A/N:A lot of stuff is happening in this part and I mean that for a fact. I mean we have less battles but we learn about Tanya and her past. If you know Fairy Tail, you can figure it out but I hate to spoil stuff. I am having fun writing the new Powerful Power. I am not thinking about the future of these stories and I hope to be done with this arc along with the next arc by the end of June but no promises because I am guessing that June will be dry. You all will learn why real soon.
At Heroes base camp, Jade sat there with Johnny, Python, and Sakura. The four wizards were looking at Myra, Cyrus, Drake, Jenny, Odessa, Norman, and Eve. "Man. I really hope the others are safe right now. We have no idea on most of them." said Sakura. "Yeah. It is weird Sakura. I hope those bastard don't find our base." said Johnny. He noticed that Jade was squeezing his hand and he said,"Don't you worry Jade. I will protect you.". "I know handsome." said Jade.
The two kissed as Python said,"Can you two get a room? God you are worst than Bob and Allison. I mean they kiss a lot.". "What are you saying Python? You don't like me and Allison?" said a voice which the four knew well. They saw Bob with Ana, Scampers, Dawn, and Stella. They also saw X with John and Ax. "X! What the hell are you doing here?!" yelled Johnny. X said,"I am here to help you all out.".
He was messing with Sakura as she said,"Stop it! I am the real Sakura!". "I know but you died. Bob here was so sad." said X. "Mister Emotionless sad? I really have to see that." said John. "So you are an Chreax like Scampers and Dawn?" said Python. "Yep. The name is John and I can use Fire magic just like X.. So you have other Chreax in the Guild?" said John. "Four others." said Dawn. She sat there with Scampers as the two were looking at Ana.
She was using her healing magic on the eight wizards. "What happened to Myra? She is super strong right Jade?" said Scampers. "Nightmare attacked her, Sakura, and Cyrus. We see Sakura trying to drag them out of the rain." said Jade. It was raining as Stella said,"So when did you and Johnny get together?". "After he saved me from Lewis and Clark." said Jade. The two talked as Scampers said to the bird,"Girl talk.". "I know that stupid." said Dawn.
Johnny said,"So what is the game plan? We need to find the others.". "Yes. That sounds like a good plan but I am going after two members myself." said Bob. "Who?" said Sakura and Jade. "His mom and dad." said Ana. "They are here?" said the Guild. "I felt their magic earlier. It was when we were looking for Rose Scampers." said Bob. "Who the hell is Rose?" said Python. He felt Bob's glare and Stella said,"His other little sister.".
She told the four the stories as they said in unison,"You are how old?!". "I think I would be about 418 years old. I don't feel that old." said Bob. "Dude. It explains why you couldn't leave the barrier back during the battle of Heroes." said Johnny. He looked at X who was looking at his grandfather. "Bob. I am going with you. I always want to fight the man who taught me my magic." said X. "Okay. Any one else?" said Bob.
Ana rose her hand as she said,"I will help you guys with boosting magic.". "I guess we better go with them." said Dawn. "Right. I will show you Scampers." said John. "Okay. Keep an eye on Gramps for Bob guys" said Scampers. The six were gone leaving Stella, Python, Sakura, Johnny, and Jade behind as Jade said,"Do you guys hear something?". Python heard something as he said,"Someone is singing a song.".
The five saw Kirk and Stella said,"He is a member of the Nine Kin.". "Correct. My name is Kirk and I am here to have some fun. I met up with Nightmare. He seems bored. I hope he find someone strong before Orion defeats him.". said Kirk. "Who is Orion freakazoid?" said Johnny. "I will ignore that last part. A really strong wizard and he is one of the generals because of that. Time for you all to face my imagination magic! Dragon Cannons and Griffin Strike!" said Kirk.
The five dodge the flying animals as Python fired out poison poison the animals as Jade said,"Earth Capture!". The griffins were inside of the ground which destroy them as the cannon were ready to fire their attack. "Light Barrier!" said Stella. The attack were blocked by them as Johnny said,"Metal Storm!". They were destroy as Kirk said,"This is so much fun isn't it? I call upon you Seralth the Great!".
The boys jumped onto the dragon as they said,"We got this! You handle him!". "Will do guys! Jungle Strikes!" said Sakura. Kirk made giant scissors which cut the plants as Stella said,"Open! Gate of the Warrior! Danny! Blast him!". He appeared with a visor and he said,"Locking on!". He made several bullets and other projectiles attack him as Kirk said,"Cloud of Fluff!". The explosion were absorbed by the cloud.
