Thursday, August 27, 2015

Soul Episode 2 The Truth behind the new SS

A/N:So Soul is quite different from Power Guild but I will have all of the characters being related by means of ancestors to our cast in some way. They will have different names but some mind be the same. It will be obvious I hope to tell who is which character. I will be explain everything include what I by talk in this episode. It is quite interesting to me at least. It is like Yamada Kun and the Seven Witches in a sense except with far less kissing and I may add character weight but they won't be at all realistic. I mean that. I hope you enjoy something that I have been working on since the end of June. 

Rain was looking at Natsu and Kari who were eating lunch. "So are you two going to tell me what is going on?" said Rain. "Yeah but Natsu needs to eat his lunch. He has to keep eating because of Akmo Su." said Kari. Rain was lost by her as Natsu said,"In a sense, it is like magic but for most people, it takes a lot out of them but I was trained in it making the pain gone. Everyone has it in them but most people have no clue about it. It is like a dying art such as theater or writing. The latter I care about.". 

After Natsu finished eating his lunch, Rain said, "So what was that and what are you?". Z was about to retort her with a snarky response as Natsu said, "I didn't lie to you about my name and my name is Natsu Ryuu Raiden. I am very proud of my name and I am normal except I have a lot of Soul inside of me. I have had it since birth.". "Then how are you still here with us? Most people don't having any Soul until 5 and people who do are usually dead before reaching 5." said Rain.

"Natsu is different from you because he is half  God." said Kari. Rain said,"Is she serious Natsu? I want to know.". "My mom who gave life to me is a god. It made me able to have more Soul than you and Kari combined." said Natsu. "Yeah and he is a reincarnated hero." said Kari. "You are a pretty interesting guy Natsu." said Rain. "Oh thanks Rain. I actually can't compete at all with the chairman's daughter at all." said Natsu.

Kari sighed as Natsu said,"So you ready to get back looking for the sins?". "Fine Natsu. It'll get this job over with." said Kari. She jumped off his shoulder as she whispered into Rain's ears,"Natsu is my mine. He'll be my boyfriend.". She was gone as Rain said,"So who are the Sins Natsu? Are they that monster who groped me earlier?". "Nope. The Sins are like the Seven Deadly Sins in our world. You know them right?" said Natsu.

Rain nod as she said,"Yeah. They are Lust, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Gluttony, and Pride. So what was that monster?". "That was a normal Crois. Crois are being of Yang. Did they teach you about in this school?" said Natsu. "Yeah. You learn as a first year but how do you know about them? They're old news. So are they back?" said Rain. "They never left to begin with Rain. They love emotions and they have been seen in this area as the grunts for the Sins." said Natsu.

Rain stood up as Natsu grabbed her with his left hand. "What are you doing Natsu? We need to tell someone about this right now. If they are back, millions could die!" said Rain. "Fine. You leave me no choice. You will make myself known to them and I can't let that happen." said Natsu. He took off his right glove as he touch her with his right palm. She felt a sharp shock as she was on the floor. The boy stood up as he said,"I hope you can forgive me for this Rain.".

He carried her to the nurse's office as Kari found him walking around in the hallways. She knew that he did something wrong. "What did you do to her?" said Kari. "I couldn't take the risk Kari. She was going to tell everyone about the Crois never being gone in the first place." said Natsu. "You had to do it due to what happened last time." said Kari. "I guess you are right. I hope it is not one of the bad outcomes. I hate to see her have her life ruined like the last one." said Natsu. The two were gone.

Later, Rain woke up from Natsu's shock which was two hours ago. She immediately thought,"What the hell happened? Where did Natsu go? All I can remember is him grabbing me and then I am here in the nurse office.". She stood up and she saw a note. She read it as she thought,"Why does he want me to meet him in front of the storage room during class and how did he know that I would be up by now?".

She left the office as she walked outside. She saw Natsu standing there as he waved to her. She ran up to him as Natsu said,"You are angry at me Rain. I can obvious tell but I am happy to see that you got a good choice.". "A good choice? You better tell me everything." said Rain. "If I touch someone with my hand or lips, they get a good or bad outcome. You got a good outcome." said Natsu. "What is a bad one?" said Rain.

