Saturday, August 15, 2015

Power Guild Episode 123 Lucky's Amazing Adventure!

A/N:We are finally here folks. I made this arc long for two reasons. I want this latest arc in the manga to get longer and the sun village arc is going to be tiny compared to this one along with the one after it and the games arc. I'm not making that one longer than it needs to be. This episode stars the cute Lucky in his amazing adventure. Lets begin.

In a plaza or marketplace which is right near the Monsters guild hall, Lucky and Larry were shopping and it was crowded. Larry was looking at buying a new sweater vest while Lucky stood there. "Hey Lucky. Does this look good on me?" said Larry. He was holding a light green sweater vest as Lucky said,"Lucky is confused about why you are buying a new vest. Lucky doesn't buy clothes.". "Don't worry about it buddy. You'll get it someday." said Larry.

Larry was talking with the shopkeeper about his perfect vest as Lucky was bored beyond belief. He decided to go walk around while Larry was holding a light purple one. "So Lucky, what do you want to do after this? Maybe get some ice cream." said Larry. He noticed that the pink suit Chreax and his best friend was missing as Larry ran toward his guild hall. Lucky being on his alone means that he is going to be distracted by pretty much everything in the city. 

Back at the Monsters guild hall, the guild stood in front of their new guild master Chad Rogers. Chad said,"Monsters make the skies and the earth boil and the earth tremble in our power. All of you, take off your clothes now.". Lora said,"Yes master. As you wish.". The entire guild stood there silent as Chad said,"And now! Enjoy our new pool!". The guild cheered as Steve said,"I think this master is way better than the last one.". "You can say that again." said Athena.

Romeo was swimming against Sake as Steve was splashing Lora as she said,"Stop it.". "Maybe you should fight back then." said Steve. "We're the only guild with a pool inside their guild hall. Time for a Cannonball!" said Chad. He splashed both the Shadow Slayer along with the Spirit wizard as Lora said,"Team up?". "Hell yeah." said Steve. The two splashed the blond as Claude said,"I think you're correct master. I don't recall a guild with a pool beside ours.".

Sake said,"Yeah because our guild is the best.". Meanwhile, Ax sneezed as Myra stood there in her bikini and she said,"Are you alright master?". The guild was enjoying a day off in their pool which is two times a normal water park. "Yes. I just have a feeling that we are being made fun of." said Ax. Bob grabbed Stella as he said,"Come on Stella! Lets go!". "Sure." said Stella. The two walked off to go on the couple side as Victor, Fred, and Issac were sad since they don't have one.

Back at Monsters. Chad splashed Athena and Sake. "Do you really want to go master? I shall show you why I love the pool. It gets my body shaken and stirred." said Sake. "Bring it." said Chad. The drunk wizard hit the water as a giant wave swallowed up Chad. Chad crashed into some of the deck chairs as Athena said,"Wow. I think I know who is the splash king around here.". "Hell yeah." said Sake.

Chad recovered as he splashed Steve. "Sometimes Chad. You really need to get a hint." said Steve. "I don't think that is any fun." said Chad. The two fought as Lora swam over to Romeo and Claude. "So have you two seen Lucky and Larry? I thought they would be with their partners." said Lora. "I have no memory about their location. Sorry Lora." said Claude. "I think they were going shopping. Maybe Lora." said Romeo.

Larry came running into the pool as Chad and Steve stopped their fight. Lora joined them along with Athena as the Chreax said,"Chad! I mean Master!". "Calm down Larry. You can still call me Chad because we are a family here. So what is wrong?" said Chad. Steve moved some of his hair out of his eyes as Larry said,"I lost Lucky while I was shopping. Sorry Steve!". "What did you say!" said Steve who punched the water.

He glared at Larry as he said,"Why did this even happen!? Weren't you supposed to be watching him in the first place?". Athena stopped his glare as she said,"Steve. You don't need to put all of the blame on Larry.". "Yeah. I took my eyes off him for a second." said Larry. "Chill out Steve." said Chad. "I don't think you all understand! Lucky has no sense of direction and he is a child when not in his battle mode." said Steve.

