you and all but you don't have to ruin the space-time thing." said Ace." Come on Blake. Bob offered to let us have his wedding with him and we will take it Bob but how will you explain to Uncle Zak about us?"said Miley." Trust me and I will let you live with us but you have to say you are my cousin from my moms side and the other will be dating." said Power." You are so smart Power." said Ace." I learn from the best now lets get home." said Power. Ace made a Time bubble and went to the past.
Next time,Power learn what happen while he was gone. Will Power save his friends from the evil seven?
A few days after the attack on Brendan's family,the city was on a rise of crime but the hero Power as the town called him was knocking them out left to right. Power was flying to school which he was almost late for class." Why did that crooks have super powers?" said Power. He transformed back into Bob and he ran at lighting speed to class but then he was stop by a time force." Hey!What is going on here?" said Bob. Then a man came in by teleporting. He had a lab coat on him." Who are you?Some reject professor?" said Bob." I am Dr.Dimension. I am the future greatest hero. I wish to speak with you." said Dr Dimension." So how do you know who I am?" said Bob." I will tell you if you follow me." said Dr.D." Um sure but since you control time um. Can you pause so I am not late for class?" said Bob." Absolute." said Dr.D.
Dr.Dimension pause time and teleport off with Bob to a undefined place." So where are we?" said Bob." The near future." said Dr.D." So who are you exactly and how do you know who I am?" said Bob." I am your son." said Dr.D." You are kidding me right?" said Bob." No I am not because I am your son." said Dr.D.
Dr.D made a projector." So what is this son?" said Bob." Your future." said Dr. D. Bob then saw him with Dr.D as a baby with a women." So who is the girl?" said Bob." Your wife but I can't tell you who that is because the time-space thing." said Dr.D. The screen turned into Dr.D was flying with his sister and Bob drink a soda." So you have super powers like me?" said Bob." No I got the power of space,flight,time, strength,speed,smart,and morphing. My sister got your powers while I got moms." said Dr.D.
Then the screen turned to Bob with Dr.D talking to him." Ace, you are the hero we need so I need you to stop this future. So could get me from the past and stop your sister?" said Future Bob. " So my daughter is going to rule the world? That is so creepy." said Bob." Yeah." said Dr.D." Dad.What about my girlfriend being under sister's rule?" said Ace." Who is she?Good chap." said Bob." She is the daughter of a fellow superhero who you will meet later." said Dr.D. The screen turned off." So any question Dad?" said Dr.D." Okay one,why is your name Ace. Two,where is your girlfriend now? Three,is Stella my wife?" said Bob." Your wife picked the name. In the evil castle over there. No figure it out. Now lets go save the future!" said Dr.D.
The two went up to the castle and then Bob transformed into Power." Okay so what is my daughter like?" said Power." She has your powers and she has a super human army so we need to be smart about this when we started to attack." said Ace. Then a alarm went off. Then a thousand guards appeared around the two." You two disobeyed lady Casey or Power Women." said a guard." Really Power Women? I guess I should be proud but eat freeze breath." said Power. Power froze the guards with his breath." Smooth Dad but how do we get in without getting caught?" said Ace." Okay I will sneak in and then I will distract your sister and you save your girlfriend." said Power." Actually Power. I am actually not Dr.Dimension." said Ace. He then transformed into an older female version of Power." Hi daddy.Do you like me?" said Power Women." Where is Ace?And I do." said Power." With his girfriend,mom,my unborn sister,and you." said Power Women. She shot a sleeping potion at him and froze Power." Sorry Pop but I guess I am the better one." said PW. She unfroze the guards and ordered them to carry the frozen hull of Power.But Casey didn't notice that Power cloned himself and he shrunk himself down into an atom and he hided on the ice shell.
In a few minutes, the ice husk was in jail. Power grew back to normal and saw Dr.Dimension in chains." Ace!" said Power." Who are you?" said Ace." I am your father Bob at 15. Your evil yet amazing looking sister brought me here as you." said Power." You are my dad but he,Mom,and my unborn sister went into am alternative Dimension." said Ace." Ace.I know you because of your sister. So trust me and we are going to stop your sister." said Power. Power made a sword and he cut the chains and it let Ace go." Thanks but what about my girlfriend? She went into a different jail cell. So can we save her first?" said Ace." That is so cute brother but you are so dumb." said Power Women.
Power Women stood with a angel,sorcerers,quick person, and many more super women." You like my army daddy. These are women you will meet around your age but older." said PW." Why are you doing this Casey? I am your father and I demand to know why." said Power." You never gave me respect. You treat me like a slut and a bad daughter and I was growing up when you were mostly paying attention to him and helping him with his problems. It made me sick. I have problems too!" said PW." Casey. We can stop this." said Ace." No I won't brother. Girls get my daddy. I want my brother dead." said Casey." Well I said I would never hit a women but this time I will allow it.Stop her son." said Power. Power ran toward the girls and Dr.D tackled Power Woman. Power got trapped inside a magical bubble." Sorry Bob. I love you but you will burn." said the angel. The angel fired arrows,the sorceress made the bubble painful, and the other women hit with their powers." Teleport." said Power. Power teleport out of the bubble.
He appeared and then froze the girls,shock the girls,punch the girls,kick the girls,burned the girls,and teleport the girls into the jail cell." That was easy. Now lets go find my son's girlfriend." said Power. Power started to fly around inside the castle.
Meanwhile outside,PW and Dr.D were fighting. " Eat my fire blast." said Casey. A fire blast was huge as a skyscraper came toward him." Portal shield to the dimension of fire." said Ace. The fire went in the portal." Let fight without our powers Casey." said Ace."Let's dear brother." said Casey. The two started a fisticuffs.
Back inside the castle,Power found his son's girlfriend." Wow Bob. You look just you do from a picture from when you were 15." said the girl." I am from the past to save you and my son from my daughter." said Power." Make sense coming from my soon to be father in law. Now.Can we go save Ace or Blake?" said girl." What is your name?" said Power as he was breaking the chains." Miley or Element women." said Miley.
The two ran toward the open wall where the siblings were fighting it out and Casey was having a upper hand." Sorry dear brother but you must die." said Casey." Get off my man you bitch." said Miley. Miley flew at Casey and they had a cat fight." That is so cool yet creepy that my daughter is in a fight." said Power. Power then ran over and helped Ace up." What are you doing here? Did you save Miley?" said Ace." Yeah and she is hot. Good job but she remind of a girl from TV." said Power." Thanks Dad but I think I want to marry her." said Ace." That is great man but tell her after this. Lets go son." said Power." Right Dad." said Ace. The two joined the fight.
After Ace locked PW which was an dimension of a perfect life for her." That was awesome Bob. You save us from Casey. A total bitch by the way." said Miley." That is my sister you know." said Ace."Sorry Ace but she is." said Miley." Yeah but someone told me that Ace has something to tell you." said Power." Yeah I do. Miley I love you and I think you are the greatest girl in the world. When we met back when we were kids. I knew you would be my girl so will you married me?" said Ace."OMG yes Ace. I will but where we will have it?" said Miley." You could have back with me and Stella back in time." said Power." Dad I know that Casey brought here to kill you and all but you don't have to ruin the space-time thing." said Ace." Come on Blake. Bob offered to let us have his wedding with him and we will take it Bob but how will you explain to Uncle Zak about us?"said Miley." Trust me and I will let you live with us but you have to say you are my cousin from my moms side and the other will be dating." said Power." You are so smart Power." said Ace." I learn from the best now lets get home." said Power. Ace made a Time bubble and went to the past.
Next time,Power learn what happen while he was gone. Will Power save his friends from the evil seven?
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Powerful Power part 2 Power's first appearance to Earth.
This story will include real world stuff.
Bob looked around.He was still in the locker." Was that just a dream or was it real?" thought Bob. Bob then saw the sword that Rock gave him and it became a watch which freed Bob from the locker. " Okay so that wasn't a dream so I guess I am like the guild. Sweet." said Bob. Then Rick came over to the locker." Bob.How did you get out of the locker?" said Rick." Um it was broken." said Bob." Let's get to class then." said Rick." Hey so what time is it?" said Bob." Around 1:10.You have a watch." said Rick." I guess that the godlike aliens must have stop time." thought Bob.
The two walked back to Mr.Rick's classroom. Bob opened the door and went to his seat which was right next to Stella and Brendan's." Hey guys." said Bob." So what happened to you?" said Brendan." Uh nothing. Just me getting stuck in a locker as usual." said Bob." You look stronger,faster,and smarter. Are you doing steroids?" said Stella." No.I guess I am reach a new peak in my life or something." said Bob.
After an hour and 34 minutes of school,school was over but then Bob sensed a enemy near by." Bob.You doing all right?" said Stella." Yeah.I will join you guys later at Brendan's place. This time Brendan tell your guard that I am your friend okay." said Bob." Got ya chief." said Brendan.
The two left toward Brendan's Limo. Bob stood in the nearby forest." Okay.Time to Power up!" said Bob. Bob then started to glow. His watch transformed into a sword,his clothes turn into a red and black suit, and his sword went onto his back of him." Time for Power to fight the Fire Bolts." said Power. He then started to run like really fast not even lighting fast." So where are they?" said Power.
Meanwhile,Brendan and Stella were at Brendan's tower/home." I wonder what is up with Bob?" said Stella." He will be just fine. Now let get inside." said Brendan. The two went inside and they were in an elevator but outside of the tower was Screech and a lot of goons." Go in and secure The Brendan family and others inside." said Screech." Yes madam." said the goons. The goons went up the elevator." Let see if Power save his best friends when they are in danger." said screech. But Screech didn't notice that Power was watching her." I can't believe the dam Fire Bolts would do this? Time to test these transforming powers." said Power.
Power's body became a female goon's body." One of these days I got to practice this." said Power. Power floated down there and ran at the speed of light inside the building." Okay I am sense guards at the elevator and on every floor." thought Power. Power then transform back to normal and grab his sword." Okay. I'm ready." said Power.
Meanwhile on the top floor, Stella and Brendan were playing video games." Why are we playing this again?" said Brendan." You said I could pick the game." said Stella." Not the game where I sweat like a hog." said Brendan. The two were playing Just Dance 4 EXTREME." I wonder where Bob is?" said Stella.
Meanwhile a lot of floors down, Power aka Bob was slashing goons left to right,freeze them, shocking them, burn them, locking them inside the earth, and other crazy stuff." Okay so how many do I have left?" said Power. Then Power used his psychic powers and he found only two goons leaf near the top floor with their leader." Crap. Brendan and Stella are up there. What should I do?" said Power. Power ran up forty flight of stairs.
Upstairs,Stella and Brendan were playing when Brendan's dad came out of his office." Hello son and his girlfriend Stella.So where is your best friend Bob?" said the father. Then the door busted open. Then a girl in a suit reveal her fun bags." Andy. You are overdue to the Fire Bolts." said the girl." Kids. Get down!" said Andy." No.Let the kids feel the rest the wrath of Screech." said Screech. The two goons ran in. One was very strong and used plants. The other one was fast and fire." Hold them down Plants." said Screech. Plants hold them down. Screech yelled quite loud and broke all the windows in the place.
Near the door,Power made some ear plugs." God this going to hurt." said Power. Power grab his sword and then slashed the plants around the door. Power then ran inside the apartment. " Who are you?" said Stella." The name is Power." said Power." Get him goons." said Screech. She then started to yell but she was hit with ice to cover her mouth." Thank god." said Andy. The plant goons stated to fired plants but Power made a shield of fire." Flare!Free Screech while I handled that loser Power." said Plants." Hey.I feel hurt by that.So eat my ice blast." said Power. Power then froze the goon." Okay then so ice won't work on Flare. So use water or something else like that." said Brendan." Thanks for stating the obvious kid." said Power.
Power made a giant lighting bolt to shock Flare and then he lock the grunts inside the Earth." That was easy." said Power. Then Screech was yelling and it broke every thing in the apartment." Stop this right now!" said Andy. Andy ran up and grab her chest which made her scream louder." Your father is an idiot Brendan." said Stella." Yeah I got this." said Power. Power then froze Andy and made a screeching proof cuffs." Peace off and call the cops for me." said Power.
Power then flew off to where they couldn't see him and then he went back to Bob." Ow my ears. I wonder if the guild will knows who I am now!" said Bob. Bob then walk inside to the tower and saw cops everywhere and they will grabbing goons and Screech. He went up to the top floor and saw Andy half frozen." Wow." said Bob." Bob!Are you alright?" said Stella." Yeah.I'm fine but what happened up here?" said Bob."Well the evil organization Fire bolts attacked but the hero Power saved us." said Brendan." I never seen such a powerful meta before not even the guild can't stand up to him." said Andy.
Meanwhile at the guild secret base." So there is a stronger force than the guild out there. I guess we have to meet this Power someday but now we half to take care of The evil 7." said a voice
Next time on Powerful Power,the threat of the evil 6 consist of Sheriff Eagle, Brainer or Doctor Smart,Destruction, the elements( fire,water,lighting/air,earth,and tech.),Princess, Zeus, and X rise but will Power stop it alone or with some help on part 4
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Powerful Power part 1 the beginning
Hey I know the story I am working are on are Power High,Power Dimensions,Pokemon tourney,Power Adventures, and the Power. I know you must hate how I skip around stories and never finish them that but I like rewrite about the hero Power and his many adventures. The other are all different universe like Marvel and DC does. This is the real Power. I will be adding a little nudge to other Power bit most about Bob. Lets begin our story. When Bob talks he will talking in his view.
On the planet Earth of universe 100, in the country of America, in the state of Colorado, in the local high school called Pierce named after the school founder Henry Pierce who fought many lawyers to win the school from the government, and in a locker around lunch time.Inside it was our hero and main protagonist Bob.
My name is Bob Power. I live with my aunt Liza,uncle Zak,and my loud cousin Cletus. My parents died by a rogue government agent or something like that what my Uncle Zak says.My cousin Cletus or Trip is the star football player, the high school star,brilliant student,and ladies man and I am his not popular,not athletic, not smart, and a asshole cousin. So pretty much,I get bullied by my cousin followers which I think is about 99% of the school. So every day first hour,I get stuffed in a locker by the football team,second hour I got stuck in a locker by the track team, third hour in a locker by the wresting team, and forth hour I think by the rest of the sports team.They change every day so I can't get a good reading on it. So I got to use to it because the only reason is my uncle Zak. He is very nice to me and with his help I get through school some how.
Then the locker opened up." Let me guess the cheerleaders want to change up the schedule which Cletus made." said Bob." You think I am one of those blondes Bob.God you are still an idiot." said the person. " Okay sorry after being in a locker for so long and you can't see for about 1 min or 2. Okay then Stella thanks for your help." said Bob. Stella and I have been friends since we were kids. When I started first grade,she and my good friend Brendan were my only friends then and now." So Stella you know if people see you helping me,you will lose all your friends." said Bob." Bob.You and Brendan are my best friends since we were kids. I don't care what they do to me." said Stella." So where is Brendan or is he is an locker like I was?" said Bob." He is waiting by the cafeteria entrance so lets hurry up because you know Brendan." said Stella." Right." said Bob.
The two walked toward the cafeteria when Brendan ran up to them." Finally Bob. What hall did they put you in this time?" said Brendan." I think alpha hall?" said Bob." I am still lost why they call the hall that?" said Stella." Because it was the school's founder idea." said Brendan. This is my friend Brendan. He is really rich so I get to play with the newest tech so score. " So Brendan?How is Larry doing?" said Bob. Larry is Brendan's brother. He is a celebrity." He is doing fine and is staring a movie soon but he won't tell me what it is about." said Brendan." So how is your dad?" said Stella." Fine but can we not talk about him?" said Brendan. Brendan's dad is a giant jerk to him so Brendan isn't a fan of him." Okay so we won't talk about him and now let's get lunch already because I am starving." said Bob.
The three teens grab their lunch and sat down at their table which was in the corner of the room." So Bob how is Zak's search for the strange meteorite going?" said Brendan. My uncle is a famous scientist so science is his game." Good.He found it this morning and he is doing experiments on it right now." said Bob." That is great for him. So you guys hear about the sightings of the Fire Bolts?" said Stella." Who are they again?" said Bob." God Bob.Do you pay many attention to anything?" said Brendan." Yep.I don't like using my brain power." said Bob." Okay.They are an evil team that do experiments on normal crooks and transforming them into monsters and powerful super villains. They are funded by rich business owners and the Fire Bolts are always stop by the hero team called The Guild." said Stella." And Bob knowing you.The team the Guild is Robotman,Monster,Wizard,Spinner,Mystic,and Mind." said Brendan." I know who the guild is Brendan." said Bob.
Then Cletus smack Bob." Hey cos. How life for you going?" said Cletus." Cletus stop picking on Bob." said Stella." Bob,your girlfriend is help you. Grow some balls man." said Bob." I am not his girlfriend." said Stella." Yeah we are just friends." said Bob." Fine. Maybe you two bitches could go have a tea party or some bullshit like that." said Cletus. Cletus walk back to his table full of jocks,cheerleaders,and popular kids." I think Aunt Liza bullies him right?" said Brendan." No.He was been like this for years even with my aunt Liza constant bulling." said Bob." Oh.So should we started walking to class?" said Stella." Yeah. Tell Mr.Rick I will be late because of well he knows." said Bob.
Bob was then pull away by a mix of the football team,the wresting team, and the lacrosse team. Stella and Brendan walk to Mr.Rick's class. Mr.Rick is a teacher who teaches well everything." Ah Brendan and Stella. So where is Bob?" said Rick." In a locker." said the two." Do you know where he is?" said Rick." I think..." said Brendan.
Meanwhile,at Bob's aunt and uncle home. Uncle Zak was in his lab." This rock might get me a nobel peace prize for helping earth evolution." said Zak. The rock started to glow." What's happening?" said Zak.
Back at the school,Bob was back in a locker again." One of these days I got to make a clone." said Bob. Then the meteorite broke the locker." Um okay so what's happening. Aren't you the rock from my uncle's lab?" said Bob. The rock stood there and grab Bob." Hey let me go!" said Bob.The rock then transport with Bob when Rick was about to go look for him. Then the rock paused time.
Meanwhile,Bob was trapping in a energy field." Okay I am going to kill the rock when I get out of here." said Bob. Then Bob turned his head to see where he was." I guess that I am not in Kansas anymore?" said Bob. Then Doctor Zak came up and saw his grandson." Bob!?What are you are doing here?" said Zak." The space rock you found took me from school.So what are you doing here?" said Bob." I guess the Power thinks that you are chosen one." said Zak." The Power? Are you making this up Uncle?" said Bob. Then the rock appeared." You! Get me out of here!" said Bob.
