Sunday, May 31, 2015

Power Guild Episode 70 Strohx Island part 13 Your Guild is your family.

A/N:A lot of stuff is happening in this part and I mean that for a fact. I mean we have less battles but we learn about Tanya and her past. If you know Fairy Tail, you can figure it out but I hate to spoil stuff. I am having fun writing the new Powerful Power. I am not thinking about the future of these stories and I hope to be done with this arc along with the next arc by the end of June but no promises because I am guessing that June will be dry. You all will learn why real soon.

At Heroes base camp, Jade sat there with Johnny, Python, and Sakura. The four wizards were looking at Myra, Cyrus, Drake, Jenny, Odessa, Norman, and Eve. "Man. I really hope the others are safe right now. We have no idea on most of them." said Sakura. "Yeah. It is weird Sakura. I hope those bastard don't find our base." said Johnny. He noticed that Jade was squeezing his hand and he said,"Don't you worry Jade. I will protect you.". "I know handsome." said Jade.

The two kissed as Python said,"Can you two get a room? God you are worst than Bob and Allison. I mean they kiss a lot.". "What are you saying Python? You don't like me and Allison?" said a voice which the four knew well. They saw Bob with Ana, Scampers, Dawn, and Stella. They also saw X with John and Ax. "X! What the hell are you doing here?!" yelled Johnny. X said,"I am here to help you all out.".

He was messing with Sakura as she said,"Stop it! I am the real Sakura!". "I know but you died. Bob here was so sad." said X. "Mister Emotionless sad? I really have to see that." said John. "So you are an Chreax like Scampers and Dawn?" said Python. "Yep. The name is John and I can use Fire magic just like X.. So you have other Chreax in the Guild?" said John. "Four others." said Dawn. She sat there with Scampers as the two were looking at Ana.

She was using her healing magic on the eight wizards. "What happened to Myra? She is super strong right Jade?" said Scampers. "Nightmare attacked her, Sakura, and Cyrus. We see Sakura trying to drag them out of the rain." said Jade. It was raining as Stella said,"So when did you and Johnny get together?". "After he saved me from Lewis and Clark." said Jade. The two talked as Scampers said to the bird,"Girl talk.". "I know that stupid." said Dawn.

Johnny said,"So what is the game plan? We need to find the others.". "Yes. That sounds like a good plan but I am going after two members myself." said Bob. "Who?" said Sakura and Jade. "His mom and dad." said Ana. "They are here?" said the Guild. "I felt their magic earlier. It was when we were looking for Rose Scampers." said Bob. "Who the hell is Rose?" said Python. He felt Bob's glare and Stella said,"His other little sister.".

She told the four the stories as they said in unison,"You are how old?!". "I think I would be about 418 years old. I don't feel that old." said Bob. "Dude. It explains why you couldn't leave the barrier back during the battle of Heroes." said Johnny. He looked at X who was looking at his grandfather. "Bob. I am going with you. I always want to fight the man who taught me my magic." said X. "Okay. Any one else?" said Bob.

Ana rose her hand as she said,"I will help you guys with boosting magic.". "I guess we better go with them." said Dawn. "Right. I will show you Scampers." said John. "Okay. Keep an eye on Gramps for Bob guys" said Scampers. The six were gone leaving Stella, Python, Sakura, Johnny, and Jade behind as Jade said,"Do you guys hear something?". Python heard something as he said,"Someone is singing a song.".

The five saw Kirk and Stella said,"He is a member of the Nine Kin.". "Correct. My name is Kirk and I am here to have some fun. I met up with Nightmare. He seems bored. I hope he find someone strong before Orion defeats him.". said Kirk. "Who is Orion freakazoid?" said Johnny. "I will ignore that last part. A really strong wizard and he is one of the generals because of that. Time for you all to face my imagination magic! Dragon Cannons and Griffin Strike!" said Kirk.

The five dodge the flying animals as Python fired out poison poison the animals as Jade said,"Earth Capture!". The griffins were inside of  the ground which destroy them as the cannon were ready to fire their attack. "Light Barrier!" said Stella. The attack were blocked by them as Johnny said,"Metal Storm!". They were destroy as Kirk said,"This is so much fun isn't it? I call upon you Seralth the Great!".

The boys jumped onto the dragon as they said,"We got this! You handle him!". "Will do guys! Jungle Strikes!" said Sakura. Kirk made giant scissors which cut the plants as Stella said,"Open! Gate of the Warrior! Danny! Blast him!". He appeared with a visor and he said,"Locking on!". He made several bullets and other projectiles attack him as Kirk said,"Cloud of Fluff!". The explosion were absorbed by the cloud. 

Jade sense the immense magic power from it and she said,"Letter Magic! Move!". The cloud was gone as it exploded. "Darn. I was hoping that work. Oh well. I was hoping to have some more fun but I am getting bored now." said Kirk. "Fire!" said Stella. Kirk said,"Flight of the Pegasus!". He dodge the attacks as Jade said,"Boulder Throw!". He was knocked down by to the ground or mother Earth as Sakura said,"Transform! Cat!". She scratched him as a cat girl and he was getting mad. 

Johnny said,"Metal Sword!". He cut through the scales as Python poured some poison into its body and it roared. "We need to get off this thing now." said Python. The two jumped off the dragon was gone. The two saw Kirk and he said,"Sleep!". The three girls were out cold as Johnny yelled,"Jade! You bastard!". He ran toward her as Kirk blocked the attack with the golden shield. "Perfect. Tower of the Gods!" said Kirk. The tower appeared but then it was destroyed.

Meanwhile, Scampers sensed something and he stopped. "What is wrong kitty?" said Ana. "Guys. I feel a super strong magic force and it is coming to us." said Scampers. "We will handle it Bob. You and the rest of the Yagami/Hunter family go find Bob's parents." said Dawn. X said,"John. Protect your friends.". "You do the same thing Scampers." said Bob. "Yes sir!" said John. The three humans were gone as Orion appeared.

"Animals? This is what I am fighting first. So sad. Time to fight." said Orion. Scampers and Dawn went into their battle forms as Fox said,"Taste my Fire Ring!". Orion was burned by a ring as Dawn said,"Inferno Ball!". The ball hit him as Scampers said,"Thunder Impact!". He ran into him and he shocked him. The three saw that Orion shrugged off the attacks as he said,"Lunar Hold!". The three were trapped in the ground as Orion sad,"You three are nothing compared to me.".

He sat down as John said,"What is he doing?". The two Chreax shrugged as the man said,"Have any of you heard about the three Hero spells which your guild is known for.". "How do you know about Hero Law, Hero Glitter, and Hero Sphere?" said Scampers. "Yep. I know that the family of Yagami or Hunter knows them but the two that I took Audrey and Arther had no knowledge on how to cast it and the father of X no clue either. I joined up with Wicked Genocide because of power." said Orion.

Meanwhile, Tanya found Master Marie's grave. She looked around for the master but the man was not here. "Where are you Master?" said Tanya. She saw that the grave was glowing and she touched it. Her hand was burning as she said,"It is one of the three Hero spells. Hero Glitter. What is it doing here? I want to be S Class!". She was on the floor and she said."I want to be S Class so I could see you again father.".

Flashback. Tanya was only 6 years old and she was in front of her mother's grave with her puppy and she was looking at it. Her mother Cecilia died of an unknown disease and Tanya was supposed to live with her father who worked at the Heroes Guild. Little Tanya stood front of the Guild Hall which was known for having wizards of immense magic power but they like to cause the Magic Council. Her father was here and she saw her.

It was Darin Price. He looked at her and he said,"What are you doing here little girl?". "Dad. It is you and you are talking to me." thought Tanya. "If you stay here too long, you will smell like booze. I am off." said Darin. He walked off toward the train station as Tanya thought,"You don't recognize me dad. I am your daughter and you have no idea about me. Why didn't mom tell you about me?". She saw Master Ax with a young Bob who was 5 years old.

She walked over to them and she said,"Excuse me. Are you the master of the Guild?". "Yes. I am and this is my grandson Bob. He is a wizard too but he is younger than you. Do you mind telling me your name sweetheart?" said Ax. She was about to saw Tanya Price but at the last second, she said,"My name is Tanya Reed.". Her mother's maiden name was Reed and she looked like her at that age but Darin had no idea.

Over the twelve years, Tanya was too scared to tell one of the strongest wizards in the Guild that she was his daughter. She noticed that she could never compared to him. He was also really popular with everyone and she had her friends. Tanya was 14 years old and she matured into a beauty. Darin stood there as he said,"You were chosen to be an S Class wizard weren't you Tanya? I wish you good luck with your test.". "Thank you!" said Tanya.

Tanya failed her test and members such as Grim, Krystal, Jo, Scampers, Myra, and Allison who join the guild after became S Class. If she failed this time which was her fifth try, she decide that she was not worthy to call herself Darin's daughter and she was going to quit the Guild. Her team of Jason, Stella, and Kurt heard her story and they decide to help her become S Class for her dad. She smiled as she saw that she had some friends to count on.

Present. Tanya sense a huge amount of magic power and she said,"My friends are in danger.". She stood up and she said,"I am sorry Master Marie! I want to become S Class once again so I could see my father again! Please forgive me! I want to help my friends!". She stuck her hand inside of the hole as she said,"I don't care about being S Class! I want to make sure everyone is safe! I don't care that I am kicked out!".

She saw all of her guild mates including X and she said,"I love this Guild and I won't let anyone hurt it!". She heard,"Tanya Price.". Tanya looked around and she said,"Who is there?". "You are a wizard of the Heroes Guild no matter what. Now go save your friends with the power of Hero Glitter!" said the voice. Tanya noticed a weird tattoo on her arm as she ran off ready to go help her friends. Master Marie stood there and she said,"You got this honey. I know it.".

Tanya found Orion and she said,"Let them go! Psychic Shock!". Orion turned around and Scampers said,"Tanya?". "She is a member of the Guild right?" said John. Dawn nod as Tanya said,"You guys and new guy/". Orion blocked the attack with ease as Tanya stood in front of the three. "I will ask you two about the fox later. So who is this guy?". "I am the leader of the five generals of the strongest Dark Guild Wicked Genocide Orion and I will find the three Hero spells for power!" said Orion.

"Psychic Volley!" said Tanya. Orion lost his concentration as Tanya said,"Can you guys keep Orion busy?". "Yeah! Inferno Storm!" said Dawn and John. Their fire attacks combined into one attack as Scampers said,"Time for a Power Blast!". The attacks distracted him as Tanya said,"I call upon the power of Heroes's light! Hero Glitter!". "You know the spell?" said Orion. The really powerful spell went toward him.

Orion said,"That is not a Hero Glitter. Time to face this. Big Bang Punch!". He punched it breaking it but it caused a huge explosion knocking out the Chreax trio. He held Tanya in his hand and she saw that her friends plus the fox were out cold. "Any last words Tanya was it?" said Orion. "You will be defeated." said Tanya. He laughed as he said,"Audrey and Arthur Yagami plus Gail Inferno said the same dam thing before I turned them into loyal members of Wicked Genocide!".

Orion said,"Die! Black Hole!". He made the hole appear and he threw her. She closed her eyes as the ball was destroy and Orion was knocked back. Tanya opened her eyes as Darin stood there. She saw that he was mad as she said,"Darin?". "Tanya. Get the three Chreax out of here now! I have a couple of choice words for this bastard." yelled Darin. She was shocked to see the usually calm and chill man pissed off and she ran off with the three.

