Sunday, May 10, 2015

Power Guild Episode 51 Prion part 4 Stella is here in Prion.

A/N:Yep. I got nothing beside for that. Will Allison keep Bob to herself or will Sakura take her for himself? This and more next time. This Author's Note sounds like the ending but it ain't. You will be meeting a familiar face in this part as a Spirit. It ain't Volt but if you ready any of the Yugioh stories. It was one of my favorites cards. Lets begin.

The group plus Sakura were traveling to Zark which was a good resting spot for the travelers. Kurt was tired as Sakura said,"So I see that nothing changed with you Kurt.". "Yep. Uncle Kurt gets sick from anything with wheels or moves." said Ana. "So? When were you going to tell me about you having such a cute little sister Bob?" said Sakura. "You will here in Prion. I couldn't just come here and tell you now could I?" said Bob.

Bob was being his usual angry self as Z said,"I guess you being alive shocked him Sakura. So what did you tell this version of Heroes?". "I told them that I was going on a job. Don't worry so much Z." said Sakura. She then whispered to her,"So have either you or Spike told the others about you, Spike, and Scampers really are?". "Not yet. I plan to keep it that way Sakura. You being well alive kinda of shocked Bob. He really missed you back home." whispered Z.

Scampers was worried about Z. "Don't worry so much. She will tell you when she is good and ready to tell you." said Spike. "So why can't you tell me?" said Scampers. "She told me that she was going to tell you. I respect her wishes." said Spike. "Okay. So how long will it take to get to Zark? Kurt looks tired belong belief." said Scampers. "Soon Scampers. I hope we get there. Kurt looks pathetic right now." said Spike. "Thank the gods!" said Kurt.

The seven arrived as Bob said,"Okay. We should get something to defend ourselves.". "I think there is a magic shop around here." said Sakura. "Sweet. I call a lance." said Spike. "Lets find the place first guys." said Ana. "She is right." said Z. The seven kept walking in the town until Sakura stopped and she said,"Here it is.". "It looks like a dump." said Scampers. "That is the point. From what I can tell, Magic is banned." said Bob. "Correct." said Sakura.

Bob stood there as Sakura helped the others pick a weapon to defend themselves with. According to her, Magic in Prion are inside objects suck as cars or tanks. Bob kept looked at his necklace which was under his scarf. "You alright Bob?" said Scampers. He stood there and Bob said,"Yeah. I am just worried about Allison. She might be turned into a crystal and used to power some guy toothbrush or something.". "Don't worry. Allison can protect herself." said Scampers.

Bob looked at the dealer. He looked really shady and very cheap. He said,"I see. You are here to buy some weapons no?". "Yes." said Kurt. "I count five of you getting weapons so that will be about 10 million coins for each weapon." said the dealer. "You can't be serious sir?" said Z. "I am very serious about my prices. Magic is very hard to find these days. You are lucky to have found my shop in the first place." said the dealer.

Bob then punched the guy down to the ground with his Iron Bull punch as Sakura said,"Really Bob? Was that necessary?". "Yep. Bob knows a bad deal when he sees one." said Spike. "It a secret talent that not many people know of." said Scampers. "I see." said Sakura. "I guess we get these weapons for free right?" said Bob. The dealer nod as he said,"You folks have a nice day now.". He ran off as Ana and Z said,"Nice scare plan Bob.". "You are welcome. Now lets get something to eat." said Bob.

The seven were at an cafe as Scampers told Sakura what happened in the last two years. "Really? We got a new Guild Hall." said Sakura. "Yeah. It is pretty sweet. We can all go on the second floor now. It is awesome." said Kurt. "So beside that, what major thing happened?" said Sakura. "Darin came back but he is probably part of the crystal." said Bob. "I see. So Bob? Do you have a girlfriend yet?" said Sakura.

Bob spit out his drink as Z said,"Yes. It is Allison May.". "Really? You and Ally? I didn't see that coming since you promise to be my husband." said Sakura. "Things change." said Spike. "Yeah. A lot of things change for the better." said Ana. Kurt then saw several solider holding wanted posters of Kurt, the older Ana, and Sakura. "We should get going guys." said Scampers. "Yeah. He is right. I am not in the mood for a fight right now." said Z.

Kurt stood there holding his sword and he said,"This isn't how a member of Heroes fights. We go in and we fight.". "He is right. Lets do this big brother." said Ana. "Right." said Bob. The three stood there and a solider said,"Hey. It is Kurt Raymond from Heroes. He must be with his friends from the guild.". "Yep and we are causing some mayhem." said Bob. He then used a simple fire spell to blow up a table.

