Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Power Guild Episode 160 Underworld part 7 James and Anna vs the Prayers/The Heroes Finale.

A/N:Yeah I think I was wrong about this being longer than the Grand Magic Games. I may have been thinking that I would make this arc longer but I decide to shoot that idea in the foot. The title has two for a reason. I couldn't decide on a title for you all. I mean both these two fit this episode. Also I think by the end of this, I will have this series reach 200 so this will be the longest one for sure. I'm not counting the notes and Heroes Zero by the way.

The anime had the Laxus and Tempester fight end good because as I have stated a thousand times on here, the way that he went down in the manga was awful and Gray still go to show off. That won't be happening here because I have a fight planned out at that time. We have the introduction of one of my favorite characters Lich aka Lamy. Okay from the research that I have done. I don't know if the laugh is the normal voice actress's laughing or part of the script.

If you are a fan of Fairy Tail and you heard that laughter, lets just say that it is in my top ten most annoying sounds of all time. I mean it makes you cringed and I really don't want to hate on the voice actress because that would be mean to the actress who had to do that. So I am just going to hate the character because you don't hate the player but the game. So lets talk about the Manga which had the best thing ever. Ajeel is defeated!

The crowd is cheering for this and I don't like him in the slightest. I mean this is the start of Fairy Tail defeating anyone in their way. The thing that I learn from all of this is don't mess with the main hero's family because they can get lethal. I don't think anyone likes him even in his group beside his army but that may be because they are scared of the wizard. I will admit that he is strong but he has too much screen time and I want to learn more about the others for gods sake!

Lets begin already with Bob being thrown in prison without his scarf. They will have clothes because that stuff in the manga was just messed up to me and I think some others but I could be wrong. I get the point why but it is on that weird level of making the person uncomfortable.

Bob was unfrozen and thrown into prison without his scarf which to him is the most important thing in the world since his parents gave it to him. "Hey! Give me back my scarf bastards! I would rather be naked than without my scarf so give it back!" yelled Bob. "And would any animal need something like a scarf halfie?" said a guard. "Halfie? What the hell are you talking about?!" said Bob. "You had two powerful demons inside of you so we're talking them to become one of us." said the guard.

Bob said,"Chaos and Satan.". The two walked away as Bob yelled,"Hey! Get back here! Give me back my scarf! I need to make you two be electrocuted by my hands!". The two were gone as Bob said,"Son of a bitch! I need to get out of here and find Chaos, Satan, and my scarf plus give these bastards a well needed beating.". "Bob. Is that you man?" said a voice. Bob saw Cyrus without his hat which was weird. "Cyrus?! What happened to your hat?" said Bob.

Cyrus said,"That doesn't matter right now. We got a big problem.". "I know man. Those bastards took my scarf and your hat." said Bob. "Well that but Sakura is in a lot more danger." said Cyrus. "What happened to her?!" said Bob. "They took her clothes and they gave her clothes." said Cyrus. "Those bastards?" said Bob. The girl in question walked out of the shadow in the jail cell and Bob noticed that she looked like she was part of the guild. "That is sure interesting." said Bob.

The three say there as Sakura said,"So let me get this straight Bob, you defeated one of them who is called Wolf and then you came here after finding the former chairman's house destroyed.". "Yeah. So are Drake, Odessa, Kirby, Kari, Nick, Julie, and Norman here? I could see Norman being a member here." said Bob. "Yes on Norman Bob. We don't even remember being captured in the first place. I bet you were the one who destroyed the place earlier. It woke us up." said Cyrus.

Bob was trying to break the bars as Sakura said,"What the hell are you doing Bob?". "Trying to break out of here Sakura. Allison and Myra need to be saved along with your big bro and the others maybe I think." said Bob. "Allison and Myra!?" said Cyrus. "Big sis and Ally got captured too? These guys are really strong." said Sakura. "No. They are weak. We will beat them Sakura. I just know it. We're strong as a team while they work by themselves." said Bob. 

In a bedroom somewhere inside of the base, Zimsa was talking with Zepoza. "So did you uncover the identities of the four who are needed?" said Zimsa. "Yes but I'll admit this. The chairman's Ultimate Data magic which is a stronger version of Data magic which is quite magical. Pun not intended by the way." said Zepoza. "I take that we'll have no need for useless killing anymore." said Zimsa. "Correct my dear." said Zepoza.

