Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Power Guild Episode 115 Grand Magic Games part 38 The Arrival of the Dragons.

A/N:We are here. I think I did better than Game of Thrones with its dragons. I think. I haven't had the time to read it because I wanted to see it but it isn't on Netflix or Hulu. I am taking a guess about this because of South Park. It is the three part series where it was Xbox vs Playstation. You should totally watch it if you're a fan of game of thrones or the console war. I will always be a Nintendo fan for life but I will admit that the other consoles are okay. Lets begin already.

Stella stood in front of the gate as she said,"The door must be close, they must be kept closed. and not to be open.". "Stella? What are you talking about?" said Casey. "Why are you against it? I mean you were for it a minute ago." said Aaron. "What are you talking about Stella? You are making no sense at all." said Cameron. "Future Steve was right about this." thought Dawn. Stella said,"Please! Close the door at once!".

"No. I won't let you get rid of the only weapon that we have against the dragons! If we even close it, I know that it will take even longer to get this much magic power again." said Sophia. "It isn't that! The door is just a big time machine!" yelled Stella. "No! It is the Twilight Cannon! It will fire a giant laser of magic power at the dragons destroying all of them!" yelled Sophia. "You're wrong! I'm telling the truth!" yelled Stella.

Cameron held his sword in front of her as he said,"You may want to say your words with some well needed thought behind it. You're talking the princess.". Stella got a shock as she said,"That door is connected to 400 years in the past!". Sophia was shocked as the ground started to move. "What is going on?!" said Alex. "This is quite the violent tremor." said Adam. "That is an understatement to say the least." said Z.

Heroes looked at the castle as Allison said,"What was that?". "I think it came from the castle." said Norman. "I bet they fired the cannon already." said Kurt. Cameron held the princess as he said,"Are you alright?". "Yeah. I will be fine." said Sophia. The crowd was shocked as Brendan said,"No way. I can't believe it.". "So please tell me that I am only one seeing things?" said a guard. A shadow walked toward them as a metal western dragon appeared meaning it is a male.

Sophia said,"A dragon just walked though the gate?!". He roared causing a massive shock wave. The guards flew far as the dragon slammed his foot to the ground. It caused a lot of damage. It went past the Heroes group as Fate said,"What the hell was that?!". Chad stood there as he said,"So are they here yet?". "They must be at the castle Chad." said Athena and Steve. "Oh." said Chad. "They are so strong." said Cameron.

"I am imagining this right?" said a guard. "We never stood a chance in hell against them." said a second guard. Several dragons came out as they ascended. "They are here already?!" yelled Jean who was shaking in fear. "How the hell did this happen?!" said Roy. Sophia was frozen in fear from the sight of them as Stella said,"How do we close the gate!?". Sophia was shocked as Stella yelled,"You need to stay focus!".

She pointed over there as she said,"Over there.". Stella ran over to the pedestal as a female one roar knocking her back. Ana grabbed her as she said,"Hurry Stella!". "Okay." said Stella. "They are still coming!" said Lora. "Protect the Princess!" said a guard. "Stand your ground men! We need to save our home!" yelled Cameron. Stella was about to reach the lever as she said,"I almost have it. I have to believe in my power of the spirits!".

Sophia was crying as she said,"10,,000 dragon are coming here.". "Stella! How did you know about all of this?!" said Lora. "It wasn't me. Chaos sent a message to me before he was defeated. He told me that this is a machine combining my magic along with Vex's magic. I don't how he knows that but I am just going with it! Its original purpose was to simply control time and go back in time! But now, the full moon is making it overwork causing it to do this!" said Stella.

Cameron said,"What the?". "So because of that. The door is impossible to control. It must be connect to the past right mom?" said Morgan. "Yeah. 400 years in the past when dragons ruled the world! We need to close it!" said Stella. "This can't be." said Colin. A rock dragon was coming out and his rock like body was moving. "What the?" said the guards. "Stella?! Did you close the door?! I see more of them!" said Spike.

Stella pulled as she said,"I can't do it!". Sophia walked up to them as a guard tried to stop her but he failed. "I have sealed our fate. I made a horrible miscalculation." said Sophia. The rock dragon knock Stella back as Clara said,"Stella!". The dragon roared loudly as Sophia said,"The world will become rubble due to me. It is all my fault. I can't believe this. This is my mistake and we'll pay for this with out lives.".