The rock let Bob out of the prison." You are the chosen one. We have met your parents chosen one." said the rock." What?I am the chosen one! That is madness. It should be like someone like Cletus." said Bob." He speaks the truth Bob. I read their ancient readings and it is strangely in English. The paper said that one day that he would meet the chosen one on this day." said Uncle Zak." Okay then but why me?" said Bob." Your human species is one of the proudest races in the universe. Our main foes are attacking the earth as The Fire Bolts. So our chosen guardian decided to pick a chosen hero and it is you. Will you accept the powers and live the life of a hero?" said the rock." Yeah I will but will your ancient enemy know who I am?" said Bob." Yes and you will be ready for them." said Rock." Yeah as Power." said Bob. " Then here us your powers Bob." said the Rock. The Rock shot a blast at Bob. Bob's strength grew tenfold to the strength of God,the speed of god,The brain of many genius, the ability of flight, the teleporting skills, the power of the elements of the universe, and many others." Zak.Go get the sword for the chosen one." said the rock.
Zak ran off and came back with a sword." What is this?" said Bob." You are now our champion. Power.We grant you this sword called the blade or Power's wrath. We ask if you and your uncle to leave our realm." said the rock." Wait Rock. Let me have some of your technology so I can help Earth became more powerful and space worthy." said Zak." Your grandson is all you need to enhance you world for profit and gain." said the rock. The Rock teleport Bob and Zak back to the Earth.
As Bob started to wake up, the Fire Bolts located him."The Power have chosen their warrior. Sent the screamer and a couple of our Goons." said the commander." Yes X." said the goons." You will see soon Power guardians not to mess with your former champion and my new army." said X.
Next time, Who is X? Will Bob stop the Fire bolts? Will he tell his two best friend that he is Power and he was powers? Will Zak advance human evolution? What will The Fire Bolts do to Bob's loved ones? All this and more on Powerful Power.
On the planet Earth of universe 100, in the country of America, in the state of Colorado, in the local high school called Pierce named after the school founder Henry Pierce who fought many lawyers to win the school from the government, and in a locker around lunch time.Inside it was our hero and main protagonist Bob.
My name is Bob Power. I live with my aunt Liza,uncle Zak,and my loud cousin Cletus. My parents died by a rogue government agent or something like that what my Uncle Zak says.My cousin Cletus or Trip is the star football player, the high school star,brilliant student,and ladies man and I am his not popular,not athletic, not smart, and a asshole cousin. So pretty much,I get bullied by my cousin followers which I think is about 99% of the school. So every day first hour,I get stuffed in a locker by the football team,second hour I got stuck in a locker by the track team, third hour in a locker by the wresting team, and forth hour I think by the rest of the sports team.They change every day so I can't get a good reading on it. So I got to use to it because the only reason is my uncle Zak. He is very nice to me and with his help I get through school some how.
Then the locker opened up." Let me guess the cheerleaders want to change up the schedule which Cletus made." said Bob." You think I am one of those blondes Bob.God you are still an idiot." said the person. " Okay sorry after being in a locker for so long and you can't see for about 1 min or 2. Okay then Stella thanks for your help." said Bob. Stella and I have been friends since we were kids. When I started first grade,she and my good friend Brendan were my only friends then and now." So Stella you know if people see you helping me,you will lose all your friends." said Bob." Bob.You and Brendan are my best friends since we were kids. I don't care what they do to me." said Stella." So where is Brendan or is he is an locker like I was?" said Bob." He is waiting by the cafeteria entrance so lets hurry up because you know Brendan." said Stella." Right." said Bob.
The two walked toward the cafeteria when Brendan ran up to them." Finally Bob. What hall did they put you in this time?" said Brendan." I think alpha hall?" said Bob." I am still lost why they call the hall that?" said Stella." Because it was the school's founder idea." said Brendan. This is my friend Brendan. He is really rich so I get to play with the newest tech so score. " So Brendan?How is Larry doing?" said Bob. Larry is Brendan's brother. He is a celebrity." He is doing fine and is staring a movie soon but he won't tell me what it is about." said Brendan." So how is your dad?" said Stella." Fine but can we not talk about him?" said Brendan. Brendan's dad is a giant jerk to him so Brendan isn't a fan of him." Okay so we won't talk about him and now let's get lunch already because I am starving." said Bob.
The three teens grab their lunch and sat down at their table which was in the corner of the room." So Bob how is Zak's search for the strange meteorite going?" said Brendan. My uncle is a famous scientist so science is his game." Good.He found it this morning and he is doing experiments on it right now." said Bob." That is great for him. So you guys hear about the sightings of the Fire Bolts?" said Stella." Who are they again?" said Bob." God Bob.Do you pay many attention to anything?" said Brendan." Yep.I don't like using my brain power." said Bob." Okay.They are an evil team that do experiments on normal crooks and transforming them into monsters and powerful super villains. They are funded by rich business owners and the Fire Bolts are always stop by the hero team called The Guild." said Stella." And Bob knowing you.The team the Guild is Robotman,Monster,Wizard,Spinner,Mystic,and Mind." said Brendan." I know who the guild is Brendan." said Bob.
Then Cletus smack Bob." Hey cos. How life for you going?" said Cletus." Cletus stop picking on Bob." said Stella." Bob,your girlfriend is help you. Grow some balls man." said Bob." I am not his girlfriend." said Stella." Yeah we are just friends." said Bob." Fine. Maybe you two bitches could go have a tea party or some bullshit like that." said Cletus. Cletus walk back to his table full of jocks,cheerleaders,and popular kids." I think Aunt Liza bullies him right?" said Brendan." No.He was been like this for years even with my aunt Liza constant bulling." said Bob." Oh.So should we started walking to class?" said Stella." Yeah. Tell Mr.Rick I will be late because of well he knows." said Bob.
Bob was then pull away by a mix of the football team,the wresting team, and the lacrosse team. Stella and Brendan walk to Mr.Rick's class. Mr.Rick is a teacher who teaches well everything." Ah Brendan and Stella. So where is Bob?" said Rick." In a locker." said the two." Do you know where he is?" said Rick." I think..." said Brendan.
Meanwhile,at Bob's aunt and uncle home. Uncle Zak was in his lab." This rock might get me a nobel peace prize for helping earth evolution." said Zak. The rock started to glow." What's happening?" said Zak.
Back at the school,Bob was back in a locker again." One of these days I got to make a clone." said Bob. Then the meteorite broke the locker." Um okay so what's happening. Aren't you the rock from my uncle's lab?" said Bob. The rock stood there and grab Bob." Hey let me go!" said Bob.The rock then transport with Bob when Rick was about to go look for him. Then the rock paused time.
Meanwhile,Bob was trapping in a energy field." Okay I am going to kill the rock when I get out of here." said Bob. Then Bob turned his head to see where he was." I guess that I am not in Kansas anymore?" said Bob. Then Doctor Zak came up and saw his grandson." Bob!?What are you are doing here?" said Zak." The space rock you found took me from school.So what are you doing here?" said Bob." I guess the Power thinks that you are chosen one." said Zak." The Power? Are you making this up Uncle?" said Bob. Then the rock appeared." You! Get me out of here!" said Bob.
The rock let Bob out of the prison." You are the chosen one. We have met your parents chosen one." said the rock." What?I am the chosen one! That is madness. It should be like someone like Cletus." said Bob." He speaks the truth Bob. I read their ancient readings and it is strangely in English. The paper said that one day that he would meet the chosen one on this day." said Uncle Zak." Okay then but why me?" said Bob." Your human species is one of the proudest races in the universe. Our main foes are attacking the earth as The Fire Bolts. So our chosen guardian decided to pick a chosen hero and it is you. Will you accept the powers and live the life of a hero?" said the rock." Yeah I will but will your ancient enemy know who I am?" said Bob." Yes and you will be ready for them." said Rock." Yeah as Power." said Bob. " Then here us your powers Bob." said the Rock. The Rock shot a blast at Bob. Bob's strength grew tenfold to the strength of God,the speed of god,The brain of many genius, the ability of flight, the teleporting skills, the power of the elements of the universe, and many others." Zak.Go get the sword for the chosen one." said the rock.
Zak ran off and came back with a sword." What is this?" said Bob." You are now our champion. Power.We grant you this sword called the blade or Power's wrath. We ask if you and your uncle to leave our realm." said the rock." Wait Rock. Let me have some of your technology so I can help Earth became more powerful and space worthy." said Zak." Your grandson is all you need to enhance you world for profit and gain." said the rock. The Rock teleport Bob and Zak back to the Earth.
As Bob started to wake up, the Fire Bolts located him."The Power have chosen their warrior. Sent the screamer and a couple of our Goons." said the commander." Yes X." said the goons." You will see soon Power guardians not to mess with your former champion and my new army." said X.
Next time, Who is X? Will Bob stop the Fire bolts? Will he tell his two best friend that he is Power and he was powers? Will Zak advance human evolution? What will The Fire Bolts do to Bob's loved ones? All this and more on Powerful Power.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Power adventures part 1 the new life
Okay you one or two readers may be confused what is going on here but here is the main just of it. This story is about Bob aka Power as a public knowing superhero. He is around 23 years old.The story will include Bob,Stella,Brendan,Leaf,Andy,Lucy, and every single characters I ever written and more.This will be a fun little story and Angel is now Mary.
Bob was walking inside Power High school and he was walking to meet his girlfriend Stella,a teacher here." I can't believe they name a school after me." said Bob. Bob aka Power was a superhero for about 5-10 years now. The world loves him and so many schools and other building name things after him. Bob kept walking around and saw his girlfriend Stella teaching. Stella was beautiful to him and Her and Bob have being together for a long time." Should I? Nah better not.She is teaching." said Bob.
Stella then turned her head and saw Bob standing outside." Wait one minute students. I need to introduce you to someone special to me." said Stella. She opened the door and said," Bob!You came!" " You know I was off the clock today." said Bob." Right.So you were off on your special job?" said Stella. Bob told Stella that he was Power and she loved it." Yeah.So what you call me here for?" said Bob." Come inside and I will show you." said Stella." Okay I will come inside." said Bob.
Stella opened the door and said," Let me introduce to my boyfriend Bob." Bob walked inside and saw so many teenagers staring at him." Um hi." said Bob." This is your boyfriend Ms.Stella." said a girl with blue hair." Yes Dawn. This is my boyfriend. Now if you have any questions for him please ask away." said Stella. A boy with green hair asked,"So what do you do?" " Well Kid. I work for a great company that gives me a lot of free time as long I do want they want me too and I get pay a lot. Thank you for the question um I am going to guess your name." said Bob. Then Bob used his power to figure this out his name." Drew." said Bob." You got my name right. He is good.teach." said Drew." Thank Andrew." said Stella. Then a tall boy/girl with purple hair asked," So mister Bob how do you and Ms.Stella meet?" " Well Harley right. Okay so back in college we meet during a lecture of something. She was really smart and I got into college by a special recommendation from a friend to get in. We became a couple. We spent the day together and we been together ever since." said Bob. The girls plus Harley did something weird." Okay kids today you guys get something amazing and since you were so good with the sub. I ask the gym teacher to let guys play dodgeball with Bob as the teacher while I have to go talk with the principal." said Stella. The kids cheered.
Bob walk over to Stella." So is why you want me here or is it something else?" said Bob." Yes, this is it but I still need you. So here is the class roster to set up their teams." said Stella. Stella left the room and leaving Bob alone with the kids." Okay do you guys know where the gym is?" said Bob." How do you not know where it is?" said a boy with orange hair." I don't know my way around here Gary. So take that." said Bob.
The class was shocked that someone other than Ms.Stella stood up to Gary." Okay to stop this silence.You guys go to the gym okay." said Bob. The class all left but one girl." You all right?" said Bob." Yes mister Bob." said the girl." Hey call me Bob.So what would be your name?" said Bob." My name is Mary." said Mary." So why didn't you go with the rest of the class Mary?" said Bob.
The two walked to the gym with Mary's help." I am scared of Gary." said Mary." Okay but don't you have any friends?" said Bob." Yeah but they are dating Gary and his brother Sliver." said Mary. The two made to the gym where a teacher was waiting." Are you Ms.Stella's boyfriend?" said the teacher." Yes sir." said Bob." Just kidding you around. The name is Larry, I am the head coach around here." said Larry. Larry laughed just like Santa." Well I am off to the teacher lounge. Keep a eye on Gary and Sliver." said Larry." Okay sir." said Bob.
Larry left to the teacher lounge." Okay you kids will be in teams of two." said Bob." Why?" said Gary." Because your teacher and my girlfriend told me to on the form. Okay so for team 1 is." said Bob. Bob stopped time to figure out who is on team 1." Okay so Stella's class is Ash,Sliver,Barry,Lucas,Gary, Andrew/Drew,May,Max,Brock,Misty,Dawn,Harley,Hilda,Cheren,Hilbert,N,Iris,Bianca,Hugh,Tobias, Paul,Cilan,and Mary." Okay so team 1 is Sliver,Lucas,Drew,Max,Misty,Harley,Cheren,N,Bianca,Tobias, and Gary are team one but team two is Mary,Barry,May,Brock,Dawn,Hilda,Hilbert,Iris,Hugh,Paul,and Cilan are team two." said Bob." What about me? Bob." said Ash." Yeah Ash.You are the ref." said Bob. Ash cheered.
The kids split up into team 1 and 2." Okay each team will try to get most of the team of the side out. If you make a basket on the other side every one on your team is back in. So ready set go!" said Ash. The game started as Bob sat in the stand when he got a call from the Director." What's up director!?" said Bob." No time for the jokes Agent." said the Director." Okay so what do you want?" said Bob." The Sheriff Eagle and the Gamer escaped jail and are now tracking your power signal.So where are you right now?" said the Director." Um at a school and I am teaching for Stella's class." said Bob." Get out of there now!" said the Director.
Then the wall exploded. The gamer who is a total nerd and the sheriff was a total cowboy." Attention kids, If you be quiet and give us Power. We let you all live." said Sheriff Eagle." Power isn't here." said Gary. He threw a dodgeball at the Gamer. The gamer stab him with a little blade." Get the kids while I look for our target." said Sheriff. The Gamer made a rope and tied up the kids." Okay Power.You can't reveal your identity to those kids so become Power secretly." said the Director." Got ya Chief." said Bob.
He grab a dodge ball and threw it with super strength at the Gamer. He fell down and was knocked out cold." What the hell was that?" said Sheriff. Bob walked out of the bleachers and said," Leave these kids alone Eagle!" " You are just some teacher!How can you stop us?" said Eagle. Then the Gamer came up and the scanner sense that Bob had the same power on the scale." I guess you are the one we are looking for?" said Gamer. Gamer ran up and Bob sidestep out of the way.Bob then threw a ball at the power box of the Gamer." Eat bullets." said Eagle. Bob walk up to Sherif Eagle,threw him in the air,and threw a ball. Eagle and the Gamer were out cold. Bob ran up to the children and free them from the rope." Bob that was awesome." said Hilda." So where did you learn that?And can you teach us that?" said the boys." Um well. I learn it from a good friend." said Bob. Then Stella appeared with the principal who looked a lot like the director." May I see you now Bob?" said the principal." Okay." said Bob.
Next time,Power new assignment.
Bob was walking inside Power High school and he was walking to meet his girlfriend Stella,a teacher here." I can't believe they name a school after me." said Bob. Bob aka Power was a superhero for about 5-10 years now. The world loves him and so many schools and other building name things after him. Bob kept walking around and saw his girlfriend Stella teaching. Stella was beautiful to him and Her and Bob have being together for a long time." Should I? Nah better not.She is teaching." said Bob.
Stella then turned her head and saw Bob standing outside." Wait one minute students. I need to introduce you to someone special to me." said Stella. She opened the door and said," Bob!You came!" " You know I was off the clock today." said Bob." Right.So you were off on your special job?" said Stella. Bob told Stella that he was Power and she loved it." Yeah.So what you call me here for?" said Bob." Come inside and I will show you." said Stella." Okay I will come inside." said Bob.
Stella opened the door and said," Let me introduce to my boyfriend Bob." Bob walked inside and saw so many teenagers staring at him." Um hi." said Bob." This is your boyfriend Ms.Stella." said a girl with blue hair." Yes Dawn. This is my boyfriend. Now if you have any questions for him please ask away." said Stella. A boy with green hair asked,"So what do you do?" " Well Kid. I work for a great company that gives me a lot of free time as long I do want they want me too and I get pay a lot. Thank you for the question um I am going to guess your name." said Bob. Then Bob used his power to figure this out his name." Drew." said Bob." You got my name right. He is good.teach." said Drew." Thank Andrew." said Stella. Then a tall boy/girl with purple hair asked," So mister Bob how do you and Ms.Stella meet?" " Well Harley right. Okay so back in college we meet during a lecture of something. She was really smart and I got into college by a special recommendation from a friend to get in. We became a couple. We spent the day together and we been together ever since." said Bob. The girls plus Harley did something weird." Okay kids today you guys get something amazing and since you were so good with the sub. I ask the gym teacher to let guys play dodgeball with Bob as the teacher while I have to go talk with the principal." said Stella. The kids cheered.
Bob walk over to Stella." So is why you want me here or is it something else?" said Bob." Yes, this is it but I still need you. So here is the class roster to set up their teams." said Stella. Stella left the room and leaving Bob alone with the kids." Okay do you guys know where the gym is?" said Bob." How do you not know where it is?" said a boy with orange hair." I don't know my way around here Gary. So take that." said Bob.
The class was shocked that someone other than Ms.Stella stood up to Gary." Okay to stop this silence.You guys go to the gym okay." said Bob. The class all left but one girl." You all right?" said Bob." Yes mister Bob." said the girl." Hey call me Bob.So what would be your name?" said Bob." My name is Mary." said Mary." So why didn't you go with the rest of the class Mary?" said Bob.
The two walked to the gym with Mary's help." I am scared of Gary." said Mary." Okay but don't you have any friends?" said Bob." Yeah but they are dating Gary and his brother Sliver." said Mary. The two made to the gym where a teacher was waiting." Are you Ms.Stella's boyfriend?" said the teacher." Yes sir." said Bob." Just kidding you around. The name is Larry, I am the head coach around here." said Larry. Larry laughed just like Santa." Well I am off to the teacher lounge. Keep a eye on Gary and Sliver." said Larry." Okay sir." said Bob.