Natsu said,"It could be bad luck, memories erased, or something like that. I can't allow you to tell everyone about the Crois.". "Why?!" yelled Rain. "Fear. The Crois love emotions and if they sense a big amount of it, they could attack the school and drain everyone of their emotions. I won't allow that to happen." said Natsu. He took off his gloves as Rain backed up. "Don't try to run Rain. I can't allow you to expose this. Everyone is in class right now so accept it." said Natsu.

Rain backed up as Kari stood in front of him in her human form. She was very beautiful according to the boys. "Kari?! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to looking for the Sins right now! I'm here to make sure we don't cause another incident!" yelled Natsu. "I was until I saw this. It will make you really happy." said Kari. The two teens looked at the phone screen that Kari had as Natsu said,"A Sin is out?".

Rain saw a lot of women surrounding a boy who is wearing a lot of pink. This scene looked like from a nature documentary with a pride of lions heading toward a defenseless antelope. Rain said a second later,"I know him.". "You do?" said Natsu. "Yeah. He is a lonely guy because he is rumored to be a pervert like a big one. I wonder why the girls are going to him because it is the other way around in his case." said Rain.

Kari said,"It is Lust isn't it?". "Yeah. I will go handle her. You keep her here." said Natsu. He ran off as Rain said,"So what is up with Natsu?". "He is what we in the business call a troubled youth. He is a nice guy but he has built up a wall around his heart." said Kari. "Can you tell me all about it Kari? I want to know." said Rain. "Why? I mean he was planning to get rid of you. You do know what that means right?" said Kari.

Rain showed her the note that Natsu gave her as she said,"He wouldn't hurt me. I know it.". "You are right about that but he is determined not to erase his existence from an entire school because he told a girl about the Crois being back and well, he doesn't want to do it again." said Kari. "Kart. Please tell me everything. I want to help Natsu because he reminds me of me when I was a kid. I was alone and I don't want to see something like that again." said Rain.

Meanwhile, Natsu ran through the hallway. "Man. This school is way too big. I can't let Lust summon a high level Crois. Kari's barrier can only last for so long." thought Natsu. He saw the mob of girl and also Lust who has complete control over his body. Lust is female by the way. "Ah. Look a male. He must be here to stop us. Get him ladies and the one who brings him to me will be my personal lover and mistress." said Lust.

Natsu did a back flip as he jump off some of the girls head to avoid their tackle. Rain stood far away but she could still see the action with Kari who was tired because she had to carry Rain here which drained her in a single second. "How did he do that Kari?" said Rain. "Natsu has incredible amounts of luck making things go in his favor most of the time. We also have a problem." said Kari. 'What? Is it something bad Kari? Can't he not hit a women?" said Rain.

Rain saw him punch a woman as Rain said,"Well, it isn't that.". "No. Natsu sometimes can go a little overboard when it comes to fight against a Sin. So why would Lust want this guy?" said Kari. "What do you mean?" said Rain. "Most of the time, a sin goes to someone famous or in his case infamous. I want to know why this pervert got Lust's attention." said Kari. "Well from what I heard, he used to be a track star." said Rain.

Kari nod as Natsu was stunned the girls and Rain said,"One day, he was peeping and he couldn't stop it. He was labeled a pervert after that.". "Did you hear about anything strange happening with him? It may gave me an idea." said Kari. "Yeah. He was talking to the former SS." said Rain. "SS?" said the fox. "Scholarship Student. She was pretty normal until she was bribing teacher with her power to give her good grades and the teachers accepted it." said Rain.

Kari said,"Very interesting. Hey Natsu! Finish her off!". Natsu smirked as Lust said,"Oh. Does the boy want to fight me?". "Yeah and I'm going to enjoy this." said Natsu. Rain noticed that a sword was appearing in Natsu's left arm as Kari said,"Ah. He is bring out Gladius.". A sword appeared in his left hand as it looked like a katana out of a science fiction. He rushed toward Natsu as Lust yelled,"Attack him!".

Rain noticed that the girls were using their soul to fight him and they didn't have their limits on them as Rain said,"Why doesn't Natsu use his?". "He doesn't need to. He got this. Have faith in the master of Akmo Su." said Kari. He jumped into the air as in a lighting fast second,he smacked the boy on the head with the back of the blade. The pink aura around him was gone and the girls were gone as well to do girl stuff.

Natsu grabbed the boy as Rain said,"Natsu! Don't do it!". He looked at her as he said,"What? I hope to try and change him back to his normal self.". "Huh? I thought you were going to beat him for some reason." said Rain. "No. I want to stop the Seven Deadly Sins. So did Kari tell you everything?" said Natsu. The two were sitting on the floor because Kari carried the unconscious boy to the nurse office with her dragging him.