Jade sense the immense magic power from it and she said,"Letter Magic! Move!". The cloud was gone as it exploded. "Darn. I was hoping that work. Oh well. I was hoping to have some more fun but I am getting bored now." said Kirk. "Fire!" said Stella. Kirk said,"Flight of the Pegasus!". He dodge the attacks as Jade said,"Boulder Throw!". He was knocked down by to the ground or mother Earth as Sakura said,"Transform! Cat!". She scratched him as a cat girl and he was getting mad.
Johnny said,"Metal Sword!". He cut through the scales as Python poured some poison into its body and it roared. "We need to get off this thing now." said Python. The two jumped off the dragon was gone. The two saw Kirk and he said,"Sleep!". The three girls were out cold as Johnny yelled,"Jade! You bastard!". He ran toward her as Kirk blocked the attack with the golden shield. "Perfect. Tower of the Gods!" said Kirk. The tower appeared but then it was destroyed.
Meanwhile, Scampers sensed something and he stopped. "What is wrong kitty?" said Ana. "Guys. I feel a super strong magic force and it is coming to us." said Scampers. "We will handle it Bob. You and the rest of the Yagami/Hunter family go find Bob's parents." said Dawn. X said,"John. Protect your friends.". "You do the same thing Scampers." said Bob. "Yes sir!" said John. The three humans were gone as Orion appeared.
"Animals? This is what I am fighting first. So sad. Time to fight." said Orion. Scampers and Dawn went into their battle forms as Fox said,"Taste my Fire Ring!". Orion was burned by a ring as Dawn said,"Inferno Ball!". The ball hit him as Scampers said,"Thunder Impact!". He ran into him and he shocked him. The three saw that Orion shrugged off the attacks as he said,"Lunar Hold!". The three were trapped in the ground as Orion sad,"You three are nothing compared to me.".
He sat down as John said,"What is he doing?". The two Chreax shrugged as the man said,"Have any of you heard about the three Hero spells which your guild is known for.". "How do you know about Hero Law, Hero Glitter, and Hero Sphere?" said Scampers. "Yep. I know that the family of Yagami or Hunter knows them but the two that I took Audrey and Arther had no knowledge on how to cast it and the father of X no clue either. I joined up with Wicked Genocide because of power." said Orion.
Meanwhile, Tanya found Master Marie's grave. She looked around for the master but the man was not here. "Where are you Master?" said Tanya. She saw that the grave was glowing and she touched it. Her hand was burning as she said,"It is one of the three Hero spells. Hero Glitter. What is it doing here? I want to be S Class!". She was on the floor and she said."I want to be S Class so I could see you again father.".
Flashback. Tanya was only 6 years old and she was in front of her mother's grave with her puppy and she was looking at it. Her mother Cecilia died of an unknown disease and Tanya was supposed to live with her father who worked at the Heroes Guild. Little Tanya stood front of the Guild Hall which was known for having wizards of immense magic power but they like to cause the Magic Council. Her father was here and she saw her.
It was Darin Price. He looked at her and he said,"What are you doing here little girl?". "Dad. It is you and you are talking to me." thought Tanya. "If you stay here too long, you will smell like booze. I am off." said Darin. He walked off toward the train station as Tanya thought,"You don't recognize me dad. I am your daughter and you have no idea about me. Why didn't mom tell you about me?". She saw Master Ax with a young Bob who was 5 years old.
She walked over to them and she said,"Excuse me. Are you the master of the Guild?". "Yes. I am and this is my grandson Bob. He is a wizard too but he is younger than you. Do you mind telling me your name sweetheart?" said Ax. She was about to saw Tanya Price but at the last second, she said,"My name is Tanya Reed.". Her mother's maiden name was Reed and she looked like her at that age but Darin had no idea.
Over the twelve years, Tanya was too scared to tell one of the strongest wizards in the Guild that she was his daughter. She noticed that she could never compared to him. He was also really popular with everyone and she had her friends. Tanya was 14 years old and she matured into a beauty. Darin stood there as he said,"You were chosen to be an S Class wizard weren't you Tanya? I wish you good luck with your test.". "Thank you!" said Tanya.
Tanya failed her test and members such as Grim, Krystal, Jo, Scampers, Myra, and Allison who join the guild after became S Class. If she failed this time which was her fifth try, she decide that she was not worthy to call herself Darin's daughter and she was going to quit the Guild. Her team of Jason, Stella, and Kurt heard her story and they decide to help her become S Class for her dad. She smiled as she saw that she had some friends to count on.
Present. Tanya sense a huge amount of magic power and she said,"My friends are in danger.". She stood up and she said,"I am sorry Master Marie! I want to become S Class once again so I could see my father again! Please forgive me! I want to help my friends!". She stuck her hand inside of the hole as she said,"I don't care about being S Class! I want to make sure everyone is safe! I don't care that I am kicked out!".
