Monday, December 14, 2015

Power Guild Episode 182 Underworld part 29 Memento Mori. Change of Guard in Monsters.

A/N: Welcome to the last couple of Episode before the end of the Arc. I plan to make the Avatar Arc to make it full of filler. I think the anime is going to do that or the second season is going to be just like the first season. I would rather not wait a year for the manga to be ahead of the Anime. I mean it happened once and I don't think we want that to happen again. So lets begin with Kazor facing off against Bob and Kurt.

So lets talk about the latest episode of the anime. You know how I badmouth the dragons's designs but the other dragons are a little better. I have been looking to see Metalicana and Skiadrum and so far, they look okay. So in the manga, Lisanna Strausss had no clothes because Tartaros took away their clothes but in the anime, they didn't. So why did Animal Soul take her clothes? I don't know that was a mistake or anything.

It's a confusing mess for me so were Quarto Cerberus made into a joke. I mean if you think that they are going to do something. They aren't so if you like Bacchus aka me, you are disappointed. This is sad news everybody. Get it? It is a reference to Futurama. Just watch it and I hopefully explained it well because I don't explain things well. I did like how see other guild trying to destroy and I do mean trying. So I should probably begin already. Lets start this already. Also Pokemon Infinite Fusion is so ugly. Just type it into Youtube and you will be sick to your stomach.

Bob and Kurt stood there as Kazor said,"Fine. Prepare to die! Spike!". The vines flew toward the two as Bob said,"Electrocute!". "Freeze!" yelled Kurt. The vines were either shocked to ashes or they were frozen. Kurt smashed them as he threw them at the demon. Kazor punched them away as Bob yelled,"Stormy Missile!". The missile went toward him as it exploded thanks to Kurt's Passion Blast and Explosion.

The demon was pissed off as Kurt said,"Man. His anger makes your anger look normal.". "I will take that as a compliment." said Bob. The two then noticed that Kazor fired off several Rogue Bombs at them as they ran past them. Bob rushed toward the demon as he said,"Power Dragon Claw, Power Dragon Explosive Wings, and Power Dragon Smashing Fang!". He kicked and punched the demon with electricity and then a huge amount of electricity went off with an explosion.

Bob went back as Kurt said,"Passion Arrow! Passion Ultimate Arrow!". Several arrows came out of the passion bow along with a really strong one. They hit the demon as he brushed them off. Kurt was in front of him as he said,"Passion Scythe Slash!". He slashed him it causing a mini explosion as the boy was in the air. "Passion Shotgun and Passion Devil Rage!" yelled Kurt. He blasted Kazor as the roar swallowed him.

Kurt landed next to Bob as Kurt said,"Man. This guy can really take a beating.". "Yeah but we got this asshole. Time for some combos." said Bob. The two rushed toward him as Kazor made two of the giant Venus flytraps from earlier. Bob then pulled out Excalibur and Knightfall as he said,"Power Slayer Secret Art! Powerful Slash of Heaven and Hell!". He slashed apart the plant with ease as Kurt said,"Passion Frost Bringer!".

The boy made two giant swords as he slashed them, Kazor was gone as the two looked around for the demon. Said demon grabbed him as he started flying with them. "Lets us go bastard!" yelled Bob and Kurt. "Time to show you two humans what the world beyond the gate of hell is like." said Kazor. He then dragged them along the wall of the base as he said,"The end that meets humans that are dumb to face against us. You and your emotions are going to die by Kazor's hands.".

On the ground. It was an all Monsters brawl. Sake rushed toward Warren as he got his fist ready to hit the man but Warren blasted him back. "Really? Are you acting trying to hit me?" said Warren. He caught Kara's chain and he threw her away. He then blasted Kara into the ground as Chad said,"Die! I will enjoy this! Holy Punch!". He punched the man as Warren blasted him back. Steve appeared from above him as he said,"Shadow Roar!".

The roar swallowed him as Warren blasted it away. The roar went all over the blast as Warren said,"I wonder if that dumbass would provide a better challenge.". "He isn't a dumbass! He is the strongest wizard around and you're weak!" yelled Chad. He kicked Warren who blocked his kick as the three wizard joined in the attack. "Die!" yelled the four. "Fine. If you all insisted." said Warren. The man threw them into the ground and he blasted Kara and Sake.

He punched the area in front of Chad as he said,"You must have brought Nancy into this. I mean you are her father!". "So what? Both her and Athena are both useless mainly Nancy. I thought she would be at least be for some use after given demon blood but no that blew up in my face." said Warren. "I can't believe you master! You are a bastard and a low life for doing that to your dam daughter! You're going to hell after this for sure!" yelled Steve.

