Monday, June 1, 2015

Power Guild Episode 72 Strohx Island part 15 The final fights before the finale with Master Orcus/Bruno.

A/N:We are almost done with this arc folks. We may have two more parts after this because I have it planned for the next one to end the war with the final fight excluding a certain dragon and then the fall of Meca's strongest guild. I have the next two arcs after this planned out so expect a note for both of them after these two parts. I would make it two notes but the next one is like five stuff in them so I am just combining the two into one note thing because I am trying to save space.

Allison was walking through the woods. She could feel a strong magic presence toward the giant tree in the middle of the island where the former guild Blood Crush was. Despite the name, it was actually a legal guild and it was where Master Marie was a member over 100 years ago. Allison saw Grim and Krystal. "Grim and Krystal? What are you doing here?" said Allison. "We sensed a strong magic and it is like one from Grim's world." said Krystal.

Allison was shocked as Grim said,"Yes. Come out and here Nightmare!". The man stood there and he said,"Not so loud Grim. Sheesh. You are so annoying.". "How do you know this guy Grim?" said the girls. Grim sighed as he said,"He destroy my world just because he was bored one day. I will destroy you for that.". "Not without help from me!" said a girl. Prion Allison stood there as Allison said,"It is Prion Me. I thought you would be with Prion Bob.".

Prion Allison said,"I am not Allison but Alice instead. Just like Prion Bob is Damien and Prion Stella is Sally. I will get my revenge no matter what.". "Allison. You and Grim take care of Nightmare. I'll get the other you." said Krystal. "Okay." said the two. Alice rushed toward her with a giant sword and Krystal said,"Inferno Storm!". The girl was burned by the weird storm and the killer of Grim's home dimension Nightmare yawned in boredom.

"Don't you dare yawn at me killer!" yelled Grim. The man attack him with his scythe as Allison ran toward him with a sword made out of fire. Alice was about to hit her double with a very sharp lance but she was stopped by hail. "You are mine. Thunder Storm and Hail!" said Krystal. Alice was shock and then hailed on. "Water Storm!" said Krystal. She was soaked to the bones as Alice was knocked out cold.

Grim was blocking Night's explosions with his scythe as Allison was slicing her way using her fire sword through the vines which he control with ease. "Why are you mad bro? I only killed the people you loved back home and I hurt your good friends." said Night. "What do you mean Nightmare? Who did you hurt?!" said Grim. "Well Grimmy. I think I hit that guy with the hat , a really hot blond girl, and her pink hair sister. It was fun." said Night.

Allison finished her way through the vines as she said,"You hurt Myra, Cyrus, and Sakura?". "I also hit some animals but Grim here wouldn't get mad if I said that." said Nightmare. He blocked the man attack with ease. "You will pay for that Nightmare!" said Grim. Krystal stood there and she said,"Is Grim alright?". "He likes Myra Krystal. He is always spending time with her or his friends back at the Guild Hall. It is very obvious but Myra I am not so sure." said Allison.

Krystal said,"How do you know that?". "Bob told me. He is actually pretty good with romantic stuff since he taught himself all about facial ques." said Allison. The two saw Grim tired as Nightmare was good for a while. "Tag in! Inferno, Hail, Thunder, Earth, and Wind Storm!" said Krystal. The five storms attack the weird man as Grim was dragged away by Allison. The grim reaper like man tried to get up and Allison said,"We got him Grim.".

Allison said,"Lighting Daggers and Earth Hammer!".  The attack hit him as Krystal was blasted into the rocks by an explosion. "Why are you fighting me? I mean you aren't on the same level as the boy who looks like Damien. Unlike Damien, he knows when to shut his mouth. I guess that one of you are dating him." said Nightmare. "Why? What did you do to Allison's honey bear?" said Krystal. The scarlet girl flared at her friend as Nightmare said,"I did nothing to her honey bear.".

He stood there as he said,"Allison. Whichever one that it is, I am guess the red head myself. That boy is hiding some pretty messed up shit just like me because I have placed one of my bombs on this tree behind me for fun.". Krystal ran to go find it as Allison said,"Why are you doing this?". "I am bored with how things have turned out. I mean Anna's plan of using James from the tower to bring back Master Blake was a flop thanks to the same boy and you except with brown hair." said Night.

Allison stood there as she said,"James was being controlled by her?". "Correct. I feel bad for Melody due to the fact that she was used just like you were. Anna is strange to say the least but I can relate. I lost my parents due to the same magic that I used. I used it to honor them and I will now fight you until my final breath." said Nightmare. She dodged his attacks with ease as she said,"I fight with the power of my friends!".

All of the guild appeared behind her along with her friends from the tower and James. She slashed him and he exploded from it. He was trapped in the ground as Krystal held the bomb. She threw in the air as Allison blew it with a dagger. Nightmare laughed as he was being absorbed into the ground and he said,"Watch out for Master Bruno. He is a strong man. I also want you to know that my real name isn't Nightmare. It is Neil.".

He was gone as Krystal held the reaper over her shoulder. "Lets go back to base camp." said Grim. "I think that is a great idea." said Allison. The three headed back only to see Alice up and she said,"I'll kill you!". Krystal made Allison hold Grim as she said,"Leave us! Ultimate Storm!". The very strong and draining attack knocked her away from them as she fell over from using it. Allison dragged the two back to base camp and she thought,"Bob. I need you to be safe.".