Rain said,"I can't believe what happened. Does she even remember you?". "Not at all. I had to erase all of the memories that we had together and they were pretty hot." said Natsu. "I don't want to know at all. Natsu, you may be a little strange. You sleep and eat during class but then you did something out of a manga. You are my friend so don't forget that." said Rain. Natsu was quiet as Rain said,"We should get to class right?". "Yeah." said Natsu. The two walked into the building.

In the student council room, the president Aurora Lance sat in her desk. The other five members sat there as it was Karen Queen who is the Secretary, Akane Blaze aka one of the vice presidents and one of the two class rep for Class 1-A, Elsa Gray who is the class rep for Class 1-B and she is also the treasurer, Carly Fox who is the class rep for Class 1-C and she is the clerk, and the only boy in the room is Issac Lance who is the other class rep for 1-A and the other vice president.

Aurora said,"So what have you found about Natsu Akane? He is in your class after all. I would ask my brother this but he was sleeping.". Akane stood up and she said,"He is quite different from the last SS due to him not being here for the girls at all. He is to be like your idiotic brother and the strangest thing is that he is talking to Rain Scott.". "Doesn't she have not that many friends and you're her rival or something? Are you jealous of her like always? It will get you wrinkles." said Erin.

Akane said, "Elsa. I can tell Terry about your crush on him if you say anything about her.". The two started to fight as Issac stood up. He said,"Hey sis. Can I leave? I would rather not be here and listen to two girls argue.". "Shut up Issac!" yelled the two girls. Issac shrugged as he brushed some of his hair out of his eyes and he said,"I'm off to get something to eat. See you at home later sis and don't get in trouble again.". Aurora said,"Okay. Have fun Issac.".

He walked out of the room as Karen said,"Are you sure that him living is a good thing pres?". "Issac was smiling." said Carly. "Really? I thought he could only have a frown." said Elsa. "This is going to be so much fun isn't it?" said Aurora. "Yeah." said Akane. Issac looked out the window to see Rain walking with her friends as he thought,"So is she close to Natsu? Very interesting. This year just got a lot more interesting.". He walked off to grab some food since he was hungry.

Next time,
Natsu and Rain decide to experiment more with Natsu's powers. Will they be able to avoid the detection of Issac?  

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in the episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Zodiac Sign, Blood Type, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes:
Aurora Lance. 17 years old. Third year Class 3-A at Star Valley High. Black. Blue. 6 foot 3. O. Cancer. July 20. Student Council, amusement parks, cooking, learning new things, Issac, Karen, romance, and having a peaceful school. People who make her mad and studying.
Akane Blaze. 15 years old. First year Class C at Star Valley High. Light Red. Purple. 5 foot 8. 0. Aquarius. February 14. Homework, test, studying, shopping, swimming, Student Council, playing video games, reading manga, watching TV, cooking and school events. Not doing anything and feeling alone.
Elsa Gray. 15 years old. First year Class 1-B at Star Valley High. Purple. Amber. 5 foot 4. A. Aquarius. February 1. Terry, cooking, and being a housewife. Women or Men who get too close to her Terry, tests, spiders, and gym.
Issac Lance. 15 years old. First year Class 1-C at Star Valley High. White. Blue. 5 foot 9. O. Pisces. February 29. Sleeping, eating, play video games, listening to music, watching TV, being perverted, his sister, and school events. Studying, homework, moving vehicles, and work.
Carly Fox. 15 years old. First year Class 1-A at Star Valley High. Pink. Blue. 5 foot 4. A. Sagittarius. December 15. Drawing, Cooking, Shopping, and being by herself. Writing, Gym, Swimming, and social interaction,

Main Element/Plot Points:
Seven Sins. They are the main group of bad guys or girls. They will use the Crois for their plans.
The Crois. They are the grunts of the seven sins. They were rumored to be destroyed during the Great War 100 years ago.
Student Council. They are a major group in the school and the story.
Akmo Su. It is basically magic and by using it drains the user causing them to eat a lot of food or sleep a lot. Most people have no clue about it even being a thing so it has been called something like a dying artist. The only known user so far is Natsu.
SS or Scholarship Student. Student who are accepted into school by their grades. They can do whatever they want but they have to keep their grades up no matter.

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