Monday, May 18, 2015

Power Guild Episode 58 Strohx Island part 1 The Return of old Friends.

A/N:I am sure that this arc is going to be longer than the last one and it will be smaller than the GMG arc that is for sure. A spoiler, I plan to have each team have seven members plus a back up. So I will have 64 members competing in the games in seven years according to the story. Lets begin with the Guild having a normal day until Sakura shows up. I know I am going to mess up with Ana, Anna, and Anne. I know that very well and I will mess up a lot.

Also the latest chapters were awesome. I mean Frosch was awesome and cute but that is naturally for him. I have to let off a major spoiler alert like a huge one. I think this is the biggest shock of X792 and Fairy Tail so far. Zeref the "main villain" and Natsu the main protagonist are brothers. Wow. I didn't see that coming and that was shocking. I mean I had a feeling that they were connected to each other but by blood. Wow. I think other Mangas do them as well but it is most obvious here.

The Heroes Guild was enjoying themselves until the door opened up. They saw Bob, Allison, Myra, Norman, Grim, Python, Johnny, Stella, Kurt, Z, Spike, and Ana with Mark, Anne, Dawn, and Sakura back from the grave. They were shocked. "Hey guys. Look what we brought back!" said Kurt. "Aye! Meet my mom and dad!" said Scampers. "So this is what a Legal Guild is like? It feels nice and full of magic power." said Mark.

Bob said,"Sakura is back so only thing to do.". "Party!" yelled the Guild. Everyone went into full on party mode as Ax approved Mark, Anne, and Dawn into the guild. Sakura smiled as she said,"I guess the energy is still here. Are the party still crazy here big sis?". Norman was smiling as he said,"My little sister is back so if you want to date her. You have to get approve by me.". Myra said,"Yep. It hasn't changed at all. Now lets have some fun,".

Bob told the entire Guild about their trip to Prion and what happened there, they were celebrating the defeat of evil Bob and his plan to kill them all to get magic power for the rest of their days. Spike was holding hands with Z and Jade noticed them. "I guess your job brought you two pretty close together. So when is the wedding?" said Jade. Z blushed as she said,"We aren't there yet Jade but maybe one day, we will be.".

"Yeah. So did Johnny or Bob tell you about other you?" said Spike. "Yeah. She was the leader after their Guild master died. It is so weird but I couldn't never be the leader of Heroes." said Jade. "Yeah. I expect Bob or Darin to be the next Guild Master of Heroes. Where are they anyway? I thought I saw them at the bar and Kurt tried to fight Darin who knocked him into the roof." said Z. "I heard that Ax took them somewhere. I heard that Sakura kissed Bob." said Jade.

"Yeah. I may have not been in the Guild for a long time but were Bob and Sakura close than Bob and Allison?" said Spike. "Bob and Sakura were like best friends but Bob always had an crush on Allison and she did as well. Sakura has one but a boy in our guild has one on her." said Jade. "Is it Kurt? He will never be able to admit his feelings." said Spike. "Nope. He is a world famous musician and he is also a member of the Guild." said Jade. "Who is it?" said Z.

"Are you talking about Cyrus Rock?" said Spike. "Yep. He is usually busy with concerts to be here at the Guild Hall but he still takes job." said Jade. "I heard abut him. He sings every genre of music due to him being a Sound Wizard and his guitar can be used to increase his appeal." said Z. "He is coming back to the Guild Hall for a month along with our Elemental Trio, another Slayer, and mister serious's girlfriend. Yes, Our Leonard " said Jade. The two were shocked.

Bob's arm was being held by Allison who was jealous of Sakura kissing her man right in front of her and her friends. She also admitted that she loves him and she will steal him from her. She was going to make sure that they stay together. "Allison. You don't have to be jealous of her. I love you." said Bob. "I know but if you saw me being kissed by a guy. what would you do?" said Allison. "Knock his teeth out. I am a very angry man." said Bob.