Back at said camp, there were two groups. One which was guarding the front of the camp consisted of Sakura, Tanya, Python, Stella, Darin, and Jade while the other group guarding the back of their camp was Leonard, Johnny, Norman, Julie, Nick, and Alex. They drew up a random poll to decide the group and no one could argue since it was The Master's idea. The girls were talk about girl stuff involving boys not knowing that two were right there

Python whispered to Darin who was trying to sleep,"So how long can they talk for?". "A long time." said Darin. Darin was sleeping until the seven heard,"My Princess from the Stars! Your prince is here for you.". Stella shivered as Jade said,"Are you alright?". "Get ready." said Stella. Tanya saw him as he said,"I would like Stella back.". "Really? You could do better hon." said Tanya. "I don't like him at all!" yelled Stella.

Seth said,"All of the women in the world like me. I will make most of the women in the world into my harem!". Sakura said,"Yeah. No. Transform! Ram!". She rammed into him as Tanya said,"Time for my Psychic Lighting!". He was shocked as Darin appeared behind him. He kicked the man into the sky as Python said,"Poison Shower!". The man had a lot of poison as Stella said,"Holy Ray and Gravity Increase!". The attack hit as Seth crashed to the ground.

He tried to leave but Jade stood there with a smirk. "You are trapped in a magic proof barrier and we can hurt you but you can't hurt us." said Jade. "Curses." said Seth. The seven heard,"You again? Time to take out the trash! Dragon Kick!". Bob appeared and he knocked Seth far away. Darin saw Arthur and Audrey and he hugged them. Tanya saw X with Ana and Kurt and she said,"You have a lot to explain don't you?". The three nod.

Back with group 2. Nick and Julie were being a couple as Norman looked at Eve. "So you like Eve don't you?" said Alex. He stood there with Leonard. "It is obvious bro. You should just tell the truth and you will feel free." said Leonard. "I do okay. So are you going to tell?" said Norman. "We won't Norman." said Johnny. The four talked but then Johnny said,"We have company.". Lewis and Clark appeared as Norman said,"I am going to guess that they are members of Wicked Genocide.".

Johnny nod as Lewis said,"We will kill you all now! Letter Magic! Silent Strike!". He made the same spell as Leonard said,'Letter Magic! Pain and Suffering!". The goat screamed as Leonard said,"I will handle him along with Johnny and Alex while you guys take the chicken.". "Will do Leonard! Sand Fists!" said Nick, The chicken dodged the attack as Julie fired a gun at him. "Time for my Egg Wall!" said Clark.

He made an huge Egg wall as Norman said,"Can you guys roasted it for me?". "Are you hungry or something Norman?" said Nick. "It is a good idea hon." said Julie. "It is?" said Nick. "He is feeding his inner beast." said Julie. He sighed as the two said,"Inferno Shot!". The eggs smelled good as the man ate it. Clark was shocked as Norman said,"Thanks for the free meal! Transformation! Lighting Crunch!". He was knocked out as the three cheered.

Lewis was out cold too because Johnny was tired of him. The six saw Allison with Grim, Krystal, and Jo. Leonard and Norman carried the reaper and elemental woman back to the healing bay as Jo said,"We need to fight the big boss.". "Good plan. I think everyone is here now." said Johnny. "Even Bob?" said Allison. "Yep and we are dating!" said the western couple. Allison was really happy for them as the youngest of the group aka Alex was confused.

After everyone knew what has happened so far. Adam, Jo, Jade, Johnny, Arthur, Audrey, and Darin was watching over the injured which was Ax, Grim, Krystal, Brendan, Cyrus, Viola, Eve, Drake, Virgil, Tessa, Alan, Sara, and Fate. Bob sat there as he said,"So as the Guild Master, I am making a team to help fight Master Bruno.". Kurt stood up and he said,"You got me joining you on this strike mission bro!".

Allison and Stella said,"Us too!". The Chreax army raise their hands along with X, Alex, and Ana. "I think we will handled defense." said Leonard. The others were gone as Bob said,"Lets go team.". The group was gone from the base camp. Bob had a feeling that he would see Rose really soon because he told all of them about being a demon. "So what is like being old?" said Alex. "I still feel like I am 18 years old." said Bob.

The group noticed that the seven Chreax were flying in the air as Stella said,"So why are you doing that?". "It is my gravity magic." said Gail. She stood there as Ana said,"Hey. That looks like an older Stella.". "It is my mom." said Stella. "She must be a member and a strong one at that. Sorry about this Stella. Inferno Howl!" said X. He fire the attack as Gail was knocked out. "Wow. That was weak you guys." said Kurt.

Alex had his souls take her to base camp as Bob said,"She couldn't fight because of the wild life here Kurt. She was tired from them.". "Very good cover up Bob." said Mark, Anne, and Scampers. The fourteen were walking toward the air ship where an intense battle was going to happen where Bob discover his true power along with X.

Next time,
Bob, Ana, Allison, Alex, Kurt, Stella, and X fight Bruno while the Chreax go destroy the machine that give Bruno extra time to live. Blake and Melody join the fight later on.

Allison meets up with Grim and Krystal as Alice and Nightmare appear.
Allison, Grim, and Krystal vs Alice and Nightmare.
Sakura, Tanya, Python, Stella, Darin, and Jade meet up with a pissed off Seth.
Leonard, Norman, Johnny, Nick, Julie, and Alex meet up with Lewis and Clark.
Sakura, Tanya, Python, Stella, Darin, and Jade vs Seth.
Leonard, Johnny, Norman, Julie, Nick, and Alex vs Lewis and Clark.
Bob, Allison, Stella, Kurt, Ana, Alex, Dawn, Spike, Mark, Anne, Z, Scampers, X, and John are the only ones up and able to fight Bruno aka Orcus.
Gail arrives at the base camp and Stella is shocked to see her mother and she holds Z, Scampers, John, Dawn, Mark, Anne,and Spike captured.
Bob, Allison, Stella, X, Ana, Alex, and Kurt vs Gail.
The team of the seven humans along with the Chreax go stop the master of Wicked Genocide.

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