"We killed two of the council members that had the seal on them. They were both killed by Rech by the way. Don't tell him that." said Zepoza. "It would be wise not to give him a bigger ego. So what about the other two?" said Zimsa. "James and Anna. If we find them, killed them, and then Head is ours." said Zepoza. "Head is quite an dangerous weapon to say the least." said Zimsa. "Which is why we need those two dead." said Zepoza.

"So have you a plan to find them?" said Zimsa. "I'll make Allison spill it soon enough." said Zepoza who smiled. "You are really good at getting people to open their mouths." said Zimsa. Zepoza said,"I will take that as a compliment. Your Domination would do the same thing but there is no fun in that Zimsa. Heroes interrupting our plans by defeating Hurricaner and Wolf have cause us trouble. Those council members that they protected didn't have what we were looking for.".

 "I'm seeing to that as we speak. I have a tale ending the tales of Heroes in a dramatic way. You can go and relax Lady Zepoza. The way that the Heroes will end soon enough. It will be glorious to say the very least." said Zimsa. "Follow me Zimsa. You are doing well and we have some freedom time before our next job. You get a reward." said Zepoza. Zimsa smiled after hearing this from her and the two  walked off.

Meanwhile, James was slammed into the ground by Lila's Angels. "James!" yelled Alice. Anna was slashed by Reaper's scythe as Kirk yelled,"Anna!". "Stay back!" yelled the two wizards. "You two can't do this by yourself!" said Sally. "She is right James Chan and Anna Chan." said Bryan. "We know that." said Anna. "We have to do this by ourselves." said James. "Screw you! I won't let you fuck with our freedom!" yelled Finn. "Yeah!" said Ex or Erin. 

James blocked their attacks as he was hit by Finn from behind along with Val and then he was blasted by Tonya at the stomach. He coughed up some blood as Anna was hit by Reaper, Perry, Holly, and Marx at the same time. "The chains that held us down are gone now James!" yelled Lila. She blasted James with her angels as James said,"I'm not giving on you Lila and I don't mean in a romantic way because I love Alice.".

 "All of here began our stories in dark towers. We all believed that Mind saved us but that was proven false. Torn from the people who loved us once, cursing the world with every step that we take, and we were pawns to keep Zero in. Finally, true freedom is in front of us and we..." said Hamlet. James yelled while he was punching Finn,"That freedom that you speak of is a bold lie! I will set you all free!".

The twelve looked at him as he said,"The freedom from escaping prison and Zero is real. That is a lie by the way! You are still pawns of Hex! We are going to free you all and then show you all the Path of Light! Meteor!". He slammed all ten into the ground in a second as Zero who had his arms blown up by Erin earlier woke up and he smiled. "I guess it will be my turn to get my revenge on you real soon." thought Zero.

Back at the Heroes guild hall. Alex, Ana, Dawn, Jaime, Rose, and Stella sat there. "I'm sorry. We went to the former chairman's house but..." said Dawn. "No one was there. The chairman, Myra, Bob, Allison, and Scampers were not there." said Stella. "It was like there was an epic fight though." said Jaime and Alex. "We did try to look for them but we found no sign of them." said Rose. "I tried my best but I couldn't find them. I'm not that great of a sensor like big brother." said Ana. 

Kurt said,"Just what the hell is going on?! This is just crazy.". "I just hope that they are alright." said Casey. "Yeah. Their safety is more important." said Brendan. "If we only knew where they were, we could totally spring a counter strike on them." said Jade. "So can't you, Drake, Python, Odessa, Percy, Volt, or Jenny go to the former chairman's house to search for them?" said Spike. Johnny put his hand on Ana as he said,"Won't work. She is strong and if she can't, I sure as hell can't.".

Ana said,"I'm sorry.". "Don't be. Someone scene or magic power doesn't stay for long. I can't believe this though." said Python.  "Hmm." said Ax. "I'm worried about Cyrus, Norman, and Sakura.So what happened to them Nick?" said Tanya. "Norman was in front of Gregg's house. Gregg was dead and he plus Sakura and Cyrus were going to bury him. That's all I know. I;m worried about them already and it is scary." said Nick.

Virgil said,"So what happened to the other teams that went after the other council members?". "They haven't reported anything." said Tessa. "Underworld. We need to find info on their base so we can hopefully find the info that we need." said Marie. The guild heard,"I found it!". Scampers came in through a window as he said,"I found their base.". "Scampers!?" said Stella. He crashed into the ground as he said,"I'm good!".

