Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Power Guild Edolas/Prion Arc Notes

A/N:We have finally reached this arc. Yep. I have been looking forward to this arc for a while now and I will be spoiling it hard. I do this because I like you guys to know who is in this and what is going on in said Arc because with Hero, I can be a pretty good trickster. I am very forgetful when it comes to plot and other stuff and you have notice this by now but I am reminding future Me about the stories going on today.

I tried my hardest with this arc folks. I tried to put a lot in for this arc. Prion is my version of my Edolas and Chreax are pretty much my version of Exceed. I will only have five main Chreax beside the main cast of Chreax because I don't count the sages and the others cat. I mean they are there but they don't have a role like the queen, the parents, and the guards. This is only the note because I didn't want to make the first part so long. You will learn about Darin soon.

New Wizard in Heroes
Locations in Prion
Chreax Capital Ziroton.
Heroes who travel to Prion.
Heroes(Prion). Personality and Magic Weapon.
Kurt (Prion). Brave and Cocky inside of a vehicle and very Shy outside of a vehicle. Magic Boomer and Car.
Charlie (Prion). He gets his work Done. Mace/Hammer.
Virgil (Prion). Good Friends with Issac. Sword.
Ana (Prion). Very mature. Tonfas.
Jade (Prion). Very Angry. Cannon
Jordan (Prion). Loud and Rude. Mace.
Victor (Prion). One of the strongest wizard in the Guild.  Plants.
Fred (Prion). One of the strongest wizard in the Guild. Speed Boots.
Nick (Prion). Madly in Love with Julie. Guns.
Julie (Prion). Madly in Love with Nick. Guns.
Norman (Prion). Very Weak and not very Manly. Hammer.
Myra (Prion). Nothing Changed. Sword and Shield.
Issac (Prion). Very Classy. Sword.
Casey (Prion). Very Outspoken and Slutty. Hand to Hand and Umbrella.
Eric (Prion). Drinks and rumored to be in love with Tanya of Prion. Magic Box.
Wayne (Prion). Same but doesn't smoke. Magic Box.
Tanya (Prion). Acts like a lady. Magic Wand.
Brendan (Prion). Has a not so secret crush on Casey and Jade. Giant Key.
Sakura. From Meca. Magic Staff.
Prion Royal Army. Rank and Magic. Personality.
Allison (Prion).  Captain of Second Division. Weapon. She loves the Kingdom and also Bob (Prion) due to him saving her from her parents and she is also dangerous with her weapon. She shares him with Stella (Prion). She can also ride a Muzon.
Luther. Captain of Forth Division. Liquid. He is known as the class clown of the Royal Army but he is very devoted to the cause. 
Randy. Captain of Third Division. Command. He loves the words Amazing, Awesome, and Sweet. He is in love with amusement parks. 
Sue. Messenger. Enchanted Speed. She is in like a loyal puppy but she wants friends. Her being in the Royal Army doesn't allow friends. She can also ride a Muzon.
Felix. Chief of Staff. Magic Vials. Very Loyal to the King but he has a dark side and very brave.
Dawn. Co Captain of First Division and Chreax. Sword. She is a very mature Chreax despite being 7 years old. She join the Army to protect the prince and her kind. She isn't a fan of Bob (Prion),
Bob (Prion). Co Captain of First Division. Armor. He serves the king no matter what. He also is a charmer with the ladies with the two biggest admires being Allison and Stella. 
Sandra. Co Captain of Fifth Division. Cannon. She can also ride a Muzon. She is a fan of Dawn because she is a fire bird.
Dave. Co Captain of Fifth Division. Staff. He loves Sandra and he will do anything to help Dawn because Sandra likes her.
Stella (Prion). Co Captain of Second Division. Whip and Torture. She was saved at Bob who was killing some criminals of the enemy kingdom. She joined the army and she shares him with  She can also ride a Muzon.
Devin. King. Krai (Giant Robot powered by Slayer magic). He wants more magic for him and his world no matter what.