Warren said,"No. She along with Athena is a tool for me to use because I am a god now and I will be one forever...". Chad punched him in the face as he yelled,"Shut the hell bastard!". Warren went back a little as he said,"Not even a scratch on my perfect body.". He blasted Chad back a couple of feet as Chad felt the pain. Steve was in his shadow form as Warren grabbed him. He slammed him into the ground and blasted him.

Kara and Sake rushed toward him as Sake said,"Asteroid Slam Chop!". The chop hit Warren directly on the head as Kara's chain trapped Warren in it. "Death from Above!" yelled Kara. The skill hit the man as Warren said,"Die!". He made two giant blasts which blasted them into  a wall. "You're a real monster!" said Sake. He along with Kara were out cold from their attack as Warren started to laugh like a mad man.

Warren said,"Truly did you think that the drunk plus the dumb slut would make you stronger? That is a laugh. They turned Monsters from gods into garbage!". "Shut the hell up!" yelled Steve. "Oh. Did I touch a nerve there? Did you two believe that you could take Monsters from my hand?" said Warren who looked at Steve. "We returned Monsters back to the way a guild is supposed to be and Lora is the best." said Steve.

Steve was then karate chopped into the ground as he yelled to the heavens,"You are making me laugh Steve! Monsters is supposed to be the strongest!! You two and your pathetic weakness have ruined that vision! Along with those dam cats of yours! Remember my name! Warren Rhodes! The strongest in the world!". "You're right about something. We were weak but here is the thing. Your weakness is still there!" said Chad.

Warren looked at him as he said,"The weakness prevented us from seeing our guild as a family and we were tired of seeing of our guild like that.". "So we made Monsters into a strong guild in the way of the world. We are going to start from square one or the beginning." said Steve. "Which means that we are going to..." said Chad. "You go to hell!" yelled Steve. The two then punched him as they then kick him.

Chad yelled,"Holy Dragon Beam!". The beam hit the man as he blinded from the attack as Steve used his magic on him. "Shadow Dragon Fang of Life!" yelled Steve. An attack that seems familiar to the spell Shadow Demon Fang of Demon except less evil looking. "Ha! A truly strong guild! There is no such thing! Strength is in the person! It relies on your own personal strength and will!" yelled Warren who blocked their attack with his many arms.

So if you become a demon, pick multiple arms to have. "You're wrong bastard. They do exist. They are right next to us." said Chad. "We are blessed to have the chance to meet such a strong, kind, and upstanding guild!" said Steve. "Their name is Heroes!" yelled Chad and Steve. Meanwhile, Bob and Kurt were trying to escape Kazor's grip and Allison was fighting Zepoza without her eyesight due to her taking away her senses.

Warren yelled,"Cowards!". He slashed the two and a huge amount of blood came out of their arms as Steve couldn't use his right arm while Chad couldn't use his left arm. "Strength is oneself! This is the definition of weak! Your friendship makes you weak! Weak! Weak! Weak! Weak! Weak! It is the very answer of Weakness!" yelled Warren. "Shut the hell up! We now live for others! And we live for each other! We love another!" yelled Chad.

Chad yelled,"Heroes! They are what we are going to be now instead of what we once were! You and your twisty ways are going to die!". "Shut the hell up!" yelled Warren. He kept saying blasphemy and Steve said,"Ready to show the power of family like Bob?". "Right. Holy Pressure!" said Chad. He gained the scales as Steve said,"Shadow Pressure.". He gained the same thing as Steve move from the other side of Chad.

Chad yelled,"Divine Light!". The arrows went toward Warren 's body and they stuck themselves into the body. Steve yelled,"Hellish Dark!". The darkness version and Warren pulled them off. "Time for a Holy Dragon Judgement Breath!" yelled Chad. "Shadow Dragon Ignorance Breath!" yelled Steve who combined his roar with Chad. The roar combined into a single explosion as Chad said,"Holy Dragon Outburst!". "Shadow Dragon Eruption!" yelled Steve.

The light and shadow blasted him as Warren blasted it away. "Weak!" yelled Warren. "Holy Shadow Blast of Light and Darkness!" yelled Chad and Steve. The two then blasted him as Chad said,"Holy Slayer Secret Art! Ultimate Holy Blast and Heavenly Dragon Roar!". The blast swallowed Warren as the roar added the pain. "Shadow Slayer Secret Art! Eternal Shadow Storm and Umbra Spiral of Darkness!" yelled Steve.