He took a deep breath as he yelled,"Allison and Myra got captured and the former Chairman is a huge traitor and Bob and I and...". Dawn stopped him as she said,"Take a deep breath Scampers. We were worried sick about you.". "Aye madam." said Scampers. He told he guild everything as Danny said with a sigh,"I can't believe that the former chairman is working with Underworld.". "He was known as a greedy bastard from what I heard." said Arthur.

Melody said,"How did Allison and Myra get captured?!". Scampers looked at Danny and Kurt as he said,"Also.". He remember what the two wizards said as he said,"Nothing. Bob got captured and I just stood there! He is my best friend and I can count countless times that he saved me from stuff like this and I just flew away like a coward.". "You did a good thing Just tell us where their hideout is and you will be a great help." said Z.

Scampers said,"Okay. Their base was moving around like it was on a island or something like that. It was on a square island thing.". "Moves around?" said Marie and Ax. "Does that mean we can't find their location?" said Tanya. "Scampers. Do you know where it is going or it's current location? It is important." said Jade. "I...We came from behind here...And it was going this way." said Scampers who was giving her directions.

Jade said,"Okay. Leave it to me you guys! I will find out where they are and we will get our revenge on them! I promise!". "Go Jade!" yelled the guild. "Everyone, we about to make a house call!" said Ax. "Hell yeah!" yelled the guild. "I left my best friend behind." said Scampers who was crying. "I am proud of you Scampers. Bob must have a feeling that you coming here would be a good thing and you did good." said Stella. Scampers hugged her as he was crying.    

The door opened as Norman stood there. "Norman?" said Victor and Fred. "You're okay after all! It is good news to here." said Eric. "So where is Sakura and Cyrus?" said Drake. Zimsa was in her bed as she said,"Heroes should be broken out from the inside out. Don't you agree Norman?". Adam looked at Norman as he said,"Norman! What the hell happened to Sakura and Cyrus! And why didn't you tell us anything?!".

Norman said,"Sakura and Cyrus were captured by those bastards.". The guild was shocked as Stella said,"Sakura and Cyrus too?". "Please don't say that." said Scampers. "We were burying Gregg and we were ambushed by them. I was separate from them and when I came back, they were gone." said Norman. Ax was silent as Norman said,"I fucked up. I was there and I couldn't do a dam thing to stop them from taking them.". "Hey man. It isn't your fault." said Brendan.

Wanda said,"He is right Norman. Jade is working harder at finding their base we speak.". "We will get our revenge soon Norman. We save them. I promise." said Casey. "Ah." said Norman. "You're really pathetic Norman. Your sister and your friend gets captured and you come crawling back here with your tail between your legs. Fucking excuse for a man." said Tanya. "Tanya!" said Ana. "I lost them Tanya." said Norman.

She slapped him as she yelled,"No way! I don't believe this! The people who did this deserve to get killed but you just let them take your SISTER! What the hell is wrong with you Norman?! You call yourself a man and you do shit like this! You're capable of transforming into a beast and you let them do this shit!". "Tanya! Stop now!" yelled Kurt. "Norman! Don't walk away from the problem!" yelled Tanya.

Norman yelled,"Shut the hell up!". He walked off as he said,"I'm sorry. I just need to catch some rest and someone get me once you find their base.". He was gone as Dawn said,"God dam it. Everyone is tense right now.". "Hey Tanya! You really didn't need to say anything. He always feel like shit and you aren't helping!" said Kurt. She was quiet as she looked in Norman's direction. "Don't ignore me Tanya!" said Kurt. "Shut up." said Tanya.

Flashback. Zimsa was somehow holding both Cyrus and Sakura as she said,"Your job is simple for a human to understand. You need to return to your guild and install this here. It is simple for you isn't it muscle?". "What is it?" said Norman. "It is a bomb which is 1000 times stronger than Saturn. Your guild will be destroy." said Zimsa. "There is no way! I could do.." said Norman. "You can and you will human. My word is law." said Zimsa.

Norman stood there as he said,"You will give me back Sakura and Cyrus. I will destroy Heroes.". He walked off holding the orb as he went toward the basement. Back at Underworld, Bob was trying to escape using his teeth. "Let us out!" yelled Bob. Sakura was trying to take off Cyrus's cuffs as she said,"You better not look! This outfit is so embarrassing.". "You can do it because we can't use Bob since he is well like that." said Cyrus.