Stella stood back up as she said,"I am not giving up! I will love on for my self along with Sakura! I am going to see more sunsets, spend time with the people that I love, and shed countless tears of joy and sadness!". The ground was shaking loudly as Danny said,"These earthquakes are getting worse you guys.". "You can say that again. I hope they haven't started whatever going on up there with us you know." said Bob.

Chaos woke up as Anna said,"Chaos! What happened?!". Chaos looked at Bob as he said,"You know what we have to do right?". "Of course. You and Stella have a promise." said Bob. "What is it?" said Danny and Anna. "I am going to protect the future!" yelled Stella and Chaos. The dragons were walk toward the fresh air as there were a lot of male and female ones. "They just keep coming!" said Aaron as he shook in fear. 'We have to close the gate!" sad Adam.

Sophia stood there in fear as a guard yelled,"Princess! It is too dangerous! Please leave!". "Stella! We need to close the gates now!" yelled Scampers. She kept pulling as as Ana and Rose said,"Stella! You can do it!". The dragon kept coming as the guards ran in terror. "Her strength isn't enough. She needs help." said Cameron. Lora, Morgan, and Brendan ran over to her as they said,"We'll help!". "Alright! We got four now!" said Alex and Aaron.

Lora said,"I think we need to bring our aces.". "Yeah. We need to use their power to close the gate. It is the only way Stella." said Brendan. "We are going to use them?" said Stella. "It is the only idea that we got right now!" said Morgan. Lora threw 3 keys, Brendan threw 3, Morgan threw 2, and Stella use her magic to move 14 keys over to the pile. The twenty keys were glowing gold as the guards were stunned by their beauty.

The four said,"Spirits of the Spirit World. Please lend us your strength to defeat this evil! Open gate of the Spirit World now!". Jason stood there with his fellow spirits Ariel, Luke, Salvador, Ted, Chad the crab spirit, Rex, Lena, April, Simon, Aaron the weapon spirit, Violet, Shawn, Eldon, Greg and Mimi, Thunder D, Erica, Ultimate Magician, the Serpent, the Tiger, the Twin Snakes, Mamoswine, and Charizard. "Look at them. It is so cool!" said the guard. "You all got this." said Stella.

They rushed toward the door as Jason said,"Everyone! Push it with all of your might!". The twenty pushed the door shut as they were gone in a flash. "It closed." said Stella. The group cheered as the knight said,"It is still way too early to celebrate! How many made it through?!". "Eleven Sir!" said a guard. Stella heard."You really had to stick your nose where it doesn't belong don;t you? Stella, Lora, Morgan, and Brendan.".

Future Steve stood there as he said,"I think these will do.". "Steve?" said Lora. "Where did my big brother go?!" yelled Rose. "He is dead now. I hate that bug but you closing the gate is fate. I wish I had more dragons though to be honest with you all." said Future Steve. "Chaos couldn't haven't lost to you!" said Casey. "What are you talking about? These dragons are going to kill all of us!" said Z. "He is the one who told me about the future." said Sophia. "He is the one who lied to you?" said Cameron.

The Slayer sighed as he said,"Lie is such a strong word. I think deceiving you is a much pretty word. You did everything just as planned.". "This is your plan?! A total massacre!" yelled Stella. He raised his hands up as he said,"Yes and no. You'll are going to die while I live.". The eleven dragons flew toward him as he said,"From this moment forward, you will be slaughter by these beasts. The era of humans is over and now it is the era of the Dragons.".

The dragons roared causing several powerful shockwaves. "For starters, if you see a wizard. You get a free meal." said Future Steve. They flew toward the city in eleven directions as Dawn said,"They're listening to him?". "How is that even possible?" said Spike. "Alongside my shadow magic, I have my Supremancy magic. I can even control dragons with my power which makes this really easy and hard for you.." said Future Steve. "Controlling dragons?" said Scampers.

The Slayer jumped into the arms of the metal dragon as he said,"Lets fly Gawaine!". He flew off as Z said,"What does he want with them?". "I don;t know." said Ana. "Whatever it is. It will be bad if we don't stop him." said Roy. "Yeah but what is he gaining?" said Clara. Future Steve said,"You can do whatever you please Kalinth and Tyrath.". The two dragons appeared as Kalinth said,"Yummy. I get human meat.". "And they look really meaty." said Tyrath.

"He is the one from the graveyard," said Spike, "What is he doing here?" said Z and Dawn. "I guess he and the dragon made of acid came here. We better get ready to fight." said Casey. Chaos tried to move as Bob caught him. "You need to rest. I feel the exact same as you but you need to rest." said Bob. "I thought you would be the one encouraging him." said Danny. "Bob knows when to heal and since Ana is busy. We have to heal the old fashioned way." said Anna.