Lora said,"Don't worry. We will go find him.". "Yeah." said Steve. Athena noticed that Chad and his partner were sneaking off as she grabbed them with her magic. "You two are coming with us." said Athena. "Why?!" said the two. "Chad. You are our guild master and you should be a good friend for Steve. Larry. You are somewhat the reason we lost Lucky in the first place. Do I make myself clear?" said Athena. "Yes." said the two.

The five looked around the plaza looking for him as Chad said,"So this was the last place where you saw Lucky?". "Yes. I was distracted. Sorry." said Larry. Steve was looking for Lucky in the alleyway, trash can, and pretty much everything as Athena said,"Isn't your boyfriend acting crazy? I get why but this is a little too much.". "He and Lucky are like brothers. It also may have something to do with what Bob told him about protecting Lucky from something." said Lora. 

Nearby, Johnny was looking at some weapons with Jade nearby. "So what do you think sir? I made it with the strongest metals around this area. It is rumored to be able to defeat anything in its path and it is powerful." said the blacksmith. The metal slayer held a giant sword as he said,"May I?". The man nod as Johnny started to eat it. "I can feel the power on the blade for sure but it feels too heavy." said Johnny. 

He handed the almost destroyed blade to the man as he said,"I will do a lot better Master Johnny.". He ran off as Jade said with a smile,"So what was that all about? I thought he was going to kill you for eating his pride and joy.". "I had to make weapons for community service back when I was in Chaos Lords. I made some impressive stuff back seven years ago so the blacksmiths in Meca respect me. It is nice to see that they have improved." said Johnny.

Steve saw the two and he ran over to them as the others followed him. He grabbed Johnny as Jade said,"Steve?! What are you doing to Johnny?!". "Have you seen Lucky anywhere?! Larry lost him while he was shopping." said Steve. "You are talking about that pink frog right?" said Johnny. "Yeah. Have you two seen him?!" said Larry and Chad. "Isn't he a Chreax like you and Scampers?" said Jade. "He is technically a cat as well Jade. I saw him over there." said Johnny.

He pointed to the fountain which had a shop there as Steve ran off. "Thank you for your help." said the others. The four ran after him as Jade said,"So do you know what just happened Johnny?". " I got that Lucky is missing causing Steve to be worried sick about the Chreax in question. He must have no sense of direction unlike the ones in our guild." said Johnny. "That makes sense. Now Johnny, let's go do my thing." said Jade. She dragged him off to the book store.

At the fountain stores, Ana was shopping with Dawn. The girl was buying new clothes. "So why are you looking for new clothes in the first place? You have a lot of them in the first place Ana. Is this for Tia or Rose or are you trying to impress Alex?" said Dawn. "Actually none of that. Here is why I am doing this." said Ana. She whispered into the Chreax's ear as Dawn said,"Really Ana? Are you sure about this?". Ana nod as she said,"Yeah.".

The two saw Athena, Lora, Steve, Chad, and Larry. Dawn noticed that they were missing the pink one. "Ana." said Lora. "So what are you doing here? Is your big bro here?" said Chad. "No. He is on a date with Stella. I have to thank you for everything back at the games." said Ana. She bowed as her partner said,"Weren't they your opponents?". Steve got up to her as she said,"Yes?". "Have you seen Lucky around here?!" yelled Steve.

She got scared as Athena said,"Explode.". Steve fell toward the fountain as Chad knocked him on the head. "Can't you calm down for a second! You are talking to a little girl here! Now apologize!" yelled Chad. Larry was shocked to see Chad angry as Steve said,"Sorry.". "You should be. We are actually here about..." said Dawn. Ana covered her mouth as the Slayer said,"Lucky? Isn't he the one who is in the pink suit? He is pretty cute.".

Lora said,"Yes. Have you seen him? We are looking for him.". "Okay then. We saw him that way. He was walking around looking for something." said Dawn. She was pointing toward the city as Larry grabbed her hands. "Thank you so much Dawn! You're so beautiful! I'm really jealous of Scampers!" said Larry. The five monsters ran off as Ana said,"So do you know what just happened?". "No. Lets get back to clothes shopping." said Dawn. The two were gone.