Darin stood there and he said,"You and your guild did something to these kids you bastard.". "What do we do to these kids old man?" said Orion. The man sighed as he said,"The S Class rank is the most important thing to them and I saw them all happy beyond belief, you made my really close friend Bob cry his eyes out by taking away his parents from him. and I also lost my close friends but then I learn that you turned them into your slaves. Time for you to pay for them!".

Darin punched Orion who said,"Taste Saturn's wrath!". Darin made the area below him go boom as he said,"Explosion of Pain!". The man felt the power as Darin said,"Taste my Rapid Fire Explosion and you will see what happens when you pissed me off!". Orion was in pain as he said,"Black Hole Explosion Blast!". Darin reflect the attack as he said,"Ultimate Explosion Uppercut! Taste the wrath of the Gods!".

Orion was in the air from the punch as Darin made him explode. Orion was out cold as Darin said,"I used too much didn't I?". He looked off as he saw Tanya with the three animals and he smiled. He walked toward them as he thought,"The rest is up to you brats. I know that my faith can do it and Jo is so hot. I wonder if Kurt would mind if I ask out his mom.". The five head back to base camp as the rain was gone.

Back at Base Camp, Johnny saw Leonard, Adam, Nick, Julie, and Alex with their friends who were in ruins. He saw Brendan, Viola, Sara, Alan, ad Fate out cold as Nick said,"Julie. You know what to do right?". "Yeah. I do." said Julie. She carried the five plus the three girls as Nick, Alex, Adam, and Leonard stood there with Python. "Are you okay man?" said Adam. "Yeah." said Python. Kirk said,"I don't care if you have an hundred members! I will defeat you all!".

Adam said,"Lets defeat this brat already! Heaven and Hell Frenzy Punch!!". He punched him in a fast and crazy frenzy as Kirk said,"What?!". He noticed that he was in some ruins which deny him the use of his magic and Alex said,"Leonard put them down when we got here only a few seconds ago. Soul Pentagon Strike!". The five souls blasted him as Nick said,"Sand Wave!". The man was engulfed by sand as Leonard said,"Letter Magic Pain!".

Kirk screamed as Johny said,"Metal Slayer Secret Art! Demon Metal Roar!". The attack went out as it destroy him and Python said,"Poison Armageddon Roar!". The man was defeated as Alex said,"I have an idea.". His eyes glowed as Norman stood up. He threw him far away as Norman said,"What happened?". Julie said,"Oh nothing. Me and Nick are dating now!". "Really? Double Couples!" said Sakura and Stella. The group was confused as the rain stopped.

Next time,
Kurt and Casey fight their family with the help of Casey and Melody. The Yagami siblings and X fight Bob's parents. Kurt joins up with them to fight Zero, Allison, Grim, and Krystal fight Nightmare and Alice, and the Base camp group fight Lewis, Clark, and Seth.

The members at the base camp see X and John for the first time.
Bob, X, Scampers, John, Ana, and Dawn leave to go find Arthur and Audrey and Stella stays at the camp.
Stella, Sakura, Python, Johnny, and Jade meet up with Kirk.
Stella, Sakura, Python, Johnny, and Jade vs Kirk.
Bob, X, and Ana go head on ahead as John, Dawn, and Scampers were forced to stop by Orion.
John, Dawn, and Scampers vs Orion.
Tanya arrives at Marie's grave and her past is revealed.
Tanya finds Orion and she well attacks him due to him hurting her friends.
Tanya, John, Dawn, and Scampers vs Orion.
Darin arrives and he tells the others to leave.
Darin vs Orion.
Leonard, Adam, Nick, Julie, and Alex arrive at base camp with several knocked out members.
Leonard, Johnny, Python, Adam, Nick. and Alex vs Kirk.

Power Adventure Episode 2 The Beach Vacation part 2 The Hydra and The Gorgons.

A/N:Bob and company are in their first year of high school. I hope we can see someone of his curse in this episode. I think it will be this story or Power Guild using time travel soon. I know that we will be doing something with time travel later but which will it be?! Will it be Power Guild or will it be Powerful Power? It might be both. Lets begin at the Pride's HQ in New Japan City with numbers 99 and 100. 

Narrator P.O.V.
Number 99 and Number 100 were looking at Power for training purposes against the dragon. He had the body of a Western dragon but he could move like a Eastern dragon. "Number 99 and 100. I need to have a word with you two." said a voice which could make any woman blush. The two saw the leader of the Pride standing there. He is known as the Hunter. He wore the skull of a dragon on his head but all you could see his red eyes.

"He is on that mission to find Power at that high school" said Number 99. "So why didn't you kill the Chimera earlier?" said Hunter. "The Power interrupted us because we are the ultimate hunters!" said Number 100. The two fist bumped as the Hunter said,"I really wonder why I hired you too. So where is Lunar? Has she contacted us yet?". "Yeah. She is trying to find the Power. I mean she could find that dragon." said Number 99. "So that is a yes Master Hunter." said Number 100.

The man looked at Power who burned up some of their members and also him. The two grunts laugh at him and he said,"You two. Go to the training hall now!". The two sighed as they said,"Aw man. I hope we get to kill Power so we can prove to the Hunter who are the original hunters!". Hunter sigh as he thought,"You will kill him Lunar or I will. No matter what.". The screen showed him killing the dragon or Lunar killing him. He laughed loudly. 

Bob P.O.V.
I was put on my swimming trunks. It was black with blue lighting bolts and I looked at myself in the mirror. I had muscles thanks to my training and I was hot. Elves are considered to be very beautiful and I was no exception. "Hey Bob! Check this out." said Kurt. Me, Kurt, and Ryan shared a room at the resort Azure Meadows. Me and Ryan looked at the laptop and I said,"Hydra scales?". "It says that they along with the Chimera's blood. It will turn Alice back to Alex." said Kurt.

Kurt is a super genius and he keeps it hidden from everyone but me, Ryan, Fate, Alex, and my folks because his adopted parents want him to go to some school over in smart people land as he calls it. I almost got it exposed a few years ago but I prove that my bro is an idiot. "So what do we need beside Hydra scales?" said Ryan. "I think if I recall from my alchemy lesson. To turn Alex back into normal, we need some Pixie Dust, Unicorn Hooves, and Dragon Scales." I said.

I turned into my dragon form for a second which had my scales being black, dark blue, red, and white and Kurt said,"So why are you in your D form bro?". I pulled off a scale and I put in the potion. "So I am lost." said Ryan. "We only need the other three ingredients of the potion to get our friend but first, it is time to surf on the waves!" I said. I held a surfboard and Kurt said,"Isn't that your board?". "Bob can change it into that." said Ryan. "Oh yeah. Lets go to the beach!" said Kurt. "Yeah." I said.

I went toward the water only to stopped by Ms. Coral. "Why are you stopping me teach? I thought you being a mermaid would want me in the water." I said. "Your friend Fate called me when we got down here and he wants you to look for the Hydra right now for his brother who is his sister now. I am so lost with that boy." said Coral. I nod as she said," It is rumored to be living near Mermaid City. You do know where that is right?" said Coral.

I went into my dragon form and I said, "Yeah.". I went into the water and I said,"Dragon Lungs!". I was able to swim and fight underwater with ease. I made it to the city. It was Atlantis and it is where I hope to take Stella one day. I will just need to tell her about me being a dragon first. She seem to be on her phone on the bus down here while me and my friends were playing Battle Arena 5. It was a hit fighting game and I was pretty good at it.

Narrator P.O,V.
Bob sensed the Hydra who looked crazy mad and he said,"I guess having Storm Breaker or using any thing related to Electric.".  Bob dodge the attack from the monster and he said,"Dragon Kick!". He kicked one of the heads off as two new heads grew in place. "I need to get you out of the water!" said Bob. The two were being drag away from the sea in magic proof chains and the beast was sad. "Are you still young?" said Bob.

She nod her nine heads as Bob said,"I am so sorry about  your head young one. Don't worry. I will make sure we will get you back home.". She smiled as the two stood on a island. "I guess you two were right about the Hydra being here." said a voice. Bob saw the idiot duo standing there with some grunts and Lunar who was resting on a rock. "What do you want with me and the Hydra? I ain't in the mood for a good old fashioned smack down." said Bob.

"We are going to sell your scales for some money for the Pride, the baddest group in the world." said Number 99. "And also the Hunter will be happy that we killed his mortal enemy too. Double Bonus!" said Number 100. The two laughed as Lunar sighed and she said,"I was hoping to kill you Power and use for a sweet rug.". "Ah shucks. I feel so touched Lunar. You are so hot though." said Bob. The girl under her mask blushed.

He looked at the Hydra who was crying out all of her nine heads. "Don't worry. I will free us." said Bob. He use his tail to grab the key and he free the beast which broke his chains. 'They escape! Kill the big one! Power is mine." said Lunar. Bob dodge the attack from her spear as Bob said,"I always imagined our first dance to be under the moon light.". She growled as she tried to kill Bob. He notice that the Hydra was handling the grunts.

The idiot duo try to hurt her but Bob said,"Dragon Spark!". His eyes glowed as he made the two run away with an spark of electricity. The Hydra smiled as Lunar said,"Next time Power, I will kill you. I swear on the Pride!". She was gone as Bob said,"You wouldn't mind giving me your scales? And I am not talking like a secret member of the Pride.". She nod as Bob grabbed some scales. The beast went into the water as Bob flew back to the main land.

Bob P.O.V
I stood in my room as Power as I went back to normal. I placed the scales into the potion as I said,"I think mom told that you can buy the other two in a nearby shop.". I place the vial in my bag as I open the door. I saw Stella standing there and she said,"Bob? What are you doing here?". "I left my bag in my room. I need my lotion to keep my skin from looking like bad food. What about you?" I said. "I had the same problem." said Stella,

I was having a party in my head as I walking to Stella who is in a bikini which is sliver like her hair which is amazing beyond belief and I was standing right next to her. I notice the stars and I am sure that people think we are dating. It is so sweet. "This is the best day ever." I thought. "Hey Bob? What do you think of magic creatures?" said Stella. "Magic creatures? You mean like unicorns and orcs? I hope you mean that." I said. "You can say that." said Stella.

She was looked away as I thought."That was weird and I know some weird people.". We reached the beach and Ryan ran toward me. "I see that you are needed Bob. I will see you at dinner?" said Stella. "I hope so Stella." I said. She walked off as Ryan said,"Nice man. You are really popular with the ladies and yet you can touch them, it is a crime of nature. We have a problem.". "Is it magic related? I need to get to the Magic Bazaar nearby." I said.

Ryan was lost as he said,"Magic Bazaar? Don't you mean magic shop Bob?". "It is different here in the magic world Ryan. I have no time to explain it. So what is the problem?" I said. "This mam." said Ryan. He held up a letter and he said,"I found it in our room because I left something. It is a letter of love from what I could tell.". I opened it up and I read it. "It is for me and it is from our boy who is now a girl." I said.

I made my surfboard into a skateboard as Kurt said,"So who is the plan? From the letter, she is expect you to be in front of the Azure Meadows's make out point tonight.". "Get the potion done and Alice will be Alex. I like Fate but I don't want to be his brother in law." I said. "Good idea. What do you need us to do?" said Ryan. "Keep everyone busy while I got down there." I said. "Will do Bob. We got this." said the two.

I was heading toward the bazaar. It looked like your normal market place but it had magic items and other stuff everywhere, Only magic creatures could find this place or someone who knows ones and I went to find the Unicorn Hoofs and Pixie Dust. I found it and I placed it in my bag. I then heard some screaming and I saw some Gorgons include Medusa. I ran into an empty shop and I said,"I better get rid of them quick. Power Up!".

