Monday, June 1, 2015

Power Guild Episode 71 Strohx Island part 14 Revenge is so Sweet.

A/N:I have three major battles in this one folks. You noticed that the title involves something called revenge. Do you think some one will die? I mean we know that someone will die because of the notes that I have on here. I may do that or not. You will have to wait and see. Lets begin already because I got a lot of stuff going on in this one today/Also Mest is back at the Guild Hall along with Erza being the seventh Guild Master.

I am happy for this development but I wanted Laxus. This is mainly due to the fact that the Thunder Legion or Laxus haven't been seen in X792 as of chapter 438 but they have been seen in a picture in chapter 418. Also where is Gramps? He is missing and Doranbolt/Mest knows where he is. Where is the master? I also wonder if the gang will find about Natsu being E.N.D anytime soon.

Anna was sitting with the sleeping Rose who woke up but Anna knocked her out. Danny was pacing around and he said,"Shouldn't we give her to Master Orcus already? We have one of the three things that we are looking for. I hope that idiot Orion or one of the those generals find those dam spells on this place.". "Yes. We have some company." said Anna. "Who? Is it one of those animals that tried to attack us?" said Danny. "Our family." said Anna.

Kurt and Jo stood there and Danny smiled. "Danny?! You are alive!?" said Kurt. He hugged his older brother as Danny said,"What the hell is wrong with you!?". "A lot of things but I thought you die 11 years ago." said Kurt. "That dam demon couldn't kill me but I will kill you." said Danny. "Um why?" said Jo, Kurt, and Anna. "You idiots! You left me alone in the cold snow and I am almost died until I met Master Orcus who saved my life!" said Danny.

"Wow. I am so sorry man." said Kurt. "No! You aren't! I heard about your stunts with this guild. You made the Raymond name very ashamed and we are the only two left. You cause more problems than I do in a Dark Guild." said Danny. "Calm down Danny." said Jo. "You trying to calm him down are you mother? You did the same thing to me. You left me behind so you could teach this idiot and the other one in Passion magic which you were supposed to teach me." said Anna.

The two were silent as they heard,"Casey! Danny! Don't kill them!". Melody stood there with Casey as Kurt said,"Casey?! What are you doing with one of the nine kin? They are the bad guys.". "She is going to help right?" said Casey. She nod as Danny said,"Why are you betraying the Guild Melody?! We have done a lot for you over the years.". "I want friends who are my age! Casey taught me a very important lesson." said Melody.

She stood with Jo and Kurt and she said,"The friendship of your comrades is stronger than any magic spell!". "That is right. She is a smart girl." said Jo. "Okay. You will handled your brother plus the girl Danny. I will get my mom and the traitor." said Anna. "Good plan." said Danny. He stood there and he said,"Die Kurt! Pillar of Frozen Darkness!". The two dodge the attack as Casey said,"Time for my Water Slicers!".

They slashed through the ice as the darkness was let out of its prison. "You thought that was going to work?" said Danny. "Hell yeah! It did! Legendary Punch!" said Kurt. He knocked him into the air as Danny said,"Frozen Blast!". Kurt was frozen as Casey said,"Hot Water Bomb!". The attack freed the young boy as he said,"Taste my Inferno Storm Danny!". "Fine Kurt! Have my Blizzard Storm!" said Danny. The attacks clashed causing a mini explosion.

Kurt stood there and Casey protect him with her water barrier. "Thanks Casey. I forgot you could do that." said Kurt. "It is fine Kurt. You better help me with your brother. Be more Passionate about this but what do I know." said Casey. Kurt smirked as he said,"Hey Danny! Taste my  Passion Sword! It is pretty passionate!". He slashed him with a sword as Danny made an one made out of dark ice so if you punch it, it will shatter into like a million pieces.

The two fought with their spells clashing and Casey said,"Why did you leave Danny behind? I can guess why he hates in the first place.". "I hate my idiotic brother for many reasons beside the fact that he let me in the snow and our wrecked home. He has made the Raymond name a joke because if I say your name at any bar. You have a knack for causing trouble and you are a disgrace to every members of Heroes." said Danny.

"I may have a problem with causing mischief but I am one of the best wizards in the Guild. I know it for a fact and I will never let you win. Passion Slicers!" said Kurt. The attacks sliced up his clothing and Danny said,"Really? That attack was pretty weak Kurt. Dark Hail Storm!". Casey protected her and Kurt with her water as Kurt said,"Passion Secret Art!".He cut his left and aright arm as blood poured out. The two were lost at Kurt's behavior.