The shadows went toward Warren along with the spiral and it exploded on him. Warren roared as he was about to make a really big explosion on them. "We will fixed your brokenness!" yelled Steve. "I think we will use a black and white needle to finish the job!" yelled Chad. The two glowed their color as they said in unison,"Holy Shadow Streams!". The attack that Future Steve used went right through Warren as it made him bleed. "This is impossible!" said Warren.

The two Slayers were breathing heavily as Warren fell over. "The rest..." said Chad. He was out cold as Steve said,"The rest is up to you two now.". He fell down. Meanwhile. Bob and Kurt's eyes opened up. They escaped Kazor's grip as the demon thought,"Is that?". "We are on it guys!" yelled Bob and Kurt. They then smashed him into the ground with fist powered up with pure power and pure passion respectively.

In the sky. The dragons were fighting it out causing some shock waves as they brawled like nothing else. Roars, punches, and kicks were going everywhere as the Heroes Guild watched it going on with curiosity. Johnny's group was walking as Milorth's roar as Johnny sensed it coming toward them at a break neck speed. "Move!" yelled Johnny. He pushed Jade down as the roar hit the ground as Jade said,"Thank you.".

Python said,"Next time warn us.". "Yeah." said Alex and Jenny. "What are you all doing? And all of you okay?" said a voice. The group looked up to see Althea as X said,"Hey.". "Hey. We got the blood of the guy who poisoned them in the first place." said Johnny. "Good." said Althea. "And we got due to the teamwork of Bob and Rick. The best tag team in Heroes. He is a strong guy according to John here but Bob helped too." said Python.

Althea said,"Both of them are so reckless just like their grandfather.". "Is she talking about Master? I mean it obvious right?" said Alex. "Yeah. I can make the antidote now. I can save them all." said the older woman. Alex and Jade placed Melody and X with the others poisoned as Jenny said,"Bob is out there fighting.". "He has always been the more reckless one rushing into battle but he thinks ahead. It reminds of his great grandfather Ryoku Yagami. They get it from him." said Althea.

Meanwhile. The two boys were punched Kazor into the ground with their respective element as the four monsters along with Warren were out cold. Kazor opened his eyes as he made the two stop. He flew up and he fired a giant beam at them. The two dodge it as Bob said,"Power Dragon Roar!". The demon dodged it as Kurt said,"Passion Dragon Roar!". The demon then flew over that one too as Bob yelled,"Power Quantum Roar and Power Armageddon Roar!".

The fire, thunder, and death roar mixture missed its target as Kurt said,"Frozen Dragon Roar!". He missed the ice as Bob said,"Time for a triple combo! Power Thunder Dragon Roar, Power Thunder God Roar, and Power Thunder Devil Roar!". The powerful roar trio missed its target as Kurt said after taking a deep breath,"Passion Devil Rage!". The rage missed its target as Kazor flew above the two. "Goddess Tree!" yelled Kazor.

A giant tree appeared from his hand as Bob said,"Hey. Do you remember what we did on that one job back in the day?". "Yep. Same plan but different thing." said Kurt. The two looked at the tree as they said,"Fusion Frenzy!". The two started to punch the tree with their magic. It later broke into pieces as Kurt froze them. "Passion Mjonir!" yelled Kurt. A giant hammer made out of his signature style went to Kazor who dodge it.

He heard a crack as he turned around to see Bob. "Son of a bitch! That was cold!" said Bob. "He hid in the Okaepralt?!" thought Kazor. "Power Vivid Dragon Storm!" yelled Bob. He fired a powered up version of Vivid Storm at Kazor who went crashing into the ground. Bob use the slide to help with his fall as he landed on the ground. Kazor brushed off the rubble as Bob said,"Okay. This guy needs to be hurt.".

Kurt said,"I just need to hit him Bob and then we can show him a Heroes smackdown.". "You two are interesting. No other human has provided Kazor with fun in a long time. Time for a history lesson. It is with words unlike out fists." said Kazor. The two boys stood there as Kazor said,"A very long time ago. Magic was born from the origin of magic. It wasn't that long before magic like humans started to evolve.".

"With this in mind, Finl developed a new way for magic to be stronger. Curses. The huge source of its power lays within human emotions. Grudges, envy, hatred, and all other negative emotions were turned into power itself. It is based on human life itself." said Kazor. "You need to get a mind set! If curses helped make the past, I know that magic is going to change the future!" said Bob. "Yeah. What he said!" said Kurt.