Larry left to the teacher lounge." Okay you kids will be in teams of two." said Bob." Why?" said Gary." Because your teacher and my girlfriend told me to on the form. Okay so for team 1 is." said Bob. Bob stopped time to figure out who is on team 1." Okay so Stella's class is Ash,Sliver,Barry,Lucas,Gary, Andrew/Drew,May,Max,Brock,Misty,Dawn,Harley,Hilda,Cheren,Hilbert,N,Iris,Bianca,Hugh,Tobias, Paul,Cilan,and Mary." Okay so team 1 is Sliver,Lucas,Drew,Max,Misty,Harley,Cheren,N,Bianca,Tobias, and Gary are team one but team two is Mary,Barry,May,Brock,Dawn,Hilda,Hilbert,Iris,Hugh,Paul,and Cilan are team two." said Bob." What about me? Bob." said Ash." Yeah Ash.You are the ref." said Bob. Ash cheered.
The kids split up into team 1 and 2." Okay each team will try to get most of the team of the side out. If you make a basket on the other side every one on your team is back in. So ready set go!" said Ash. The game started as Bob sat in the stand when he got a call from the Director." What's up director!?" said Bob." No time for the jokes Agent." said the Director." Okay so what do you want?" said Bob." The Sheriff Eagle and the Gamer escaped jail and are now tracking your power signal.So where are you right now?" said the Director." Um at a school and I am teaching for Stella's class." said Bob." Get out of there now!" said the Director.
Then the wall exploded. The gamer who is a total nerd and the sheriff was a total cowboy." Attention kids, If you be quiet and give us Power. We let you all live." said Sheriff Eagle." Power isn't here." said Gary. He threw a dodgeball at the Gamer. The gamer stab him with a little blade." Get the kids while I look for our target." said Sheriff. The Gamer made a rope and tied up the kids." Okay Power.You can't reveal your identity to those kids so become Power secretly." said the Director." Got ya Chief." said Bob.
He grab a dodge ball and threw it with super strength at the Gamer. He fell down and was knocked out cold." What the hell was that?" said Sheriff. Bob walked out of the bleachers and said," Leave these kids alone Eagle!" " You are just some teacher!How can you stop us?" said Eagle. Then the Gamer came up and the scanner sense that Bob had the same power on the scale." I guess you are the one we are looking for?" said Gamer. Gamer ran up and Bob sidestep out of the way.Bob then threw a ball at the power box of the Gamer." Eat bullets." said Eagle. Bob walk up to Sherif Eagle,threw him in the air,and threw a ball. Eagle and the Gamer were out cold. Bob ran up to the children and free them from the rope." Bob that was awesome." said Hilda." So where did you learn that?And can you teach us that?" said the boys." Um well. I learn it from a good friend." said Bob. Then Stella appeared with the principal who looked a lot like the director." May I see you now Bob?" said the principal." Okay." said Bob.
Next time,Power new assignment.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Power part 2 Bob's family
The two made to Bob's house." Wow.So this is your house?" said Stella. It look like a mansion."Yep.My dad is very successful and he wants the best of me but well I am not so good at it. " said Bob." You are the best guy out there." said Stella." Thanks." said Bob.
Bob then opened the door but then a lot of blood came out." Stella watch out!" said Bob. Bob ran and grab Stella and saved her from the blood." Thank you Bob from saving me from that blood." said Stella. Then Leaf and Lucy came outside." Stella!Are you alright?" said Leaf." Yeah but what was that?" said Stella." Brendan and Andy's nose from Bob's hot sister." said Lucy." Wait!What?" said Stella.
Then Rick came outside." Bob.Why didn't you tell them about sis?" said Rick." His sister?" said Stella." Come on in.I will show you." said Bob. Bob then show Stella his sis. His sister was a model girl." Wow." said Stella." Bob.Your little friends are so cute." said Bob's sister." Yeah but can you let go of Andy and Brendan first Rose?" said Bob." Yeah sure Bob." said Rose.
Bob then grab his friends and then ran upstairs to his room." Guys.Are you alright?" said Bob. Bob got a hammer and hit them with it." I am awake." said Andy." Sorry about my sister." said Bob." It is so cool." said Brendan." So why is she so good looking?" said Andy." Um she goes to beauty school and Mom want her daughter to look like her." said Bob." Wow.I will never get use to her good looks no many times I see her." said Brendan." You get used to it." said Bob.
Then Leaf,Lucy,and Stella appeared with a hammer in their hands." What about us?" said the girls." You girls are good looking but need a little work." said Rose. She grabbed the girls and took them to her room." Is that why she want them here?" said Andy." Yeah that is why because she only talk her other students and use me and Rick for dressed up." said Bob. " Ha." said Andy. Then Bob's stomach started to growl." Let's go get something to eat and I need to tell you guys something." said Bob.
The three ran downstairs to the kitchen. " This is so much food." said Andy. Andy was eating a lot of food." Yeah this is so cool Bob." said Brendan." Can you guys stop eating so I can join into this?" said Bob. The three teens ate like pigs.
After a couple minutes,the food was gone." That was so good!" said Andy." Yeah my friend. My cook is great but he isn't here today." said Bob." You have a cook?!" said Brendan." Yep from a land where they make good food." said Bob." Where is it?" said Andy." He speaks no English but my dad speak his home tongue." said Bob." So what do you want to talk about?" said Brendan." Oh yeah follow me into the super secret place not even Rick or Rose know about." said Bob.
Bob then let the two into a secret area."So where are we anyway?" said Andy. " A room where I need to show you this." said Bob. Then Bob fired fire out of his hands." So cool.So are you a superhero now?" said Brendan." Yeah.An alien let me have superpower,this Sword and my armor." said Bob.
Then his armor came off him." The name is Larry. Who the hell are you?" said the armor." My name is Bob and this is my friends Andy and Brendan." said Bob." So you are my master now. I guess you will do for now." said Larry." Hey I am awesome." said Bob." Your sword can transform into any thing you want and I will transform you want." said Larry." You are so lucky." said Brendan." Not me. I can go in water and if you hear things,it is me talking to you and the sword will listen to your mental commands." said Larry." Thank now return to Bob." said Andy." I won't listen to you mortals." said Larry." Fine.Um return to my skin." said Bob." Okay sir." said Larry.
Larry went back on Bob's skin." That feels weird. Larry going on your skin feels weird." said Bob." Yeah but you don't have to deal with life without powers." said Brendan." Just stay the way you are man and you are a hero." said Bob." What does that means?" said Andy." Something that Larry just told me to tell you. Stupid I know." said Bob." Agree." said the two.
The three started to walk back to the kitchen when Larry alerted Bob." Bob,I sense a lot of blood explosion in the room called kitchen." said Larry." What is the cause of this extreme blood explosion?" said Bob." What do you think?" said Larry." Um a giant saber." said Bob." One word girls." said Larry." What does that means?" said Bob." Your female friends just got pretty and what you humans called hot." said Larry." What do I do?" said Bob." Just let make me do all the work." said Larry." Fine." said Bob.
Bob walk in and saw Brendan and Andy bleeding and Rick just stand there." Hey Bob. See your friends well your females friend came down.And you can guess what happened." said Rick." I will be right back." said Bob." No you stay here while I go get the blood producing machine." said Rick. Bob sat on the counter.
Then in about 10 min. Rick came back." Finally." said Bob." Not my fault. Dad moved it." said Rick. Then Rose came into the room." So was that Leaf and Lucy who came downstairs?" said Rose." What did you do to them?" said Bob." Well Bob. The two girls down here for those two and then blood lose." said Rose." Okay then but Rose I have a question?" said Rick." Yeah brother." said Rose." How will the five of them pack when they don't live he?" said Rick."My closet." said Rose.
" I can't believe that your sister room has a walk-in closet." said Lucy. The three girls were with Bob in the TV room which can be comparable to a movie theater." Yeah we had a great contractor." said Bob." So Bob how do we look?" said Stella." Um great." said Bob." Thank but what about them? said Stella. She pointed to the guys.They were out cold." They will be fine in a couple of minute." said Bob." How do you know that?" said Leaf." Every day something like this happened.I am used to it by now." said Bob." Oh." said the girls. Andy stood up." Morning sunshine." said Bob." Why didn't you get knocked out with us?" said Andy." I know things and I am used to Rose's style of fashion." said Bob." Fine whatever." said Andy. Andy stood up when he saw the movie theater." So this is where you watch TV.Lucky bastard." said Andy.
Brendan then woke up and saw the group looking at him." What did I miss?" said Brendan." Oh nothing." said Bob. Then a designer came in." Oh Bob bobo. You got my design talent here." said the designer." Oh yeah. This is Rose's personal designer for her clothes and his name is Harley." said Bob." It is a pleasure to meet you. I need you 5 but Bob to follow me." said Harley.
The five left Bob alone in the room." Finally I can talk to you Bob." said Larry." Okay so what do you want!?" said Bob." We need to talk about where I came from." said Larry." Okay then tell me." said Bob." I come from a race of great builder and tech people. I was made to be a great source of power but our rival the dread killer of our species called the Fire bolts but they don't use use fire power. They use the parts of our fallen brothers and sisters and now they want all of us so me and you will have to defend the Earth from them." said Larry." Okay.Larry and me will save the planet but do they know where you are after all?" said Bob." They now that I am here and you have to use your powers to defend your planet and friends." said Larry. "Let's go save the world." said Bob.
Next time, The fire bolts attack and vacation
Bob then opened the door but then a lot of blood came out." Stella watch out!" said Bob. Bob ran and grab Stella and saved her from the blood." Thank you Bob from saving me from that blood." said Stella. Then Leaf and Lucy came outside." Stella!Are you alright?" said Leaf." Yeah but what was that?" said Stella." Brendan and Andy's nose from Bob's hot sister." said Lucy." Wait!What?" said Stella.
Then Rick came outside." Bob.Why didn't you tell them about sis?" said Rick." His sister?" said Stella." Come on in.I will show you." said Bob. Bob then show Stella his sis. His sister was a model girl." Wow." said Stella." Bob.Your little friends are so cute." said Bob's sister." Yeah but can you let go of Andy and Brendan first Rose?" said Bob." Yeah sure Bob." said Rose.
Bob then grab his friends and then ran upstairs to his room." Guys.Are you alright?" said Bob. Bob got a hammer and hit them with it." I am awake." said Andy." Sorry about my sister." said Bob." It is so cool." said Brendan." So why is she so good looking?" said Andy." Um she goes to beauty school and Mom want her daughter to look like her." said Bob." Wow.I will never get use to her good looks no many times I see her." said Brendan." You get used to it." said Bob.
Then Leaf,Lucy,and Stella appeared with a hammer in their hands." What about us?" said the girls." You girls are good looking but need a little work." said Rose. She grabbed the girls and took them to her room." Is that why she want them here?" said Andy." Yeah that is why because she only talk her other students and use me and Rick for dressed up." said Bob. " Ha." said Andy. Then Bob's stomach started to growl." Let's go get something to eat and I need to tell you guys something." said Bob.
The three ran downstairs to the kitchen. " This is so much food." said Andy. Andy was eating a lot of food." Yeah this is so cool Bob." said Brendan." Can you guys stop eating so I can join into this?" said Bob. The three teens ate like pigs.
After a couple minutes,the food was gone." That was so good!" said Andy." Yeah my friend. My cook is great but he isn't here today." said Bob." You have a cook?!" said Brendan." Yep from a land where they make good food." said Bob." Where is it?" said Andy." He speaks no English but my dad speak his home tongue." said Bob." So what do you want to talk about?" said Brendan." Oh yeah follow me into the super secret place not even Rick or Rose know about." said Bob.
Bob then let the two into a secret area."So where are we anyway?" said Andy. " A room where I need to show you this." said Bob. Then Bob fired fire out of his hands." So cool.So are you a superhero now?" said Brendan." Yeah.An alien let me have superpower,this Sword and my armor." said Bob.
Then his armor came off him." The name is Larry. Who the hell are you?" said the armor." My name is Bob and this is my friends Andy and Brendan." said Bob." So you are my master now. I guess you will do for now." said Larry." Hey I am awesome." said Bob." Your sword can transform into any thing you want and I will transform you want." said Larry." You are so lucky." said Brendan." Not me. I can go in water and if you hear things,it is me talking to you and the sword will listen to your mental commands." said Larry." Thank now return to Bob." said Andy." I won't listen to you mortals." said Larry." Fine.Um return to my skin." said Bob." Okay sir." said Larry.
Larry went back on Bob's skin." That feels weird. Larry going on your skin feels weird." said Bob." Yeah but you don't have to deal with life without powers." said Brendan." Just stay the way you are man and you are a hero." said Bob." What does that means?" said Andy." Something that Larry just told me to tell you. Stupid I know." said Bob." Agree." said the two.
The three started to walk back to the kitchen when Larry alerted Bob." Bob,I sense a lot of blood explosion in the room called kitchen." said Larry." What is the cause of this extreme blood explosion?" said Bob." What do you think?" said Larry." Um a giant saber." said Bob." One word girls." said Larry." What does that means?" said Bob." Your female friends just got pretty and what you humans called hot." said Larry." What do I do?" said Bob." Just let make me do all the work." said Larry." Fine." said Bob.
Bob walk in and saw Brendan and Andy bleeding and Rick just stand there." Hey Bob. See your friends well your females friend came down.And you can guess what happened." said Rick." I will be right back." said Bob." No you stay here while I go get the blood producing machine." said Rick. Bob sat on the counter.
Then in about 10 min. Rick came back." Finally." said Bob." Not my fault. Dad moved it." said Rick. Then Rose came into the room." So was that Leaf and Lucy who came downstairs?" said Rose." What did you do to them?" said Bob." Well Bob. The two girls down here for those two and then blood lose." said Rose." Okay then but Rose I have a question?" said Rick." Yeah brother." said Rose." How will the five of them pack when they don't live he?" said Rick."My closet." said Rose.
" I can't believe that your sister room has a walk-in closet." said Lucy. The three girls were with Bob in the TV room which can be comparable to a movie theater." Yeah we had a great contractor." said Bob." So Bob how do we look?" said Stella." Um great." said Bob." Thank but what about them? said Stella. She pointed to the guys.They were out cold." They will be fine in a couple of minute." said Bob." How do you know that?" said Leaf." Every day something like this happened.I am used to it by now." said Bob." Oh." said the girls. Andy stood up." Morning sunshine." said Bob." Why didn't you get knocked out with us?" said Andy." I know things and I am used to Rose's style of fashion." said Bob." Fine whatever." said Andy. Andy stood up when he saw the movie theater." So this is where you watch TV.Lucky bastard." said Andy.
Brendan then woke up and saw the group looking at him." What did I miss?" said Brendan." Oh nothing." said Bob. Then a designer came in." Oh Bob bobo. You got my design talent here." said the designer." Oh yeah. This is Rose's personal designer for her clothes and his name is Harley." said Bob." It is a pleasure to meet you. I need you 5 but Bob to follow me." said Harley.
The five left Bob alone in the room." Finally I can talk to you Bob." said Larry." Okay so what do you want!?" said Bob." We need to talk about where I came from." said Larry." Okay then tell me." said Bob." I come from a race of great builder and tech people. I was made to be a great source of power but our rival the dread killer of our species called the Fire bolts but they don't use use fire power. They use the parts of our fallen brothers and sisters and now they want all of us so me and you will have to defend the Earth from them." said Larry." Okay.Larry and me will save the planet but do they know where you are after all?" said Bob." They now that I am here and you have to use your powers to defend your planet and friends." said Larry. "Let's go save the world." said Bob.
Next time, The fire bolts attack and vacation
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Power part 1 the power.
Hey Power fans. I am stopping the series Power Academy because it was way too confused. Power high will be delayed until Christmas because of school and whatever. Pokemon tourney I will try to complete by Christmas but no promises. Here is a new series with our hero Bob.This will have me interrupt the story with my talking and I will give the characters personalty. Lets get start already. P.S this is a like a anime because I want to something different. P.S.S some characters from Pokemon tourney will be here.
In CA/ Japan, at the high school known as Pierce. It was very shiny like a door knob. Inside it was children running to class or talking with friends. Some of them were making out. Then a kid was thrown into a trash can. The kids name was Bob. Bob was a average Joe but a lot dumber and lazier. Bob really does not have a lot of friends maybe due his brother's best friend Cletus. His only friends were Andy and Brendan. Andy was a average high schooler but was popular and not like Bob and Brendan was his only friend since forever.Bob look around and saw no one and then jump out of the trash can. He got out of it and stretch.
Then a girl came running toward him." Shit!" said Bob. Then Bob got crushed by her." Got to you first." said the girl." Since when have I been the target of the entire female body of this school, Stella." said Bob." Because you are a cutie and Rick's little brother." said Stella." You really think I am cute?" said Bob with a smirk." No it just that.Well I will see you tomorrow on the bus. Bye Bob." said Stella.
Stella has one of Bob's good female friend and she was smart,beautiful, and so very nice and she likes Bob so the other guys picked on him." Thank god. I am alive and not dead by these women." said Bob. Bob then walked to class which was Mr.Death's class. He was called this because a death charge back in his youth.
Bob tried to sneak in but then Mr.Death notice him." Bob,you are late again!" said Mr." Sorry Teach." said Bob." Just sit down Bob." said Mr. Death. Bob sat down with Andy and Brendan." You got trampled by who this time?" said Andy." No one." said Bob." Stella." said Brendan." Yeah." said Bob. " Now that you are here.Here is the our trip info." said Brendan.
The trip was a local beach trip which consist of Friday,Saturday,and Sunday." So do you know we are living with?" said Bob." The paper dumbo." said Andy. Bob then grabbed the paper and saw that they were crashing with Luke a local pervert, Stella, Leaf, Lucy, and the only girl who like Larry is Mary." Why Death put us with them of all people?" said Bob." To torture you I think." said the two other." Hey so what are we learning today teach?" said Bob." Nothing so just study the sheet." said Death." Okay then." said Bob." So Bob?How bad do you think this is going to be for Luke?" said Andy." Since when do you care about Luke?" said Bob." Class is dismissed.Lunch is early today." said Death." Thank god lunch." said Bob." Since when have you care about lunch this much?" said Brendan." Sit in the trash for a very long time and you get hungry." said Bob." True." said Brendan.
In front of them was Stella,Leaf, and Lucy." So what is up?" said Bob." I am so happy that you are going to judging the beauty contest at the beach." said Stella." Since when has Bob been judging?" said Brendan." Since Rick announce that.You two are going to judging so the girls are quite excited about it." said Leaf." So what is the other reason that you guys are here?" said Andy." Well I know that Stella wants Bob to eat the lunch she made for him." said Lucy." Thanks Stella but I got to join Rick because of the lunches that the girls made for him today." said Bob.
Bob ran out of there and then found Rick. Rick was a senior here and was a perfect guy."Finally little brother you are here!" said Rick." Not my fault. Some little birds told me what you going to make do at the beach." said Bob." Isn't that a good thing because some hot girls will showing their bodies to you." said Rick." Fine I will helped. Let get eating." said Bob. The two brothers ate the girls food and then they were stuff." I will never get to eat the schools food with you around." said Bob." Yeah but we get free lunch.The schools food sucks." said Rick." Yeah and you get free food while I go try to find my friends." said Bob.