She saw all of her guild mates including X and she said,"I love this Guild and I won't let anyone hurt it!". She heard,"Tanya Price.". Tanya looked around and she said,"Who is there?". "You are a wizard of the Heroes Guild no matter what. Now go save your friends with the power of Hero Glitter!" said the voice. Tanya noticed a weird tattoo on her arm as she ran off ready to go help her friends. Master Marie stood there and she said,"You got this honey. I know it.".
Tanya found Orion and she said,"Let them go! Psychic Shock!". Orion turned around and Scampers said,"Tanya?". "She is a member of the Guild right?" said John. Dawn nod as Tanya said,"You guys and new guy/". Orion blocked the attack with ease as Tanya stood in front of the three. "I will ask you two about the fox later. So who is this guy?". "I am the leader of the five generals of the strongest Dark Guild Wicked Genocide Orion and I will find the three Hero spells for power!" said Orion.
"Psychic Volley!" said Tanya. Orion lost his concentration as Tanya said,"Can you guys keep Orion busy?". "Yeah! Inferno Storm!" said Dawn and John. Their fire attacks combined into one attack as Scampers said,"Time for a Power Blast!". The attacks distracted him as Tanya said,"I call upon the power of Heroes's light! Hero Glitter!". "You know the spell?" said Orion. The really powerful spell went toward him.
Orion said,"That is not a Hero Glitter. Time to face this. Big Bang Punch!". He punched it breaking it but it caused a huge explosion knocking out the Chreax trio. He held Tanya in his hand and she saw that her friends plus the fox were out cold. "Any last words Tanya was it?" said Orion. "You will be defeated." said Tanya. He laughed as he said,"Audrey and Arthur Yagami plus Gail Inferno said the same dam thing before I turned them into loyal members of Wicked Genocide!".
Orion said,"Die! Black Hole!". He made the hole appear and he threw her. She closed her eyes as the ball was destroy and Orion was knocked back. Tanya opened her eyes as Darin stood there. She saw that he was mad as she said,"Darin?". "Tanya. Get the three Chreax out of here now! I have a couple of choice words for this bastard." yelled Darin. She was shocked to see the usually calm and chill man pissed off and she ran off with the three.
Darin stood there and he said,"You and your guild did something to these kids you bastard.". "What do we do to these kids old man?" said Orion. The man sighed as he said,"The S Class rank is the most important thing to them and I saw them all happy beyond belief, you made my really close friend Bob cry his eyes out by taking away his parents from him. and I also lost my close friends but then I learn that you turned them into your slaves. Time for you to pay for them!".
Darin punched Orion who said,"Taste Saturn's wrath!". Darin made the area below him go boom as he said,"Explosion of Pain!". The man felt the power as Darin said,"Taste my Rapid Fire Explosion and you will see what happens when you pissed me off!". Orion was in pain as he said,"Black Hole Explosion Blast!". Darin reflect the attack as he said,"Ultimate Explosion Uppercut! Taste the wrath of the Gods!".
Orion was in the air from the punch as Darin made him explode. Orion was out cold as Darin said,"I used too much didn't I?". He looked off as he saw Tanya with the three animals and he smiled. He walked toward them as he thought,"The rest is up to you brats. I know that my faith can do it and Jo is so hot. I wonder if Kurt would mind if I ask out his mom.". The five head back to base camp as the rain was gone.
Back at Base Camp, Johnny saw Leonard, Adam, Nick, Julie, and Alex with their friends who were in ruins. He saw Brendan, Viola, Sara, Alan, ad Fate out cold as Nick said,"Julie. You know what to do right?". "Yeah. I do." said Julie. She carried the five plus the three girls as Nick, Alex, Adam, and Leonard stood there with Python. "Are you okay man?" said Adam. "Yeah." said Python. Kirk said,"I don't care if you have an hundred members! I will defeat you all!".
Adam said,"Lets defeat this brat already! Heaven and Hell Frenzy Punch!!". He punched him in a fast and crazy frenzy as Kirk said,"What?!". He noticed that he was in some ruins which deny him the use of his magic and Alex said,"Leonard put them down when we got here only a few seconds ago. Soul Pentagon Strike!". The five souls blasted him as Nick said,"Sand Wave!". The man was engulfed by sand as Leonard said,"Letter Magic Pain!".