Muzon. Giant Beasts that the Royal Army rides around on.
Chreax. Pretty much what Z, Scampers, and Spike are.
James (Prion).
Python (Prion).
Johnny (Prion).
Queen Debra. Z's Mom. She is treated like a goddess.
Anne. Scampers's Mom.
Mark. Scampers's Dad.
Donald. Adonis Prion Counterpart. Captain of the Royal Army.
Brian. Minster of State and the cat with the waving hand or fist shaking.
Events Bold means Battle.
Darin returns back to Heroes.
Darin vs Kurt.
Bob learns of what Darin found out.
Myra, Johnny, Grim, Python, and Norman head to the Church.
Ana and Z meeting James of Prion.
Heroes is Destroyed by a space laser.
Bob, Spike, Scampers, Z, Ana, and Kurt travel to Prion.
Arrival in Prion.
Meeting Prion Heroes.
Escape from Allison and Stella aka Heroes Hunters and Bob plus Luther.
The truth about them.
Bob and Sakura vs Giant Frog.
Arrive in Zark.
Everyone but Bob and Sakura gets a Magic Weapon from a very shady dealer.
Kurt. Bob, Scampers, Sakura, and Ana vs Prion Guards.
Meet up with Stella of Meca.
Stella, Sakura, and Bob vs Prion Guards.
Hide out in Rord.
Kurt, Bob, Sakura, Stella, Scampers, Ana, Z, and Spike vs Prion Guards (Rematch).
Meet up with Kurt (Prion).
Arrival in Royal City.
The group meets Devin and their friends trapped in a Crystal.
Kurt, Bob, Stella, Sakura, Scampers, Ana, Z, and Spike vs Prion Guards (Round Three).
Scampers's Past is revealed.
Bob and Stella are saved by Grim, Python, and Johnny.
How Grim, Python, and Johnny arrive to Prion and they meet Python (Prion) and Johnny (Prion).
Kurt and Ana being tortured by Felix and Sakura being sent off to die.
The Chreax return home to Ziroton.
The Captains of the Royal Army Meeting and their plan to gain more magic.
Scampers stand up for his friends in front of the Queen and her army.
Debra tells Brian to find their Prince aka James ( Prion).
Z, Scampers, and Spike meet Scampers's parents.
The three get attacked by the Royal Guards of Chreax.
The guards get turned into crystals by Bob (Prion).
Scampers finds Bob and his crew while Z and Spike go save the group.
Spike and Z save Sakura from Allison (Prion).
Bob, Johnny, Scampers, Stella, Grim, and Python vs Prion Guards, Bob (Prion) and Stella (Prion).
Spike and Z tries to protect Sakura from Allison (Prion)
Allison return to fight alongside with Bob, Stella, and Grim.
Bob, Stella, Sakura, and Grim vs Prion Guards.
Bob, Grim, Stella, Sakura, and Z save Kurt and Ana from being Human Batteries and give Sakura, Ana, and Kurt back their magic.
Spike flying toward Johnny, Scampers, and Python with news about how to save their friends.
Scampers, Johnny, Spike, Dawn and Python vs Dave.
Allison (Prion) vs Allison (Meca).
Kurt vs Luther.
Sakura and Grim vs Prion Guards.
Ana and Z vs Sandra.
Bob and Stella vs Randy.
Bob (Prion), Devin, and Felix evil plan.
Sue's betrayal.
Stella, Sakura, and Sue vs Felix.
Bob vs Randy.
Bob, Stella, Sakura, and Sue vs Felix and Randy.
Bob, Kurt, and Allison try to stop the king but they fail.
Bob, Kurt, and Allison meet up with Prion James, Grim, and Brian.
Ana, Dawn, Scampers, and Z fly to Chreax Capital Ziroton.
The four try to convincing the other Chreax to fight with them.
The team  plus the Chreax saves Heroes and Mural.
Kurt, Johnny, Ana, and Python vs Devin in his Krai.
Grim, Dawn, and Prion James destroy Drain to get rid of all magic in Prion.
Allison and Stella vs Allison (Prion) and Stella ( Prion).
Bob vs Bob (Prion).
Sue, Sakura, Scampers, Z, Spike, Grim, Allison, Dawn, Stella and Prion Heroes vs Prion Guards.
James (Prion) vs the Demon Five (Kurt, Ana, Johnny, Python, and Bob)
Prion lose their magic.
Tearful Goodbyes.
Secret Meeting.
Heroes wizard return back home.
Chreax are in Meca.
New Bonds are from and friendship follow.
Dawn's new form.
Sakura returns back to her loved ones.

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