Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Power Guild Episode 172 Underworld part 19 The Tale of the Raymond Brothers

A/N: This is technically a filler chapter in a sense. I had stuff that I want to get in this arc mainly a fight that we will see later on in the arc. I actually don't hate adding this stuff in but I really want to get a certain event which has one of my favorite characters in it. If you know me, you should know what it is but if you don't, it has a Chreax in it. That is my only hint and we are almost near 180 episodes.

Brendan and Casey sat down as Brendan said,"Man. I'm beat. Those guys sure know how to test our limits for sure.". "Yeah. I hope the others are alright." said Casey. "Yeah. I mean Bob must be death by now since he has been fighting since the start of the war." said Brendan. "Didn't he cause the war because of what they did to X and the others?" said Casey. "Yeah. He sure did. I hope something bad doesn't happen." said Brendan.

The two were then attacked with a lot of wind as Casey said,"You just had to say something didn't you Brendan?". "Sorry. That usually never happens to me." said Brendan. Keith stood there with Hugo and Dwight. "Look who it is boys. The poser and his wet girlfriend." said Dwight. "At least I don't have a but chin." said Brendan. The but chin man was angry as Hugo said,"Where is that one who defeated us?".

Keith said,"We'll kill him next Hugo but now, we have to get our revenge. They fought with two of the Sixteen Deadly Demons earlier so they're tired. Lets kill them.". He made some wind as Dwight said,"Any last words before we murder you?!". "Yeah. Screw you." said Brendan. Dwight was about to punch Brendan but his arm was held back by crimson red hair. Angel stood there as she said,"I will not let you hurt my friends.".

She made Dwight fly in the air as the hair grabbed Brendan and Casey. "Thanks." said Casey. "Are you two still able to fight blond and white hair?" said Angel. "Sure. Dibs on but chin." said Brendan who crackled his knuckles. "Sure. I'll handle Hugo." said Angel. "And I got Keith." said Casey. The short dark wizard rushed toward Brendan. "Needle Blast!" yelled Dwight. Brendan jumped over him and he yelled,"Ultimate Earth Fist!".

The fist hit Dwight as rocks covered him. "Dwight need him from Hugo." said Hugo. He was held back by Angel's hair as she said,"Crimson Hair! Ultimate Burn!". Hugo was burning as Keith was about to slice her hair using his wind until he was blasted with water. "I will get my revenge on you assholes!" yelled Keith. The wind was going nuts as the rocks covering Dwight were gone. "Thanks windy. Needle Frenzy Punch!" said Dwight.

Brendan dodge the first couple of punches but then he was slammed by the attack. "Brendan!" yelled Angel and Casey. The two were hit by their opponent as Hugo said,"Can Hugo kill them now? Hugo want to make Bob pay for defeating us.". "Yeah. Killing him will be so sweet." said Dwight. He was held by Brendan who said,"Not going to happen. Giant Earth Hammer!". A giant hammer hit the man and he was out cold.

Hugo said,"Dwight!". He was about to rush toward Brendan but he was stopped by Angel's hair and the girl said,"Crimson Hair! Ten Thousand Punches and Tiger Chomp!". The tiger chomped Hugo and he was punched by the hair. He was out cold in his Frankenstein form as Keith said,"Where did you go Casey?". His head was covered in water as Casey stood there. He was out cold as Casey said while breathing,"So tired.". The three fell on the ground from exhaustion.

Nick sat on the ground as he said,"Man. I'm beat.". "Same here. We should probably make a signal of some king to alert the others." said Grim. "Good plan man. So got any fire on you?" said Nick. "I got some right here along with your deaths! Laughing Skull of Fire!" yelled a voice. The two dodged the aforementioned skull of fire as they saw Ringo standing there. "Son of. I got little left to fight. What are we going to do?" said Grim.

Nick heard,"Stand back honey! Rocket Shot!". The cowboy saw a rocket flying over his head as it hit Ringo knocking him back. She stood there as she said,"You guys okay?". "Just peachy. Where are the others?" said Grim. "They're looking for the others along with giving an assist." said Julie. "Sweet. So all we have to do is take care of this guy then and we get to rest." said Nick. "Yeah Nick." said Julie and Grim.

Ringo said,"Die! Circus of the Elements!". The three dodged it as Nick said,"Quickfire! Sand Giant Fists and Smash!". Several types of magic bullets came out along with two giant fists made out of the sand. They grabbed Ringo as he was slammed into the ground by them. "Atomic and Lighting Slice!" said Grim. The two slices slashed the clown as Julie said,"Hypernova Shot!". Ringo was knocked into the wall by a really hot attack and out cold.