"Time for you to face off against my Passion Blade of Seven Dances!" said Kurt. He slashed Danny with the attack had two arm blades covered with blood as Casey said,"Why did you cut yourself?". "I took some of my Passion magic and it made its stronger!" said Kurt. Danny was knocked out by the attack as Casey moved him against the tree. "Casey. Stay with my big brother. He will need someone protecting him." said Kurt. He ran to go find his mother as the water girl sat there with Danny.

Jo and Melody were getting tired as Anna stood there. Every time that either girl launched a spell, she turned it back to normal as she was the mistress of time. "You don't think you could beat me? I have the power of revenge on my side." said Anna. "Yeah but you haven't fought the strongest apprentice of the Passion Arts! Passion Ax and Catapult!" said Kurt. Anna was sliced by the ax as Kurt landed in front of the girls.

"You hit her?" said Melody. "Yeah. It takes a little hope in my friends. I always have it on me during the times where I am up against a strong enemy." said Kurt. Anna got back up and she said,"Time Barrage!". "Watch out! Passion Shield!" said Jo. She blocked the attack which was nuts as Melody said,"Hope Cannon!". She fired out several balls of concentrated hope as Anna turned them into dust and Kurt said,"Passion Roar!".

The attack shook Anna up as Melody said,"What do you need us to do?". "Go find Casey. I got your daughter." said Kurt. Melody was about to argue but Jo dragged her off. "Why do you help her? She is a bitch! Passion Rose Garden of Pain!" said Anna. Kurt dodge the attack as he said,"You may hate your mom but your style is the same.". She tackled him and she started punching him. "I am nothing like her!" said Anna.

He stopped her as he said,"Yes! You are family which makes you the same!". He move her.away as he said,"I may not have the same connection with her as you do. She cared a lot about you! I always saw her with a little green dress and she was crying. Both me and Leon knew that was about her little girl. She taught magic to help us and I will show you what Passion magic really means.". He got in a stance as he said,"Passion Secret Art! Passion Frenzy!".

Him and his magic power glowed an eerie red as he punched Anna with a Legendary punch which was charged up quick. She noticed that his eyes were blood red and she said,"What is this?". He kick her as he said,"My anger! Passion Dragon Elemental Blade!". He slashed her with the blade and she fell in the air. "Passion Frenzy Lance!". They attacked her knocking her out cold. Kurt went back to his normal self as he smiled.

The two dark wizards were against a tree as Casey tried to wake up Rose. "So do you know why Kurt did that to his arm?" said Casey. He was looking at his arms which had bandages as Jo said,"It boosts up his spells but it is really dangerous.". She knocked him on the head as he said,"I love you too Jo. I think you are killing me. So who is this?". Melody sat there as she said,"My name is Melody but my real name is Melanie Lawson.".

"What a pretty name." said Kurt. The girl blushed as Rose was waking up. "Who are you and Where am I?" said Rose. She was about to cast a spell as Jo held Bob's cloak. "Give that back! It belongs to my big brother!" said Rose. "I see. I am going back to base camp. Kurt, you are going to keep fight aren't you?" said Jo. "You know me so well. Later!" said Kurt. He was gone as the girls looked at the older woman. The four were gone from the battle ground.

Meanwhile, Bob saw his parents along with Scampers's parents, Spike, and Z. "I am going in." said Bob. He was stopped by Ana and she said,"Please wait big bro.". "She is right. We need to move our friends out of there." said X. Bob looked at him as X said,"I hope to be their friends after this Bob. I think we should use the old distract and play.". Ana was lost as Bob said,"I got you X. I will be there in a second.".

He was gone as Ana said,"What is the old distract and play?". "We use one of Bob's spells to distract our enemy and the other one hits them hard with a battle plan." said X. "I guess you are the muscle." said Ana. "No. You are. You and Bob are going after his mom. I will handle your dad and once you finish him off, help me out." said X. The two saw Bob make a copy and the parents ran after it and X said,"And go!". The two ran off.

Audrey stopped to see Bob with Ana. "I guess the other Bob will lead my husband into trouble. You are like your uncle." said Audrey. "I am nothing like him. I will make sure that I knock some sense into you mom. I miss you a lot in fact so taste your magic! Frozen Slicers!" said Bob. Ana notice that the attacks hit her as she said,"That is one of my spells. Where did you learn that? I never taught you how to use that.".