Narrator P.O.V
Bob stood there in his dragon form and Medusa said,"Look who it is girls. It is Power.". "I am touch that you would remember me. Time to see how you like my Inferno Flame!" said Bob. He made fire as Medusa said,"We are used to the flames boy. We were trapped in the underworld for over than a hundred years.". She and her sisters turned the fire into stone as they broke it. Bob was surround in a second and their leader said,"Any last words?".

Bob was about to answer with a snarky remark but he saw that one of the snake women were killed by Lunar's spear. She stood there without the bottom park of her mask as Bob notice her lips which were begging to be kissed. "Sup. You missed this glorious dragon?" said Bob. She killed the ones holding Bob as she said,"I am not here for you dragon. The Hunter wants Medusa dead after I get the info that I need.".

She rushed toward her as Bob used his tail to stop her from killing the woman. "Easy baby. You may be a cold blooded killer but she might have some info for us." said Bob. Lunar stopped as Bob said,"I think you were hired by someone right?". "Yes! His name is ..." said Medusa. A arrow went through her head as Number 99 and 100 stood there. "Oh yeah. We got the snake woman Number 100." said Number 99. "We are the best hunters around!" said Number 100.

The two danced together as Bob said,"Do you want to get rid of them together Lunar?". "Sure thing dragon boy." said Lunar. The two made them fly off together as Lunar said,"Dragon. What do you think Medusa was trying to say?". "No clue man. I can find out though." said Bob. He looked at the woman and he said,"I learn how to read lips when I was only a kid. She was about to say the letter H and T together. I think our guy is a killer.".

"Okay. Next time, you won't be so lucky dragon." said Lunar. "You say that every time Lunar. I think you love me so much and you don't want to see your precious Power hurt. You could have let me be turned into a statue by those crazy sisters but you didn't want me too. I would make a good statue.  I am a master of emotions and you love me." said Bob. Bob's emotion sensor went off for love as she was blushing. She was gone.

Bob P.O.V
I went back to normal as I grab my bag. I looked inside and I saw the potion was safe. "Thank you." said a shopkeeper who was a Satyr which is half men and half goat. They are also really lustful so watch out for breeding season with them. "No problem sir. I would be happy to do it again. Do you know anything about transformation potions?" I said. "Well, they turned into a strange liquid which looks water." said the satyr.

I went back to the hotel to finish up the potion after I got a free meal from a siren. It was good and I am pretty sure that she had a boyfriend due to the ring on her finger. I was invited to the wedding in a month so I need a date who had no idea on magical creatures. I opened my hotel room to see a tired Kurt and Ryan reading a book. "Hey guys. So why is Kurt tired man?" I said. " I jumped off a cliff to impress a girl and the pain is real." said Kurt.

Ryan placed his book down and he said,"She is one of Stella's friends and she is also in our class. He likes her.". "I see. So I got the stuff for the potion." I said. I placed them on the table as Ryan said,"I have a question. So how are we getting Alice to touch this stuff?". "We are going to make her drink it and I learn this from a Satyr." I said. "Aren't they really lustful?" said Kurt. The potion turned into a water like substance as I said,"Correct.".

I was standing there waiting for Alice. I just relaxed in the hot springs which felt nice and I had the potion in my arms. "Bob? Is that you?" said a girl. I saw Alice standing there and I was tempted not to kiss her because if I did, Fate would kill me. "Yep. Are you alright?" I said. "I am just a little tired is all. The hot springs drain me. So what do you have behind your back?" said Alice. "I have a bottle of water." I said.

I held the potion aka the bottle of water and she said,"Thank you Bob.". She drank it as I said,"So I read your letter.". "Oh that. I like you Bob from the first glance." said Alice. She was out cold as I drag her away. I placed her down as I covered my eyes from a bright light due to the potion's effects kicking in. Alice Falcon was back to being Alex Falcon and I sent a picture to Fate who sent a smile back to him.

Alex work up and he said,"What happened? How did I get here?". "You are here on the school trip man and also we are here to have some fun." I said. "I totally forgot. Thanks man." said Alex. He walk back to the resort as I sighed  "At least, I have an idea on how transformed him. Someone with the letter H and K." I thought. I head back to the resort and I looked at the make out point. I wanted to bring Stella here so much but I would need to tell her the truth about me first.

Next time,
Bob meets the man who has the letters H and K in his name at the Battle Arena 5 tournament.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Power Guild Episode 69 Strohx Island part 12 Zero and Damien.

A/N:Warning. There are no sex jokes in this episode. This may be episode 69 but we have class and we may have kids here. I mean I may not wear a hat that makes like a classy gentlemen but I have class. Anyway, X is coming back with his Chreax. I plan to have every Slayers have an Chreax just in Fairy Tail with the Exceed and Dragon Slayer. So where is Laxus and Cobra's Exceed! I mean it will be a cat who would be like a mini and furry them which would be so cool and also more of the sweet Thunder Legion is awesome in my books plus Jellal is good.

Brendan was resting on a tree. He was looking for someone from his guild when he saw Viola look at the ground. "Viola!" said Brendan. He ran over to her and she said,"You are okay Brendan. That is some great news.". Adam appeared with Leonard. Adam said,"Sup Brendan. You see anyone else on the way here?". "Like Alex?" said Leonard. "I didn't see him on my way here," said Brendan. The four saw Alex and they said,"Speak of the Devil.".

He stood there and he said,"Guys! We have a big problem.". He told them what he found out as Viola said,"Bob, Stella, Jason, and Casey have defeated Fulgor, Seth, Irving, and Melody of the Nine Kin. I wonder what the other five are like.". Brendan heard a familiar voice,"They are nothing compared to the five generals including me Zero.". Zero stood there as Leonard said,"Zero! You were the leader of the dark guild Nine Prayers before Bob and company destroy you.".

"Yes and I have become a general of the strongest Guild in the Bael Alliance. I plan to kill you all in this guild with the power of darkness. You and your guild destroy mine. I will get my revenge on all of you." said Zero. "Sorry but I will have to say no! Heaven's Kick!" said Adam. He kicked the man and he said,"That was nothing boy. See you soon.". He threw him away as Leonard said,"Letter Magic! Freeze!".

Zero was stuck in place as Viola said,"Art Magic. Rampaging Bull!". A bull went into him and he said,"This is nothing. Darkness Claws!". The claws destroy the bull and Viola and Alex said,"Sonic Howl and Soul Tornado!". His Souls went around the man as he covered his ears. "Time for you to suffer boy. Eternal Thunder!" said Zero. Adam blocked the attack using his magic as he said,"I need some backup!".

"Will do Adam! Letter Magic Power Increase!" said Leonard. Brendan, Alex, and Adam felt stronger as Brendan said,"Time for a Boulder Storm!". Several big and heavy boulders went toward Zero who said,"Darkness Beams!". The beams destroy the rocks with ease as Adam stood there in the air and he yelled,"Heaven and Hell Explosion!". He fired the attack at Zero who said,"You brat have forced my hand. Darkness Shield!".

The attack was blocked as Viola stood up. "Art Magic! Blizzard Bear!" said Viola. A huge bear made out of ice punched him and it turned into a darkness bear. "You should try harder!" said Zero. "Soul Cannon!" said Alex. The bear was blasted by the five souls combining their attacks into one powerful strike. Zero sighed loudly as he said,"You brats need to try harder." Brendan said,"Open! Gate of the Thunder Devil and Gate of the Devil Knight!".

The two attack him and Adam fired several spells at him. "Time to give all of the damage that you have given to me! Pain Transfer to the boy and girl," said Zero. Brendan and Viola felt the immense pain as they scream. "Guys!" said the three. The two were out cold as Zero walked off. "We need to get them to base camp now!" said Alex. He used his five souls to carry the two away as Adam and Leonard kept an eye for anyone.

Bob was sitting in front of the river. He was looking at the water and he said,"Why?". "Why what?" said Stella. She stood in front of him and he fell down. "Bob." said Stella. "I am fine Stella. No need to worry. So why aren't you with Scampers and the others?" said Bob. "They have the master covered on protection. We are waiting for the Master to recover a little more strength. Their master is strong Bob." said Stella.

Bob said with his hands cracking with lighting,"I will be able to defeat him Stella.". "I know you will Bob. So you never told me how you fell in love with Allison. I mean I thought as your best friend, I would know this by now." said Stella. "What did Allison tell you? I mean she fell in love with me in a romantic way." said Bob. "She said that you were her first friend after that Tower of Revival which you built." said Stella.

Bob held his hands up and he said,"I had no idea that it would make my future girlfriend cry. Back then, I was trying to bring my parents but go on.". "Yeah. You always try to bring you into the Guild but you always stayed to yourself. Kurt helped with that too but you will always have a special place in her heart." said Stella. "She was the first girl to enter my heart after me losing my parents. I always had Tanya but Allison is different. I better get to Ana." said Bob.

He walked off as Stella looked at the water. "Why am I feeling this way about my best friend? He and Allison are my closest friend along with Kurt. Allison and Ana are like my sisters. I may have a little brother but they are like my sisters. I would be a major bitch if  I told her that I like her boyfriend so what do I do?" said Stella. She punched the rock as she ran off after Bob. Little did she know that she would get her answer soon.

Kurt was walking around through the bushes. He interrogated a grunt to tell him about his gut feeling involving Wicked Genocide. He saw Jo standing there with her arms crossed and he said,"Jo? What are you doing here? I thought you were at base camp." He got out of his hiding spot and she said,"Did you have that feeling too Kurt?". "Yeah. Do you think Leon is here?" said Kurt. "No Kurt. Leon learn his lesson and he wouldn't do it again." said Jo.

He said,"So who is it?". "Do you remember that story that I told you and Leon?" said Jo. "Is it the one with the polar bear?" said Kurt. "Not that one. You do remember that I have another child right?" said Jo. "Yeah. Isn't she a user of Passion Magic?" said Kurt. "It has been a few years Kurt. I have forgot the details but I feel like she is here." said Jo. "I guess that it is then. Lets go find them because I have a new feeling that they have what they are looking for." said Kurt. The two looked for Anna.

Ana was healing Ax and she said,"Where is big bro? He and Stella have been gone for an hour now. I am worried.". Dawn stood there with Scampers and she said,"The two are coming back to us.". "How do you know that?" said Scampers. "I can feel their magic level coming toward us." said Dawn. "Ah." said the two. They saw Bob with Stella and Stella said,"So how is the master doing?". "I will be fine Stella." said Ax.

He stood up and Bob said,"Are you sure about this Gramps? Master Orcus is really strong. I can feel it in . I felt it in my battle with Fulgor.". "Yes but Master Orcus is really Master Bruno kids. He was the master right before me." said Ax. "Master Bruno? Who is that?" said Dawn, Ana, and Stella. "He taught my grandpa on how to be a great man and now he is the leader of the strongest dark guild in the Bael Alliance." said Bob.

"Yeah and he is also wrote a couple of magic books that Bob has at his place." said Scampers. "Yes. I am ready to fight with my children to defeat them." said Ax. The six heard a crazy laugh,"You think you could feat me or Master Orcus? That is really funny!". Damien stood there as Ax said,"Bob. Is this you from Prion?". "Yeah and I will kill you all for getting rid of my empire back in Prion. I was god there and now I am a lonely stooge. Die! Dark Lighting!" said Damien.

The lighting bolt was blocked by someone yelling,"You won't hurt them Fake Bob! Molten Scream and Inferno Spiral!". A huge scream of fire along with a spiral hit Damien who yelled,"Who the hell did that?!". Bob saw X standing there with John aka a fox. "X? What are you doing here?!" said the group excluding Bob and Ax who had an idea about him being here. "I came here because of what they are doing to my former family." said X.