Julie caught Nick as he said,"Thanks honey. So are you the only one?". "We went into groups because this area is so big and something out of a zombie movie like that." said Julie. "It does give off those vibes doesn't it? Do you mind if we rest for a while? I'm beat." said Grim. "I would like that too." said Nick. "Sure boys. We can rest until you guys get some of your strength back so we can find our way back to base camp." said Julie. The three sat there tired.

Meanwhile in the ruins of the castle area which was on top of Block before it crashed into the planet or Oyrus. Danny and Kurt were standing across from Frost and Gray. "There are 5,000 Heads?" said Danny. "Yes." said Frost. "What the hell is wrong with the magic council? I mean one is bad enough but 5,000 is just messed up." said Kurt. "You can say that again." said Gray. "So why the hell did you two bring us here? I hope it isn't just for that info." said Danny.

Frost said,"Not at all. We plan to see you two in despair, pain, and misery before the bomb goes off. I will enjoy killing you.". "Sorry ice woman but I don't crack that easy." said Danny. "Really? You're always the wise one. It is going to be boring just killing you though." said Gray. "Who do you two know about us?!" said Kurt. "We're not going to tell." said Frost. "Use that brain of yours because we are not telling you." said Gray.

Kurt said,"Danny. We know their faces and voices way too well. They belong to people that I know pretty dam well so tell me. Who the hell are you two?!". He was angry as Gray said,"We're not going to answer that kid.". "No! Tell me who you two are because I really don't want to say it." said Kurt who gripped his hand. "Fine. My name is Gray Raymond and this here is my wife Francine Raymond which makes us your parents." said Gray.

Danny said,"No way. It can't be.". "You buried them right?! I saw them dead with my own two eyes and I can't believe this!" yelled Kurt. "We're your parents Kurt." said Francine or Frost. "Shut the hell up bitch! Passion Sabers! Kill them!" yelled Kurt. Several sabers came out as they rushed toward the two. "Kurt. You need to calm down." said Danny. "Screw that! I can't believe that they are here when they died!" yelled Kurt.

Gray swiped them away as Kurt rushed toward him. Frost stood nearby as Kurt tried to hit Gray who dodged his punches. "Passion Blizzard Punch!" yelled Kurt. The punch hit Gray's forearm as he made Kurt go back. "Kurt!" yelled Danny. Kurt got back up as he brushed the rubble off. "Not giving up! I won't believe that my parents are alive!" yelled Kurt. He was charging up an attack as Gray started to laugh.

Frost said,"Your face Kurt. It is perfect and it is just I thought it would be.". "Screw you! Passion Fire and Ice Lance!" yelled Kurt. Several lances made out of fire and ice went toward them as Frost fired them back at the two. "Are you okay?" said Kurt. "Yeah. Now, I'm mad." said Danny. "You two want to know something. Us being alive isn't a lie but things right now, it is complicated like anything with time travel." said Gray.

Kurt said,"You're right about that last thing but what are you talking about?". "In life, we are ruled by the gods. We are now part of a greater plan mainly to you Kurt. We all are destined to fight here and now." said Frost. "What is she talking about? Do you know anything?" said Danny. "I got no freaking clue bro. I usually never do but I know what that means. We will beat that info out of them. It is the Heroes way." said Kurt.

Nearby (I think), Bob was dodging Hurricaner. "Atomic Fire!" yelled Bob. The fire ball went toward the demon as he said,"Rainstorm.". The fire was gone as Bob appeared in front of the demon. "Power Dragon Punch!" yelled Bob. The punched knocked the demon back a couple of feet as he said,"Leave me alone. Gale.". Bob was blown back as he said,"Okay. You're not bad pretty boy. Time for Round 2!".

Johnny was trying to break through Hiusam's defense as the demon said,"That won't work on me. I'm known for my...". "Shut up! Metal Dragon Sword!" yelled Johnny. The sword slashed through as the demon went back. "Poison Vortex Roar and Poison Slashes!" yelled Python. The roar surround Miza as she started to punch the roar along with the slashed. Melody tried to kick Sezoch but it failed due to his body.

Bob grabbed Hurricaner as he yelled,"Johnny! Maneuver 18!". "You got it!" yelled Johnny as he held the fish demon. The two Slayers were about to make the demons hit each other with a lot of force but Hurricaner said,"Crash.". The two Slayers went into the ground as Hiusam threw them into the wall as Python said,"You guys!". "Demon Fist!" yelled Miza. Python joined them as Sezoch hit Melody with his staff.