Sakura said,"Cyrus. I can't. These chains can't be broken by the strength of a human. I don't think a Slayer could do it.". "Let me try with you." said Cyrus who was about to turn around. Sakura blushed as she kicked Cyrus into the wall. "Sheesh. You humans are sure loud. I can hear you from upstairs especially screamer here." said a voice. Bob saw Gray as he said,"You!". He slammed the bars as he yelled,"Let me out so I can kick your ass!".

Gray said,"You should chill out. Rage isn't good for you boy.". Bob was quiet as Gray said,"I bet you three are cold. Here from me.". Cyrus held some hot chocolate from him and Sakura as Bob held a blanket as Sakura said,"Thank you.". "Sorry about that. Frost's cold can separate. I love her but she is a cold girl. So enjoy the gifts from the devil by the way." said Gray. "Wait?! Who the hell are you?!" yelled Bob.

He was gone as Sakura said,"Bob.". "That guy and I think his wife/lover have the same magic power of Kurt and Danny respectively. I need to know who they are." said Bob. "Ah." said Cyrus. Gray stop in place as he said,"Bob. It is so good to see you again. It has been a while since I have seen your mug again. The first time, I didn't see that it was that boy who has Chaos in him but now that I see you again, time to see how you'll fucked me over.".

Ebeixhar stood next to Roosevelt as he said,"So Roosevelt, how is it going? Did you find Anna and James already? Or is your beauty mark bothering you?". Roosevelt had a giant black eye from Bob as he said,"I am working on it Ebeixhar! My magic is working right now. Actual Time Connection is in the middle of searching through the continent's wizards and did you kill Bob?!". "We sure did and we kill them. Head goes off so how much does it cost?" said Ebeixhar.

Roosevelt smiled as he said,"I will find them for sure.". Allison was being held by Ausarion as she was breathing. "Shock her." said Zepoza. Allison screamed as Zepoza said,"Stop.". Ausraion stopped as Allison fell on the floor. "Now. Tell me where James is." said Zepoza. "Return Myra." said Allison who looked at her. 'Go back to work Ausraion. I'm going to make this incredibly painful to say the least." said Zepoza. Allison screamed from the pain.

James was breathing as Anna was nearby him. "Are you serious? You'll free us. What will you do to save us?" said Hamlet. "I will defeat you by myself but Anna has a reason as well for doing this as well." said James. "We will win." said Anna. "Where you stand, all of you... Disappear!" said James who was casting a spell. Zero stood up as Julius said,"The hell?". "How are you?" said Perry. "You'll die James and Anna! Shadow Roulade" yelled Zero.

Two beams of darkness flew toward Anna and James despite having no arms as Maria said,"Zero?! I can't believe it!". "How did the seal?" said Marx, Perry, and Helen. "That bastard survived?!" said the grim reaper aka Reaper and Julius. The attacks went through James and Anna and their guild yelled loudly,"James! Anna!". Zero smiled as Roosevelt felt something. "Chairman. What is going on? You got goosebumps?" said Ebeixhar.

Roosevelt yelled,"Shut the hell up!". "So did you find them?" said Ebeixhar. "Shut your big fat mouth for a minute!" said Roosevelt. James and Anna were on the ground bleeding as James said,"He was dead. He couldn't move a muscle.". Alice ran toward him as she yelled,"James! Anna!". "Get back Alice." said Anna. "Get out of here." said James. "Hell no! We're not leaving you two!" yelled Bryan which shocked the five. "He is right!" said Sally and Kirk.

James said,"You know that I can't have my treasure dying. Run Alice.". "I refuse! I won't watch my future husband dying in front of me! It's not over yet!" yelled Alice. James smiled as Anna said,"If you say so.". Zero pounced them as he yelled,"Goodbye James and Anna! I'll see you in hell! This is icing on the cake! Be sending your wife with you!". "Did you find them or not?! This is important!" yelled Ebeixhar. "Oh. I did something better." said Roosevelt.

Alice was crying as she said,"James. Anna.". The Prayers looked shocked as Hamlet smiled. A boot flew in the air as Lila said,"Not a trace.". Zero laughed like crazy as James and Anna broke Zero in unison. "What?" said Hamlet. "James? Anna?" said Bryan, Sally, Alice, and Kirk. "My nightmare was shattered? How is this?" said Hamlet. James's eyes were closed as Hamlet said,"You crushed your eyes?!".