The demon lifted his hand up as black mist appeared. "What the hell is that?" said Kurt. "It looks like mist to me." said Bob. The two were surround it as Kurt said,"I can't move!". "My body isn't working at all!" said Bob. "There is no future for magic. Curse is the superior power and it will be on top due to nothing going to stop it. No time for you to fall into hell. This is the ultimate curse that Kazor and it was made to kill Hex." said Kazor

The boys screamed in pain as Kazor said,"The memory of death. Memento Mori!". A giant darkness spiral surround the two as Kazor said,"The way to kill Hex who is immortal. Kazor must destroy both life and death. Those affected by the cure are neither alive or dead but erased from this world.". "The future." said Kurt. Bob looked him as he felt the curse. "Become nothing." said Kazor. The two were gone as Kazor said,"It is done. Memento Mori is done and Final is coming soon. Die Hex.".  

Next time,
Did Kazor kill both of our Heroes? Will they stop Head in time? If you read Episode 179. You know what happens but lets say that you forgot.

Bob and Kurt vs Kazor. (Round 2).
After several failed attempts to try and kill them, Kazor takes the two into the air dragging them on the ground decide to kill them and their emotions which he finds trivial.
Chad, Steve, Kara, and Sake vs Warren.
Chad wonders if Warren dragged Nancy into this. Warren tells him that she is utterly useless and he thought that she would be something useful after granted demon blood but that blew up in his face as Steve calls him a low life for doing that to his daughter.
Warren tells him that his daughters are just tools for him to use because he is a god.
Chad punch him to shut him as Warren admits that he doesn't feel their attacks as he blast Chad back a couple of feet, Warren grabs Steve from the ground as he throws him into the ground and he blast him.
Warren blast Sake and Kara and they are in incredible amount of pain from his attack.
Sake calls him a monster before he is out cold. Warren tells Chad and Steve that Sake along with bringing back Lora made Monsters turn into garbage. He wonders if they actually thought they could take Monsters away from him. Steve tells him that they returned Monsters back to the way it is really supposed to be.
Steve is karate chopped into the ground by the man who tells him that this is making him laugh. They were supposed to be the strongest and that they ruined that vision. Chad and Steve stand up as they tell him that they were weak because they prevented them from seeing their guild as a family so they are starting at square one. They will take him down for sure.
Chad and Steve vs Warren.
The man blocks their attacks as he tells them that they will never be a truly strong guild because strength comes from power and relying on others make you weak. Chad and Steve are lucky to have met the strongest guild in the world Heroes.
Warren slashes the two causing major damage to the two but they don't care. Warren lecture to them that strength is for oneself. He calls them weak constantly as he tells them that friendship is the very definition of weakness. Chad and Steve stand strong as Chad tells him that they will live for each other and to love another just like Heroes.
Warren snaps as Steve and Chad decide to show him the power of family. They go into their Slayer Pressure as they finish him using combination attacks. Warren lays defeated as Chad and Steve decide to leave everything up to Bob and Kurt.
The two hear them as they spring a counterattack on the demon.
Johnny's group finds Althea as he tells them that they got the cure. Althea is happy as she wonders why both grandchildren are both stubborn.
The demon throws them onto the ground as they dodge his attacks as they fired roars and yells at him.
Kazor fires his Goddess Tree at them as they smash it to pieces by punching it to pieces. Kurt makes a giant ice attack as Kazor dodges it. Bob appears from the ice as he blast Kazor with some powerful magic.
Bob lands on the ground as the demon stands there with no wounds on his body. Bob wonders if they can even beat this guy. Kurt tells him if he can connect an attack, they got this in the bag. Kazor gives the humans some credit for giving him some fun after so long as he decided to give the two about a little lesson about the origin of magic and how curses were made.
Bob tells him that if curses created the past, magic will change the future. The demon raise his hand up as the two get surround in some black mist as neither wizard can't escape. Kazor tells them their time along with magic is up for and curse will triumph over all.
He made the mist surround the two as he tells them the name of the cruse. It is known as Memento Mori. A giant dark spiral surround both wizards as the demon tells them that he made this to kill Hex by erasing him from existence. Kurt mentions something about the future as the boys are swallowed up by it.
It explodes and both Bob and Kurt are gone. Kazor reverts back to normal as he tells the air that all us left is to bring back Final and humans will perish by these hands Hex.

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