Bob then stood up and he walk around until he found Andy and Brendan." Hey guys." said Bob." How was lunch?" said Andy." Good and I am so freaking stuffed after that." said Bob." You are so lucky.We get the schools crappy food." said Brendan." Hey blame Rick about it." said Bob." Don't you think that Stella want me to eat some of her lunch?" said Bob." Yeah.She wants me to tell you to wait here for her." said Andy." Yeah and we are stuck here as well for reasons." said Brendan." Ha being friends with me means a lot of lunch." said Bob."Yeah.Just come on.Sit down because we got nowhere to go." said Andy.
In a while the girls came with a lot of food." Thank you girls for so much for food." said Bob. Bob then started to eating." Didn't you said you were full?" said Andy." Just shut up and eat Andy." said Brendan. The three start to pig out.
In a couple of minutes,they were done."Finally you guys are done." said Leaf." You just didn't have to eat a lot!" said Bob." Don't argue you guys." said Lucy." True. Well we better get to class." said Andy." Right but since Bob was knocked out.I will carry him." said Stella." Wait?What!" said Bob. Stella then hit Bob with a random mallet." I would hate to be him." said Brendan." Agree." said Andy.
Stella then dragged Bob to class as Andy and Brendan laughed." That is so funny." said the two. Stella placed Bob in his seat." Who?What!Where?!" said Bob." You got knocked out by Stella." said Andy." So where did Brendan go?" said Bob." To go find Luke." said Andy." Is he checking the girl locker room? said Bob." Yep." said Andy." So Brendan will be late?" said Bob." Yep." said Andy.
After class, they found Brendan with Luke bleeding out his nose." Let me guess. Peeping." said Bob." Yeah." said Brendan." Bob. I really hope he live until Christmas." said Andy." Agree." said Bob." Bob.I am excited for the trip." said Luke." Don't talk. Save your energy man." said Andy." Yeah. I better get home. " said Luke.
Luke walked away with blood all over him." Should we help him?" said Andy." Nah he can handled it." said Brendan." We better get going." said Bob. The three started to walk off. Then they found Rick talking with the three girls." Hey brother. What's up?" said Bob." Since your friends are going to staying over with you during the trip. Sis decided to let your roommates stays with her." said Rick." Since when does Sis like my friends?" said Bob." Don't judge sis like that." said Rick." Okay fine." said Bob." Bob,So what does your sister look like?" said Andy." Well um." said Bob." She look like a ...." said Brendan. Bob covered his mouth." So I will start walking while everyone else takes Rick car." said Bob." Why mine?" said Rick." One there is not much room. Two I need to start walk and three you owe me one." said Bob." I will go with him." said Stella." Okay then so meet you at the house." said Rick.
Rick,Leaf,Lucy,Brendan,and Andy got into the car and they drove off." So why wouldn't you want to go in the car?" said Bob." To spent time with you." said Stella." Hooray!" said Bob.
The two were walking then a spaceship crashed near the forest." Let's go check it out!" said Bob." I might get my clothes dirty." said Stella." Just wait here then." said Bob.
Bob started walk into the forest and then saw the spaceship." So cool.I wonder if there are aliens in there." said Bob. Then a alien appeared." Cool. Welcome to Earth." said Bob." I know where I am you inferior life form." said the alien." Thank for the compliant." said Bob." Here you go so you forget my appearance." said the alien. The alien grab something of his ship." Here are some super powers,a enchanted sword, and some morphing armor. Now I am out of here." said the alien.
The ship flew off as Bob was confused on what just happened." So how do I make this work?" said Bob. The armor went onto his skin, the sword went on his back, and the power went inside his body."I feel stronger but this must be my imagination." said Bob. Bob then started to walk when he start to fly." Awesome I got powers but I can't tell any one about this." said Bob.
Bob went back to Stella who was tapping her foot." Come on the girls are waiting for at your house." said Stella." Let's get going then." said Bob.
Next time on Power,the trip,the sis, and Bob first opener.
In CA/ Japan, at the high school known as Pierce. It was very shiny like a door knob. Inside it was children running to class or talking with friends. Some of them were making out. Then a kid was thrown into a trash can. The kids name was Bob. Bob was a average Joe but a lot dumber and lazier. Bob really does not have a lot of friends maybe due his brother's best friend Cletus. His only friends were Andy and Brendan. Andy was a average high schooler but was popular and not like Bob and Brendan was his only friend since forever.Bob look around and saw no one and then jump out of the trash can. He got out of it and stretch.
Then a girl came running toward him." Shit!" said Bob. Then Bob got crushed by her." Got to you first." said the girl." Since when have I been the target of the entire female body of this school, Stella." said Bob." Because you are a cutie and Rick's little brother." said Stella." You really think I am cute?" said Bob with a smirk." No it just that.Well I will see you tomorrow on the bus. Bye Bob." said Stella.
Stella has one of Bob's good female friend and she was smart,beautiful, and so very nice and she likes Bob so the other guys picked on him." Thank god. I am alive and not dead by these women." said Bob. Bob then walked to class which was Mr.Death's class. He was called this because a death charge back in his youth.
Bob tried to sneak in but then Mr.Death notice him." Bob,you are late again!" said Mr." Sorry Teach." said Bob." Just sit down Bob." said Mr. Death. Bob sat down with Andy and Brendan." You got trampled by who this time?" said Andy." No one." said Bob." Stella." said Brendan." Yeah." said Bob. " Now that you are here.Here is the our trip info." said Brendan.
The trip was a local beach trip which consist of Friday,Saturday,and Sunday." So do you know we are living with?" said Bob." The paper dumbo." said Andy. Bob then grabbed the paper and saw that they were crashing with Luke a local pervert, Stella, Leaf, Lucy, and the only girl who like Larry is Mary." Why Death put us with them of all people?" said Bob." To torture you I think." said the two other." Hey so what are we learning today teach?" said Bob." Nothing so just study the sheet." said Death." Okay then." said Bob." So Bob?How bad do you think this is going to be for Luke?" said Andy." Since when do you care about Luke?" said Bob." Class is dismissed.Lunch is early today." said Death." Thank god lunch." said Bob." Since when have you care about lunch this much?" said Brendan." Sit in the trash for a very long time and you get hungry." said Bob." True." said Brendan.
In front of them was Stella,Leaf, and Lucy." So what is up?" said Bob." I am so happy that you are going to judging the beauty contest at the beach." said Stella." Since when has Bob been judging?" said Brendan." Since Rick announce that.You two are going to judging so the girls are quite excited about it." said Leaf." So what is the other reason that you guys are here?" said Andy." Well I know that Stella wants Bob to eat the lunch she made for him." said Lucy." Thanks Stella but I got to join Rick because of the lunches that the girls made for him today." said Bob.
Bob ran out of there and then found Rick. Rick was a senior here and was a perfect guy."Finally little brother you are here!" said Rick." Not my fault. Some little birds told me what you going to make do at the beach." said Bob." Isn't that a good thing because some hot girls will showing their bodies to you." said Rick." Fine I will helped. Let get eating." said Bob. The two brothers ate the girls food and then they were stuff." I will never get to eat the schools food with you around." said Bob." Yeah but we get free lunch.The schools food sucks." said Rick." Yeah and you get free food while I go try to find my friends." said Bob.
Bob then stood up and he walk around until he found Andy and Brendan." Hey guys." said Bob." How was lunch?" said Andy." Good and I am so freaking stuffed after that." said Bob." You are so lucky.We get the schools crappy food." said Brendan." Hey blame Rick about it." said Bob." Don't you think that Stella want me to eat some of her lunch?" said Bob." Yeah.She wants me to tell you to wait here for her." said Andy." Yeah and we are stuck here as well for reasons." said Brendan." Ha being friends with me means a lot of lunch." said Bob."Yeah.Just come on.Sit down because we got nowhere to go." said Andy.
In a while the girls came with a lot of food." Thank you girls for so much for food." said Bob. Bob then started to eating." Didn't you said you were full?" said Andy." Just shut up and eat Andy." said Brendan. The three start to pig out.
In a couple of minutes,they were done."Finally you guys are done." said Leaf." You just didn't have to eat a lot!" said Bob." Don't argue you guys." said Lucy." True. Well we better get to class." said Andy." Right but since Bob was knocked out.I will carry him." said Stella." Wait?What!" said Bob. Stella then hit Bob with a random mallet." I would hate to be him." said Brendan." Agree." said Andy.
Stella then dragged Bob to class as Andy and Brendan laughed." That is so funny." said the two. Stella placed Bob in his seat." Who?What!Where?!" said Bob." You got knocked out by Stella." said Andy." So where did Brendan go?" said Bob." To go find Luke." said Andy." Is he checking the girl locker room? said Bob." Yep." said Andy." So Brendan will be late?" said Bob." Yep." said Andy.
After class, they found Brendan with Luke bleeding out his nose." Let me guess. Peeping." said Bob." Yeah." said Brendan." Bob. I really hope he live until Christmas." said Andy." Agree." said Bob." Bob.I am excited for the trip." said Luke." Don't talk. Save your energy man." said Andy." Yeah. I better get home. " said Luke.
Luke walked away with blood all over him." Should we help him?" said Andy." Nah he can handled it." said Brendan." We better get going." said Bob. The three started to walk off. Then they found Rick talking with the three girls." Hey brother. What's up?" said Bob." Since your friends are going to staying over with you during the trip. Sis decided to let your roommates stays with her." said Rick." Since when does Sis like my friends?" said Bob." Don't judge sis like that." said Rick." Okay fine." said Bob." Bob,So what does your sister look like?" said Andy." Well um." said Bob." She look like a ...." said Brendan. Bob covered his mouth." So I will start walking while everyone else takes Rick car." said Bob." Why mine?" said Rick." One there is not much room. Two I need to start walk and three you owe me one." said Bob." I will go with him." said Stella." Okay then so meet you at the house." said Rick.
Rick,Leaf,Lucy,Brendan,and Andy got into the car and they drove off." So why wouldn't you want to go in the car?" said Bob." To spent time with you." said Stella." Hooray!" said Bob.
The two were walking then a spaceship crashed near the forest." Let's go check it out!" said Bob." I might get my clothes dirty." said Stella." Just wait here then." said Bob.
Bob started walk into the forest and then saw the spaceship." So cool.I wonder if there are aliens in there." said Bob. Then a alien appeared." Cool. Welcome to Earth." said Bob." I know where I am you inferior life form." said the alien." Thank for the compliant." said Bob." Here you go so you forget my appearance." said the alien. The alien grab something of his ship." Here are some super powers,a enchanted sword, and some morphing armor. Now I am out of here." said the alien.
The ship flew off as Bob was confused on what just happened." So how do I make this work?" said Bob. The armor went onto his skin, the sword went on his back, and the power went inside his body."I feel stronger but this must be my imagination." said Bob. Bob then started to walk when he start to fly." Awesome I got powers but I can't tell any one about this." said Bob.
Bob went back to Stella who was tapping her foot." Come on the girls are waiting for at your house." said Stella." Let's get going then." said Bob.
Next time on Power,the trip,the sis, and Bob first opener.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Power tourney part 17 the battle of the legends
Bob looked down at the stadium." I hope Larry can win this." said Bob." Boss, power twerp can hand that legendary twerp easy." said Meowth." I always wonder why you call everybody but me twerp." said Bob." Force of habitat I guess Boss." said Meowth." That meow for yah." said Eevee." Z, can you go make Gene go get us food?" said Eevee." Sure I am off." said Gene. Genesect walked away to the snack bar." So how did you like my battle?" said Bob." Swamp." said Swamp." Thanks man for your support and you know you want to battle but you want to fight her most of all Gengar." said Bob. Gengar hugged him to death." Thank you for that Gen." said Bob.
Then Brendan came up to Bob with Max." Hey guys where did Leaf,Stella,and May go?" said Bob." One word Shopping." said the two." Sent out your Pokemon to watch the battle.Go Blissey and Audino." said Bob.The two Pokemon came out." Can you two heal the six Pokemon I just use?" said Bob. They grab Rai plus the 5 other and went off to go heal them." Sit down and watch the match." said Bob." Yeah.We are so in." said the two.
Then N yelled," Welcome to the match between Larry of Oldale town vs Tobias,the legendary king. This match will be a single match with 6 Pokemon each. Trainers pokedex if you don't mind." Larry and Tobias threw their pokedex at N." Let me put them into the computer." said N. First up Larry." Larry. Age 15.Has traveled to all 5 regions. Caught 80 Pokemon. A A class trainer. Tobias age 17. All five regions. Owns 12 Pokemon. S class." said the computer." Your pokedex." said N. N threw back the two pokedex." Trainers your first Pokemon." said N." Go Blastoise."said Larry." Go Mewtwo." said Tobias." Begin." said N." Aura sphere and then psystrike." said Tobias." Dodge with rapid spin then use ice ball and then throw it at him using Fling." said Larry. The attack hits and both Blastoise and Mewtwo were hurt badly.
" This is a close match but Mewtwo is a little stronger than Blastoise can handed." said Bob." What a good friend you are?" said Max.
" Finish with Psystrike super power." said Tobias." Blast.Use hydro cannon out of one then use Water Spout." said Larry. The two powerful water attacks which knocked out Mewtwo.
" The winner is Blastoise. Tobias sent out your next Pokemon please." said N." Go Lugia." said Tobias. It was a black Lugia."Begin." said N." You still in this Blast?" said Larry.It said yep." Sky Attack,Hydro Pump, and Aeroblast." said Tobias." Blizzard out of the cannons." said Larry. The attack of the diving Pokemon were hurt by the ice move but they knocked out Blast.
" Winner is Lugia." said N." Return go Luxray!" said Larry." Begin." said N." Hurricane." said Tobias." Dodge it and use wild charge and thunder fang." said Larry. The electric attack hit the legendary Pokemon and it knock out the bird.
" Winner Luxray." said N." You think you are so good but go Latias." said Tobias."
"Wow that is cool that he has all these legendary Pokemon." said Max." Yeah me and Brendan could hand him but Larry is just talk." said Bob." I wonder how he is doing right now." said Brendan." Bob here is your food." said Gene." Yeah." said the guys.
" Dragon pulse." said Larry." Drago meteor and Psychic." said Tobias. Luxray was thrown in the air and then knocked out.
" Go Garchomp." said Larrry." Begin." said N." Draco meteor." said Tobias. " Dodge then use crunch then throw it up and use dragonbreath." said Larry. Latias was knocked out because of the two types that affect it.
" Winner Garchomp." said N." Return." said the two." Go Cresselia." said Tobias." Go Absol." said Larry," Begin." said N." Finish the dog with aura sphere." said Tobias." Protect then dig." said Larry." Now psychic to sense where it is." said Tobias." Now night slash and shadow ball." said Larry. It knock out Cresselia.
" Winner Absol." said N." Go Latios." said Tobias." Return go Delibird." said Larry." Begin." said N." Flamethrower." said Tobias." Dodge and then use blizzard." said Larry. It knock out Latios.
" Winner Delibird, final Pokemon Tobias." said N." I know you dumb ref. go Darkrai." said Tobias." Stay inside okay." said Larry." Begin." said N." Dark void." said Tobias." Dodge it and use drill peck." said Larry."Dark void then aura pulse." said Tobias. Delibird fell asleep and was knocked out by the move.
" Winner Darkrai. " said N." Return.Go Absol." said Larry."Begin." said N." Dark void." said Tobias." Hyper voice to stop Darkrai from making moves." said Larry. " Now do the move that we practice." said Larry. Absol's horn started to glow red,blue,and yellow. It fired it at the confused Pokemon and paralyze,freezing, and burning it." Look like Absol put a lot of pain on it." said N." Not a problem.Now roar of time." said Tobias. Absol was thrown against the wall and then knocked out.
" Winner Darkrai." said N." Good job.Go Garchomp." said Larry." Begin." said N." Go with dragon claw barrage and finish it off with Draco meteor." said Larry." Take it in and then use revenge." said Tobias. Darkrai stood there and then summon a big amount of power onto the dragon aka Garchomp which knock it out.
" Winner Darkrai. Final round." said N." I think Larry will use Sceptile,his strongest." said Max." Nah I think Roserade." said Brendan." Let's watch." said Bob.
" Go Sceptile. " said Larry." Final match." said N." This has been fun but go combo 1." said Tobias." Oh yeah combo 9000000!" said Larry. The two Pokemon glow and then the two big attack hit and a cloud of smoke.
Cliffhanger. Who won? Tobias or Larry! Will the other matchs be just as intense?
Then Brendan came up to Bob with Max." Hey guys where did Leaf,Stella,and May go?" said Bob." One word Shopping." said the two." Sent out your Pokemon to watch the battle.Go Blissey and Audino." said Bob.The two Pokemon came out." Can you two heal the six Pokemon I just use?" said Bob. They grab Rai plus the 5 other and went off to go heal them." Sit down and watch the match." said Bob." Yeah.We are so in." said the two.
Then N yelled," Welcome to the match between Larry of Oldale town vs Tobias,the legendary king. This match will be a single match with 6 Pokemon each. Trainers pokedex if you don't mind." Larry and Tobias threw their pokedex at N." Let me put them into the computer." said N. First up Larry." Larry. Age 15.Has traveled to all 5 regions. Caught 80 Pokemon. A A class trainer. Tobias age 17. All five regions. Owns 12 Pokemon. S class." said the computer." Your pokedex." said N. N threw back the two pokedex." Trainers your first Pokemon." said N." Go Blastoise."said Larry." Go Mewtwo." said Tobias." Begin." said N." Aura sphere and then psystrike." said Tobias." Dodge with rapid spin then use ice ball and then throw it at him using Fling." said Larry. The attack hits and both Blastoise and Mewtwo were hurt badly.
" This is a close match but Mewtwo is a little stronger than Blastoise can handed." said Bob." What a good friend you are?" said Max.
" Finish with Psystrike super power." said Tobias." Blast.Use hydro cannon out of one then use Water Spout." said Larry. The two powerful water attacks which knocked out Mewtwo.
" The winner is Blastoise. Tobias sent out your next Pokemon please." said N." Go Lugia." said Tobias. It was a black Lugia."Begin." said N." You still in this Blast?" said Larry.It said yep." Sky Attack,Hydro Pump, and Aeroblast." said Tobias." Blizzard out of the cannons." said Larry. The attack of the diving Pokemon were hurt by the ice move but they knocked out Blast.
" Winner is Lugia." said N." Return go Luxray!" said Larry." Begin." said N." Hurricane." said Tobias." Dodge it and use wild charge and thunder fang." said Larry. The electric attack hit the legendary Pokemon and it knock out the bird.