Z and Spike ran off as Sakura used her staff to place the guards in vines. Kurt slashed them back a couple of feet. His sword ran out of magic as Kurt said,"What the?". "Magic weapon need to be used wisely." said Sakura who had the staff holding the guards down with spiky vines. "I got this. Power Transform! Robot!" said Bob. Bob turned into a robot and he fired several missiles and cannons out of his arms.

The attacks were hit as Ana fired wind out of her blaster and Scampers used a hammer to knocked the guards down to the ground. "We better split up. Scampers, you go with Sakura and Ana. Kurt, you are with me!" said Bob. The two boys ran off as the kitty flew off with Sakura and Ana. The guards said,"Get them!". The two split up. Bob grabbed Kurt and he said,"Hang on!". Bob flew in the air and he flew off with Kurt.

Sakura held their guards into vine holding traps. Z and Spike ran up to them and she said,"We better find Bob and Kurt.". "Right." said Sakura. The five then held the captain and Ana said,"So how did you know that we were here?". "We sense someone from a different universe. She looked like Stella and we were sent here to find her." said the captain. Scampers knocked him out as Spike said,"We better go find our Stella.". "Yeah." said Scampers. The five ran off to find their Stella.

Bob landed as Kurt puked. "Sorry. I forgot man." said Bob. "It is cool." said Kurt. Bob sense a magic presence and he said,"Kurt. This may sound weird but I sense Stella.". "Our Stella right Bob? I mean you could tell that it is Prion Stella." said Kurt. "Yeah. She is to the north. The Prion Army is coming toward her. We better hurry." said Bob. Kurt jumped on as Bob flew. Kurt was about to puke as Bob said,"Hold it in.".

Bob and Kurt saw Stella. "Bob and Kurt?" said Stella. She hugged the two and she said,"Someone I know! I thought I was the only one to survive Drain.". "You know what brought us here Stella?" said Bob. Kurt was trying to recover as Stella said,"Yeah. I found James.". "Of this Universe right?" said Bob. "Yeah. I survived Drain thanks to one of my Spirits. James gave me some pills and I can use magic here in Prion." said Stella. "Same here." said Bob.

Kurt saw Sakura, Z, Spike, Scampers, and Ana running toward them. Scampers jumped into Stella's arms and he said,"You are okay!". Stella noticed Sakura and she said,"So who is she? She looks like Sakura. Jordan painted an older version of her once.". "I am. We have the Prion guards after us. You guys should get behind us. I am betting that you can use you magic right Stella?" said Sakura. "Yeah. Lets get to work ladies." said Bob who was still a robot.

The three stood there as the others went to go find a way out of Zark. Stella saw the guards and she said,"Open! Gate of the Scorpion Salvador, Gate of the Ram April, Gate of the Lion Luke, and Gate of the Lighting Spirit Lena!". The three stood there as April said,"We are ready Stella.". "Yeah! Lets do this ladies and Luke." said Salvador. "Anything for Lady Stella." said Luke. "Right excluding the lady part." said Lena.

"Solar Blast!" said Luke. He destroy the ground underneath the guards and Salvador fired a huge amount of sand out of his blasters. April made some wool to help the guards to crash to the ground with ease. Lena shocked them and Sakura held them to the ground with vines. Bob said,"You will leave us alone. Do I make myself clear?". "Yes Lord Bob!" said the guards. They ran off as the girls looked at Bob. "I learn how to control minds. We need to go find the others." said Bob.

Spike saw a magic car and Spike said,"I think we found it guys.". He knocked out the employee as Ana said,"Was that necessary?". "Yeah. I need to vent out some anger." said Kurt. Z saw the three other wizards and she said,"You got rid of them?". "Yeah. Lets go." said Sakura. Bob drove the car as Prion Bob stood there. "I see. This me is smart. I will give him that. Time to see if he can handle the truth power of the Prion kingdom." said Prion Bob.

Bob stood there with Stella and Sakura as Kurt was sleeping with the animals excluding Z and Ana who were being watched by one of Stella's Spirits Devil Blade."So what is the plan?" said Stella. "We head to the Royal Kingdom like our original plan Stella." said Bob. "Yeah. I wonder if the others are safe. I mean I am worried about them." said Sakura. "They will be fine." said Stella. "Yeah. No need to worry." said Bob.

Next time,
They arrive in Rord where they meet some royal guards and also Kurt of Prion. They also arrive in the Royal City where they meet Devin.

Arrive in Zark.
Everyone but Bob and Sakura gets a Magic Weapon from a very shady dealer.
Kurt. Bob, Scampers, Sakura, and Ana vs Prion Guards.
Meet up with Stella of Meca.
Stella, Sakura, and Bob vs Prion Guards.

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