Tonya said,"What the? This is bullshit!". "It is crazy to even think about." said Quick. The ten were trapped in place by Anna who said,"You won't be moving anytime soon. Ultimate Freeze!". The ten were frozen as Lila said,"This is...". "So what is this?" said Marx and Val. "A three dimensional seal formation." said Julius. "Which means that." said Maria and Reaper. "Lets see how they judge you and I hope something good. Grand Chariot!" said James.

The spell came down as the ten were in pain. "Bastard." said Hamlet. James placed his left hand with his fingers toward the ground as he raised his right hand with the fingers up to the sky as the sky start to change. Something was coming out of the sky as Perry said,"So what the hell is that?". "This is his magic. Bastard." said Julius. "EROS!" yelled James. A giant meteor was crashing down as the others covered their eyes from the explosion.

The dust settled as the ten were defeated by it. James stood there and he said,"I told you that I could do it. Don't mess with a former wizard saint.". "That magic." said Silvia. "He is strong and Anna is his right hand woman." said Mason. Hamlet said,"We lost. Just kill us and take Silvia and Mason to their freedom.". "No." said Anna. "Will you take us back to jail James?" said Lila. "No. Primeval Genesis, join it." said James.

"Wha?" said Lila. "Join it and I promise that your prayers will be answered." said Anna. "I promise that we will do this by one thing." said James. He grabbed Hamlet as Hamlet said,"Yes?". "We must kill Hex!" yelled James. Kirk said,"So what do you all think?". "We'll heal you if you come with us if you say yes." said Sally. "Pretty tempting offer if you ask." said Bryan. They said yes while in pain as the group walked off with the injured being carried using Kirk's magic.

Roosevelt was walking down the stairs in the control room as Ebeixhar said,"So what is it? Did you find them?!". "Oh. Something much better than that. I have transferred the keys using my Ultimate Data Magic's power." said Roosevelt. The demon looked confused but he completely understood what the chairman had said. He was just playing dumb and he hope Lady Zepoza got the message from him.

Roosevelt said as a chibi version of James and Anna holding keys and the keys transferred over to the chibi old man appeared in the air for some reason,"To explain in a way that makes sense to you. Their keys are mine.". "Yours?" said Ebeixhar. "Yes. If we do this again, we can give the keys to two other people. We kill them and then the seal on Head is released." said Roosevelt. "And how should these two be?" said Ebeixhar.

Roosevelt yelled at him,"Whoever! The captured Heroes will be perfect for this!". "So let me get this straight. You're are the last keys." said Ebeixhar. "You idiot! I have been saying that this entire time  and you must have not listened! This method exists because of me! It is thanks to my Ultimate Data magic! With this, the final seals will be destroy and the world will be ours!" yelled Roosevelt. "It's so cool that you did this. You must be a smart guy." said Ebeixhar.

Roosevelt said,"Of course I am. I am the former chairman of the magic council and soon to be the only human in the world left with magic power!". "This is going to be interesting." said Ebeiexhar who smiled. Zepoza walked up to the human as she said,"You did good chairman. You deserve a long rest.". He was stabbed in the chest as Zepoza said,"The seals are now broken as you learn not to trust demons dumbass.".

The island start to shake as everyone noticed it. "What the hell is going on now?" said Bob. "I don't know but something big just happened." said Cyrus. Allison was out cold as Ebeixhar looked at the dead body said,"Oh my. I guess he learn to shut his big fat mouth.". "Even Block is reacting to Head being released." said Zepoza. Bob fell onto the ground as he and Cyrus said,"Sakura.". She was silent as she was worried about her brother who said I love you Sakura as the bomb was going off.

In a cavern somewhere, four rectangle like objects appear from out of the ground. A giant head like a Tiki head came out of the ground and it was gray. Bob, Sakura, and Cyrus slammed into the wall as the girl said,"Bob! Look!". He looked at her as she yelled,"Not at me! You idiot! Over there!". Bob noticed a sword clashing into the bars as Cyrus said,"We can use that to cut the chains right.". "Yeah and who is better than Bob when it comes to a sword." said Sakura. "Right." said Bob.

Zepoza said,"This is quite the reaction to it.". "At least we know that Head is free from its prison. A good thing." said Ebeixhar. "So where is it?!" said Zepoza. "It seems to be rather far than what we originally thought to say the least." said Ebeixhar. "That means nothing. Start it." said Zepoza. "We have a problem." said Ebeixhar. The shaking stopped as the larger demon said,"The shaking stopped as the activation can't be done from here.".