" Winner Luxray." said N." You think you are so good but go Latias." said Tobias."
"Wow that is cool that he has all these legendary Pokemon." said Max." Yeah me and Brendan could hand him but Larry is just talk." said Bob." I wonder how he is doing right now." said Brendan." Bob here is your food." said Gene." Yeah." said the guys.
" Dragon pulse." said Larry." Drago meteor and Psychic." said Tobias. Luxray was thrown in the air and then knocked out.
" Go Garchomp." said Larrry." Begin." said N." Draco meteor." said Tobias. " Dodge then use crunch then throw it up and use dragonbreath." said Larry. Latias was knocked out because of the two types that affect it.
" Winner Garchomp." said N." Return." said the two." Go Cresselia." said Tobias." Go Absol." said Larry," Begin." said N." Finish the dog with aura sphere." said Tobias." Protect then dig." said Larry." Now psychic to sense where it is." said Tobias." Now night slash and shadow ball." said Larry. It knock out Cresselia.
" Winner Absol." said N." Go Latios." said Tobias." Return go Delibird." said Larry." Begin." said N." Flamethrower." said Tobias." Dodge and then use blizzard." said Larry. It knock out Latios.
" Winner Delibird, final Pokemon Tobias." said N." I know you dumb ref. go Darkrai." said Tobias." Stay inside okay." said Larry." Begin." said N." Dark void." said Tobias." Dodge it and use drill peck." said Larry."Dark void then aura pulse." said Tobias. Delibird fell asleep and was knocked out by the move.
" Winner Darkrai. " said N." Return.Go Absol." said Larry."Begin." said N." Dark void." said Tobias." Hyper voice to stop Darkrai from making moves." said Larry. " Now do the move that we practice." said Larry. Absol's horn started to glow red,blue,and yellow. It fired it at the confused Pokemon and paralyze,freezing, and burning it." Look like Absol put a lot of pain on it." said N." Not a problem.Now roar of time." said Tobias. Absol was thrown against the wall and then knocked out.
" Winner Darkrai." said N." Good job.Go Garchomp." said Larry." Begin." said N." Go with dragon claw barrage and finish it off with Draco meteor." said Larry." Take it in and then use revenge." said Tobias. Darkrai stood there and then summon a big amount of power onto the dragon aka Garchomp which knock it out.
" Winner Darkrai. Final round." said N." I think Larry will use Sceptile,his strongest." said Max." Nah I think Roserade." said Brendan." Let's watch." said Bob.
" Go Sceptile. " said Larry." Final match." said N." This has been fun but go combo 1." said Tobias." Oh yeah combo 9000000!" said Larry. The two Pokemon glow and then the two big attack hit and a cloud of smoke.
Cliffhanger. Who won? Tobias or Larry! Will the other matchs be just as intense?
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Pokemon tourney pt 16 the third round Bob vs Hilda and maybe Nate vs Gold.
Bob was standing on the field at night thinking," Can I win tomorrow and bring the family name proud?" Bob then sent out Raichu,Donpham,Sceptile,Staraptor,Inferape,and Haxorus." Guys I am scared about tomorrow.I know that Haxorus remembered but not the rest of you. Okay so back in Unova,Me,Stella,Z, and Hilda were traveled to all the 11 gyms. When we meet Hilbert in Nimbasa city after getting our 5th badge he challenge me to a battle. I sent out Emboar which evolved during my battle with Cheren. His whole team and his starter Dewott knocked out Emboar. He surrendered and he said that was a awesome battle.
Then after my battle with Elesa, Hilda told me,one day I will beat you. Her face was red with love or anger I couldn't tell.
Then at the Pokemon league. We fought for the semifinal spot. I use my Metagross,Gengar,Haxorus, Torterra,Torkoal,and Emboar. I won with my Emboar. After I won,she told me she think I am cute and a great rival. She kissed me on the spot." said Bob. The Pokemon were shocked." Rai." said Raichu." Thank Raichu for that but we should get going back to the hotel for a good nice sleep." said Bob. Bob then return his Pokemon and walked to the hotel.
The next day. Bob was sleeping,Stella sent out Raichu." Wake him up for me Rai." said Stella. Rai then shocked Bob." I am up." said Bob." Your match is up soon.Are you ready for Hilda's wrath?" said Stella." I am ready.So while I get ready and I need you to be the best..." said Bob. Stella thought," Is he going to call me his girlfriend? I mean he should have notice my crush on him by now." " Best friend ever beside Gen who will cheer very loud so keep him calm with fries." said Bob. Bob grab the six Pokemon he was going to use and ran to the stadium prep room." Okay let's rock." said Bob.
He ran outside and saw the crowd was cheering like crazy." Wonder why there are cheer so loudly?" said Bob. He look up and saw his Gengar,Swampert,Meowth,Eevee,Genesect,and Z were cheering." She knows me well." said Bob. Bob walk up and saw Hilda and Jason waiting for him." Please you two handed me your pokedex." said Jason. The two handed him with their pokedexs. First Bob's."Bob. Age 15. Traveled to all 5 regions. He own around 100 Pokemon. A S- class trainer and as powerful as the champion. " said the screen." Hilda. Age 14. Traveled to Unova,Kanto,and Hoenn. Own 18 Pokemon. A A-class trainer and almost S class." said the Screen." This match will be between Bob of Littleroot town vs Hilda of Nuvema town. Each trainer will be able to use 6 Pokemon and their trainers sent them out now." said Jason.
"Go Staraptor." said Bob." Go Pidegot." said Hilda." Begin the battle of the flying type." said Jason." Fly." said the two. " Hurricane." said Hilda." Dodge then use our version of sky attack." said Bob.
" What is that Meowth?" said Eevee." Well Eevee.The move combine the moves Close combat,Brave bird , and Aerial ace." said Meowth." Gengar." said Gengar." Yes ghost he is great." said Genesect.
The attack hit the bird of Kanto and flew down." You still in this Pidgeot?" said Hilda." It shook it head." Okay.Brave bird plus Hurricane." said Hilda." The same thing." said Bob . The two bird clash then Pidgeot fainted.
" Winner Staraptor. Hilda next Pokemon." said Jason." Go Weavile." said Hilda." You still in this Star?" said Bob. It said no." Return.Go my next friend Donphan!" said Bob." Begin." said Jason." Blizzard claw." said Hilda." Dodge with rollout and then use earthquake to lift you self up." said Bob. Donphan flew into the air." Now hyper roll." said Bob. Donphan shot a hyper beam and use rollout into it." Blizzard claw again!" said Hilda. The two combo hiteach other but then Bob yelled," Double team!" Then clones surround Weavile." Hyper impact." said Bob." Sheer cold claw." said Hilda. The clones were knocked out plus Weavile but not the real one who hid in the ground.
" Winner Donphan. Hilda next." said Jason." Go Volcarona." said Hilda." Is he still powerful?" said Bob." Yeah he is so you keep Donphan in because he wants a rematch." said Hilda." Yeah." said Bob."Begin." said Jason."Dig." said Bob." Lava pulse into the hole." said Hilda. Donphan escaped with a little fire on its tail." While it is on fire use quiver dance." said Hilda." Dodge and then use giga impact." said Bob." You will lose this Bob.Hurricane." said Hilda. The two Pokemon attack each other but Donphan was knocked out.
" Winner Volcarona, Bob next one." said Jason." You did great Don but your sacrifice will not be in vain with Staraptor." said Bob. Bob sent out Staraptor." Begin." said Jason." Fiery Dance and Hurricane." said Hilda."Dodge and then use air slash." said Bob. Staraptor dodged the two attack but got hit with fiery dance.
Then the two fainted." Tie,a two minute break." said Jason. Bob sent out Donphan and Staraptor." You two did awesome out there so you guys want to watch our match." said Bob. The two cheered." Break time over." said Jason." Wow this is intense." said Z." Swamp." said Swampert." Um Swamp old pal.The human left to go cheer Bob and Hilda with her human friends so no Blaze for you." said Z." Swamp." said Swampert.
" Next Pokemon you two." said Jason."Go Magmortar." said Hilda." Go Haxorus." said Bob." Begin."said Jason." Flamethrower plus Dragon pulse." said Hilda." Protect then surf." said Bob." Dodge then charge beam." said Hilda. " Draco meteor." said Bob. The attack hit the fire type and it was out but Haxorus was still up but it leg hurt.
"Winner Haxorus. Hilda your next Pokemon." said Jason." You still up for this Haxorus?" said Bob. It shook it head with pain." Go Ampharos!" said Hilda." Begin." said Jason." Thunder punch on its leg." said Hilda." Dragon pulse." said Bob. Ampharos knocked out by punching it leg.
" Winner Ampharos." said Jason." Good job pal. Go sit down with the others. Go Infernape." said Bob." Begin." said Jason." Thunder." said Hilda." Dig then when Ampharos isn't looking use fire blast." said Bob. Infernape dodge Hilda's attack and the light Pokemon was confused where the monkey went and then was hit with the fire blast." Power gen then iron tail." said Hilda." Hit it back with calm mind." said Bob." That is not even a attack move." said Hilda."Now use flamethrower to bring in and close combat when it close." said Bob. The light Pokemon was brought into the flames and then knock out by close combat.
" Winner Infernape.Final Pokemon Hilda." said Jason." Good job Infernape." said Bob." You may have beaten my team but you can't beat my legendary Pokemon. Go Keldeo." said Hilda. A blue pony came out." Jason can you hand me my pokedex?" said Bob." Why?"said Jason." I want to get data on Keldeo." said Bob." Okay then.Catch!" said Jason. Jason handed his pokedex." Got it. You in this Infer?" said Bob."Yes." said Infer." Go and begin." said Jason." Rain dance." said Hilda. A cloud of rain came in and Infernape was confused." Infer!We can handed the rain like we did back with Wake." said Bob." Hydro pump." said Hilda." Block it with Fire pledge." said Bob. The water knock down Infernape to the ground. Then the monkey started to glow a red rue." Awesome Infer's ability is on so use sunny day to let the sun shine bright here." said Bob. The monkey set a blob of light to get rid of the rain." Sacred sword plus close combat." said Hilda. Infer was knocked out.
" Winner Keldeo." said Jason." Good job Infer. Go my green reptile." said Bob. Sceptile came out and made the girls screamed with joy." Begin." said Bob." Acrobatics." said Hilda." Now Leech seed,bullet seed, and leaf blade." said Bob. Sceptile placed some grass on Keledo." Cut it off with Sacred Sword." said Hilda." Before they do the rain again. Grass power." said Bob. Sceptile's blade turned green with the sun and ran up to Keldeo." Sacred sword and Close combat." said Hilda. Sceptile layed a good hit but was knocked out by Keldeo.
" Winner Keldeo." said Jason." Good job Sceptile I love that leech seed in its hair, so go Raichu." said Bob." Final round. So good luck. I wished I was here." said Jason." Hilda this was a awesome battle. But I am going to win so now Rai Dynamic punch on the ground." said Bob." Hydro pump." said Hilda." Dig out of there." said Bob. " Rain dance." said Hilda." Now come out with Thunder tackle punch." said Bob. It was thunder,Volt tackle, and Dynamic punch in one. Keldeo was flown into the air." Now charge beam." said Bob. Keldeo was knocked out.
" Winner Bob. Next up Gold vs Nate with Paul so I am out of here." said Jason. Bob went over to his team and they went into the prep room where Brendan,Larry,Stella,and Leaf was waiting in there." Nice match Bob. That was pure power." said Larry." Poor Hilda plus Cheren and Hilbert they lost and now Bianca is left." said Stella." Wait?So who is up after Gold vs Nate?" said Bob."You weren't paying attention were you?" said Leaf." Well to clarify it is Me vs Tobias." said Larry." Good luck to you dude." said Bob." Let me go so I go say thanks to some Pokemon. Return but Rai." said Bob." Race you." said Bob." Rai." said Raichu.
The two ran up to Z and the other Pokemon." You guys were awesome today and the best cheerleaders." said Bob. Gengar ran up and hugged him then Rai got angry and hugged Bob as well." My back." said Bob. As the group laughed,Paul annoyed the winner Gold." I guess the big battle is up." said Z.
Next time legend fight who will win.
Then after my battle with Elesa, Hilda told me,one day I will beat you. Her face was red with love or anger I couldn't tell.
Then at the Pokemon league. We fought for the semifinal spot. I use my Metagross,Gengar,Haxorus, Torterra,Torkoal,and Emboar. I won with my Emboar. After I won,she told me she think I am cute and a great rival. She kissed me on the spot." said Bob. The Pokemon were shocked." Rai." said Raichu." Thank Raichu for that but we should get going back to the hotel for a good nice sleep." said Bob. Bob then return his Pokemon and walked to the hotel.
The next day. Bob was sleeping,Stella sent out Raichu." Wake him up for me Rai." said Stella. Rai then shocked Bob." I am up." said Bob." Your match is up soon.Are you ready for Hilda's wrath?" said Stella." I am ready.So while I get ready and I need you to be the best..." said Bob. Stella thought," Is he going to call me his girlfriend? I mean he should have notice my crush on him by now." " Best friend ever beside Gen who will cheer very loud so keep him calm with fries." said Bob. Bob grab the six Pokemon he was going to use and ran to the stadium prep room." Okay let's rock." said Bob.
He ran outside and saw the crowd was cheering like crazy." Wonder why there are cheer so loudly?" said Bob. He look up and saw his Gengar,Swampert,Meowth,Eevee,Genesect,and Z were cheering." She knows me well." said Bob. Bob walk up and saw Hilda and Jason waiting for him." Please you two handed me your pokedex." said Jason. The two handed him with their pokedexs. First Bob's."Bob. Age 15. Traveled to all 5 regions. He own around 100 Pokemon. A S- class trainer and as powerful as the champion. " said the screen." Hilda. Age 14. Traveled to Unova,Kanto,and Hoenn. Own 18 Pokemon. A A-class trainer and almost S class." said the Screen." This match will be between Bob of Littleroot town vs Hilda of Nuvema town. Each trainer will be able to use 6 Pokemon and their trainers sent them out now." said Jason.
"Go Staraptor." said Bob." Go Pidegot." said Hilda." Begin the battle of the flying type." said Jason." Fly." said the two. " Hurricane." said Hilda." Dodge then use our version of sky attack." said Bob.
" What is that Meowth?" said Eevee." Well Eevee.The move combine the moves Close combat,Brave bird , and Aerial ace." said Meowth." Gengar." said Gengar." Yes ghost he is great." said Genesect.
The attack hit the bird of Kanto and flew down." You still in this Pidgeot?" said Hilda." It shook it head." Okay.Brave bird plus Hurricane." said Hilda." The same thing." said Bob . The two bird clash then Pidgeot fainted.
" Winner Staraptor. Hilda next Pokemon." said Jason." Go Weavile." said Hilda." You still in this Star?" said Bob. It said no." Return.Go my next friend Donphan!" said Bob." Begin." said Jason." Blizzard claw." said Hilda." Dodge with rollout and then use earthquake to lift you self up." said Bob. Donphan flew into the air." Now hyper roll." said Bob. Donphan shot a hyper beam and use rollout into it." Blizzard claw again!" said Hilda. The two combo hiteach other but then Bob yelled," Double team!" Then clones surround Weavile." Hyper impact." said Bob." Sheer cold claw." said Hilda. The clones were knocked out plus Weavile but not the real one who hid in the ground.
" Winner Donphan. Hilda next." said Jason." Go Volcarona." said Hilda." Is he still powerful?" said Bob." Yeah he is so you keep Donphan in because he wants a rematch." said Hilda." Yeah." said Bob."Begin." said Jason."Dig." said Bob." Lava pulse into the hole." said Hilda. Donphan escaped with a little fire on its tail." While it is on fire use quiver dance." said Hilda." Dodge and then use giga impact." said Bob." You will lose this Bob.Hurricane." said Hilda. The two Pokemon attack each other but Donphan was knocked out.
" Winner Volcarona, Bob next one." said Jason." You did great Don but your sacrifice will not be in vain with Staraptor." said Bob. Bob sent out Staraptor." Begin." said Jason." Fiery Dance and Hurricane." said Hilda."Dodge and then use air slash." said Bob. Staraptor dodged the two attack but got hit with fiery dance.
Then the two fainted." Tie,a two minute break." said Jason. Bob sent out Donphan and Staraptor." You two did awesome out there so you guys want to watch our match." said Bob. The two cheered." Break time over." said Jason." Wow this is intense." said Z." Swamp." said Swampert." Um Swamp old pal.The human left to go cheer Bob and Hilda with her human friends so no Blaze for you." said Z." Swamp." said Swampert.
" Next Pokemon you two." said Jason."Go Magmortar." said Hilda." Go Haxorus." said Bob." Begin."said Jason." Flamethrower plus Dragon pulse." said Hilda." Protect then surf." said Bob." Dodge then charge beam." said Hilda. " Draco meteor." said Bob. The attack hit the fire type and it was out but Haxorus was still up but it leg hurt.
"Winner Haxorus. Hilda your next Pokemon." said Jason." You still up for this Haxorus?" said Bob. It shook it head with pain." Go Ampharos!" said Hilda." Begin." said Jason." Thunder punch on its leg." said Hilda." Dragon pulse." said Bob. Ampharos knocked out by punching it leg.
" Winner Ampharos." said Jason." Good job pal. Go sit down with the others. Go Infernape." said Bob." Begin." said Jason." Thunder." said Hilda." Dig then when Ampharos isn't looking use fire blast." said Bob. Infernape dodge Hilda's attack and the light Pokemon was confused where the monkey went and then was hit with the fire blast." Power gen then iron tail." said Hilda." Hit it back with calm mind." said Bob." That is not even a attack move." said Hilda."Now use flamethrower to bring in and close combat when it close." said Bob. The light Pokemon was brought into the flames and then knock out by close combat.
" Winner Infernape.Final Pokemon Hilda." said Jason." Good job Infernape." said Bob." You may have beaten my team but you can't beat my legendary Pokemon. Go Keldeo." said Hilda. A blue pony came out." Jason can you hand me my pokedex?" said Bob." Why?"said Jason." I want to get data on Keldeo." said Bob." Okay then.Catch!" said Jason. Jason handed his pokedex." Got it. You in this Infer?" said Bob."Yes." said Infer." Go and begin." said Jason." Rain dance." said Hilda. A cloud of rain came in and Infernape was confused." Infer!We can handed the rain like we did back with Wake." said Bob." Hydro pump." said Hilda." Block it with Fire pledge." said Bob. The water knock down Infernape to the ground. Then the monkey started to glow a red rue." Awesome Infer's ability is on so use sunny day to let the sun shine bright here." said Bob. The monkey set a blob of light to get rid of the rain." Sacred sword plus close combat." said Hilda. Infer was knocked out.