The four were blinded by a really bright light. "I am here to help you once again Chaos. In the time of need, everyone needs help from god" said a voice. Chaos sighed as he said,"Why does it have be this prick?". "You know the voice?" said the three. A man stood there. He had dark blue hair, green eyes, and he was smiling. "My current name is Lee. Me and the demon used to fight side by side back in the day." said Lee.

Chaos said,"And you are still a giant prick.". "So why are you here?" said Danny. "I came her to join up with the boy who has the Dragon King Sivarth, the Demon Lord Satan, and the Ultimate Devil in the bloody battle field." said Lee. "Don't do it Bob. You don't need him." said Chaos. "Okay. Tell me why I shouldn't. I need a dam good reason by the way." said Bob. Chaos was silent as Anna said,"He must hate him.".

Danny said,"Way to state the fucking obvious.". He was hit as Chaos said,"Fine but you will not talk or even look at me.". "Okay! You two should reform back into one so we can defeat the bad guys as a team!" said Lee. "Okay then." said Bob. Bob and Chaos fused back together as Bob stood there with the scar on his cheek. "I have so much to explain to them after this." said Bob. "You sure do. Now, it is time to lend you my power over Thunder and Akmo Su!" said Lee.

Danny said,"Akmo Su?". "It is a old form of martial arts and an even older magic. It is rumored to be able take down gods with enough experience under their belts." said Anna. "Correct and I know that you are a fan of Thunder magic. Your children use it as well excluding Percy can use so let me give you my power." said Lee. He was gone as Bob's eyes turned from magic to gold. "Okay. I've got to defeat Steve. Later!" said Bob. He was about to run but he stopped as he said,"We need to talk.",

The Heroes group saw the fire/lighting dragon landed as Fred said,"It's here!!". "A real and honest dragon." said Clint. "Is it body made of flames or lighting?" said Gail. "Everyone! Brace yourself for the fight." said Ax. The dragon who is female said,"My name is Raziel and it is time for you to be burned by the flames of hell and lighting of pain!". She roared as a giant ball of flame and lighting appeared swallowing up the group in scorching flames and shocking lighting.

The Sand Dragon appeared as Chad yelled,"Monsters! Show him no mercy!". They rushed to the dragon as Mersoth the Plant Dragon arrived to Amazons and Bloody Darkness. "Attack her!" yelled Louis. They fired their attacks at the dragons who brushed it off. "What the hell?" said Leon. "Her being a plant has some tough scales." said Mona. "Can we even win?" said Louis. Verath arrived as Sake said,"This will be fun.".

Future Steve stood on Gawaine's back as he said,"Yes! Go and destroy everything in your path! Make them feel fear all over!". "You need to stay still! Thunder Storm!" yelled Bob. Several Thunder Crash went toward Future Steve who dodge the attack. He saw the attack as he saw Bob. "Chaos being dead doesn't stop you from being an annoying pest to my plans." said Future Steve. "I will stop you Steve. I am getting revenge for Future Stella, Future Sakura, and the people's homes you destroy!" said Bob.

Next time,
The battles against dragons began.

Stella tries to close the door and everyone there is lost at her actions.
They all see Gawaine coming out the gate with his fellow dragons.
Ana asks how Stella knows all of this when Stella tells her that it has combined Vex's magic and Spirit magic to make this gate and it is pretty much a time machine. Chaos told her that using a magic link as he was defeated by Future Steve.
The four Spirit Wizards close the gate but thirteen dragons are here along with Future Steve. He tells the army and the group his plan and the fact that Chaos is almost dead.
Chaos fuse back with Bob after getting some more power from Lee who now lives with Bob along with the dragon, devil, and Chaos. He heads to fight Future Steve who is on Gawaine.
The Heroes Guild meets up with the Lighting and Fire Dragon Raziel.
Monsters meets up with Jevrath the Sand Dragon. 
Amazons and Bloody Darkness meet up with Mersoth the Plant Dragon.
Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra meet up with Verath the Rock Dragon.
Future Steve says to the city that they can't win while onto of Gawaine.
He dodge a attack from Bob from the rooftop.

Gate of the Serpent
Gate of the Tiger
Gate of the Twin Snakes
Thunder Devil
Mark/Ultimate Magician
Greg and Mimi
Shawn (Borrowed)
Eldon (Borrowed)

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