John said,"The name is John and I am his Chreax's partner. We protect your gramps.". Bob stood next to his cousin as he said,"You ready cos?". "Yeah. I always hit you." said X. "I want to help too!" said Ana. The three stood there as Damien said,"Whatever. It is your funeral! Armor of the Dragon!". He gained a suit and Ana said,"Wind Scream!". The scream knocked him back as X said,"Wow. She is strong.".

Bob said,"We can't let her have all of the fun.". "Right. Remote Volcano!" said X. The attack burned the suit of as Damien yelled,"Darkness Soldiers!". Ana was fighting them off as she said,"I got them big brother! You and X will handle him!". Bob said,"Storm Breaker!". He hit his evil half and X held him. "Inferno Explosion!" said X. He burned Damien as he was one the floor in pain from the burn of the attack.

X said,"Bob. I heard about this one on my travel. You may decide what happens to him.". Bob stood there and Damien said,"What are you going to do to me?!". Bob made both Excalibur and Knightfall appear in both of his hands as he said,"Every fiber of my being wants to kill you in cold blood but I would be like you and I would never be like you!". He used the blades to throw him into the distance and Bob hoped into the shark pit.

X smiled as he said,"That is my cousin.". "So what are you doing here?" said Scampers. "You also got a message didn't you?" said Ax. He nod as John said,"We came here to help you guys with your pest problem. If you will have us of course.". "I don't mind. They seem like they want to help us in our time of need." said Stella. "Do it master!" said Ana. "It is his choice Ana." said Dawn. "You can help X." said Ax. The group headed toward base camp.

Orcus was sitting in the secret room of the ship as he heard one of the members say,"It seems Fulgor, Seth, Melody, Rex, and Damien have been defeat. You send out the other generals. So when can I go out to play?". He saw Orion. He was one of the strongest heroes in the guild. He had his dark blue hair in a ponytail and black eyes. He was wearing a martial arts outfit along with a white jacket which he had his arms crossed.

"Orion? You may go out to play but you will need to see if these Heroes can fly." said Orcus. The man was gone as Orcus thought."I think only a few of these brats could defeat him. He made three of the generals serve under me. I better get ready because I will have to fight Ax's "children". That will be fun". He walked off as the room got quiet along with the ship.

Next time,
Orion attacks, Tanya comes back to help fight the man along with Darin, and Kick attacks base camp.

Brendan meets up with Leonard, Viola, Adam, and Alex.
The five meet Zero.
Zero vs Brendan, Leonard, Viola, and Alex.
Bob and Stella head back to where Ana and his group is.
Kurt meet us with Jo and the two follow Anna and Danny due to the fact they have Blake.
Damien appeared in front of Bob's group to kill Ax and Bob.
X returns with a new Chreax named John who is a fox.
Bob, Ana, and X vs Damien.
Orcus/Bruno tells Orion to go have some fun.
New Characters:
Orion. Space and Memory Wizard. 34 years old. He is the youngest general but his magic power is very strong. He only loves to battle strong opponents and anyone else is weak. He listen to Orcus orders but he only loves to fight.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Pokemon Journey Episode 35 Everyone Hates Bob.

A/N:If you remember one of my many Pokemon stories had a title very similar to this back in the day but this one is different because people like Bob in this one. Everyone but Bob's friends and family will hate him for what Mandi did to Law who went loco. Also did you hear about the new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon coming out in Winter 2015. This spin off series along with Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon Ranger, and Smash Bros are super awesome and I am excited.

Bob was sitting by himself in the Pokemon League Main Building and he was sad. It had been a day since his Indigo League debut and he was still depressed about it. He had everyone in the Pokemon League village hating his guts and he was doubting himself as a Pokemon Trainer. His friends tried to help him but he ignore them all. He was called down here by Charles Goodshow who is rumored to be Santa Claus but Lance was talking for him.

Bob saw the elevator door open and he saw Lance. "Hey Bob. How is your arm doing? It looks better than yesterday." said Lance. It was in a cast and Bob couldn't use it for a month. Nurse Joy didn't hate Bob though. "It is doing good. So what did they say?" said Bob. "We are going to find Law with your parents. You may be able to use him during the rest of the league if I test him for myself." said Lance. "Really Mr, Lance? That sounds great." said Bob.

The two met up with Red and Leaf. "Hey Bob." said Leaf. Bob stared at the ground as Red said,"We all know that it wasn't your fault that Law went crazy. It was Mandi's fault.". "Don't be mad at him dad. It was my fault for not switching him out before he attack me, Meowth, Goliath, and that poor Crobat." said Bob. "So Lance? Where would Law be?" said Leaf. "He would be eating some fruit on Mount Silver. Lets go." said Lance.

Bob was looking for Law with Red. "Bob. We need to talk." said Red. He stood in front of Bob and Bob said,"I want to find my Pokemon.". "Listen to me. No one will ever think you are a bad trainer and you are a great trainer. Everyone in the family and your friends thinks so. Your Pokemon hate seeing you like this but this Bob sucks." said Red. Bob was quiet as the two heard a roar from Law and they ran toward it.

The two met up with Lance and Leaf in the bushes. The four saw Law training himself under a very fast waterfall and the waterfall was hurting him due to the intense water. "What is he doing under the waterfall Lance?" said Leaf. "He doesn't want to see Bob or his friends hurt by him ever again Leaf. I remember that my Aerodactyl did the same thing." said Lance. Bob got out of the bushes with some pain and Law saw the wounds. "Bob!" said Law.

He hugged Bob and he said,"I am so sorry about hurting you and the others. I won't let my rage make me hurt my friends.". "I know and I am very sorry. I should have trained you better." said Bob. "No! You are the best trainer in the world! All of your Pokemon agree with you on that fact. You could beat your father and Master Lance." said Law. "I see that your Pokemon have Red's cocky attitude to them." said Lance.

The leader with Bob's parents stood there and Law was scared of them. "Easy. I see that you want to be a good Pokemon for Bob. Your resolve interests me, I shall train you so that your rage will be an asset to you then a problem." said Lance. "Really? That would be awesome!" said Law. He looked at Bob and he said,"You better be awesome.". "I will!" said Law. Bob handled Lance his Pokeball and the two were gone.

Bob was walking by himself. His parents went back to their hotel room so he was alone. Everyone was staring at him and saying bad stuff about him. He ignored it as he bumped into someone and his arm was in pain . "I am so sorry." said Bob. It was Mandi. He was kicked out of the Pokemon League for what he did to Bob and he said,"Look who it is. The Killer.". "I didn't kill anyone Mandi." said Bob.

"You almost did. You are such a disgrace to the Pokemon World. You should just go die in a hole and give up on your dream." said Mandi. Bob was quiet as Mandi was knocked to the ground. Bob saw a girl standing there and she was very pretty. She looked to be younger than him. She had long red hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a purple tank top with white jeans with sandals. "What the hell is wrong with you bitch?! Did you know who you just kicked?" said Mandi.

"You were hurting my friend when it was your fault for almost killing your Pokemon. Now why did you do that?" said the girl. She made Mandi run away as she helped Bob up. "Thank you for helping me out. I need that." said Bob. "It is no problem Bobby." said the girl. She hugged him and he said,"I have to know. So did you see my excuse for a first round?". "Yeah. You were doing pretty great with your Pokemon and combos but Mandi happened." said the girl.

Bob's left arm was in pain as the girl said,"What is wrong?!". "My aura helps the pain go away but it is still there. So what is your name?" said Bob. She held him on her and she said,"My name is Stacy Adams.". "It is very nice to meet you Stacey. Can you take me to get my cabin? My friends must be worried about me." said Bob. "Sure thing Bob." said Stacey. She smiled as she helped Bob go back to his cabin.

Ashley sat with Hope in her lap along with Shawn and Ayano. "Where is he? The meeting has been over for hours now." said Ashley. "He must be getting bullied. Those guys are jerks. It was that freak of nature Mandi who made Law attack his trainer." said Ayano. Hope was sad as Shawn said,"Don't cry Hope. Bob hates seeing you sad.". The door opened and Hope ran toward the door. Ashley saw Bob with Stacey holding him.

"What happened?" said Ayano. "I helped Bob from Mandi. He is such a jerk." said Stacy. "So who are you?" said Ashley. Stacy saw Shawn and she said,"Hi Shawny!". "Shawny?" said the girls and Bob. "Guys. This is my cousin. I thought you would be with Tara right now. Ayano is my girlfriend and she is the other person of our group with Aura." said Shawn. "Nice to meet you. Bobby here was in danger and I saved him." said Stacy. "Thank you. I am going to bed." said Bob.

He walked upstairs with Hope helping him. "Bob. So do you know who is he facing tomorrow? The person better not be Paul." said Ayano. "It is a girl named Sherri on the Ice field. She is rumored to be super strong. Bart was looking for his match and he saw Bob while he was there.I hope Bob can do this in his current state." said Shawn. "I know that Bob can do it." said Stacy. "She is right and Bob can win." said Ashley.

Bob woke up due to the sunshine. He noticed that Hope was looking at Meowth who was recovering from Law. "Don't worry, he will be okay. I promise." said Bob. Hope walked with her daddy and she was worried about his arm. The two saw Bart, Sophia, Shawn, Ashley, Ayano, and Stacy. "Hey guys. I better you are all here to give words of encouragement." said Bob. "We are here because I think we all hate seeing this Bob." said Bart. "Yeah. This one sucks." said Sophia.

Bob smiled as he opened the door with his right hand. "You guys. Hope, you need to stay with Uncle Shawn okay. I need to be alone before the match." said Bob. He walked away as Shawn said,"Do you think this battle will help?". "I hope so. I really want to face you, Bob, or Sophia in this thing." said Bart. "Same here." said Sophia. "We better go." said Stacy. "Yeah. I bet the seats are going to be pack I hope." said Ashley.

At the arena, Bob saw Paul. "Hey." said Bob. "Are you okay?" said Paul. Bob was shocked to see his rival concerned about him as Paul said,"Listen to me Bob so can it you. I hate that Mandi guy too and my Aerodactyl was the same anger problem to him. He hates you a lot and he wants to battle you. I hope to face you in the finals so you better not lose.". He walked off as Bob said,"Was he tried to wish me good luck?".

Bob walked into the corner and he saw Sherri. She had brown hair and green eyes and she looked to be 6 years old than him and she looked like an older Sonia. "Why is the killer here?! I thought he was out of this." yelled a guy from the crowd. Bob sulked as Sherri said,"How about you shut up? We all know that Bob is a good trainer but he had a bad start thanks to Mandi. Before his match, I saw him playing with his Pokemon. I could never see Bob as a Killer and you shouldn't judge him for that.".

The crowd was silent as Bob said,"Thanks Sherri. I owe you one.". "You are welcome cutie. I will be asking you for that favor later cutie." said Sherri. He had a small blush as the ref said,"Are you two ready to begin?". "Yes." said the two. Sherri said,"Ladies first. Go Granbull!". A big dog stood there and Bob said,"He is from Johto right?". "You are right Bob." said Sherri. "I was thinking of going there after Kanto. I choose you Star!" said Bob. She came out as the ref said,"Begin!".

"Headbutt!" said Sherri. "Dodge it and Water Gun!" said Bob. She fire the water at the dog and he shook the water off onto the field. "Thunder Fang!" said Sherri. "Dodge and Flash Cannon him into the water!" said Bob. The dog made a big splash and Bob said,"I guess he is making a big splash at the Pokemon League too.". Sherri giggled at the bad pun as her Pokemon got out of the water and Bob said,"Joke time is over. Ice Beam!".