" Winner Keldeo." said Jason." Good job Infer. Go my green reptile." said Bob. Sceptile came out and made the girls screamed with joy." Begin." said Bob." Acrobatics." said Hilda." Now Leech seed,bullet seed, and leaf blade." said Bob. Sceptile placed some grass on Keledo." Cut it off with Sacred Sword." said Hilda." Before they do the rain again. Grass power." said Bob. Sceptile's blade turned green with the sun and ran up to Keldeo." Sacred sword and Close combat." said Hilda. Sceptile layed a good hit but was knocked out by Keldeo.
" Winner Keldeo." said Jason." Good job Sceptile I love that leech seed in its hair, so go Raichu." said Bob." Final round. So good luck. I wished I was here." said Jason." Hilda this was a awesome battle. But I am going to win so now Rai Dynamic punch on the ground." said Bob." Hydro pump." said Hilda." Dig out of there." said Bob. " Rain dance." said Hilda." Now come out with Thunder tackle punch." said Bob. It was thunder,Volt tackle, and Dynamic punch in one. Keldeo was flown into the air." Now charge beam." said Bob. Keldeo was knocked out.
" Winner Bob. Next up Gold vs Nate with Paul so I am out of here." said Jason. Bob went over to his team and they went into the prep room where Brendan,Larry,Stella,and Leaf was waiting in there." Nice match Bob. That was pure power." said Larry." Poor Hilda plus Cheren and Hilbert they lost and now Bianca is left." said Stella." Wait?So who is up after Gold vs Nate?" said Bob."You weren't paying attention were you?" said Leaf." Well to clarify it is Me vs Tobias." said Larry." Good luck to you dude." said Bob." Let me go so I go say thanks to some Pokemon. Return but Rai." said Bob." Race you." said Bob." Rai." said Raichu.
The two ran up to Z and the other Pokemon." You guys were awesome today and the best cheerleaders." said Bob. Gengar ran up and hugged him then Rai got angry and hugged Bob as well." My back." said Bob. As the group laughed,Paul annoyed the winner Gold." I guess the big battle is up." said Z.
Next time legend fight who will win.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Pokemon tourney pt 15 the final relaxing day
Yeah, I am too lazy for start the next round but I will finish ot. So here a chapter but with our human characters. So be patience.
Bob sat in with his room with the list." I could go with Raichu,Scizor,Sceptile,Skuntank, but who else? No that is stupid." thought Bob. He grab his head in anger. Then Z said," Bob calm down." "No Z. Hilda knows most of my plans." said Bob." Maybe going for a walk might help." said Z." Good idea but where did Stella go?" said Stella." To hang with her gals pal." said Z." Even my opponent!?" said Bob." Calm down." said Z." You should know ,e by know." said Bob." Maybe Brendan,Larry,and maybe even Max can help you." said Z.
Z morphed into her human form." Where are you off to?" said Bob." You won't like me doing this but I am going to say it. So I am to hang out with the girls today." said Z." Bye Z." said Bob. Z walked out of the room." Okay then.So maybe Zebstrika?" said Bob. Bob then thought about it," I might need some help with this."
Bob pulled out his X-transceiver and scrolled though his contacts." Let's see. Here it is Brendan." said Bob. Bob called Brendan." Hey Bob.Whats up?" said Brendan." Still picking my team for tomorrow." said Bob." Still?You are so picky with your Pokemon." said Brendan." What a great friend you are. So can you help me or what?" said Bob." Fine.Where are you?" said Brendan." In my hotel room." said Bob." Do you need some help from Larry and Max?" said Brendan." Yeah because I suck at choosing." said Bom." Well I will meet you in the empty stadium and you will grab Max and Larry." said Bob." Why can you do it?" said Brendan." I need to get the Pokemon that I want to battle with and that might take me some time." said Bob." Okay but I will be there in a flash." said Brendan." Okay see you there." said Bob. Bob jumped off his bed and ran toward the empty stadium.
Outside the stadium was Ash." Okay Bob's father said to see what Pokemon he is going to use but Bob has been to all the regions just like me." said Ash. Then Brendan ran inside with Max and Larry." What is Max doing with Bob?" said Ash. Ash ran inside after them." Wow look at those Pokemon." said the four.
Inside the stadium was Snorlax,Poliwrath,Raichu,Gyarados,Dragonite,Sandslash,Steelix,Scizor,Donphan, Octilery,Hitmontop,Ampharos,Infernape,Staraptor,Garchomp,Dusknoir,Lucario,Gallade,Crustle,Haxorus,Darmanitan,Scrafty,Reuniculus,Samurott,Walilord,Shedninja,Torkoal,Metagross,Ludicolo, and Sceptile." Well then who should I pick for my battle?" said Bob." That is so cool." said Max."
Then Donphan hugged Max." Let's me say that that Don is very loving to new people." said Bob." Just like Ash's." said Max." Yeah.So go train with your partner like you do back home okay." said Bob. The four trainer walk up to the stands as Ash ran off." Wow Bob will be hard to beat but I always win." said Ash. He ran to the hotel.
" Okay then so who should I pick?" said Bob." Well my one Pokemon I wanted you to pick is your Raichu because it is so strong.So where did you get him?" said Max." Well back in Viridan forest,Me and the pichu meet and we were best friend. That little guy beat Brock's geodude. Then he evolve during Mt.Moon. During our battle with Misty,he learn volt tackle but always ran into a wall. He was mad but after fight trainers,we got it down well. Then after L.T Surge, he suggest for me to evolve Pikachu. Me and Pikachu thought about it so I went to an old friend of dad who lived in the city who searches for evolution items. We found it and after a battle,I gave Pikachu and he evolves into Raichu." said Bob." So he is very powerful right?" said Larry." Right and you should pick him." said Brendan." Okay Raichu.You are in the battle." said Bob. Raichu cheered.
" Okay Larry.Who should I pick with your awesome opinion?" said Bob." Well in my option.It should be your Donphan." said Larry." But I was think Steelix but Donphan has speed to him. God this hurt my head so badly." said Bob." Well I have seen both of them and Donphan is still powerful." said Max." Thank. Donphan.You and Raichu started training now." said Bob.
"Okay then off to Sinnoh." said Brendan." Okay.So who do you think?" said Bob." Well both Infernape and Staraptor would be good." said Max." They are both equal in power." said Larry." What Bob?How many are you going to pick in Unova and Hoenn?" said Brendan." I think maybe Haxorus and Sceptile but why." said Bob." You can pick them and the other two." said Max." Good idea Brendan." said Larry." Okay guys and girls, I have decided on Inferape,Sceptile,Haxorus,Staraptor,Raichu,and Donphan. Hilda will lose and I better you guys cheered real loudly." said Bob. The Pokemon cheered." Massive return." said Bob.
All 30 Pokemon were return." So what you guys want to do now?" said Max. Then Bob's X-transceiver rang." Bob.Did you pick your team yet?" said Stella." Yeah so." said Bob." Come down to the mall ." said Stella." We better get going." said Bob." Why?" said Max." Trust the guy who has traveled with 5 regions with a girl." said Larry.
The four walk to the mall and there stood a blond haired trainer." Bob I challenge you to a battle." said the trainer." Barry I don't care and I don't want to." said Bob." I want to fine you for what you did to my car." said Barry. Bob remember that his Garchomp ate his car." Just give a quick battle Bob." said Brendan." Okay then.Go get the girls before they waste my money Max and Larry." said Bob." Got it Bob." said Max.
The two guys ran into the store." This will be a double battle between Bob vs Barry." said Brendan." Go Dragonite and Torterra." said Barry." Go Zangoose and Gallade." said Bob." Begin." said Brendan."Draco meteor and frenzy plant." said Barry." Cut the plant with night slash then double ice punch." said Bob. The attack knocked out Barry's Pokemon." Winner Bob." said Brendan." Sorry Barry. You might want to train hard but you know that right?" said Bob." Thanks Bob." said Barry. The day went on as the guys were crushed with bags and after that Bob was too tired to started the next Pokemon tourney but stay stuned to the first match of the third round
Bob sat in with his room with the list." I could go with Raichu,Scizor,Sceptile,Skuntank, but who else? No that is stupid." thought Bob. He grab his head in anger. Then Z said," Bob calm down." "No Z. Hilda knows most of my plans." said Bob." Maybe going for a walk might help." said Z." Good idea but where did Stella go?" said Stella." To hang with her gals pal." said Z." Even my opponent!?" said Bob." Calm down." said Z." You should know ,e by know." said Bob." Maybe Brendan,Larry,and maybe even Max can help you." said Z.
Z morphed into her human form." Where are you off to?" said Bob." You won't like me doing this but I am going to say it. So I am to hang out with the girls today." said Z." Bye Z." said Bob. Z walked out of the room." Okay then.So maybe Zebstrika?" said Bob. Bob then thought about it," I might need some help with this."
Bob pulled out his X-transceiver and scrolled though his contacts." Let's see. Here it is Brendan." said Bob. Bob called Brendan." Hey Bob.Whats up?" said Brendan." Still picking my team for tomorrow." said Bob." Still?You are so picky with your Pokemon." said Brendan." What a great friend you are. So can you help me or what?" said Bob." Fine.Where are you?" said Brendan." In my hotel room." said Bob." Do you need some help from Larry and Max?" said Brendan." Yeah because I suck at choosing." said Bom." Well I will meet you in the empty stadium and you will grab Max and Larry." said Bob." Why can you do it?" said Brendan." I need to get the Pokemon that I want to battle with and that might take me some time." said Bob." Okay but I will be there in a flash." said Brendan." Okay see you there." said Bob. Bob jumped off his bed and ran toward the empty stadium.
Outside the stadium was Ash." Okay Bob's father said to see what Pokemon he is going to use but Bob has been to all the regions just like me." said Ash. Then Brendan ran inside with Max and Larry." What is Max doing with Bob?" said Ash. Ash ran inside after them." Wow look at those Pokemon." said the four.
Inside the stadium was Snorlax,Poliwrath,Raichu,Gyarados,Dragonite,Sandslash,Steelix,Scizor,Donphan, Octilery,Hitmontop,Ampharos,Infernape,Staraptor,Garchomp,Dusknoir,Lucario,Gallade,Crustle,Haxorus,Darmanitan,Scrafty,Reuniculus,Samurott,Walilord,Shedninja,Torkoal,Metagross,Ludicolo, and Sceptile." Well then who should I pick for my battle?" said Bob." That is so cool." said Max."
Then Donphan hugged Max." Let's me say that that Don is very loving to new people." said Bob." Just like Ash's." said Max." Yeah.So go train with your partner like you do back home okay." said Bob. The four trainer walk up to the stands as Ash ran off." Wow Bob will be hard to beat but I always win." said Ash. He ran to the hotel.
" Okay then so who should I pick?" said Bob." Well my one Pokemon I wanted you to pick is your Raichu because it is so strong.So where did you get him?" said Max." Well back in Viridan forest,Me and the pichu meet and we were best friend. That little guy beat Brock's geodude. Then he evolve during Mt.Moon. During our battle with Misty,he learn volt tackle but always ran into a wall. He was mad but after fight trainers,we got it down well. Then after L.T Surge, he suggest for me to evolve Pikachu. Me and Pikachu thought about it so I went to an old friend of dad who lived in the city who searches for evolution items. We found it and after a battle,I gave Pikachu and he evolves into Raichu." said Bob." So he is very powerful right?" said Larry." Right and you should pick him." said Brendan." Okay Raichu.You are in the battle." said Bob. Raichu cheered.
" Okay Larry.Who should I pick with your awesome opinion?" said Bob." Well in my option.It should be your Donphan." said Larry." But I was think Steelix but Donphan has speed to him. God this hurt my head so badly." said Bob." Well I have seen both of them and Donphan is still powerful." said Max." Thank. Donphan.You and Raichu started training now." said Bob.
"Okay then off to Sinnoh." said Brendan." Okay.So who do you think?" said Bob." Well both Infernape and Staraptor would be good." said Max." They are both equal in power." said Larry." What Bob?How many are you going to pick in Unova and Hoenn?" said Brendan." I think maybe Haxorus and Sceptile but why." said Bob." You can pick them and the other two." said Max." Good idea Brendan." said Larry." Okay guys and girls, I have decided on Inferape,Sceptile,Haxorus,Staraptor,Raichu,and Donphan. Hilda will lose and I better you guys cheered real loudly." said Bob. The Pokemon cheered." Massive return." said Bob.
All 30 Pokemon were return." So what you guys want to do now?" said Max. Then Bob's X-transceiver rang." Bob.Did you pick your team yet?" said Stella." Yeah so." said Bob." Come down to the mall ." said Stella." We better get going." said Bob." Why?" said Max." Trust the guy who has traveled with 5 regions with a girl." said Larry.
The four walk to the mall and there stood a blond haired trainer." Bob I challenge you to a battle." said the trainer." Barry I don't care and I don't want to." said Bob." I want to fine you for what you did to my car." said Barry. Bob remember that his Garchomp ate his car." Just give a quick battle Bob." said Brendan." Okay then.Go get the girls before they waste my money Max and Larry." said Bob." Got it Bob." said Max.
The two guys ran into the store." This will be a double battle between Bob vs Barry." said Brendan." Go Dragonite and Torterra." said Barry." Go Zangoose and Gallade." said Bob." Begin." said Brendan."Draco meteor and frenzy plant." said Barry." Cut the plant with night slash then double ice punch." said Bob. The attack knocked out Barry's Pokemon." Winner Bob." said Brendan." Sorry Barry. You might want to train hard but you know that right?" said Bob." Thanks Bob." said Barry. The day went on as the guys were crushed with bags and after that Bob was too tired to started the next Pokemon tourney but stay stuned to the first match of the third round
Power tourney part 14 Pokemon talk
Hey what up so this part will be like the legendary part but longer name. Bob was 20 Pokemon from each region.
Bob looked at the screen and thought,"Me vs Hilda who will I use?" Then Stella tapped him on the shoulder." Come on Bob wake up. We said we go shopping today." said Stella." Since when did I say that?" said Bob."Z." said Stella. Z, the fox Pokemon laughed today." Okay but first can we stop at the forest?" said Bob.
The two trainers walk to the forest." Okay come out every one." said Bob. Out next to Z was Swampert, Sceptile,Blaziken,Ludicolo,Swellow,Breloom,Slaking,Aggron,Flygon,Metagross,Wailord,Torkoal,Zangoose,Claydol,Milotic,Absol,Glalie,Manectric, and Shedninja from Hoenn. Kanto was Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise,Sandslash,Ditto,Alakazam,Lapras,Meowth,Eevee,Raichu,Nidoking,Arcanine,Poliwrath,Muk,Gengar,Mr.Mime,Starmie,Gyarados,Aerodactyl, and Dragonite. Johto was Meganium,Feraligatr,Typhlosion, Tyranitar,Donphan,Smeargle,Crobat,Ampharos,Quagsire,Slowking,Forretress,Steelix,Scizor,Heracross,Hitmontop,Granbull,Octillery,Skarmory, and Furret. Sinnoh was Torterra,Infernape,Empoleon,Lucario, Gallade,Magmortar,Bastidon,Staraptor,Luxray,Roserade,Floatzel,Skuntank,Garchomp,Weavile,Magnezone,Rhyperior,Gliscor,Rotom(all forms), Dusknoir, and Manoswine, Unova was Serperior,Emboar,Samurott, Conkeldurr,Excadrill,Genesect,Victini,Golurk,Zebstrika,Seismitoad,Leavanny,Krookdile,Darmanitan,Crustle,Scrafty,Reuniclus,Vanilluxe,Haxorus, and Eelektross." Wow that is a lot of Pokemon!" said Stella." That is all my Pokemon so sent out yours Stella." said Bob. " Okay Go." said Stella. Read a previous chapter to know her team." Well Swampert keep an eye on the team okay." said Bob." Swamp nod." Okay bye then." said Stella.
The two trainers left as Swamp and the others went to the forest and Swampert said," Okay Bob and Stella have left me in charge of you so be good." "Why you?" said Infer." Just do it Infer." said Sceptile. "So just behave." said Swamp. Most of them went to go play, some went to train for Hilda, and the rest went to relax.
Swamp went to the lake where Bob usually was." This is nice." said Swamp." Hey Swamp." said Eevee. Swamp looked up and saw Eevee and Meow." Fine then just but be quiet." said Swamp. Swamp closed his eyes and start to mediate when Stella's Blaze came up to him." Hew Swamp. " said Blaze." Hey Blaze so should you be hang with the girl Pokemon or something?" said Swamp." Nah too girly for my taste and maybe I want to hang with my best friend and Bob's best Pokemon." said Blaze. " Don't say that Blaze. Trust me Rai and Gen will be pissed at that statement." said Swamp.
Blaze sat down on the grass and looked over Eevee and Meow.They were playing." So are they dating?" said Blaze."Don't know." said Swamp." Come Swamp Aren't Bob and Stella dating?" said Blaze." Bob is way too dense to notice Stella but inside they love each other." said Sceptile. Sceptile appeared." So should you be train with Galla?" said Blaze." Nah he went to go see Gran." said Scep." Yeah.Xome on join us." said Swamp." Okay." said Scep.
Then a fire appeared." I got it." said Swamp. He stood up and saw Infer,Bob'sBlaze,Stella's Char,Bob's Char, Typho,emb, and the rest of the fire type." What happened?" said Swamp." Nothing Swamp just Infer being a cocky primate." said Bob's Char." I am not Zaid." said Infer." Calm down. Now Swamp has to leave us his girlfriend." said Tork." Oh dish it Swamp.You and Blaze?" said Char." We are not dating." said Swamp." Tell us." said the girl fire types." Okay follow me and ask her yourself and Tork go find Empol or any other water type to keep an eye on them." said Swamp." Got it." said Tork.
Swamp walk back as the whole amount of female Pokemon follow him. They made it and Swamp got thrown into the lake." I hate women. I wondered how Bob is doing?" said Swamp.
Meanwhile, Bob was holding over 100 bags." My arms!" yelled Bob.
After the women left plus Scep went off somewhere, Swamp came out of the lake." Thank god.They are all gone." said Swamp." Not me." said Blaze." Whats up?" said Swamp." I can't believe they push into the lake." said Blaze." Yeah and do you see what Bob has to deal with everyday." said Swamp." Fine you win." said Blaze.
Then Swell came flying in." Hey you two lovebirds.Some Pokemon want a rematch with Swamp." said Swell." Thank but where?" said Swamp." In the training field by the waterfall." said Swell." Thanks Swell." said Blaze." We better get going." said Swamp." Good idea." said Blaze.