The two saw Ax with Darin who had new metal limbs. "Did Johnny make those for you Darin?" said Bob. "Yeah. He is really good with his hands. I love them and they make me look even more bad ass. So is Kurt going to be alright? The boy goes into the roof way too many times." said Darin. "Allison. May I borrow my grandson? I need to talk to my two strongest wizards alone in private. I may look at Sakura like my daughter but she won't have Bob." said Ax. She smiled as Bob was free.

Allison walked over to Stella and Ana who were watching Norman and Fate hurting Issac for flirting with Sakura who ignored him. "So where is big brother?" said Ana. "He is busy with master. So do you guys like me and Bob?" said Allison. "I like you two together. I mean excluding Darin, you two are the strongest wizards in the guild." said Stella. "And big brother is happy when you are around. I think he hated Prion Bob for being a player." said Ana. The three were talking.

Darin and Bob were both looking at Ax who was down the stairs. The three were in the basement of the Guild Hall which Darin and Bob had no idea about until today. "So what are we doing here?" said Darin. "X would be here with you two but he was kicked out of the Guild after the Battle of Heroes." said Ax. "Yeah. I still keep in contact with him. He is doing well and he is happy to see Ana to grow into a great young wizard." said Bob.

The old man stop in front of a door. "So what is with the door?" said Darin. "It is Heroes's secret. No one knows about this. Do you know who the first master of Fairy Tail is?" said Ax. Darin was lost as Bob said,"Her name is Marie. She is rumored to be very wise and very brilliant.". "Yes. You two are our strongest wizards in both magic power and guild pride. I have decided to make you two both the Guild Master of Heroes." said Ax.

Bob was shocked to hear that as Darin said,"I have to say no to that master. Bob or X would make a better leader. I mean Bob lead the Guild during that war with Chaos Lords. I wish I was there to help you guys out.". "You had your job Darin. I will have to fight my parents one day." said Bob. "And I will be there to help you out." said Ax. He went toward the door and he said,"Let me show you the true power of Heroes. You will remember this feeling Bob.".

He opened the door and a lot of magic energy came out. Darin felt stronger thanks to the strange light because I don't want to spoil what is in there. "Wow. I feel stronger. I mean I was strong before hand but this a great feeling. What about you Bob?" said Darin. "I remember this. I was here when I was a baby. I found my way down here." said Bob. "Yes. You have immense magic power because of that alone." said Ax. Bob was quiet

Kurt recovered and he saw Leonard with a woman and a boy. The woman had purple hair and she looked a agent for a rock star. She had brown eyes underneath her sunglasses. The boy had a hat very similar to Slash, he had blue eyes, and long brown hair. He had a magic blue guitar on his back. The boy say Kurt and he said,"My man! What is up?". The two fist bumped as Kurt said,"Cyrus. What are you doing back at the Guild Hall and why is Viola dressed like that?".

"She wanted to dress like this man. So is true about Sakura being alive?" said Cyrus. "Yeah man and when she came back to Meca, she kissed Bob." said Kurt. "Isn't he with Allison?" said Cyrus. "Yeah. The two are really happy together. So have you let Viola go talk to her boyfriend?" said Kurt. Cyrus said,"She already talked to the guy. She is mad about the battle of Heroes thing.". "Yes. I am mad at him for that." said Viola.

Kurt said,"So are you going to start playing man? A live concert by the Cyrus Rock would be the best thing all day.". "Yep. I am dedicating it to Sakura and the new members of Heroes!" said Cyrus. He went toward the stage with his guitar ready to rock as Viola said,"I am going to talk to Leonard who is with the Elemental Trio who just return to the Guild as well. Try not to get yourself into any more trouble Kurt." said Viola.

She walked off as Kurt noticed Grim and he went to go challenge him. He went toward the roof as he sighed. He walked off toward where Python and Johnny were with a boy. He had green hair, dragon like eyes which were blue, and he had a dragon's smirk. This is Drake Clysorin. He is a Slayer along with Bob and company. He could use any form of Dragon magic like Ivan but he could control his dragon half.

