Friday, May 1, 2015

Power Guild Episode 45 Heather part 1 The Mad Scientist

A/N:Here is the filler arc with only three/four episode. It is going be pretty small. The other two Filler Arc are so much better. It is my least favorite arc in the Anime Version of Fairy Tail. Avatar may take that spot later on which is pretty dam sad. I hated it. It is pretty obvious and the only thing that I like are the shocks and everyone beside for Happy get stronger. I mean Happy is awesome enough but I kinda want to see him be like Carla. Happy is still my favorite Exceed no matter what. I may have gotten Kevin and Bruce confused in the past.

Also where is Jet and Droy?! I want to know. We got info on everybody but those two, Reedus, Laki, Kinana, and Vijeeter. I am excluding the main Wizards in this but we have learn nothing about them yet and I am extremely curious. Also I don't hate Erza and Jellal. It is the same as Natsu and Lucy for me. I don't hate it, I don't really care for it. Spike is actually 20. He just looks 7.

Brendan was looking at Kurt who was running around on their boat. The Heroes team was heading back to Davenport. The others Guild part ways after they completed their job. Adonis was slammed into the ground after he hit on Allison again. It also took awhile to get Tina of Bloody Darkness and Kevin of Thunder Wolves away from each other. They were flirting or something along those lines. Z joined up with Heroes because she had nowhere to go plus she want to meet Johnny.

Everyone but Bob and Allison were on the deck. Kurt ran around as Stella said,"Someone is happy.". He grabbed her hands as he said,"Yeah. It is so awesome. I mean this Motion Sickness problem is gone!". He then fell on the floor as Brendan said,"I am guessing that spell wore off.". "Yep." said Ana. She was playing with Scampers and Z was looking at the ocean with a sad look on her face.

Stella walked over to her as she said,"You alright Z?". "Yeah. I will be fine. No need to worry. I will make sure that I show that the Emerald Wolverines live on through me." said Z. "You know that everyone in Heroes makes a good shoulder to cry on." said Stella. Z smiled as Brendan said,"So where is Bob and Allison?". "Bobby need to talk with someone in private." said Scampers. "Should we be worried?" said Z. "Nah." said Kurt and Ana.

Inside of the boat, Bob sat there and Allison was nearby. The two were talking to Ax who said,"So you have no idea on where Zero went too.". "Yeah. Ira was lost about the whole thing." said Bob. "I can't believe that you two are friends. I thought everyone in the old Magic Council hated your guts." said Allison. "Allison. He and Clyde were the only two that liked my idiotic grandson. I bet Bob is going to talk to Ira about something important." said Ax. "Yes. You will need to leave Allison. It is personal." said Bob.

She was gone as Bob called up Ira. The man stood there as he said,"What is it Robert? I didn't expect to see you so soon.". "Hey man. Thanks for not blowing my cover there." said Bob. "You know that I wouldn't do that to one of my close friends. You may be a wizard of the most destructive Guild on the planet but you are still my friend. So what are you calling about?" said Ira. "It is about Python, James, and Harold. I want you to let Python out." said Bob.

Ira said,"Excuse me Bob. What makes you so sure that I would do that? He killed countless people for the sake of his "father" Mind who evade capture.". "That wasn't your fault Ira. No one blames you for that. One of his friends must have found him before we did. You know that Wanda nor Python actually killed anyone. I did my research on the Nine Prayers. He is the only member who didn't kill a single person. His Poison could be healed with ease and whenever Wanda swallow someone, they just reappeared a day later." said Bob.

Ira said,"Fine. I will be taking to your master about this Bob. I know that he can't be trust but since one of my friends asked me for a favor. I'll do it.". "Thanks Ira. Do you know what me, Kurt, Johnny, Python, Ana, and X are yet? I have a guess but I would like to know what you know." said Bob. "You six are known as Slayers. Slayers have a gift toward a certain element like Kurt's Passion Magic and Python's Poison Magic for example. I telling the public soon. I wish you luck with that." said Ira. "Yeah." said Bob.