In a couple of minutes,all of the Pokemon were there and Swell and Slaking were the ref." Welcome to the rematchs between Swamp vs Infer,Snor, Con, Char, and Meta." said Slaking." Begin." said Swell. " Eat my close combat." said Infer." I got this.Hydro pump to dodge." said Swamp. Swamp flew up in the air." Blast burn." said Infer." Hydro cannon plus muddy water." said Swamp. Infer was out cold.
" Winner Swamp." said Slaking. "Next up Snor." said Swell." You are so going down with my muscles." said Snor." Okay but don't pull any punches." said Swamp." Begin." said Slaking."Giga punch." said Snore." Dodge and hyper beam." said Swamp. The two attack hit and Snore was heavily breathing." You still in this Snor?" said Clay,the ref." yeah Clay." said Snor." Continue." said Clay." Good job but eat my hydro cannon." said Swamp. Swamp shot a highly powerful blast of water and that pushing the sleeping Pokemon into the waterfall." Float,Emp,and Blast. Go get him." said Tork." We will be taking a little break so heal up." said Slaking.
Then Swamp,Blaze,Scep,Galla,Rai,Gen, and Zan were in Swamp's corner." You can beat those Pokemon Best friend." said Rai and Gen." Okay but I need Blaze to cheer onme." said Swamp." Why?" said Zan,Scep,and Galla." Well me and Blaze are Bob and Stella's first Pokemon and we are like soul mates you know." said Swamp.
" Next Match." said Slaking." Well see ya." said Swamp." Wait Swamp!" said Blaze." What is it Blaze?" said Swamp." Here is a little gift." said Blaze. She kissed him." Good luck tiger." said Blaze. Swamp ran in."Wow didn't not see that coming." said Zan." I wonder if the author will pair me up." said Scep." Muk." said Gallade." Shut up." said Scep.
" Next round Con." said Slaking." You are going down boss." said Con." Don't call me boss." said Swamp." Begin." said Swell."eat my hammer arm spin." said Con." Dive and hydro pump." said Swamp. Swamp jumped into the ocean."Where did you go?" said Con." Right here with a hyper beam." said Swamp. Con was knocked out.
" Winner Swampert." said Slaking." Next up Zaid." said Swell." So I guess we aren't the only couple Pokemon of the two master." said Zaid." What does that mean?" said Swamp.
" Begin." said Slaking." Fly." said Zaid." Hydro pump." said Swamp." Metal claw." said Zaid." Stone barrage." said Swamp." Metal claw." said Zaid. Both were tired now." Water gun." said Swamp. Zaid fell in the river.
" Winner Swamp." said Swell." Yeah one more." said Swamp." Final round Meta." said Slaking. " Time for our rematch." said Meta." True but you might win because I am so tired." said Swamp. " Don't let me easy that easy." said Meta."Begin." said Swell." Meteor mash then hyper beam." said Meta."Hammer arm on the ground then hydro cannon." said Swamp. The four attack hits but Meta fainted on the spot." Winner Swamp." said Slaking.
Then Z yelled," If you want to battle Hilda tomorrow.please sign up now!" A lot of Bob's Pokemon appeared then Z,Gene,and Rot." Go find some healing pokemon." said Z."Yes sir/rot." said the two Pokemon.
In about three hour, Bob and Stella came back." Return." said the trainers." Hey who want to battle with me tomorrow?" said Bob." Um here is the list." said Z. Z handed the list to Bob." Man this will be hard to think." said Bob." Maybe you will figure it out tomorrow or later but on Pokemon tourney next time." said Stella.
Next time describe of team and a lazy day.
Bob looked at the screen and thought,"Me vs Hilda who will I use?" Then Stella tapped him on the shoulder." Come on Bob wake up. We said we go shopping today." said Stella." Since when did I say that?" said Bob."Z." said Stella. Z, the fox Pokemon laughed today." Okay but first can we stop at the forest?" said Bob.
The two trainers walk to the forest." Okay come out every one." said Bob. Out next to Z was Swampert, Sceptile,Blaziken,Ludicolo,Swellow,Breloom,Slaking,Aggron,Flygon,Metagross,Wailord,Torkoal,Zangoose,Claydol,Milotic,Absol,Glalie,Manectric, and Shedninja from Hoenn. Kanto was Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise,Sandslash,Ditto,Alakazam,Lapras,Meowth,Eevee,Raichu,Nidoking,Arcanine,Poliwrath,Muk,Gengar,Mr.Mime,Starmie,Gyarados,Aerodactyl, and Dragonite. Johto was Meganium,Feraligatr,Typhlosion, Tyranitar,Donphan,Smeargle,Crobat,Ampharos,Quagsire,Slowking,Forretress,Steelix,Scizor,Heracross,Hitmontop,Granbull,Octillery,Skarmory, and Furret. Sinnoh was Torterra,Infernape,Empoleon,Lucario, Gallade,Magmortar,Bastidon,Staraptor,Luxray,Roserade,Floatzel,Skuntank,Garchomp,Weavile,Magnezone,Rhyperior,Gliscor,Rotom(all forms), Dusknoir, and Manoswine, Unova was Serperior,Emboar,Samurott, Conkeldurr,Excadrill,Genesect,Victini,Golurk,Zebstrika,Seismitoad,Leavanny,Krookdile,Darmanitan,Crustle,Scrafty,Reuniclus,Vanilluxe,Haxorus, and Eelektross." Wow that is a lot of Pokemon!" said Stella." That is all my Pokemon so sent out yours Stella." said Bob. " Okay Go." said Stella. Read a previous chapter to know her team." Well Swampert keep an eye on the team okay." said Bob." Swamp nod." Okay bye then." said Stella.
The two trainers left as Swamp and the others went to the forest and Swampert said," Okay Bob and Stella have left me in charge of you so be good." "Why you?" said Infer." Just do it Infer." said Sceptile. "So just behave." said Swamp. Most of them went to go play, some went to train for Hilda, and the rest went to relax.
Swamp went to the lake where Bob usually was." This is nice." said Swamp." Hey Swamp." said Eevee. Swamp looked up and saw Eevee and Meow." Fine then just but be quiet." said Swamp. Swamp closed his eyes and start to mediate when Stella's Blaze came up to him." Hew Swamp. " said Blaze." Hey Blaze so should you be hang with the girl Pokemon or something?" said Swamp." Nah too girly for my taste and maybe I want to hang with my best friend and Bob's best Pokemon." said Blaze. " Don't say that Blaze. Trust me Rai and Gen will be pissed at that statement." said Swamp.
Blaze sat down on the grass and looked over Eevee and Meow.They were playing." So are they dating?" said Blaze."Don't know." said Swamp." Come Swamp Aren't Bob and Stella dating?" said Blaze." Bob is way too dense to notice Stella but inside they love each other." said Sceptile. Sceptile appeared." So should you be train with Galla?" said Blaze." Nah he went to go see Gran." said Scep." Yeah.Xome on join us." said Swamp." Okay." said Scep.
Then a fire appeared." I got it." said Swamp. He stood up and saw Infer,Bob'sBlaze,Stella's Char,Bob's Char, Typho,emb, and the rest of the fire type." What happened?" said Swamp." Nothing Swamp just Infer being a cocky primate." said Bob's Char." I am not Zaid." said Infer." Calm down. Now Swamp has to leave us his girlfriend." said Tork." Oh dish it Swamp.You and Blaze?" said Char." We are not dating." said Swamp." Tell us." said the girl fire types." Okay follow me and ask her yourself and Tork go find Empol or any other water type to keep an eye on them." said Swamp." Got it." said Tork.
Swamp walk back as the whole amount of female Pokemon follow him. They made it and Swamp got thrown into the lake." I hate women. I wondered how Bob is doing?" said Swamp.
Meanwhile, Bob was holding over 100 bags." My arms!" yelled Bob.
After the women left plus Scep went off somewhere, Swamp came out of the lake." Thank god.They are all gone." said Swamp." Not me." said Blaze." Whats up?" said Swamp." I can't believe they push into the lake." said Blaze." Yeah and do you see what Bob has to deal with everyday." said Swamp." Fine you win." said Blaze.
Then Swell came flying in." Hey you two lovebirds.Some Pokemon want a rematch with Swamp." said Swell." Thank but where?" said Swamp." In the training field by the waterfall." said Swell." Thanks Swell." said Blaze." We better get going." said Swamp." Good idea." said Blaze.
In a couple of minutes,all of the Pokemon were there and Swell and Slaking were the ref." Welcome to the rematchs between Swamp vs Infer,Snor, Con, Char, and Meta." said Slaking." Begin." said Swell. " Eat my close combat." said Infer." I got this.Hydro pump to dodge." said Swamp. Swamp flew up in the air." Blast burn." said Infer." Hydro cannon plus muddy water." said Swamp. Infer was out cold.
" Winner Swamp." said Slaking. "Next up Snor." said Swell." You are so going down with my muscles." said Snor." Okay but don't pull any punches." said Swamp." Begin." said Slaking."Giga punch." said Snore." Dodge and hyper beam." said Swamp. The two attack hit and Snore was heavily breathing." You still in this Snor?" said Clay,the ref." yeah Clay." said Snor." Continue." said Clay." Good job but eat my hydro cannon." said Swamp. Swamp shot a highly powerful blast of water and that pushing the sleeping Pokemon into the waterfall." Float,Emp,and Blast. Go get him." said Tork." We will be taking a little break so heal up." said Slaking.
Then Swamp,Blaze,Scep,Galla,Rai,Gen, and Zan were in Swamp's corner." You can beat those Pokemon Best friend." said Rai and Gen." Okay but I need Blaze to cheer onme." said Swamp." Why?" said Zan,Scep,and Galla." Well me and Blaze are Bob and Stella's first Pokemon and we are like soul mates you know." said Swamp.
" Next Match." said Slaking." Well see ya." said Swamp." Wait Swamp!" said Blaze." What is it Blaze?" said Swamp." Here is a little gift." said Blaze. She kissed him." Good luck tiger." said Blaze. Swamp ran in."Wow didn't not see that coming." said Zan." I wonder if the author will pair me up." said Scep." Muk." said Gallade." Shut up." said Scep.
" Next round Con." said Slaking." You are going down boss." said Con." Don't call me boss." said Swamp." Begin." said Swell."eat my hammer arm spin." said Con." Dive and hydro pump." said Swamp. Swamp jumped into the ocean."Where did you go?" said Con." Right here with a hyper beam." said Swamp. Con was knocked out.
" Winner Swampert." said Slaking." Next up Zaid." said Swell." So I guess we aren't the only couple Pokemon of the two master." said Zaid." What does that mean?" said Swamp.
" Begin." said Slaking." Fly." said Zaid." Hydro pump." said Swamp." Metal claw." said Zaid." Stone barrage." said Swamp." Metal claw." said Zaid. Both were tired now." Water gun." said Swamp. Zaid fell in the river.
" Winner Swamp." said Swell." Yeah one more." said Swamp." Final round Meta." said Slaking. " Time for our rematch." said Meta." True but you might win because I am so tired." said Swamp. " Don't let me easy that easy." said Meta."Begin." said Swell." Meteor mash then hyper beam." said Meta."Hammer arm on the ground then hydro cannon." said Swamp. The four attack hits but Meta fainted on the spot." Winner Swamp." said Slaking.
Then Z yelled," If you want to battle Hilda tomorrow.please sign up now!" A lot of Bob's Pokemon appeared then Z,Gene,and Rot." Go find some healing pokemon." said Z."Yes sir/rot." said the two Pokemon.
In about three hour, Bob and Stella came back." Return." said the trainers." Hey who want to battle with me tomorrow?" said Bob." Um here is the list." said Z. Z handed the list to Bob." Man this will be hard to think." said Bob." Maybe you will figure it out tomorrow or later but on Pokemon tourney next time." said Stella.
Next time describe of team and a lazy day.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Pokemon Tourney part 13 the final 2 contest battle thank you god.
Hey guys. It is Jason,the trainer who was knocked out by Ash. The author felt very pity on me and I will be the ref for the rest until The author gets bored with me. Lets begin the next part already.
" That was awesome." said Bob." You think every battle is awesome." said Leaf." Yeah I do this bue this is different because contest and me don't mix." said Bob." What was that!?" said Drew. Drew joined the four." Where is Lyra?" said Stella." In the bathroom." said Drew. Then Harley came in." Stella and Leaf follow me please." said Harley." Okay see you later then." said Leaf." See ya." said Bob." Why does Harley need them?" said Brendan." No sense that man is." said Drew. Then Lyra came in running." I heard that Jason is the ref." said Lyra." Good for him." said Bob. Then Z came running in." Where were you?" said Bob." Being chased by girls." said Z." Hey isn't that Jason down there?" said Z.
" Welcome to the match between Harley and Lucy. A contest battle. So each trainer will use two Pokemon. No time. When one of the trainer is out of Pokemon or something with points they lose." said Jason." You are going down Hon." said Harley." I want to fight Bob or some not confuse nut job like you." said Lucy." Trainers sent out your two Pokemon already!" said Jason." Go Cacturne and Wigglytuff." said Harley." Go Grumpig and Torkoal." said Lucy." Begin!" said Jason." This will be easy than I thought. Flamethrower and psychic." said Lucy." Block it." said Harley. Wigglytuff block the attacks and threw it right back." Wow that is one big belly." said Jason." Grr. Hyper beam and overheat." said Lucy." Dodge it you two and then use rollout and Destiny bond." said Harley. The scarecrow linked him and both of Lucy Pokemon together." Overheat and Psychic." said Lucy." Wigglytuff fly away and Cacturne stay there."said Harley." Are you an idiot?" said Lucy. Cacturne was knocked out and also both of Lucy Pokemon." Winner Harley with the move destiny bond." said Jason." Nice match.I guess you really want to win but next you won't be so lucky." said Lucy." Yeah like I want to win against some girl." said Harley.
" Man Harley seen off." said Drew." Yeah." said Bob." What there was a difference?" said Brendan and Lyra." Yeah he was less hyper." said the two.
" Next up is Stella and Alice." said Jason. Stella came out looking amazing." Wow Stella looks amazing." said Bob." Dense." said the four." Hey that hurts." said Bob.
" This match will be like the last one so pick wisely." said Jason. " Go Gallade and Gardevior." said Stella." Go Plusle and Minun." said Alice. " Begin." said Jason. "Helping hand,thunder,and Quick attack." said Alice." Psychic,earthquake,and slash." said Stella. The little mouse were almost knocked out when Alice yelled." You won't win this Stella." " No I will win with confusion." said Stella. The two mouse were knocked out." Winner Stella. Final round of second round. Please all winners come to the stadium around 5." said Jason.
" Well Me and Lyra are going to shoping." said Drew. The two walked away." So Bob do Alice and Stella have a past together?" said Brendan." Nothing that she told me about." said Bob. Then Leaf came running in and said," Bob!"" What did he do this time?" said Z." Did you know that Alice is your Ex?" said Leaf." We never met before." said Bob." Wait.She was that one fan girl that you told she was annoying." said Brendan." Oh yeah Alice." said Bob." Come on then go tell Stella that." said Leaf.
The four ran toward Stella." Bob. I can't believe that she was your ex!" said Stella." We never even date once. She was a crazy fan girl from Hoenn who was in love with me but I didn't like her back." said Bob." Thank you Bob for telling me that." said Stella." You look nice." said Bob." Leaf help me." said Stella." Leaf did?" said Z. "Yeah I did." said Leaf.
The five went to the hotel when Bob got a call." I will go get it." said Bob. Bob answer it and it was his father." Hello son." said the dad." Hey dad.What's up?" said Bob." I heard from Ash.You are in that tournament with him and Dawn." said the dad." Yeah so what?" said Bob." You got to let Ash win against you." said the dad. The rest of the group started to listen in." No way! I won't lose to Ash." said Bob." It is for the family." said The dad." I don't give a living crap about our family." yelled Bob." You will or I will make you marry Dawn after this tourney." said the dad." No!" said Bob.
Bob hanged up." Bob,you are rich?" said Z." Yeah I am but I won't lose to that self centered ass." said Bob. "Please don't." said Stella." Thank Stella.I need that" said Bob." Wow Bob was angry." said Leaf. " Attention all trainers still left. Please report to the stadium." said Jason. " Let's get going then." said Z." Right." said the teens.
They waked to the stadium." Welcome you second round winner. This will be the match for the third round." said Jason. The remaining trainers were Gold,Larry,Lyra,Hilda,Tobias,Trip,Brendan,Barry,Max,Leaf, Bianca,Hugh,Stacey,Ashley,Ash,Bob,Cilan,Nate,Brock,Lenora,Clay,Derek,Carol, Zeke,Sue,Elesa,Drew, Dawn,May,Chuck,Harley,and Stella. The screen then shuffle itself up for Bob vs Hilda, Gold vs Nate,Larry vs Tobias,Lyra vs Clay,Bianca vs Cilan, Trip vs Stacey, Brendan vs Derek, Barry vs Zeke, Max vs Sue,Leaf vs Elesa, Hugh vs Chuck, Ashley vs Ash, Carol vs Stella, Drew vs Dawn, May vs Brock, and Harley vs Lenora. " See your opponent up there.You will battle then in two days. So do shopping or training." said Jason." Oh and one more thing I will be ref was rounds 1,7,10,and 12 while my friend N will be the ref for rounds 3,6,9, and 11 and my friend Paul will be the ref for rounds 8,2, 4and 16 and the final four will ref by Andy the Pokemon champ 5,13,14, and 15." said Jason." Awesome I will be up first." said Bob."This most likely because the writer will write a Pokemon talking chapter with our Pokemon." said Z.
Next time Pokemon talk and not a terrible written soap opera
" That was awesome." said Bob." You think every battle is awesome." said Leaf." Yeah I do this bue this is different because contest and me don't mix." said Bob." What was that!?" said Drew. Drew joined the four." Where is Lyra?" said Stella." In the bathroom." said Drew. Then Harley came in." Stella and Leaf follow me please." said Harley." Okay see you later then." said Leaf." See ya." said Bob." Why does Harley need them?" said Brendan." No sense that man is." said Drew. Then Lyra came in running." I heard that Jason is the ref." said Lyra." Good for him." said Bob. Then Z came running in." Where were you?" said Bob." Being chased by girls." said Z." Hey isn't that Jason down there?" said Z.