"Drake, meet Grim." said Johnny. "Yeah. I knew who he is you guys. I just never saw him because he put all of us under a sleep spell. I know why you did that man. I don't get why though. I mean we are one huge and happy family." said Drake. "I look like a very dangerous criminal who almost destroy some of the strongest members of the Guild only a few months ago." said Grim. "Yeah. I heard about that guy James. He tired to kill his former friends. That guys scream bad in my book" said Drake.

"He is actually pretty nice. He helped us during that Nine Prayers and he helped me and Bob defeat Master Zero. I wonder if he got his memory back yet." said Python. "Who knows? Lets just party like nothing else." said Johnny. He went toward his guild and he attack Victor or Fred. "So why does he hate those two?" said Drake. "Who knows?" said Python. "Lets go join in the fun." said Grim. The three went to go have some fun as Cyrus was playing on his guitar.

Viola walked over to her boyfriend Leonard who was with the Elemental Trio and Scampers. They were pretty much a group of wizard who used Elemental Magic and they consider Fate to be part of their group. Alan had light blue hair and brown eyes matching his Ice and Water theme. Sara had orange hair and brown eyes and she was a Fire and Lighting wizard, and Adam had black and white hair. He uses Light and Dark magic and he is the oldest of the group.

"Leonard. Why did you attack your friends?" said Viola. "I better it was X right? He likes the Guild just as much as Bob does but he is a little battle happy if you ask me." said Sara. "Aye. So you like the new armor? I got it in Prion from my old man." said Scampers. "It is pretty rock little dude." said Alan. He put the cat who purred as Adam said,"So is true that Bob and Allison are together?". "Yep. Those two are the strongest couple in Heroes." said Leonard.

Meanwhile at the recently rebuild Magic Council, Ira was in his office room. He was reading some new info on Jim and Edwin told him. Edwin is the Chairman of the Magic Council and he is a master of Shadow Magic. The Magic Council was sick of Bob and his guild more than the last council. Ira sighed as he said,"Are you there Noah?". He was talking to the spy inside Heroes and he said,"I am here Ira. What do you want?".

"I want to know how the plan is going." said Ira. "It is going great. Everyone in this Guild thinks I am their good friend but Bob doesn't." said Noah. Ira smiled as he said,"That is Bob Yagami for you. He is smarter than he looks. I think he is older than he looks but hey who knows. We plan to keep you in there until we find a secret that can tear apart the Guild Wall with ease.". "Will do Ira. I will call if I get anything worth while." said Noah. He hanged up as Ira went back to work.

Meanwhile, a girl was resting in a forest area. She had long black hair and red eyes. She looked to be about 13 years old. "Why does the sky have to be so sad?" said the girl. She stood up and she noticed that everything was dying around her. "I hate my curse." said the girl. She drank some of the nearby river water and she smiled. "At least water doesn't die in front of me." said the girl.She saw that several wild and feral wolves were around her,

They were about to attack and she said,"Stay back. I am not your enemy.". The wolves attack her but then they were coughing out their lungs. Everything was dying around her and she said,"Why does the world rejected me? I want to know why. Bob, my big brother. I wish you would call your older sister Rose.". Rose looked around and she said,"I wish you would come to try and kill me Bob. You are my strongest Demon after all but you wouldn't hurt me..". She walked off.

Next time,
Does Bob know that he is a demon? Does he know that he has a younger sister excluding Ana? What are the S Class Trials? Who is the spy?

Sakura return to the Guild.
A party for Sakura's return and the welcome arrival of Arthur, Audrey, and Dawn commence with the return of Cyrus Rock, Viola Art, Drake, Alan King, Sara Blaze. and Adam Air.
The Magic Council aka Ira talks to the spy in Heroes.
Blake is seen for the first time.

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