Zepoza said,"What in Hex's name do you mean?". "Remote control access is just a pipe dream. You messed up because Head can ONLY be activated manually but the chairman could have done that but he is dead now. I think he was fatter than me." said Ebeixhar. "I see. I have acted hasty but he was a pain to everyone. Send someone there." said Zepoza. "K. I just hope those Heroes don't stick their noses in where they don't belong." said Ebeixhar.

The two heard,"Relax. Don't worry about such things.". The two saw Zimsa standing there and she said,"It is a matter of time. Before long, the end to the Heroes will be soon. Just wait and see.". "You are making it so tempting to skip the book Zimsa." said Ebeixhar. "If you do that, I will hurt you like how Lady Zepoza hurts the prisoner." said Zimsa. "Oh. You're no fun Zimsa." said Ebeixhar. Zimsa said,"Soon lord Hex.".

Warning, no mercy of Lich. I don't hate the voice actress in the slightest so don't think that. Sorry for that. I just need to say that before we continue onward. In the lab or Hell Heart, whistling was heard and the person whistling had a pretty interesting laugh. She has brown hair and brown. Some of her hair looks like bunny ears and she has trying to pull of the nurse look from fiction but without the breasts, it didn't work. She had a tie with the faction 1/32. You'll see what it means soon.

She said after her signature laugh which makes cats, dogs, and puppies cry,"What should I do? What if they are born just because of that awful shaking just now?! What should I do? Just kidding. Worry is ...". Her face went super realistic as she said,"Avoidable! Because they're already reborn!". She did her laugh as something cried or glass broke. Just hear it. A man stood there. He had neck length hair which is blond, blue eyes, and he looked like a male model except with demon claws.

The man said,"So this is my body. Fascinating.". "That is right Hurricaner-Kun!". "Hurricaner. That is my name." said Hurricaner. "Hey Hey. You're so Boss now cause I made you look like a Hunk! A Hunk!" said Lich. "My looks are unimportant." said Hurricaner. "Yeah?! Why the hell did you give him all the attention freak. You're so unfair." said a familiar voice. Wolf stood there as he looked more like a wolf and with a bushy tail.

Lich went onto to him as she said,"But, But, Wolfy, You've always been super cute! Why would I need to change anything?!". "You're fucking gross. Get the hell off me freak." said Wolf. "Your name is Wolfy?" said Hurricaner. "No idiot! My name is Wolf! Why does he not remember me Lich? You better get me an answer." said Wolf. "Our good pal Hurricaner here, loses his memories every time he is revived but that it is a blessing for me!" said Lich.

She made her realistic face as Hurricaner sighed. "I am going to find that Thunderbolt and his furry friend. I am going to fuck them up for revenge. I am doing in front of his girlfriend. Going to be so freaking good." said Wolf. "Your angry face is so sexy. I think I'm going to get pregnant!" said Lich who gushed. "You know that I wouldn't say that to a comrade but I hope you burn in hell for being a annoying freaking brat!" yelled Wolf.

Hurricaner looked away as he said,"Who are they?". 'Yeah. Tell us freak." said Wolf. "I almost forgot about them." said Lich. Nancy and Dion stood there as they looked like demon. Dion had ice claws as he looked like a model. "So that is what it means to be a demon. My power is overflowing." said the girl as Dion looked at his ice claws. "They're humans that Zepoza brought back. The woman is Nancy I think and the hunk is Dion. I couldn't care less about women." said Lich.

Hurricaner said,"Dion and Nancy.". "A new friend huh? Welcome to the guild." said Wolf. "I want revenge on a human." said Dion. "Chill out Dion Chan. You will soon. I need to get to work on these two." said Lich. Myra and Chaos were floating in the test tub with tentacles attached to them as Lich said,"I am going to make Chaos into a hunk who loves me and I will make Myra was it into an ugly insect. This is going to be fun!".  

Back at the Heroes guild hall, Norman was in the basement as the bomb was about to go off. He heard footsteps as he heard,"God. I can't believe that they are making me do this.". Tanya stood at the bottom of the stars as she said,"Norman. I am so sorry for what I said earlier and shit like that.". The man looked scary to see her as Tanya said,"What the? That Orb.". He rushed toward her as he yelled loudly,"Get back!".