Bob said,"I find magic books and I learned. I got stronger so I could protect my friends who are my family. I promise myself to find you and dad. I will bring you back to the guild. Are you ready little sister?". She smiled as she said,"Wind Capture!". Audrey froze the wind as Bob said,"Lighting and Ice Dragon Punch!". The punch launched her into the air as Ana said,"Roar of the Wind Dragon!". A huge burst of wind came out of that little mouth and it knocked her out.

Bob held his mother and he said,"X will need our help Ana. Are you ready to fight my dad?". "He is also mine too." said Ana. "I know." said Bob. The two include the passed out mother walked toward where X was fighting Arthur. "Taste my Inferno Vortex!" said X. Arthur stood in the fire and he said,"You are a master of the craft but I am good! Sun Blast!". X was burned as Bob said,"Vortex of Thunder!".

Arthur was shocked as Bob stood there with X. Ana was trying to wake up Audrey as Arthur said,"I see now. Time for you two to die! Nuclear Explosion!". X ate the very powerful attack and he looked at the man. He said,"That was nothing! Atomic Fire Blast!". He burned Arthur as Bob made Oblivion appear and he slash him to the ground. The man was on the ground as X said,"I weaken him Bob and next time, I will win.". "You sound like Kurt." said Bob. "I do don't I." said X.

The two parents were lying there as the four Chreax were teleport back to base camp using some of Bob's magic. "So what are we going to do now?" said Ana. "I guess just wait for now." said Bob. X was on the floor as Arthur woke up. "Where are we?" said Arthur. He saw Bob and he said,"Bob? Is that you?". Bob was about to cry as he hugged his dad. "I guessed we missed a lot huh son/ You have grown into a handsome young man." said Arthur.

Audrey woke up as Bob told them everything that has happened in thirteen years. "So Mordred tried to kill you." said Arthur. "I never like him. He always hated you Arthur and Bob. So this is your little sister." said Audrey. "Yep. Big brother saved me from a dark guild!" said Ana. She was resting in her mom lap as X said,"That is the basic of it. We will tell you the rest once we get back to base camp. I promise that no one will think bad of you.".

Kurt  was walking through the woods when he saw Bob and Ana with two adults and X. He ran as he said,"Passion Spear!". X blocked it as Ana said,"Kurt!? Why are you attacking X?". "He was kicked out after the battle of Heroes! What are you doing here?" said Kurt. He saw Bob's parents and Arthur said,"This looks like a younger Danny.". "I think this is Kurt Raymond. He is Kurt's younger brother after all." said Audrey.

Kurt learned everything as he said,"So you two are Bob's folks. I don't see it.". "Bob got a lot for his grandfather." said Arthur. "He did get our magic power though." said Audrey. "I guess that is a good thing." said Kurt. "It is. I am happy to have you back." said Bob. He sensed something as he said,"I got this! Power Barrier!". He blocked the Eternal Magma as Kurt saw Zero standing there. "You are part of Wicked Genocide aren't you?" said Kurt.

Zero nod his head as he said,"I am one of the two generals left and I will kill you all!". Ana said,"I am here to hurt you! Wind Tornado!". He was in the air as X fired an Atomic Fire Ball, Kurt fired an Passion Explosion, and Bob used his Dragon Roar. The man was knocked out as Bob said,"Lets keep moving.". The six were gone as Zero was out cold for good this time.

Next time,
Allison, Grim, and Krystal fight Nightmare with Alice. The base camp group fight the team of weird chicken Clark, weird goat Lewis, and Seth. The teams are decided for attack and defense and then Gail strikes.

Anna and Danny meets Jo and Kurt.
Melody arrives along with Casey to where Kurt and Jo are with Danny and Anna.
Casey, Jo, Melody, and Kurt vs Danny and Anna.
Jo go back to base camp as Kurt goes look for the others. Melody runs away with Blake and Casey go after her.
Bob, X, and Ana see Arthur and Audrey.
Bob, X, and Ana vs Arthur and Audrey.
Kurt sees X with Bob, Ana, and the parents.
Kurt vs X.
Bob tells Kurt about X as Zero arrives to kill the group.
Bob, X, Ana, and Kurt vs Zero.

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