The dog was frozen as Sherri said,"Break out using Outrage!". The dog went crazy as Bob noticed the ice cracking below him and he said,"Rapid Spin the Ice!". The crowd was lost as the Mysterious Pokemon hit the ice and the dog fell in. "Blizzard!" said Bob. The dog was frozen along with the water and the ref saw that the Fairy Pokemon was out. "Winner Star!" said the ref. Star helped her opponent out of the water which was cold to the touch.

The two swapped out Pokemon as Sherri said,"Go Victreebel!". The Flycatcher Pokemon came out and she wanted to eat someone and Bob shivered. "Don't worry. She just wants some food Bobby and I don't mean him." said Sherri. Bob sighed as he said,"Lets go Iris!". She came out as the ref said with confusing,"Begin!". The ice broke as Isis fell in. "I guess I forgot that you weigh a lot Isis. Shot up a Hyper Beam from underneath the water! Let's go!" said Bob.

The beam came out underneath the grass Pokemon and she flew in the air. "Come out and use Focus Punch!" said Bob. She swam out of the water and she punched into the hole that she made. The plant Pokemon was frozen solid as Isis's baby smirked. Bob sighed as the ref said,"And the winner is Isis and her baby!". The Parent Pokemon helped her opponent out of the water as she made her baby do something like being a nice Pokemon to people and Pokemon.

Sherri said,"Lets go Quagsire!". A weirdly happy Pokemon came out as Bob said,"That Pokemon has never had a bad day in its life ever. Lets go Zero!". He came out and he bowed. "It will be an honor to fight against you and I shall never forget our battle!". Sherri and her Pokemon were confused as Bob said,"Zero is a man who loves to battle and he treats every one like it is his last one.". "And Begin!" said the ref.

"Muddy Water!" said Sherri. The dirty water came up toward him as Bob said,"Dodge it with your Quick Attack!". The attack missed as Sherri said,"Go underwater!". Zero looked for the happy like nothing else Pokemon as Sherri said,"Now! Scald and Focus Blast!". "Dodge it using Double Team Zero!" said Bob. He multiplied into 10 different copies and Sherri noticed that her Pokemon was confused as Bob said,"Now! It is time ladies and gentlemen for the ring of Hyper Beam!".

Quagsire was hit with 10 different Hyper Beams at once and it fell into the water. Zero said,"Is she going to be alright?". "Yep. Now Stone Edge!" said Sherri. Zero dodge the water as they broke the ice and Bob said,"Now Metal Claw and Iron Head!". The attacks knocked her out as Zero said,"A good battle from the Water Fish.". "Winner Zero!" said the ref. Sherri said,"Man Bob. You are really good. I guess your dad being the champion of Kanto helped.".

Bob return Zero as he said,"No. I have my Pokemon's determination to give me strength Sherri. Law may have almost killed two Pokemon and me but he is being trained on how to control his anger so I will win this for him, Lets go Falco!". He came out as Sherri said,"Lets have a high flying battle Bob so Go Skarmory!". The Armor Bird Pokemon came out as the ref said,"Begin!". "Lets start things off with a Aerial Ace!" said Sherri.

The attack went close until Bob said,"Dodge it with a Barrel Roll!". He dodge the attack like in that one game with the animal in space. "Now Extreme Speed into Giga Impact!" said Bob. He crashed into the metallic bird as he went close to the water but he stopped right on the edge. "Air Slash!" said Sherri. "Reflect it back at him!" said Bob. He sent the attacks right back as Bob said,"Now! Time for an Aura Sphere Falco!".

He fire the sphere as Skarmory was hit and he was in the water. "Falco! Go save him!" said Bob. "I shall!" said Falco. He swooped in and he save the bird from drowning. He was also knocked out as the ref said,"The winner is Falco!". The crowd cheered as Sherri said,"I guess they forgive you for killing Mandi's Pokemon. No one likes him.". "True but I wonder why he did it in the first place. I mean Law is pretty calm but that Crobat pissed him off." said Bob.

Sherri said,"Can we have a double battle for our final round? My final two Pokemon love to battle due to them being sisters.". "If your opponent doesn't mind." said the ref. He shook his head as he said,"Lets go Kitsune and Fox!". The two fire types came out as Sherri said,"Lets show the power of ice and psychic! Go Glaceon and Espeon!". The two came out as Bob thought,"They are girls so they will try and psyche me out.". "And begin!" said the ref.

"Psychic and Blizzard!" said Sherri. "Flamethrower!" said Bob. The two combined their fire into one and it was gone thank to the water. The ice was coming toward the fox and Fox blocked it. "Iron Tail the water!" said Bob. It went into the air as Sherri said,"Freeze it with Ice Beam!". The Fresh Snow Pokemon froze the water into a pillar of ice as Bob said,"Giga Impact!". He rushed into it breaking it and he fell into the ocean.

"Fox!" yelled Kitsune. She helped him out as he said,"Did I do good?". "Yeah. I will finished them off for you and Bob. Time to show you what I have been training for a month. Call me Kara now!" said Kara. She glowed as Bob thought,"What did you train for Kara?". She turned into a woman of immense beauty and brains. She had long light blond hair with green eyes and she was wearing a kimono showing off her body to the males.

They were cheering as Bob said,"Did you know that she was doing this?". The Legendary Pokemon shrugged his shoulder as Sonia said,"That is so cool! Lets see how you can handle Glaceon's Blizzard Double Team Combo with Espeon's Psychic!". The attack went toward the Pokemon Human and Bob said,"Flamethrower!". She fire the attack melting the ice and Bob said,"Now Fire Blast and Dark Pulse!".

The two attacked knocked the sister Eeveelution as she went back to her normal fox form. The crowd cheered as the ref said,"Winner Bob!". He smiled as Sherri walked over to him. "Hey Sherri. Thanks for standing up for me. I was such a mess." said Bob. "It is fine Bob. Now it is time for your reward which you will like." said Sherri. She kissed him on the cheek as his face went up. The girls saw ahh as Bob felt the rage from two special girls. "I am dead." said Bob.

Next time,
We see someone other than Bob battle tomorrow! Will his love life get more confusing or will it be normal?

Bob's Pokemon.
Kitsune now Kara. 5th.
Falco 4th.
Isis. 2nd.
Zero. 3rd.
Star. 1st.
Fox. 6th.
Sherri's Pokemon
Espeon 5th.
Glaceon 6rh.
Granbull 1st/
Victreebel 2nd
Skarmory 4th.
Quagsire 3rd/

Power Guild Episode 68 Strohx Island part 11 Team Battles.

A/N:Some many events but not enough battles. Also a long and weird title. It is the norm here but I love pointing it out. It is like having big breasts in Manga and Anime. Also plot holes involving time travel. I have doing time travel one day. Here is my idea on it. You can do something in the past and you can change it. It is like Fire Emblem Awakening. I had nothing for Fairy Tail except Fairy Tail of the Dead Meeeeeeeeeen is my favorite Zombie thing and I hate Zombie stories so that is saying a lot.

Ira was on one of the magic council ship talking to the Grandmaster of the Magic Council Edwin who used Shadow Magic. "Are you sure that Wicked Genocide is here?" said Edwin. "Yes. Noah is there and he saw one of the  members fight their strongest member." said Ira. He was worried about Bob when he saw Noah. "Noah?! What are you doing here?" said Edwin. "My cover was blown. We will call you later." said Noah.

He turned off the communication crystal as Ira said,"What is going on?". "That guild. Why was I sent there to attack it? They may be a little crazy and destructive but they are really nice. We need to help them with the dark Guild!" said Noah. "I will try to convince the men that you are dead but you need to get ready to explain to Bob why we did this." said Ira. "Will do." said Noah. He was gone as Ira left the room.

Back in the ruins, Stella was being held in the air as Jason look at Rex. "Wait." said Jason. He said,"I want to know something Rex.". "What is it human?" said Rex. "What are you planning Jason?" said Stella. Kurt looked at Jason and Jason gave him a signal. "Will do! Frigid Blizzard!" said Kurt. The reptile human was frozen in passion infused ice as Jason said,"I will handled him Stella. You get out of here.". "Okay. Be careful." said Tanya.

The three were gone as Rex said,"You want to fight me by yourself?". Jason was in his suit with his ice blue tie and he said,"Not exactly.". Luke appeared with Lena as Luke said,"We need to talk now Rex. You being a part of a Dark Guild ain't awesome.". "I heard everything from Ted who is smart who knew. Rex used to be Gail's spirits before she lost her Spirit magic thanks to someone named Irving." said Lena.

The Dino laughed as he said,"I am not your good old buddy Rex. I am Irving. I stole his body over 10 years ago. So you work for Stella? I am going to enjoy tearing her apart.". "I won't let you hurt Lady Stella! Solar Flare!" said Luke. He fire the fire as Irving was blinded. "We need to get Irving into one of us and then Rex can get his revenge. Ready?" said Jason. He and Luke rushed toward him and the blond girl said,"Lighting Storm!".

Irving was mad and he made a lot of soldiers. "Inferno Flame!" said Luke. He burned most of them as Jason said,"Blizzard Punch!". He was pushed into the ruins as Irving got up. "Fine. This body is old anyway. I want a new body like yours Freezer Boy!" said Irving. Rex was on the ground out for a few as Irving went into Jason's body. Jason gained a dark aura as he said,"Perfect. This body is young and I can do this! Eternal Blizzard!".

The two shivered as Rex stood there. "I wanted to do this for 13 long years." said Rex. He kicked him to the ground as Luke said,"So you are with us?". "Yes. I want to apologize to Lady Stella. I need to tell her something about her mom." said Rex. "Then lets get Irving out of Jason." said Lena. Irving stood up and he said,"Die!". He tried to make ice but then Rex kicked him to the ground. The dark aura was gone as Jason said,"Man! That was a close one.".

The four spirits saw Irving. He looked like your typical pervert with bad Body Odor, He has messy black hair and brown eyes. "I will kill her!" said Irving. He noticed that his body was disappearing as Rex said,"The side effects of Human Control magic. It drains at you until you are gone.". "So he was always dead?" said Lena. "I guess so. So you want to join Stella's army?" said Luke. "Yes. If you will have me." said Rex. "Will do." said Jason. The four were gone.

Stella stopped as she said,"Jason did it.". "So let me get this straight Stella. Rex was a spirit known as the T-Rex. What is his gifts? Can he use fire breath or fly?" said Kurt. Rex appeared behind Kurt as he said,"I can do that. I wish to serve all of you.". "So what happened to that Irving guy?" said Tanya who had a weird feeling about Rex. "He died but Jason didn't kill him. He has been dead for many years. I wish to rest in the spirit world Lady Stella." said Rex.

He was gone after Stella the truth about her mom as Kurt said,"I am going to find some members of Wicked Genocide. I have a strange feeling in my gut that I know someone in that Guild. Later girls!". He ran off as Stella said,"Are you sure he will be alright Tanya?", "Yeah. Are you worried? I mean it is Kurt Stella. He is really strong despite his brain power. So do you like him or is it Bob who has charmed you?" said Tanya.

The girl blushed as she said,"Why are you asking me this now Tanya!? I mean we have a Guild War going on!". Tanya shrugged her shoulders as she said,"I'm bored.". The two dodge bullets from a really strong gun. "Open Gate of the Maid Violet!". She came out as she dug underground. "Go find the sniper Violet!" said Stella. "Will do!" said Violet. She found the sniper and she brought her with her.