The five later saw Adonis talking with a shopkeeper while holding a speedo. "Maybe we should ask him if he saw Lucky." said Lora. "Are you sure about that?" said Larry and Chad. "I am going to ask him while someone conform Steve." said Athena. Adonis walked over and he said,"What has happen to you all? My man sense are going off.". "Man Sense?" thought Larry and Athena. Steve walked up to him as Adonis noticed him.

Steve said,"Hey! Have you seen...?". Adonis send a air kiss to the slayer as both Lora and Steve hit him into the ground. "Don't just suddenly hit people you two!" yelled Chad. "Well. He tried to kiss my boyfriend." said Lora. "I suddenly had an urge to hit him." said Steve. Adonis suddenly recovered from the two as he said,"No. It was an eye opening attack. It is better than what Bob does to me.". He shivered as the five said,"We don't want to know.".

Athena said,"So why did he switch into a swimsuit?, where did you get that drink?, and who carries a beach chair?". "It is a sign to show that he is a big deal." said Larry. "Anyway, have you seen Lucky? He is missing." said Lora. Adonis stood there as he said,"I actually know the answer to your query. It is actually very simple.". "Really?! Where?!" said Steve. Adonis jumped right into Steve's face as he said,"Right here!".

Lora was blushing crimson, Chad and Athena were shocked, and Larry said,"You're screwed.". "You are really annoying! Shadow Slayer Secret Art! Umbra Spiral of Darkness!" yelled Steve. Adonis was trapped inside of a giant spiral made of shadows as it was seen from across the city. Everyone saw it except for Lucky. He was distracted by a butterfly. Adonis was trapped in the ground as Chad said,"I am sorry about this.". The five were gone as Adonis was out cold.

The five looked around town looking for Lucky. Lora noticed him as he was staring at something aka a sign. "There he is!" said Lora. "Lucky!" said Chad. "I;m so glad we found him." said Athena. Larry said,"Yes.". Steve said,"Wait a minute!". He heard two squish sounds as he grabbed both Athena and Lora's boobs as the girls were shocked. Chad said,"What the hell is wrong with you today!? Holy and Light Roar!". 

Steve was blasted into the street pole as Larry said,"Today is just not your day.". "I'm sorry Lora and Athena." said Steve. "It is okay." said Lora whose face was crimson red. Athena was silent as the girl thought,"I really need to get Chad to notice me.". "Look over there." said Steve. He pointed to Lucky who was looking at the sign which is a map. "He is looking a map." said Lucky. "Yes. He is trying to get back to the guild by himself." said Steve.

Chad looked at Steve as he said,"Really?". "Yes. I think we should let him toughen up and grow up at the same time. For Lucky.".  Lora smiled at her boyfriend as Larry said,"Lucky? Get back to the guild by himself?". "That is impossible." said Chad. "He will totally make it back." said Steve. "Lucky can do it." said Athena. "Right." said Lora. Lucky started to walked toward the guild hall but then he saw a ladybug and followed it.

The five said,"Really?!". A carriage was heading toward him as Steve went into his shadow form. He pushed the driver out as the carriage missed Lucky who went after a fellow frog. "Thank god. I save him." said Steve. He then got sick due to the Slayer's motion sickness. He then crashed into the park as Chad and Larry said,"You have bad freaking luck.". "Thanks." said Steve who was brushing off some branches. The five followed Lucky.

The five saw Lucky in the middle of Mona and Krista of Amazons. "Huh? I thought your were a cat like Scampers and the others but you are really a frog?" said Krista. "Lucky thinks so too nice lady!" said Lucky. "No. He is so cute." said Mona. "Mona and cute?" said Krista. "Lucky thinks that too and Lucky thinks you are super nice!" said Lucky. "I see." said Mona. "Actually, Lucky always thought he was a frog ever since he was little." said Larry.

Steve said,"And when he found out, he cried for three days straight. He is so spirited.". "Are you guys serious about this?" said Chad. "Poor Lucky." said the girls. "Even Athena?!" said Chad. Mona held Lucky as she said,"Would you like to come home with me?". Steve said,"No way.". "You like frogs Mona?" said Krista. Mona blushed as she said,"No. I just want a little sister.". Steve said,"I got to go save my buddy.". 