Kirk screamed as Johny said,"Metal Slayer Secret Art! Demon Metal Roar!". The attack went out as it destroy him and Python said,"Poison Armageddon Roar!". The man was defeated as Alex said,"I have an idea.". His eyes glowed as Norman stood up. He threw him far away as Norman said,"What happened?". Julie said,"Oh nothing. Me and Nick are dating now!". "Really? Double Couples!" said Sakura and Stella. The group was confused as the rain stopped.
Next time,
Kurt and Casey fight their family with the help of Casey and Melody. The Yagami siblings and X fight Bob's parents. Kurt joins up with them to fight Zero, Allison, Grim, and Krystal fight Nightmare and Alice, and the Base camp group fight Lewis, Clark, and Seth.
He sat down as John said,"What is he doing?". The two Chreax shrugged as the man said,"Have any of you heard about the three Hero spells which your guild is known for.". "How do you know about Hero Law, Hero Glitter, and Hero Sphere?" said Scampers. "Yep. I know that the family of Yagami or Hunter knows them but the two that I took Audrey and Arther had no knowledge on how to cast it and the father of X no clue either. I joined up with Wicked Genocide because of power." said Orion.
Meanwhile, Tanya found Master Marie's grave. She looked around for the master but the man was not here. "Where are you Master?" said Tanya. She saw that the grave was glowing and she touched it. Her hand was burning as she said,"It is one of the three Hero spells. Hero Glitter. What is it doing here? I want to be S Class!". She was on the floor and she said."I want to be S Class so I could see you again father.".
Flashback. Tanya was only 6 years old and she was in front of her mother's grave with her puppy and she was looking at it. Her mother Cecilia died of an unknown disease and Tanya was supposed to live with her father who worked at the Heroes Guild. Little Tanya stood front of the Guild Hall which was known for having wizards of immense magic power but they like to cause the Magic Council. Her father was here and she saw her.
It was Darin Price. He looked at her and he said,"What are you doing here little girl?". "Dad. It is you and you are talking to me." thought Tanya. "If you stay here too long, you will smell like booze. I am off." said Darin. He walked off toward the train station as Tanya thought,"You don't recognize me dad. I am your daughter and you have no idea about me. Why didn't mom tell you about me?". She saw Master Ax with a young Bob who was 5 years old.
She walked over to them and she said,"Excuse me. Are you the master of the Guild?". "Yes. I am and this is my grandson Bob. He is a wizard too but he is younger than you. Do you mind telling me your name sweetheart?" said Ax. She was about to saw Tanya Price but at the last second, she said,"My name is Tanya Reed.". Her mother's maiden name was Reed and she looked like her at that age but Darin had no idea.
Over the twelve years, Tanya was too scared to tell one of the strongest wizards in the Guild that she was his daughter. She noticed that she could never compared to him. He was also really popular with everyone and she had her friends. Tanya was 14 years old and she matured into a beauty. Darin stood there as he said,"You were chosen to be an S Class wizard weren't you Tanya? I wish you good luck with your test.". "Thank you!" said Tanya.
Tanya failed her test and members such as Grim, Krystal, Jo, Scampers, Myra, and Allison who join the guild after became S Class. If she failed this time which was her fifth try, she decide that she was not worthy to call herself Darin's daughter and she was going to quit the Guild. Her team of Jason, Stella, and Kurt heard her story and they decide to help her become S Class for her dad. She smiled as she saw that she had some friends to count on.
Present. Tanya sense a huge amount of magic power and she said,"My friends are in danger.". She stood up and she said,"I am sorry Master Marie! I want to become S Class once again so I could see my father again! Please forgive me! I want to help my friends!". She stuck her hand inside of the hole as she said,"I don't care about being S Class! I want to make sure everyone is safe! I don't care that I am kicked out!".
She saw all of her guild mates including X and she said,"I love this Guild and I won't let anyone hurt it!". She heard,"Tanya Price.". Tanya looked around and she said,"Who is there?". "You are a wizard of the Heroes Guild no matter what. Now go save your friends with the power of Hero Glitter!" said the voice. Tanya noticed a weird tattoo on her arm as she ran off ready to go help her friends. Master Marie stood there and she said,"You got this honey. I know it.".
Tanya found Orion and she said,"Let them go! Psychic Shock!". Orion turned around and Scampers said,"Tanya?". "She is a member of the Guild right?" said John. Dawn nod as Tanya said,"You guys and new guy/". Orion blocked the attack with ease as Tanya stood in front of the three. "I will ask you two about the fox later. So who is this guy?". "I am the leader of the five generals of the strongest Dark Guild Wicked Genocide Orion and I will find the three Hero spells for power!" said Orion.