Stella saw her from Prion with Violet and she said,"Hi! Miss me!?". Tanya was lost as she said,"I am going to take a shot in the dark and say that this is you from Prion.". "Yep. I go by Sally now. So how do you find me?" said Sally. "Bob taught me how to locate magic." said Stella. "So you were taught by Bob how to use one of his signature tricks? I see how you like now." said Tanya. The two girls looked at her as Stella said,"It isn't like that.".

"Right. You wouldn't be able to win against me in the love of Bob. Knife!" said Sally. She slashed the maid and Tanya said,"Thunder!". Sally dodge the bolt as Stella said,"Gravity Hold!". The girl was on the ground as Sally said,"So why don't you admit your feeling for him? He is the best guy on the world and I am pretty sure that this Allison wouldn't mind sharing him.". "I don't like him! Increase!" said Stella.

Tanya held the girl who was knocked out thanks to Stella and she said,"We need to find out who the other top members of Wicked Genocide are. She must know.". Tanya project her thoughts and Stella saw Prion Bob standing there with the other members. "We need to find Bob right now. He is the only one who could defeat the other Bob." said Stella. "I would but I will be S class no matter what. Sleep." said Tanya. The girl was asleep as Tanya ran off.

Meanwhile, Python was sniffing the ground and Drake stood there. The Slayer said,"What are you doing man? You look like a dog.". "I am trying to find the others. My nose is stronger than yours by a long shot." said Python. "Whatever man." said Drake. He watched his friend sniffing the ground and he said,"I wonder if.". He said,"Eyes of the Dragon!". His eyes turned into a dragon and Python saw a giant ball of elemental energy.

"Poison Claw Slash!" said Python. "I combine it with my Dragon Roar of Light!" said Drake. He fire the beam out of his mouth and Python slashed the ball to make it explode. "You two survived my test of the elements. I expect nothing less from Python, the Poison Slayer and Drake, the Dragon Slayer." said a girl. The two slayers saw two girls standing there. One had shoulder length pink hair, emerald green eyes, and she looked to be a spell caster.

The other girl had brown hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, and she looked to be your normal girls. "Are you two members of Wicked Genocide? We will defeat you and your Guild Master!" said Drake. "I believe that your power give you strength but you will lose against me and Jenny. We are also Slayer like you and your friends in your guild. My name is Odessa Raynne and I will destroy you with my Blizzard of Fire!" said Odessa.

The two dodge the attack which burned the forest behind them. "I will get the brunette Drake! You get pinkie!" said Python. "Will do! Dragon Claw and Electrical Dragon Beam!" said Drake. He went toward her with a beam of pure electricity and she said,"Earth Wall.". The attack was blocked as she said,"Try as you might but I can stop your dragon magic with ease.". "Fine! Hyper Dragon Punch of the Heavens!" said Drake.

His fist glowed a pure white as it broke the wall. "Fine! Element Secret Art! Elemental Storm!" said Odessa. Drake was hit with the attack and he fell into the woods. Odessa walked toward him and she said,"You should give up Drake. You can't defeat me!". "I will not lose! Tome to release my power against you guys! Dragon Change!" said Drake. Odessa backed away as Drake stood there, He look like a dragon.

He rushed toward Odessa and he threw her into the air. "Dragon Slayer Secret Air! Universe Dragon Roar!" yelled Drake. He fire the attack and it made a huge explosion. She came to the ground defeat and he roared. Python notice this as Jenny said,"You won't leave me again. Explosion.". The ground below him exploded as he dodge the attacks. "Shit! I need to get Drake back to normal before he kill her but how?" said Python.

He made Jenny use her attack on Drake making him go toward her. "Big Explosion!" said Jenny. She made Drake go to the ground defeated as Python said,"Thanks. I owe you one Jenny. You and your friend should join Heroes. We accept bad guys like yourselves.". She was quiet as Python said,"It will have to wait. Poison Spiral!". She was trapped in there as he stood there. "X-Poison Strike!" yelled Python.

He knocked her out as he was on the floor. He saw the group of Leonard, Viola, Adam, Nick, and Julie walking toward him. "I saw Drake's attack. What happened?" said Leonard. "These two seem to know us. So you two finally got together? It took forever!" said Python. "Nick is slow when it comes to love." said Julie. The cowboy blushed as Viola read one of the girls mind. Adam said,"So how do they know them?".

"Odessa and Drake are childhood friends but Drake forget about her. Jenny had a crush on you when you were part of the Bael alliance. She also has short term memory loss." said Viola. "I see. So lets go find Alex." said Python. "Good plan. We have to find other members who were knocked out by the dark Guild." said Leonard. "Gotcha." said the group. They were gone with the three Slayers who were knocked out.

Seth found a sleeping Stella. "She is so beautiful. I can see her as my wife cooking my meals for me and giving me..." said Seth. He grabbed her and she woke up. She kicked him back as she said,"You are Seth.". "I see that my wife knows my names." said Seth. "Excuse me? I will never be your wife even if you are the last guy on the Planet." said Stella. He ignored her as he imagined the two married with very creepy children. "Light Beam!" said Stella.

Seth blocked the attack as he pulled out a doll. "This is my magic. I can control your every movement with your hair." said Seth. "I think you are bluffing. Prove it!" said Stella. He pulled out a hair and he place it on the doll. He gave the doll to her and she slammed on the ground. He was in pain as Stella smirked. Seth took the doll back and he said,"You made me mad! I will make you my loyal and very submissive!".

She brought out Ted and Seth knocked him out. Stella stood there shocked as she said,"Open! Gate of the Scorpion and the Archer!". The two stood there as Salvador and Simon appeared and Seth said,"I will make her mine!". "Yeah right! Sand Cannon and Arrow Frenzy!" said Stella. "Will do my lady!" said the two. The two combined their attacks and Seth said,"Shining Light!". Her and her spirit were in the air as she said,"Someone please hurry!".

Meanwhile, Scampers and Bob found Anna and Danny with Rose knocked out. "Wow. She looks just like you." said Scampers. "Anna. You take care of them. I will move her sisters." said Danny. He was gone as Bob said,"So if we defeat you, you will give me back my little sister and tell me what you would have done with her.". "K. Tree of Beginning!" said Anna. The two dodge several trees being planted below them.

Scampers flew up there with ease and he said,"Fire Impact!". He burned the tree to the ground as Bob said,"Thor Impact!". He rushed her and Anna said,"Freeze!". He was stuck there as Anna said,"You are going down Bob. I thought you would be able to break my magic.". She was with the attack as the Bob turned into dust. "That was a double." said Bob. He stood there in the trees and Scampers said,"I have an idea! Thunder Crash!". "I see. Ultimate Grand Thunder Impact Crash!" said Bob.

The two combined into one as Anna turned them back into simple spells. "You won't be able to touch me since I control time." said Anna. Bob growled as he heard Stella. He saw her in the sky as he said with a smile,"Scampers! Keep her distracted!". "Will do! Magma Impact!" said Scampers. He flew in the air using his dragon wings and he caught her. "Bob?" said Stella. "Yep. So why are you up here?" said Bob.

The two flew down there as Seth appeared. "You! Give me back my wife!" yelled Seth. The two look at her and they said in unison,"Really Stella? Him!?". "We aren't married guys! I would never marry him!" said Stella. "You take care of them Seth." said Anna. Bob tried to go after her but Seth's huge body stopped him. "You will give me back my wife." said Seth. "Hey Stella. We will take care of him together as a team." said Scampers. "Right." said Stella.

Seth moved behind Scampers and he took one of his hairs. "What the?" said Scampers. "His magic. I used it on him." said Stella. Bob blocked his partner's attacks as Seth said with confusion,"I thought the flying cat would be strong.". He grabbed his head as Bob said,"Let him go now Fatty! I will make you feel immense pain if you don't.". "I will let your cat go unless you give me my wife back!" said Seth.

Stella walked toward him and Scampers said,"Don't do it! There are way better guys!". "I know that Scampers. Gravity Increase X 1,000,000,000,000!" said Stella. Seth went very deep into the ground and she freed the boy. "Lets finish him off." said Bob. "Open Gate of the Dinosaur Rex! Mammoth Stomp!" said Stella. He stomped them as Scampers fired a huge Thunder Crash and Bob used Dragon Kick to knock them out.

The three smiled as Scampers went back to normal. "We better get back to Anna and Gramps guys. I need to heal." said Scampers. He ran off as Stella said,"So Bob? Do you know anything about what is going on?". "I wish I will tell you what I know Stella." said Bob. She heard Bob being Chaos and she was shocked to hear this. "You are older than Gramps!" said Stella. "Yeah. It is pretty sweet and it also explains why I didn't knock out X at the beginning of the war." said Bob. The two walked off.

Next time,
Zero attacks and also X returns to the guild.

Noah arrives on Ira's ship and tells him what he knows.
Jason tells the others to leave Rex/Irving to him.
Luke and Lena comes to the human world to help out Jason.
Jason. Luke, and Lena vs Rex/Irving.
Kurt splits off to go find other members of the dark guild.
Stella and Tanya meet up with Sally aka Prion Stella.
Stella and Tanya vs Sally.
Tanya knocks Stella out cold to find Marie's Grave.
Python and Drake meets up with Jenny and Odessa.
Python and Drake vs Jenny and Odessa.
Seth finds Stella and he wants her to be his girlfriend.
Seth vs Stella.
Bob and Scampers finds Anna and Danny with a knocked out Blake.
Bob and Scampers vs Anna.
Bob sees Stella coming toward him with a very angry Seth making Anna to leave.
Bob, Scampers, and Stella vs Seth.

New Characters:
Edwin. Shadow Wizard. 68 years old. The Grandmaster of the new Holy Council.
Jenny. Explosion Wizard and Slayer. 21 years old. She is the slayer with no memory and she has a strange fixation on Python.
Odessa Raynne. Elemental Wizard and Slayer. 18 years old. She is a magician with the power of all of the elements and she is good friends with Jenny.

Power Adventure Episode 1 The Beach Vacation part 1 The Chimera

A/N:In the past month, I have written several stories involving Bob fighting aliens and him being a demon plus Pokemon, Yugioh. and the return of  Power Guild. Power Guild is still going on and it is my longest series so far and it will be for a very long time I think for now. This story has our daily neighborhood hero Bob being a 1/2 human and 1/2 magic creature. He is in the 10th grade/1st year at Infinite High and he tries to protect the magical creatures of his home Mural. Lets begin.

Bob P.O.V
I kept having the same dream which I had since I start high school at Infinite High two months ago. I saw my friends, family, and loved ones in one hand and ultimate power in the other hand. I also kept hearing the same words,"You can choose only one Bob. Who will you choose?". I woke up drenched in sweat and I looked at my alarm clock. It was 6:30 A.M. I rushed out of my bed and I ran toward my shower. My name is Robert Percival Yagami and I am what you call a half being.

My dad is human and my mom is an magical creature. Magical creatures are pixies and elves etc. My mom is the daughter of an Elf and a Dragon which makes no sense to me on the biologically sense. I never asked how my grandpa on how that came to be happened so I kept that question to myself until I was 13 years old. My grandpa told me and that was a life changing day for me. I never questioned things related to love after that day.

I had his powers over the elements while I got from my mom and grandma my good looks. My mom who had the beauty of an elf which made my mom very young for her age while she had the power of a dragon and I was her child.  I has train on how to use my powers when I burned the art room with my dragon breath. I was six years old so you can't blame me for that. After a month of training in the mountains, I came back to school with some control on my powers.