The five walked toward them as the amazons magic power grew. "We should stay here." said Athena who was scared but didn't show it. "Mona. This little one is the partner with Steve of Monsters." said Krista. "Be honest with me. You want her too?" said Mona. "You see right though me? He is actually a kitty cat wearing a frog costume. I really want him too! And you like Chaos." said Krista. The five were shocked.

Mona blushed and she held her sword. She then said,"You crossed the line. I told you that in private. What if he hears you? I will not let you have her.". The two were about to fight as Krista said,"Are you serious?". "I am dead serious." said Mona. The two were about to go as Chad said,"So I guess we have to fight the winner then.". "So Mona." said Steve. "This will be an intense fight." said Lora. "We got this." said Athena who was cracking her knuckles.

Krista's magic power went back to normal as Mona said,"Scared Krista?". "No. Instead of us fighting, we should ask who he wants to be with." said Krista. Mona said,"A good idea.". The two noticed that Lucky was gone as the two said,"Really?!". The five went looking for the Chreax who is really good at getting distracted. It is a good thing he is so cute. Lucky was walking through an alleyway when he was surround by four men wearing frog clothing.

The one in the middle said,"Hey! A frog! An unusual kinda frog!". "He is so cute!" said two of the men in unison. "I have never seen a frog like before. Isn't it a cat?" said the one on the left. "Who cares? Lets catch because it is so cute." said the one in the middle. "It looks rare." said the other three in unison. "Who are you guys?" said Lucky. The five were behind the wall as Chad said,"Yep. These four are punks."

Lora said,"Lucky is in some serious trouble.". One of them held a cage as they were trying to make Lucky go into the tiny cage as Steve broke the wall. "You're not going to help him at all Steve?" said Athena. Lucky was actually dodging the punks really easy with his sneaking moves as Larry said,"He is pretty fast.". "That is Lucky for you!" said Steve. "I think it is luck." said Chad. "Well, his name is Lucky in the first place Chad." said Larry.

The four punks were on the floor as they said,"Why is he so fast?! Is he a fast frog?!". "Lucky thinks so too." said Lucky. He then saw four more punks as one held a net. "You four are disgrace to the frog capturing business. We capture frogs for money and nothing else. I mean this one doesn't even look that bright in the first place." said the net one. Steve was about to kill him as the man said,"Time to show you how a pro does it!".

He captured Stella as she said,"What the?!". "I caught something else!?" said the man. He was trying to get Stella out of his net as Bob and Scampers were saying hi to Lucky. "Hey little buddy. Do you remember me and Scampers here?" said Bob. "Bob!" said Lucky. He hugged the wizard as Lucky said,"Lucky never forget friends of Lucky!". "So what are you doing here?" said Scampers. One with a pink shirt said,"Get out of our way!".

He had Bob's head in a box as some veins appeared. Scampers knew this was bad news for them. Bob has anger problems. Lucky once again got distracted by the butterfly as the one with the net said as he was trying to get Stella out of said net,"Hey! Stay still you dam frog!". The net was free as the man tried to captured Stella again as she said,"Why me?". Bob punched the guy who trapped him in the next as he said,"Okay! You all are going down!".

Chad said,"So what should we do here?". "Bob may be a good friend but his anger is like a dormant volcano. It is just waiting to explode." said Athena. "We should let him deal with them while we go after Lucky." said Steve. "Good idea." said Larry and Lora. Bob was getting mad as he said,"Time to get payback! Voltage Impact!". They were getting shocked as Stella said,"I want some too! Come on Luke and Simon!".

The lion joined Bob as Simon fired arrows at them as Scampers held one in a net. Bob jumped into the air as he said,"In my right hand, the power of a god and in my left hand, the power of a devil! I give you my Vivid Storm!" He fired a giant blast out of his hand as it demolished several buildings as Scampers said,"Bob knows overkill.". "You can saw that again." said Stella. Bob said,"So who is up for lunch?". The three were gone as the punks were in pain.

Kurt was walking with Melody romantically and Kurt is super dense not to know this. "Melody. Isn't he Monster's mascot? I am not sure about this." said Kurt. Melody saw the Chreax walking to them as she said,"Yes. His name is Lucky.". "I knew that." said Kurt. Kurt go down to his level as he said,"Do you remember me?". Lucky nod as Kurt said,"So what are you doing here?". "Lucky is out shopping today!" said Lucky.