Bob walked outside to see Ana practicing her magic. It was around night time so Bob was on the phone comparing notes with Ira for a good amount of time. "What are you doing little sister?" said Bob. "Oh nothing Bob. Just practicing my magic." said Ana. "Mind if I join you?" said Bob. "Sure." said Ana. He sat down as Ana said,"I was thinking of learning offensive spells. I mean I am a good healer but I want to help you, Kurt, Stella, Allison, Scampers, and Alex fight.".

Bob smirked as he said,"Did you say Alex? Does someone have a crush on him?". She blushed as Ana said,"Of course I don't!". "Yeah. Is it because you two are the closest in age? I mean both Z and Spike are both in their 20 and Scampers is only seven." said Bob. Ana said,"Don't tell anyone okay bro.". "I won't. I need to tell you something. You remember Python?" said Bob. "You mean Snake guy?" said Ana. "Yeah. He is joining Heroes. I told Allison about this and I need you to make him feel welcome. Promise me that?" said Bob. "Yep!" said Ana.

A day later, the team arrived back at the Guild Hall. The place was lively as normal as Kurt said,"I need to get into a fight. A boat then a train! You guys are monsters!". He wandered into the main area and he cause a fight. Brendan sighed as he said,"Later guys. I promise to help Casey with something when I get back.". He walked off as Stella said,"Are you guys thinking what I am thinking?". "Drinking Contest with Tanya?" said Bob. "You can do that. We are going to do some stuff right Ana?" said Allison. "Yep!" said Ana.

It had been a week since Bob had his drinking contest with Tanya. Python had joined the Guild and Bob had to convince the others to trust him. At least he made friends with Johnny and Casey. The three could related because they were once former enemies of Heroes. They all joined Heroes thanks to Bob and his team. The Magic Council was reformed and they were more harsh on Heroes than the previous one was.

He was with Ax, Myra, Eric, and Wayne in the medical wing of the Guild Hall. "Sup you guys." said Bob. "You aren't dead. Color me impressed. The last guy who tried that was killed." said Eric. "Yeah. I remember him. So why did you call me in here for Myra?" said Bob."I got you and your friends a job. The Magic Council didn't try and stop me. They have been done that with you and your team Bob" Said Myra.

"Sweet. Kurt has being itched for a job. So what is it?" sad Bob." Have any of you ever heard about the mad scientist Heather?" said Ax. "A little. She is rumored to have experiment on wizards and normal humans. So they are going after that crazy bitch master?" said Wayne. "Yes. That isn't why the reason why the master called Bob in here right Myra?" said Eric. "Yes. After Python joined the guild, Ira found this in the woods. He brought this here and he thinks you know what to do with it." said Myra.

Bob saw a girl out cold. She had short light green hair and brown eyes. "Have you told Python about this?" said Bob. "We tired but he is trying to get the Guild to like him by taking jobs like crazy as of late. He is doing better than Charlie." said Wayne. "Yeah. Tell him to come meet her. These two know each other and also when she wakes up, someone teach her how to waitress." said Bob. 'Gotcha Bob." said Ax. Bob thought,"I found Wanda Python.".

Bob saw his team with Casey, Johnny, and Jade. "Hey man. So what did the master need you with?" said Kurt. "I got us a job." said Bob. "Sweet. Where is it?" said Stella. "I hope an amusement park." said Allison. Kurt puked a little as Casey said,"Thinking of it makes you sick?". "Yeah. He is pretty sad." said Johnny. The two were about to fight as Jade said,"So what is it Bob?". "You guys ever heard about the mad scientist Hannah?" said Bob.

Ana said,"Is she a member of the Guild?". "Not one that I ever of." said Scampers. "She isn't. She is a woman who would hurt innocent lives. I am determined to stop her. You guys in?" said Bob. "Of course. You will need your best friend there to help you out." said Kurt. "I got nothing better to do. What about you two?" said Johnny. "Sure." said Casey and Jade. "I guess we got a team." said Ana. "Yeah." said Bob.

Next time,
Bob and his friends face off Hannah who was an strange army to say the very least.

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