During training, my teacher learn that I could use all of the powers of a Dragon, Elf, and a Demon. I think I learn that I had demonic powers when I was born. When I was born, I actually had evil gold eyes which over time turned into a warm blue and my eyes meaning I was going to destroy the world when I was older. My dad made sure that I had no contact with the magic world but that crashed and burned when I was six.

I got out of my shower and I dried my naturally spiky black hair with dark blue tips with the front of my hair being pure white which I got from my mom. I put on my school uniform which was a black blazer which meant summer was here and I wore a gray shirt underneath it. I put on my dragon sword necklace. It mean that I was was half magic creature and human. I always wore blue jeans and I always wore my black, sliver, and red tennis shoes.

I also have a earring in my left ear thanks to my mom. My dad was very much against me getting a piercing and then we learn about what an earring meant to the Elf culture from my mom who was very insistent about the whole thing and I got one. I walked downstairs and toward the kitchen. I saw my dad drinking coffee with a newspaper. He had black hair and brown eyes while my mom had white hair and blue eyes. I was tall for my age because elves are very tall.

I was 5 ft 10 inches and most elves around my age are the same height. I went toward the fridge and I grabbed a soda. I started drinking it  which was full of energy for me as my dad said,"Good morning son. Did you sleep okay?". "Yep. I slept like an angel dad. So where is mom?" I said. "She is waking up your sisters. So how long is your school's summer camp?" said my dad. "He is only going to be gone a week Arthur." said my mom. I saw her with my two little sisters around her legs tired.

They were both little bundles of joy during the day and I don't blame them for being tired. They are both 6 years old and they could use the same powers as me. The one on the left is the older twin by five minutes while the other one is the younger twin. The older twin had long red hair with black streaks and green eyes while the younger twin had short red hair and green eyes.Since everyone but my dad had magic energy in them, we had very different hair than humans.

The older twin said with a cup of milk in her hands,"Where is big brother going?" said the older twin. "I am going to a summer camp with my friends for a week Rose. I promise to call you two whenever I can." I said. I smiled as my other sister said,"Um big brother.". It was 6:45 and school started in 25 minutes. "I better get going. Thanks Ana!" I said. My mom held my bag which had my stuff for the trip along with my skateboard.

I said,"Thanks mom. I think dad needs some alone time right now.". "You can tell Bob? It took both me and my mom until our early 20s to tel what a human or magical creature is feeling inside of their heart. " said my mom. "My dragon blood boost up my magical empathy  I better get going." I said. I open the door and I went on my skateboard. My high school Infinite High was the only school in my hometown Mural, which had magic creatures as students and teachers.

I took care of the creatures living in the city as the Power. I had the fans of both humans and magical creature. I had to be in my dragon form while I am doing this because this age of mankind isn't ready to know about magic just yet. I hope in a few more years, I can spill the beans but I will have to wait until then. I was skate through the city using my powers to do stuff out of the ordinary for a kid to do but my neighbors were all magic creatures.

"Hey Bob! Catch!" said a shopkeeper. I caught an apple with my tail as I said,"Thanks!". I then went straight into a pole. I rubbed my head as I looked at my watch. I only had 5 minutes left and I said,"I need to go fast. Time to get a boost of a dragon.". I use my dragon wings to make me go faster. I saw that I made it to school with a minute to spare. I ran into the building and the bell rang. I jumped in the air as I said,"Go Dragon Powers!".

I ran to my home room and I saw that my teacher wasn't here. She is an old friend of my mom and she is a mermaid which means she is the swim teacher. I sat in my seat which is in the corner of the desks and I saw my best friends Kurt Raymond and Ryan Caldwell who sat nearby me. The desks next to me has been empty for a while now and I didn't want to know how sat there. Kurt had blue hair and blue eyes and Ryan had black hair and brown eyes.

They are your normal humans and we have been friends since the second grade. I told them about my family and my powers when I had to deal with the Pride and they were targeting my friends due to the weird rumor about me being a dragon which is true. The Pride are pretty much a group of humans who know about magical creatures and hunt them for a sick sport and you though that the difference between American Soccer and World Soccer was messed up.

I face off  with them on a daily basis due to the very big fact that this country has over a million and five magical creatures in every single state in the country. I live in the heart of New Japan City which is the mixture of New York City and Japan. I had to be in the sewers while I went looking for magic creatures and do other gross stuff. I have to spend so long in the shower that the water bills go up every month.

It is a pretty bad job but seeing the smile on the parents whose kid I just saved is a really good feeling which makes going through the tunnels feel okay. I also get to miss class whenever something magic based is involved which means I get to miss a lot of class. My teachers who are magical creatures of all shapes and sizes and my friends help me out as well. I don't do it myself because I didn't get super smart from my parents but my sisters did for sure.

"Dude. You forgot your gloves again." said Kurt. I always wore gloves because of my curse. I had it since I was a baby. I could swap bodies with a touch or other crazy stuff like that. "Dam it. I forgot them in my room." I said. "It is a good thing that I know your memory. I knew this would happen one day." said Ryan. He hand me a pair of black gloves and I put on them. Kurt said,"Did you plan for this Ryan?". "Bob may be a very powerful magic being but he is very forgetful." said Ryan.

The two were talking as I was staring at my crush who was talking with her group of friends. She had long sliver hair which looks amazing on her, ocean blue eyes, and she was very beautiful. Kurt notice and he said,"Dude. Are you still crushing on her? I thought you have the fear of women would stop that.". "A dragon is very stubborn. Grandpa taught me that lesson along with the talk." I said. I have Gynophobia which is the fear of women. I could being in their presence but talking to one is hard.

Ryan said,"Anyway. So did you guys hear that Alex is coming back?". I was lost as Kurt said,"You do remember your friends right? Alex Falcon who has been your friend for three years.". The Falcon family are a family of humans that protect humans from any dangerous magical creatures. They are the good version of the Pride. When I was first starting out, I was considered to be a dangerous one by their apprentice Fate Falcon.

Over time, we became really good friends and he is a human who knows my secret. We have each other back since he joined the Police Force while Ryan's dad works for. He could find out when and where a magical creature is attacking the school. We are like a great team and my friends helped too. They wanted to help me out so that we could hang out more which is nice. I also learned that teams help with missions against the Pride.

"Yeah. Where has he been?" I said. "You just noticed that he is gone?" said Kurt. "This is Bob that we are talking about here. Remember how long it took for him to noticed that our English teacher in our second year in Junior High was pregnant." said Ryan. Kurt laughed as I said,"It isn't that funny. I was busy with the Pride. They were planning something big. So when did Alex leave class?". "I think it was the last Friday of March." said Kurt.

I sighed as Ryan said,"Do you remember Kurt? Bob was out of town for a family thing which was for the good of magic creatures.". I nod as our teacher walked in. Her human form had long coral colored hair and blue eyes. Due to the nature of her kind, she was always wearing a bikini top with some blue jeans and heels. I mean they are always wearing a bikini top in all of the research I did on them when I was studied magical creatures. I swear to god on that.

She said,"We have a returning student and she is Alex Falcon's younger twin sister Alice Falcon.". "I thought it was Alex Falcon, Ms. Coral." said my friends. "You are right about that but his twin sister stepped in while Alex is recovering from another cold." said Coral. I thought to myself,"Why hasn't Fate mention that he had a younger twin sister and Alex having a sister? Something is off and I don't think it is the meat loaf.",

A girl walked into the classroom. She had long brown hair and green eyes. She looked like a female Alex. She was introducing herself as Alex's twin sister and my magic radar went off. I better find out what she done with Alex. My phone rang and it was Fate's ringtone which was a tune which remind me of my grandpa. He was from China. "Mr. Yagami. Is it your boss?" said Coral. "Yeah. I will go answer it." I said.

I closed the door behind me and I said,"Hey Fate. It is good talking to you. So when were you going to tell me about Alex turning into a girl!?". "How did? That little bitch. She went to school with no clue about you being Power and she has no idea about her being her older twin." said Fate. I leaned on some lockers as I said,"So what is the plan? I kinda want Alex back. I mean he may think that you are worried too.".

"Yeah. Where are you right now?" said Fate. "Outside some lockers right now in school. Why? We haven't left for the trip yet." I said. "There is a Chimera on the track field." said Fate. "Why is it here? I thought Chimera hated the smell of a dragon like a lot." I said. "Who knows why it is here but our friend is here looking for something. You won't have the Falcons after you due to them have their trials today. The Pride is another story." said Fate.

I put in my headset as I said,"I got this. If I recall, Chimera's blood can heal any magical changes on the person who drinks it.". "Correct.You know what to do right?" said Fate. I ran into the bathroom and I said,"Yeah man. I will call you later.". I hanged up as I text Ryan and Kurt to get to the track field so that I didn't miss the trip because we are a team. "The coast is clear. So Power Up!" I said.

I turned into my dragon form which was a mixture of an Western and Eastern dragon. I had the body type of a Western dragon but the ability to move my body around with ease like a Eastern dragon can. My grandpa was a Eastern dragon who moved here to the states to fall in love and produce a child. He did that and mom became a Western dragon due to her being born here. I am a mixture due to genetics. I stop questioning it.

Narrator P.O.V
Bob flew toward the track field and the Pride's most pathetic duo Number 99 and 100. Bob sighed as he said,"I thought he would have killed these two by now. I guess I was wrong.". These two tricked the leader of the Pride that they were master hunters of magical creatures when they were just cowards and Bob knew this well. He walked out there and Number 99 who was short said,"Look it is the dragon.".

Number 100 who was tall and lanky said,"So what are we going to do about it?". "Kill both of them because the both of us are awesome hunters!" said Number 99. The two ran toward him with spears laced with deadly poison which has no effect on dragons as Bob said,"Dragon Breath!". He melted the spears into puddles and then Bob used his tail to knocked them into the shed with ease. "That is one very annoying problem taken care of." said Bob. He saw the Chimera standing there.

It had the body of a man, the heads of a lion, python, and T-Rex, and the tail of a dragon. It was very mystical in its looks and Bob said,"It seems like trying to get your blood will take a strong weapon. I call upon the weapon Soulless!". A mix of a chainsaw and sword appear and Bob rushed toward it with said weapon. It went through the creature and it growled. "Sorry but I need your blood to save my friend." said Bob. It kept going as Bob senses a familiar presence.

Kurt and Ryan was watching their buddy fight against the Pride's strongest woman  aka Lunar. She look very hot in her purple and black suit which allowed a lot of movement. "We have to help our buddy with his creature problem and girl problem. You got an idea in that brain of yours?" said Kurt. "Yeah. Bob need that Chimera for something so let's help him. He has Lunar handle so let's go." said Ryan. 

The two saw the dying chimera who had Soulless in its back and Bob saw his friends. "Get the blood in a jar!" said Bob. "Keep your eyes on me dragon boy." said Lunar. He dodge the spear from the girl which she control it with her powers over gravity. Ryan put the blood into a jar and Kurt said,"Why do you have that?". "My dad want some juice from the resort that we are staying out. I stopped trying to understand him." said Ryan.

The two ran off as the creature disappear in a puff of smoke. "Where did those two idiots go?" said Lunar. "You mean the idiot duo Lunar? They are busy. You can see them really soon guys. Dragon Teleport!" said Bob. He took off a glove and she was gone. Bob flew off using his wings and he saw that the idiot duo was gone. He went looking for his friends. He saw that the door to the back of the gym was open and he went in. He went back to normal.

Bob P.O.V
I was sitting in the back of the bus working on a potion. I learn alchemy when I was only 8 years old thanks to elves being great alchemist. I saw Ryan and Kurt. "You guys are okay. I was so worried. I mean Stella took you somewhere." I said. "She heard us being your best friend and she want to sit next to you." said Kurt. "Bob. We would never take your girlfriend so keep that in mind okay. So how is the potion going?" said Ryan.