The five Monsters found them as Chad said,"So he found Melody and Kurt.".Melody smiled as she said,"So you are doing this by yourself? What a big boy.". "Lucky thinks so too." said Lucky. He was crying as Kurt said,"What's wrong Lucky?!". "Lucky is lost nice man and lady." said Lucky. Athena said,"I guess we have no choice.". "Yeah. We should help him out." said Chad. "You got that right." said Larry. "No." said Steve.

Steve took a deep breath as he said,"I believe in Lucky. I just know he'l make it back to the guild with no problem.". Chad sighed as Kurt said,"So where is your guild Lucky? I'll walk you back.". "You're so sweet." said Melody. Lucky said,"No. Lucky will go home all by myself.". His guildmates noticed Lucky smiling and crying as he said,"Lucky is always getting himself lost so Lucky will get himself home.".

He took off his suit to show the Heroes his guild mark as he said,"Lucky is a member of Monsters too and Lucky has a feeling that Steve and Lora are cheering me on from the guild hall.". Steve smiled as Kurt pet the suit wearing Chreax as all of his clothes were gone. Melody held them as Kurt said with a smile,"Well you got to give it your best. We believe Lucky so you got this.". "Lucky thinks so too." said Lucky. He walked off as the Heroes walked off.

Steve noticed that Lucky was determined to get back to the guild hall but his attention span is very small. Chad noticed that Lucky was talking with Allison. "I guess he is asking her for directions. She is very smart." said Chad. "So what is it Lucky?" said Allison. "Can you try something on for Lucky? Lucky bought something using the money that Lora gave Lucky in case." said Lucky. Everyone look at Lora as she said,"He want to buy something. I thought it was ice cream.".

Allison wore a matching pink suit as she said,"I like the design, it is super soft, and it is a great buy in the first place Lucky. So why did you buy two?". Allison took off the suit as Lucky said,"Larry told Lucky once that clothes make the person so Lucky bought one for my best friends. It is Lucky's best buddy Steve and Lora.". Chad looked at the two and he said,"I will need to take a picture of you two in that.".

Allison said,"Well, I bet those two would love it Lucky.". "Lucky thinks so too Bob's girlfriend. You are very pretty." said Lucky. Allison sent on his way as the five followed him. It was night time and Lucky was very tired. He said,"Lucky will go home to the guild and Lucky will make Steve proud of me.". He was sleep walking as Larry said,"I am actually kinda of impressed with that.". "You can do it Lucky." said Athena. "Lucky." said Lora.

Steve clenched his fist as he thought,"I want to burst out there and shout out to him.". Lucky stopped as he said,"Lucky did it!". "Because I want to say it but.." thought Steve. Lucky stood in front of the Heroes Guild hall as the five fell over. Bob saw the five along with Lucky and he said,"I guess they had a pretty interesting day.". Lucky ran over to the Slayer as he said,"Bob. Why is Steve and the others here?". "Who knows?" said Bob.

Next time,
Bob spends time with his goddaughter Ella Jones.
Lucky gets lost in town thanks to Larry get distracted by a shop keeper.
The rest of Monsters are enjoying their recently build pool while saying that they are the only guild with a pool.
Larry comes running in and this cause Chad, Lora, Steve, and Athena to help him search for the Chreax.
They meet up with Johnny and Jade, Ana and Dawn, and Adonis in that order while searching for the Chreax.
The five find him but Steve stops them. He tells them to believe in Lucky finding his way back to the guild hall.
He saves the distracted Lucky from a run away carriage but his motion sickness makes it crash.
The group see Lucky being fought over by both Mona and Krista of Amazons.
Some thugs later try to catch Lucky but before Monsters can act, Bob, Stella, and Scampers stop them with ease.
Lucky later finds Kurt and Melody walking around. He later cries in front of the two.
Kurt offers to help him back but Lucky tells him that he can get back on his own without any help due to him being a member of Monsters.
The Monsters followed him while Lucky gets distracted a lot.
He later meets up with Allison. Steve and Lora learns about the matching pink frog suit for them and Lucky.
Lucky reaches the guild hall while the group is tired. Steve later finds out that Lucky found his way to the wrong guild aka Heroes.

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