" Welcome to the match between Harley and Lucy. A contest battle. So each trainer will use two Pokemon. No time. When one of the trainer is out of Pokemon or something with points they lose." said Jason." You are going down Hon." said Harley." I want to fight Bob or some not confuse nut job like you." said Lucy." Trainers sent out your two Pokemon already!" said Jason." Go Cacturne and Wigglytuff." said Harley." Go Grumpig and Torkoal." said Lucy." Begin!" said Jason." This will be easy than I thought. Flamethrower and psychic." said Lucy." Block it." said Harley. Wigglytuff block the attacks and threw it right back." Wow that is one big belly." said Jason." Grr. Hyper beam and overheat." said Lucy." Dodge it you two and then use rollout and Destiny bond." said Harley. The scarecrow linked him and both of Lucy Pokemon together." Overheat and Psychic." said Lucy." Wigglytuff fly away and Cacturne stay there."said Harley." Are you an idiot?" said Lucy. Cacturne was knocked out and also both of Lucy Pokemon." Winner Harley with the move destiny bond." said Jason." Nice match.I guess you really want to win but next you won't be so lucky." said Lucy." Yeah like I want to win against some girl." said Harley.
" Man Harley seen off." said Drew." Yeah." said Bob." What there was a difference?" said Brendan and Lyra." Yeah he was less hyper." said the two.
" Next up is Stella and Alice." said Jason. Stella came out looking amazing." Wow Stella looks amazing." said Bob." Dense." said the four." Hey that hurts." said Bob.
" This match will be like the last one so pick wisely." said Jason. " Go Gallade and Gardevior." said Stella." Go Plusle and Minun." said Alice. " Begin." said Jason. "Helping hand,thunder,and Quick attack." said Alice." Psychic,earthquake,and slash." said Stella. The little mouse were almost knocked out when Alice yelled." You won't win this Stella." " No I will win with confusion." said Stella. The two mouse were knocked out." Winner Stella. Final round of second round. Please all winners come to the stadium around 5." said Jason.
" Well Me and Lyra are going to shoping." said Drew. The two walked away." So Bob do Alice and Stella have a past together?" said Brendan." Nothing that she told me about." said Bob. Then Leaf came running in and said," Bob!"" What did he do this time?" said Z." Did you know that Alice is your Ex?" said Leaf." We never met before." said Bob." Wait.She was that one fan girl that you told she was annoying." said Brendan." Oh yeah Alice." said Bob." Come on then go tell Stella that." said Leaf.
The four ran toward Stella." Bob. I can't believe that she was your ex!" said Stella." We never even date once. She was a crazy fan girl from Hoenn who was in love with me but I didn't like her back." said Bob." Thank you Bob for telling me that." said Stella." You look nice." said Bob." Leaf help me." said Stella." Leaf did?" said Z. "Yeah I did." said Leaf.
The five went to the hotel when Bob got a call." I will go get it." said Bob. Bob answer it and it was his father." Hello son." said the dad." Hey dad.What's up?" said Bob." I heard from Ash.You are in that tournament with him and Dawn." said the dad." Yeah so what?" said Bob." You got to let Ash win against you." said the dad. The rest of the group started to listen in." No way! I won't lose to Ash." said Bob." It is for the family." said The dad." I don't give a living crap about our family." yelled Bob." You will or I will make you marry Dawn after this tourney." said the dad." No!" said Bob.
Bob hanged up." Bob,you are rich?" said Z." Yeah I am but I won't lose to that self centered ass." said Bob. "Please don't." said Stella." Thank Stella.I need that" said Bob." Wow Bob was angry." said Leaf. " Attention all trainers still left. Please report to the stadium." said Jason. " Let's get going then." said Z." Right." said the teens.
They waked to the stadium." Welcome you second round winner. This will be the match for the third round." said Jason. The remaining trainers were Gold,Larry,Lyra,Hilda,Tobias,Trip,Brendan,Barry,Max,Leaf, Bianca,Hugh,Stacey,Ashley,Ash,Bob,Cilan,Nate,Brock,Lenora,Clay,Derek,Carol, Zeke,Sue,Elesa,Drew, Dawn,May,Chuck,Harley,and Stella. The screen then shuffle itself up for Bob vs Hilda, Gold vs Nate,Larry vs Tobias,Lyra vs Clay,Bianca vs Cilan, Trip vs Stacey, Brendan vs Derek, Barry vs Zeke, Max vs Sue,Leaf vs Elesa, Hugh vs Chuck, Ashley vs Ash, Carol vs Stella, Drew vs Dawn, May vs Brock, and Harley vs Lenora. " See your opponent up there.You will battle then in two days. So do shopping or training." said Jason." Oh and one more thing I will be ref was rounds 1,7,10,and 12 while my friend N will be the ref for rounds 3,6,9, and 11 and my friend Paul will be the ref for rounds 8,2, 4and 16 and the final four will ref by Andy the Pokemon champ 5,13,14, and 15." said Jason." Awesome I will be up first." said Bob."This most likely because the writer will write a Pokemon talking chapter with our Pokemon." said Z.
Next time Pokemon talk and not a terrible written soap opera
Pokemon Tourney pt 12 the final battle round.
"Welcome to the final second round battle. I am the ref. This is between Bob of Hoenn vs Lord Zak of um Kanto. This battle will a single,double,and a triple. So trainers select your Pokemon." said the ref." Go Donphan." said Bob." Hmm that elephant thing So eat my Ursaring." said Lord Zak."Begin." said the ref." Hyper beam." said Lord Zak." Dodge and then use rollout." said Bob. Ursaring was mad jsut like his trainer." Metal claw." said Lord Zak." Dodge and then giga impact into a rollout." said Bob. The two attack hit the giant Hibernator Pokemon then it gained swirl on its eye.
"Winner Donphan. Now trainers select out your next two Pokemon." said the ref." Go Zangoose and Beartic." said Lord Zak." Return.Go Lucario and Gallade." said Bob." Begin." said the ref."Is that your Lucario that knows aura moves of great power?" said Lord Zak." Yeah it is." said Bob." It would be a honor to destroy that mutt with Fire punch and Sheer cold." said Lord Zak." Gallade grab Lucario and teleport." said Bob. Gallade and Lucario dodge the two attack." Aura blast and Psycho cut frenzy." said Bob. Lucario start summon this huge aura blast while Gallade's arms started to glow." Attack them with Sheer cold and Close combat." said Lord Zak. The aura cannon knock the attacks with Gallade knocked out the enemy.
"Winner Gallade and Lucario." said the ref." Go Arcanine,Snorlax, and Stoutland." said Lord Zak." Return. Go Infernape,Sceptile,and Swampert." said Bob." Begin." said the ref." Flare Blitiz,Giga impact, and hyper beam." said Lord Zak." Big guns eh. Now Infernape Blast Burn,Sceptile Solar Beam,Swampert Hydro cannon to make the elemental blast." said Bob.
" What is that?" said the crowd."."Stella what is it?" said the big group." This is when Bob combine the three types best move into one big move." said Stella.
The blast hit and you could see Sceptile slash with Leaf blade,Swampert with Muddy water,and Infernape close combat. The light was gone and it was leaving Bob Pokemon standing.
" Winner Bob the champion of Kanto,Sinnoh,Johto,Hoenn,and Unova." said the ref. The crowd roared with thunder." So next round the writer will cover the battles in the earlier part so go look there." said the ref.
Bob went over to Lord Zak." Hey that was fun man." said Bob. Lord Zak slapped his hand and yelled," Listen punk you may have beaten me but you wouldn't beat Ash with his legendary team of Pokemon." Lord Zak walked away with pride." Okay then." said Bob.
Bob started to walk to the Pokemon center when Stella found him." Bob.You won with those sweet combo." said Stella." Thanks.So where are the others?" said Bob."Still being shocked from that combo." said Stella. Then Brendan and Leaf came over."Wow that was powerful." said Brendan." Agreed." said Leaf."Hey guys did you like my match?" said Bob." Wow Bob.So how did you learn that combo?" said Brendan. Then Z came out of her ball."Morning Bob. Did you win?" said Z."Yeah so." said Bob."Well I am off to go do something to Lord Zak." said Z. Z walked away." Are you worried?" said Leaf." No why?" said Bob." Contest round." said Leaf."Oh yeah." said Bob. " Come we have to go train." said Bob." I will join you Bob." said Brendan."Oh no Bob.You will watch my match and Harley,Drew, and Mays." said Stella."But they are so boring!" said Bob." Yeah Bob is right Stella. They are boring." said Brendan." Come on." said Leaf and Stella. They look at the guys with puppy dog eyes." No way.Right Brendan?" said Bob. Brendan was under their spell." Okay fine I will come." said Bob.
The four left the center and went toward the contest hall." This place has everything!" said Bob." Like what?" said Leaf." A snack making machine." said Bob." Heck yeah.Bring us back some food." said Brendan.
" Welcome to the match between Drew and Carly. To explain this. You make the best moves with your Pokemon. This is a two Pokemon,unlimited time, and sent out your two Pokemon." said the ref." Go Luxray and Pikachu." said Carly." Nice team but go Milotic and Roserade." said Drew." Begin." said the ref." I would love to see you after this cutie." said Carly." Sorry but I already have a girlfriend." said Drew." Thunder and do a twirl." said Carly." Nice tru but water pulse and solarbeam in the middle." said Drew. The beam stop the two Pokemon and water pulse caught them."Escape!" said Carly."Sunny day and flamethrower and razor leaf." said Drew. The two attack were power up by the sun and knock the two Pokemon.
" Winner Drew. Next round Winona vs Dawn." said the ref." Wait so is this like a gym battle?" said Bob." I don't know.So go get us snacks Bob and Brendan!" said Leaf." Fine." said the two guys. They left and grab some food."What with Leaf lately?" said Bob."I don't know man." said Brendan.
Then the two saw Z running with a lot of women and contest people after her." What did she do this time?" said Bob." Do not know man but let's get the girls their food." said Brendan." Good idea." said Bob.
The two walked back to the girls who were crying." What happened now?" said Bob." The move was so beautiful." said Stella and Leaf." Women." said Brendan. The two guys sat down and saw the ref crying." The winner is Dawn." said the ref." Wow that is so weird." said Bob." No Bob.It was beautiful and Dawn is amazing." said Leaf." Are they high?" said Brendan." Maybe?" said Bob.
" Next match is May vs Misty." said the ref. The two girls walked on stage." This match will be a 3 vs 3 gym style. Begin." said the ref." Go Lapras." said Misty."Go Snorlax." said May."Sheer cold." said Misty." Block it and giga impact." said May. Snorlax crushed the Loch Ness monster." Ice beam." said Misty." Block it with hyper beam." said May. It knock out the sea beast.
" Winner Snorlax ." said the ref." Rhat was sure quick." said Leaf." Yeah because Snorlax is stronger than Lapras." said Brendan." Not with the grace though." said Stella." Don't be fooled.A Snorlax is just as graceful as a swan." said Bob.
"Go Gyarados." said Misty." You still in this Snorlax?" said May. Snorlax nodded." Okay we are ready." said May."Begin." said the ref." Flamethrower,hyper beam,Hydro pump, and Dragon Dance." said Misty." Block with giga impact then seismic toss." said May. Snorlax went through the blast but then fainted.
" Winner Gyarados." said The ref."Wow that was fast." said Stella." That dragon dance was the tipping point because even with Snorlax's great defense.It couldn't stand up to those attacks" said Leaf.
"Go Glaceon." said May. Then Eevee and Meowth came out of their Pokemon balls." Eevee!What are you doing out?" said Bob." I got to cheer on my evolution." said Eevee.""Meowth. Why are you?" said Bob." Very crowded in there." said Meowth.
" Begin." said the ref." Flamethrower." said Misty." Hail then quick attack." said May. Glaceon jumped on Gyarados." Now blizzard and shadow ball." said May. The attack then knock out Misty Pokemon.
" Winner Glaceon." said the ref." That was so awesome." said Eevee." Hey where did Z go?" said Meowth." Knowing her.She is being chase by trainers." said Bob.
" Go Togekiss." said Misty." Begin." said the ref." Aura barrage." said Misty." It knock out May's Pokemon." Winner the Togekiss." said the ref.
" Wow this is a really close match." said Bob." Yeah really close." said Leaf.
" Go Blaziken." said May." Begin." said the ref." Air slash." said Misty." Sky uppercut and Blaze kick." said May. It knock out the Pokemon." Winner May. See next time on Pokemon tourney with a new ref." said the ref.
"Winner Donphan. Now trainers select out your next two Pokemon." said the ref." Go Zangoose and Beartic." said Lord Zak." Return.Go Lucario and Gallade." said Bob." Begin." said the ref."Is that your Lucario that knows aura moves of great power?" said Lord Zak." Yeah it is." said Bob." It would be a honor to destroy that mutt with Fire punch and Sheer cold." said Lord Zak." Gallade grab Lucario and teleport." said Bob. Gallade and Lucario dodge the two attack." Aura blast and Psycho cut frenzy." said Bob. Lucario start summon this huge aura blast while Gallade's arms started to glow." Attack them with Sheer cold and Close combat." said Lord Zak. The aura cannon knock the attacks with Gallade knocked out the enemy.
"Winner Gallade and Lucario." said the ref." Go Arcanine,Snorlax, and Stoutland." said Lord Zak." Return. Go Infernape,Sceptile,and Swampert." said Bob." Begin." said the ref." Flare Blitiz,Giga impact, and hyper beam." said Lord Zak." Big guns eh. Now Infernape Blast Burn,Sceptile Solar Beam,Swampert Hydro cannon to make the elemental blast." said Bob.
" What is that?" said the crowd."."Stella what is it?" said the big group." This is when Bob combine the three types best move into one big move." said Stella.
The blast hit and you could see Sceptile slash with Leaf blade,Swampert with Muddy water,and Infernape close combat. The light was gone and it was leaving Bob Pokemon standing.
" Winner Bob the champion of Kanto,Sinnoh,Johto,Hoenn,and Unova." said the ref. The crowd roared with thunder." So next round the writer will cover the battles in the earlier part so go look there." said the ref.
Bob went over to Lord Zak." Hey that was fun man." said Bob. Lord Zak slapped his hand and yelled," Listen punk you may have beaten me but you wouldn't beat Ash with his legendary team of Pokemon." Lord Zak walked away with pride." Okay then." said Bob.
Bob started to walk to the Pokemon center when Stella found him." Bob.You won with those sweet combo." said Stella." Thanks.So where are the others?" said Bob."Still being shocked from that combo." said Stella. Then Brendan and Leaf came over."Wow that was powerful." said Brendan." Agreed." said Leaf."Hey guys did you like my match?" said Bob." Wow Bob.So how did you learn that combo?" said Brendan. Then Z came out of her ball."Morning Bob. Did you win?" said Z."Yeah so." said Bob."Well I am off to go do something to Lord Zak." said Z. Z walked away." Are you worried?" said Leaf." No why?" said Bob." Contest round." said Leaf."Oh yeah." said Bob. " Come we have to go train." said Bob." I will join you Bob." said Brendan."Oh no Bob.You will watch my match and Harley,Drew, and Mays." said Stella."But they are so boring!" said Bob." Yeah Bob is right Stella. They are boring." said Brendan." Come on." said Leaf and Stella. They look at the guys with puppy dog eyes." No way.Right Brendan?" said Bob. Brendan was under their spell." Okay fine I will come." said Bob.
The four left the center and went toward the contest hall." This place has everything!" said Bob." Like what?" said Leaf." A snack making machine." said Bob." Heck yeah.Bring us back some food." said Brendan.
" Welcome to the match between Drew and Carly. To explain this. You make the best moves with your Pokemon. This is a two Pokemon,unlimited time, and sent out your two Pokemon." said the ref." Go Luxray and Pikachu." said Carly." Nice team but go Milotic and Roserade." said Drew." Begin." said the ref." I would love to see you after this cutie." said Carly." Sorry but I already have a girlfriend." said Drew." Thunder and do a twirl." said Carly." Nice tru but water pulse and solarbeam in the middle." said Drew. The beam stop the two Pokemon and water pulse caught them."Escape!" said Carly."Sunny day and flamethrower and razor leaf." said Drew. The two attack were power up by the sun and knock the two Pokemon.
" Winner Drew. Next round Winona vs Dawn." said the ref." Wait so is this like a gym battle?" said Bob." I don't know.So go get us snacks Bob and Brendan!" said Leaf." Fine." said the two guys. They left and grab some food."What with Leaf lately?" said Bob."I don't know man." said Brendan.
Then the two saw Z running with a lot of women and contest people after her." What did she do this time?" said Bob." Do not know man but let's get the girls their food." said Brendan." Good idea." said Bob.
The two walked back to the girls who were crying." What happened now?" said Bob." The move was so beautiful." said Stella and Leaf." Women." said Brendan. The two guys sat down and saw the ref crying." The winner is Dawn." said the ref." Wow that is so weird." said Bob." No Bob.It was beautiful and Dawn is amazing." said Leaf." Are they high?" said Brendan." Maybe?" said Bob.
" Next match is May vs Misty." said the ref. The two girls walked on stage." This match will be a 3 vs 3 gym style. Begin." said the ref." Go Lapras." said Misty."Go Snorlax." said May."Sheer cold." said Misty." Block it and giga impact." said May. Snorlax crushed the Loch Ness monster." Ice beam." said Misty." Block it with hyper beam." said May. It knock out the sea beast.
" Winner Snorlax ." said the ref." Rhat was sure quick." said Leaf." Yeah because Snorlax is stronger than Lapras." said Brendan." Not with the grace though." said Stella." Don't be fooled.A Snorlax is just as graceful as a swan." said Bob.
"Go Gyarados." said Misty." You still in this Snorlax?" said May. Snorlax nodded." Okay we are ready." said May."Begin." said the ref." Flamethrower,hyper beam,Hydro pump, and Dragon Dance." said Misty." Block with giga impact then seismic toss." said May. Snorlax went through the blast but then fainted.
" Winner Gyarados." said The ref."Wow that was fast." said Stella." That dragon dance was the tipping point because even with Snorlax's great defense.It couldn't stand up to those attacks" said Leaf.
"Go Glaceon." said May. Then Eevee and Meowth came out of their Pokemon balls." Eevee!What are you doing out?" said Bob." I got to cheer on my evolution." said Eevee.""Meowth. Why are you?" said Bob." Very crowded in there." said Meowth.
" Begin." said the ref." Flamethrower." said Misty." Hail then quick attack." said May. Glaceon jumped on Gyarados." Now blizzard and shadow ball." said May. The attack then knock out Misty Pokemon.
" Winner Glaceon." said the ref." That was so awesome." said Eevee." Hey where did Z go?" said Meowth." Knowing her.She is being chase by trainers." said Bob.
" Go Togekiss." said Misty." Begin." said the ref." Aura barrage." said Misty." It knock out May's Pokemon." Winner the Togekiss." said the ref.
" Wow this is a really close match." said Bob." Yeah really close." said Leaf.
" Go Blaziken." said May." Begin." said the ref." Air slash." said Misty." Sky uppercut and Blaze kick." said May. It knock out the Pokemon." Winner May. See next time on Pokemon tourney with a new ref." said the ref.
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