The two sat in the seat in front of me as I said,"I will need some ingredients from the resort. My mom told me that they have every magical creature to make powerful potions.". "Like give your best friend the answer to the summer homework?" said Kurt. "Yeah no. I can try using my curse on you guys." I said. "You wouldn't right?" said Ryan. "I forgot that you really aren't good with body swapping after the thing last year." I said.

He had switched bodies with a girl which shocked him and he wasn't a fan of the sex after that. "Ryan may mind but I don't man." said Kurt. "Excuse me." said Stella. She stood there and I said,"Sup.". I hid the potion in my bag and Stella said,"Wasn't I interrupting something?". "Nope." said Ryan. She sat next to me and I blushed. "So Bob? I always wonder what is with those necklaces? I see you wear them everyday." said Stella.

I looked at my dragon sword necklace which meant that I was the grandson of the dragon Ax and the elf princess Marie. "I got them from my grandparents. They are family heirlooms and I wear them to honor them. They are still alive." I said. "I see. I hope to get to know you better Bob." said Stella. I smiled as Kurt said,"Nice.". He talked to Ryan who was trying to forget the last year. I look at the potion in my bag and I thought,"I will turn you back Alex.".

Next time,
Bob faces against the Hydra and Lunar helps him for some reason.

It is time to explain one of the key mechanic to this story. One of Bob's curse power Body Swapping. This subject isn't in many stories based of fiction from the ones I have read. So the person in the body not of their own will be like this. Bob (Stella) or Stella (Bob). The name is the person is the soul and the gender specific pronouns will be because of the body that they were at in. If a boy is in a girls body, I will use she, her, and other pronoun. It is the same for guys but with he and his.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Power Guild Episode 67 Strohx Island part 10 Family Issues.

A/N:Chapter 437 of Fairy Tail was so awesome. We see all of the members of Fairy Tail return back to their destroy Guild Hall because of Lucy's drive to bring back Fairy Tail. I like that Kinana learned magic and I love that no one believed that Gajeel was in the Magic Council. It is weird to see Reedus that thin though and Vjeeter. I am not a fan of it because at first, I had no idea on who it is and this is coming from a big Fairy Tail Fan.

I also like how they explained that phone.  I mean it is Fantasy and having a cell phone there bother the crap out of me. I mean I didn't mean trains, boats, and everything else but a cell phone. I wonder who will be the next Guild Master. I think Natsu, Erza, Gray, or Lucy myself but maybe Laxus will be the next one. He or the Thunder Legion weren't there and I was hoping to see my favorite member of the group. Gildarts is somewhere.

I want to explain the purpose of giving Arthur and Audrey Fire and Ice magic respectively. I did this because I lthought it would be a good contrast between each other. I mean a Fire Wizard liking an Ice wizard. That sounds crazy but I am proving that wrong with Sara and Alan aren't I. I did because of Natsu and Gray being best friends/rival since that.  Lets begin.

Z and Spike found Mark and Anne. They told everything that they knew about this thing. "So Bob is a very powerful demon and his sister not Ana is Blake." said Z. "I know and it is so weird. Does this happen a lot here?" said Mark. "More than you know Mark. I promise you that." said Spike. "I don't doubt you." said Anne. "Look what I found Audrey. Four Chreax," said a man's voice. "Yeah. It will be fine to hunt them down." said a woman.

The four saw two adults. The man had black hair and red eyes while the woman had white hair and Bob's signature blue eyes. The two were very mature and still have their beauty. "Who are they? I want to know why the woman looks like Bob." said Mark. "Bob? He is my son. My name is Audrey and this is my husband Arthur." said Audrey. "These two are Bob's parents? We need to get out of here! Smoke Bomb!" said Spike.

The four were gone thanks to the smoke bomb made by Spike. Arthur said,"Shoot. I was hoping they could tell us where our son is.". "Who knows honey? We may find him and your old man soon." said Audrey. "I hope you are right. Master Orcus doesn't let us out unless the Guild is strong and I guess this one is a strong one." said Arthur. "It was our former Guild after all. I hope to find Darin. I heard that he is still alive." said Audrey.

The two were gone as Mark said,"So why didn't we fight them?". "We aren't on their level yet. Spike saved us." said Z. "So how are they Bob's parents? I kinda see the eyes but everything is a mystery. I mean it is so weird." said Anne. "According to Master, Bob gots his black hair from him and his eyes from his mom. His dad and mom taught him how to use his Lighting Magic." said Spike. "Wow. I will admit that they are strong." said Mark.

Z said,"We should go and try to head back to base camp.". The four flew off but then they were burn by a fire arrow. Arthur stood there and Audrey held the four burned Chreax. "We got ourselves a new fur coat." said Audrey. "Yes. Now lets go look for Darin and Bob." said Arthur. He had the four on his back as they were out cold. The two walked off as the land around them was either burned by the man or frozen by the lady.

Virgil and Tessa were walking around. The two fought off Wicked Genocide members using Virgil's magic to distract them and Tessa used her plants to knocked them out. The two were stopped by a big force of Gravity. The two saw an older version of Stella and she looks like that. "Stella?! We are your friend and you are hurting us" said Tessa. "Stella? That is my daughter name. My name is Gail and I am here like the other members of Wicked Genocide." said Gail.

"Pegasus Wings!" said Virgil. He flew in the air as he said,"Taste my Web Capture!". Gail was trap in the net as Tessa was free. "Cactus Spike!" said Tessa. Several cactus appeared and he fired out a lot of spikes as Gail used gravity to make them fall into the world. "I heard about your battle with the guild Chaos Lords. It was my daughter's fiancee fault. Taste my Holy Glare!" said Gail. The two were trapped in stone as Gail walked away.

Myra was looking at Sakura and Cyrus. The three were keeping an eye on base camp while the others fought Wicked Genocide. "Where are they? I mean I think they would be hurt right?" said Cyrus. He strummed on his guitar as Sakura said,"I can't believe that Bob is the next Guild Master. I mean from what you told me about X. I thought Darin was going to be the next one.". "I thought that too but then I learn that Darin is never here." said Myra.

The three saw Nightmare and he said,"Howdy. You three members of Heroes?". "Yeah and how are you?" said Cyrus. "I am your Nightmare and my name is also Nightmare. Time to fight now. Bring it on!" said Night. "Okay! Transform! Elephant!" said Sakura. "Chord of Power!" said Cyrus. He boost up Sakura's attack and he grab her. "You two are strong. How about you taste it?!" said Night. He threw her at Cyrus.

Myra said,"Transformation! Demon!". She turned into her demon form as she said,"Time for Demon Blast!". She fire the attack as the man said,"I see. Seeds.". Cyrus notice several seeds and they turned into Venus Flytrap. They went toward him and he said,"Bullet Storm and F Chord!". The bullets burn the plats as Sakura move them away with her plants. "I see. Time to get rid of the pests. I want a battle with the Demon Myra. Tree Roots!".

Cyrus and Sakura were trapped together in roots with numbers on them. It had the number 120 on the root. "Sakura! Cyrus! What are the number for Nightmare!?" said Myra. "Once the number reach 0, kaboom." said Night. Myra went toward them as Night said,"If you defeat me, no kaboom but I plan not to lose!". He rushed toward her as she blocked his kick. The two fought in the air and Cyrus tried to cut himself out with his guitar.

He was free as the vines grew stronger and the time went down by 100. "Get her out of there Cyrus right now!! Demon Strike!" said Myra. She slashed him in the chest as Cyrus tried cutting the vines and then 10 seconds were left. Cyrus moved her out of the bomb as it went off. Sakura yelled as the explosion went off,"Cyrus!". He was on the ground out cold as she said,"You are going to pay for that! Rain Jungle Punch!".

Nightmare was hit with several punches as Myra said,"Demon Extinntion!". The blast blew up in his face as Myra saw that she was in a Pillar Explosion. "Boom." said Night. It exploded as Myra flew in the air out cold. The man walked away with him coughing as Sakura moved her sister and her friend to the base camp. She stood there waiting for the others and she thought,"Someone. Beat him for Myra and Cyrus.".

Meanwhile, Danny was looking at Anna. He was promised to be able to kill his brother who left him to die. "Are we going to find this guy already?" said Danny. "Be patient. Have you heard about Blake before you joined Wicked Genocide?" said Anna. "He made the demons right?" said Danny. "Yes. I wanted to meet him because he is my master." said Anna. "Whatever. I just want to fight and kill my brother." said Danny.

Rose was in her brother's cloak. She could feel the strong use of magic here and she knew about Bob going into his demon form aka Chaos. He was born as Bob was given immortality along with her. He is just like Bob but he is her brother from the past. She likes this version of Bob due to his warm and loving personality. "Big brother. Please be safe. I am in danger. Come save me. I sense two people and they aren't part of the Guild." said Rose.

She saw Danny and Anna and he said,"Is this him? Are you sure you got the facts right?". "Blake is a boys name but she looks like Bob." said Anna. "He is my big brother." said Anna. "And Kurt is his best friend. Time to get my revenge! Pillars of Icy Hell!" said Danny. The pillars went toward her and she said,"Darkness Rain.". The rain melted the ice as Anna said,"Reverse!". The pillars were back to normal as Rose dodged it.

She stood there and she made the area around her die included the soil. "So how are we supposed to get to her? That aura around her could kill us." said Danny. "Death Blast!" said Rose. To protect the two of them, Danny made an really big ice barrier which was destroy as Anna turned it back to plain old darkness which was small. "Danny. How do you get rid of the darkness?" said Anna. "Light? I am sure that we don't have one." said Danny.

"Death Boom!" said Rose. The attack went toward her and the orb absorbed the magic. Anna made it go back to normal and she fired out several attacks at Rose who was knocked out. Danny held her and he said,"Lets go.". "We have Bob and his partner to deal with. Begin to run." said Anna. "Will do!" said Danny/

Next time,
Jason deals with Rex, Python and Drake fight against fellow Slayers, Stella and Tanya fight Sally, Tanya leaves Stella to Seth, Bob and Scampers team up against Anna to save Rose, and the trio of Bob, Scampers, and Stella is born against Seth.

Z and Spike find Mark and Anne along with Arthur and Audrey Yagami.
Z, Spike, Mark, and Anne vs Arthur and Audrey.
Virgil and Tessa meet Gail Inferno.
Virgil and Tessa vs Gail Inferno.
Nightmare arrives at the base camp of Heroes.
Nightmare vs Myra, Sakura, and Cyrus.
Anne and Danny find Blake.
Anna and Danny vs Blake.

New Characters:
Gail Inferno. Gravity and Light Wizard. 38 years old. She is Stella's mom and she taught her daughter how to use Gravity and Light Magic. She was kidnapped two years ago by Orion to make into a general for the dark guild.
Arthur Yagami. Fire Wizard. 50 years old. He is Bob's father, Ax's Eldest Son, and Mordred's older brother. He taught his son and nephew how to use Fire Magic. He fell in love with Audrey when he was Bob's age. He is also close friends with Darin Price. The two got married when he was 30 years old. He was captured along with his wife on Klihish Island and they were turned into slaves of Wicked Genocide by Orion.
Audrey Yagami. Ice Wizard. 48 years old. She is Bob's mother. She taught her son how to use Ice magic when he was little. She fell in love with Arthur who is pretty much fire. She is close friends with Darin Price. The two got married when she was 28 years old. She was captured along with Arthur and they were turned into slaves by Orion.