Melody thought,"I'm worried about Kurt. Something is going on and I need to be there for him along with Danny but mainly Kurt.". Stella was trying to stand up as she said,"Let me fight you guys. I am not going to watch you guys.". Bob flicked her forehead as he said,"Just watch Stella. We have this in a bag. We could maybe make a circus out of them.". Stella smiled as Johnny said,"Hey you guys. Do you got this strange scent?".

Python said,"Hell yeah. It is those four isn't it?". "You're dam right. We got some major powerhouses backing them. They're taking on a strong foe for sure so lets clean up this trash." said Bob. The three Slayers rushed toward their demons as the fight went on. Kazor was blocked Chad, Sake, and Steve's attacks as Kara threw her chain at him. He dodged it as the chain was blocked by Chad. "I see then. It is quite interesting." said Kazor.

He pushed the four back as he said,"I can now see why playing with you all was fun Zepoza.". "We're not playing asshole." said Chad. "Bring your A-Game ready." said Sake. "They're right." said Steve who crackled his knuckles. "Unable to see your death in the future, emotions controlling you, and the ignorance of your weakness. You all are an ignorant species and it will be fun destroying. Mercy is for the weak." said Kazor.

Allison and Athena are walking with Nancy as Allison said,"Do you know where the control room is Nancy?". "Sorta of. You guys really did a number on this place along with you showing me no mercy whatsoever." said Nancy. "You must have forced them too sis." said Athena. "You're right Athena." said Nancy. She started to smile as Athena said,"I haven't seen them in years.". "It is nice Athena. It's warm too." said Nancy.

Later on, Lora heard footsteps as she said to the two Chreax,"Get ready you two.". "Lucky is always ready for a fight Lora." said Lucky. The group then saw Scampers and Spike. "Scampers! Spike! You two are okay." said Allison. "Allison!" said Scampers. He was running toward her as Spike said,"You are forgetting about Athena, Lora, Nancy and the Monster Chreax. Good to see you all by the way. I wish that we were meeting under different circumstances.".

Larry ran toward Scampers as he said,"It's been way too long Scampers!". "Scampers! Lucky missed you!" said Lucky. "I hate to interrupted this reunion here but we don't have the time for it. Wait till later." said Athena. "She's right. Let's go." said Spike. "So Scampers, your fashionable headgear is so cool." said Larry. "Lucky thinks so too!" said Lucky. Scampers sighed as Nancy glared at that fungus on his head.

She got in front of him as Lora said,"Nancy?". "Scampers, did you say anything offense to Nancy as of late? It happened before." said Spike. "What are you talking about? I didn't say anything to her at all. I'm sorry." said Scampers. 'You are a little bastard." said Nancy. Scampers was scared as he said a lot,"I'm sorry.". She grabbed the mushroom and she pulled it off with a lot of force causing a massive scream coming from the cat.

Spike said,"That was harsh.". "That's Nancy for you Spike!" said Larry. "Lucky thinks so too!" said Lucky. "Why did you do that?!" said Scampers who was crying from the pain. Nancy looked at the fungus and she said,"This isn't a normal shroom. I think that the value is...". "How much is it? How much is it?" said Ebeixhar. She gripped him as she said,"This is one of the Sixteen Deadly Demons for sure. He knows where the control room is.".

Lora said,"That's Nancy for you.". "She is the forceful one." said Athena. "I demand respect for you humans!" yelled Ebeixhar. She held him harder as Larry said,"That's our lady for you!". "Our lady is great!" said Lucky. "You did good Scampers." said Spike. "It was nothing at all. The Chreax partner of the Power Slayer is the best at finding things." said Scampers. "Where is Bob? Lucky doesn't see him around here." said Lucky. "I don't know. I hope he is okay." said Scampers.  

Allison said,"Scampers. You don't need to worry about him. I have known for Bob for a decade. He may have a temper which could probably burn an ocean but his heart/power is strong. You don't need to worry Scampers. We still have Head to worry about.". "She is right you guys." said Lora. "That thing better tell us where the control room is." said Athena. The mushroom by force lead the group toward the control room.

Kurt said,"We're destined to Fight?! That is bullshit! Passion Blast!". The blast was hit back by Gray as Danny said,"Frozen Darkness!". The attack went toward Francine as she kicked it right back at him. "You should probably tell them what you mean Gray." said Francine who looked at him. "You got a point there Francine. These bodies that we found are just some vessels for us. They are just some corpses that were lying around us." said Gray.