He slammed her into some supplies as Tanya yelled,"Norman!". The man yelled the words Don't get in my way three times as he pinned Tanya down to the ground. She saw the bomb as she said,"What the hell?!". "Die Heroes." said Norman. "Someone! Now!" yelled Tanya at the top of her lungs. The man kept her mouth covered with his hands as Tanya thought,"Is he being controlled? At this rate, I need to get out of here.".

Upstairs, Jade stopped writing. "You alright Jade?" said Stella. "I have found it!" yelled Jade. "Sweet job Jade!" yelled the guild. "They are right above us." said Jade pointing up. "What? They are right above us." said Rose. "What the hell? Those bastards are just above us?! yelled someone inside of the guild. "Yes. Scampers escaped, he was really close by in the country of Useon which is just right next to us. They should be here thanks to all of the math that I just did." said Jade.

Zimsa said,"Here it comes.". "So they came to us." said Johnny. "Are you ready to go save Bob and the others?" said Stella. "Hell yeah!" yelled Scampers. "Lets go kick some ass and show them not to fuck with Heroes!" yelled Kurt. "Hell yeah!" yelled the entire guild. Zimsa smirked as the bomb went off. Scampers noticed the explosion as it destroyed the guild hall. Bob looked up as Cyrus and Sakura said,"What?". "Nothing." said Bob. Bob thought,"You're dead Underworld.".

Next time,
Did Underworld complete their plans? If you read the notes that you know the answer so I am not going any father than this.

Bob is later unfrozen and thrown into prison without his scarf which he reacts to until he sees Cyrus without his hat along with Sakura. The three talk as Bob learn that Norman was captured by them. He tells them that they will escape.
In a bedroom, Zimsa talks with Zepoza. Zepoza is pleased at her fellow demon's handiwork as she takes Zimsa to enjoy her reward.
James and Anna are on death's door as the others tell them that they are going to help as the two tell them they are going to keep fighting because none of the Prayers are truly free. Zero appears from Ex's explosion.
At Heroes guild hall, the guild talks about the recent events. They note that Cyrus, Norman, and Sakura stayed behind to bury the former chairman according to the rest of their team.
They tried to find out where Underworld's base is as Scampers comes flying through the window dazed and confused. He tells the guild everything that he knows as Jade thinks that she can find their base thanks to the info from Scampers.
Norman arrives back at the guild hall and he tells them that Cyrus and Sakura were captured by them. Tanya yells at him for failing as everyone is on edge right now.
Zimsa tells Norman to blow up the guild hall so he can get Sakura and Cyrus back from them.
Bob tries to escape only to be stopped by Gray who gives Sakura and Cyrus some hot chocolate and a blanket as the two are cold. He walks off as Bob tells his friends that man has the same magic aura as Kurt and the woman that he was with has the same magic aura as Danny. Gray talks to himself about Bob being here.
Ebeixhar talks with Roosevelt about where James and Anna while Zepoza along with Ausairon keep on torturing Allison.
James and Anna are still fighting the Prayers as Zero walks up and he wounds the two. He then destroy the two as the others are shocked by him. Ebeixhar and Roosevelt are happy at this development.
James and Anna break Night's illusions as James and Anna defeat them with two powerful spells. He along with Anna tells them that they will free them by defeating and killing Hex. They should join Primeval Genesis.
Roosevelt transfer the final keys to himself using his magic as Ebeixhar makes the man yelled it out loud to the heavens and he is killed by Zepoza. The island known as Block starts to react Head being unsealed as Norman is about to blow up the guild.
Head comes out of the ground in a cavern somewhere.
Sakura noticed a sword toward them as she figures out that they can escaped with it.
Zepoza and Ebeixhar talk about the current situation at hand as they hope Heroes doesn't stick their nose into their business but Zimsa tells the two that they have nothing to worried about. Their story is about to end.
In a lab, a strange demon who goes by the name of Lich is talking to herself as Hurricaner and Wolf are revived by her. She fawns over them as Wolf is grossed out by her. The three look at Dion and Nancy who are fully demons.
Lich looks at Chaos and Myra and she tells them that Myra and Chaos will be an ugly insect and a hunk respectfully.
Tanya finds Norman with the bomb as she tries to stop him but she can't get past his pure strength. Jade found their base as she tells the guild about its location which is right above them. The guild then explodes.

Lich. Slimy Curse. She is very impulsive and she can switch between emotions in a second. She has a deep love for men and she makes her guildmates look better looking because of that. She doesn't care about women in the slightest. She has black hair and brown eyes.

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