The two were shocked. "All of us in Underworld are demons from the book of Hex and our originally forms weren't this at all. To say the least, our forms aren't very convenient." said Gray. "We use these bodies for that reason. I found this body and I was proud to see how great it was and since then, it has been paradise." said Francine. "It should be noted that it was complete coincidence that these bodies draws us all together more and more." said Gray.

Francine said,"We've been waiting a long time for these. Killing you with my hands will be worth the wait.". "Don't fuck with me! You two are just using their corpses for whatever you want. Even if I had reasons to hate you, you got no reasons to hate me." said Kurt. "Not at all Kurt. You know that I won't be happy until all of the people of Jo's school are dead along with him." said Gray. "Huh? You can't be..." said Kurt.

Gray said,"You know who I am? Well good for you. Jo isn't here along with Leon but your children plus your best friend are here so after I kill you and Danny. They're next. Surely neither of you have forgotten the name, Estrarum!". Kurt started to shiver in fear as he recall the memories of the demon including the fact that he killed his parents and for a while, Danny. "That is impossible! I know for a fact that Bob and Jo killed you!" yelled Kurt.

Francine said,"Let me add another bomb to this mood. I am Batolar Danny.". "Batolar? You are the demon who was going to kill me for a meal before Master Bruno killed it without much effort on his part." said Danny. "You're right kids. They did kill us but Underworld has a place where we can keep coming back and it's known as Hell Heart." said Gray. "Are you really them?" said the two. They're getting mad as Frost said,"Yes. You two remember our true forms right?".

They were angry as Sezoch said,"Soon. The tale of Danny Raymond and Kurt Raymond is about to end.". "What are you talking about?" said Melody. Both Danny and Kurt were rushing toward their parents as Sezoch said,"It is certain now. The power of the demons that bringing forth despair and disaster. The boy known as Kurt will use the same spell as his master and Danny will use something along those lines known as Frozen Shell. They're dead.".

Next time,
A family fight and also a super cute moment.

Before the couple can relax, they get attacked by Keith, Hugo, and Dwight. The couple is saved by Angel who gets ready to fight her former guild.
Casey, Brendan, and Angel vs Keith, Hugo, and Dwight.
They defeat them as they rested for a moment.
Nick and Grim are tired as Ringo decide to attack them while they are in the moment. His attack on them is blocked by Julie who decide to help the boys out with their little clown problem.
Nick, Grim, and Julie vs Ringo.
The three defeat the clown and they rested for a moment.
Danny and Kurt learn about the 5,000 faces from Frost and Gray. Kurt knows the voice and their faces all too well as he asks who the hell are you. Gray tells Kurt that he is Gray Raymond, Kurt and Danny's father and Frost is Francine Raymond, Kurt and Danny's mother. Kurt doesn't believe them as he attacks them. The two tell their sons that they were destined to fight confusing the Raymond brothers.
Bob, Johnny, Python, and Melody are having trouble in their fight as Melody feels like something bad is happening to Kurt as we speak. Bob tells Stella to just relax as Johnny and Python sense four others. Bob knows that Chad and Steve are here as well.
Kazor tells the four humans that they have no chance to defeat him.
Allison and Athena help Nancy walk as Lora, Lucky, and Larry look for the control room. Nancy is happy as Athena is happy to see her older sister smile. They run into Spike and Scampers later. The four Chreax talk about stuff as Nancy noticed the mushroom on Scampers's head.
She gets close to him and she pulls it out of his head and he is in pain from it. Nancy figures out that this fungi is Ebeixhar and he will tell them where the control room is or else. Scampers is worried about Bob but Allison tells him that Bob is fine. The group walks off as they go to the control room.
Kurt and Danny fight their "parents" as the two decide to tell them that they are demons who are only borrowing their bodies. Kurt and Danny wonders who is in there and why they are going after them in the first place.
Gray tells him that he is Estrarum and Kurt is shocked. Francine tells Danny that she is Batolor who almost killed him when he was traveling alone and before he met Bruno. Danny and Kurt don't believe it because Bruno destroy Batolor and Bob and Jo destroy Estrarum.
They agree with them but they tell them about their handy regenerate lab. The two rushed toward their parents with rage as Sezoch tells Melody that the two will make a decision that will change their lives for. Kurt will use Passion Shell just like Jo did and Danny will use Frozen Shell which will cost them their lives.

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