"Psychic Volley!" said Tanya. Orion lost his concentration as Tanya said,"Can you guys keep Orion busy?". "Yeah! Inferno Storm!" said Dawn and John. Their fire attacks combined into one attack as Scampers said,"Time for a Power Blast!". The attacks distracted him as Tanya said,"I call upon the power of Heroes's light! Hero Glitter!". "You know the spell?" said Orion. The really powerful spell went toward him.
Orion said,"That is not a Hero Glitter. Time to face this. Big Bang Punch!". He punched it breaking it but it caused a huge explosion knocking out the Chreax trio. He held Tanya in his hand and she saw that her friends plus the fox were out cold. "Any last words Tanya was it?" said Orion. "You will be defeated." said Tanya. He laughed as he said,"Audrey and Arthur Yagami plus Gail Inferno said the same dam thing before I turned them into loyal members of Wicked Genocide!".
Orion said,"Die! Black Hole!". He made the hole appear and he threw her. She closed her eyes as the ball was destroy and Orion was knocked back. Tanya opened her eyes as Darin stood there. She saw that he was mad as she said,"Darin?". "Tanya. Get the three Chreax out of here now! I have a couple of choice words for this bastard." yelled Darin. She was shocked to see the usually calm and chill man pissed off and she ran off with the three.
Darin stood there and he said,"You and your guild did something to these kids you bastard.". "What do we do to these kids old man?" said Orion. The man sighed as he said,"The S Class rank is the most important thing to them and I saw them all happy beyond belief, you made my really close friend Bob cry his eyes out by taking away his parents from him. and I also lost my close friends but then I learn that you turned them into your slaves. Time for you to pay for them!".
Darin punched Orion who said,"Taste Saturn's wrath!". Darin made the area below him go boom as he said,"Explosion of Pain!". The man felt the power as Darin said,"Taste my Rapid Fire Explosion and you will see what happens when you pissed me off!". Orion was in pain as he said,"Black Hole Explosion Blast!". Darin reflect the attack as he said,"Ultimate Explosion Uppercut! Taste the wrath of the Gods!".
Orion was in the air from the punch as Darin made him explode. Orion was out cold as Darin said,"I used too much didn't I?". He looked off as he saw Tanya with the three animals and he smiled. He walked toward them as he thought,"The rest is up to you brats. I know that my faith can do it and Jo is so hot. I wonder if Kurt would mind if I ask out his mom.". The five head back to base camp as the rain was gone.
Back at Base Camp, Johnny saw Leonard, Adam, Nick, Julie, and Alex with their friends who were in ruins. He saw Brendan, Viola, Sara, Alan, ad Fate out cold as Nick said,"Julie. You know what to do right?". "Yeah. I do." said Julie. She carried the five plus the three girls as Nick, Alex, Adam, and Leonard stood there with Python. "Are you okay man?" said Adam. "Yeah." said Python. Kirk said,"I don't care if you have an hundred members! I will defeat you all!".
Adam said,"Lets defeat this brat already! Heaven and Hell Frenzy Punch!!". He punched him in a fast and crazy frenzy as Kirk said,"What?!". He noticed that he was in some ruins which deny him the use of his magic and Alex said,"Leonard put them down when we got here only a few seconds ago. Soul Pentagon Strike!". The five souls blasted him as Nick said,"Sand Wave!". The man was engulfed by sand as Leonard said,"Letter Magic Pain!".
Kirk screamed as Johny said,"Metal Slayer Secret Art! Demon Metal Roar!". The attack went out as it destroy him and Python said,"Poison Armageddon Roar!". The man was defeated as Alex said,"I have an idea.". His eyes glowed as Norman stood up. He threw him far away as Norman said,"What happened?". Julie said,"Oh nothing. Me and Nick are dating now!". "Really? Double Couples!" said Sakura and Stella. The group was confused as the rain stopped.
Next time,
Kurt and Casey fight their family with the help of Casey and Melody. The Yagami siblings and X fight Bob's parents. Kurt joins up with them to fight Zero, Allison, Grim, and Krystal fight Nightmare and Alice, and the Base camp group fight Lewis, Clark, and Seth.
The members at the base camp see X and John for the first time.
Bob, X, Scampers, John, Ana, and Dawn leave to go find Arthur and Audrey and Stella stays at the camp.
Stella, Sakura, Python, Johnny, and Jade meet up with Kirk.
Stella, Sakura, Python, Johnny, and Jade vs Kirk.
Bob, X, and Ana go head on ahead as John, Dawn, and Scampers were forced to stop by Orion.
John, Dawn, and Scampers vs Orion.
Tanya arrives at Marie's grave and her past is revealed.
Tanya finds Orion and she well attacks him due to him hurting her friends.
Tanya, John, Dawn, and Scampers vs Orion.
Darin arrives and he tells the others to leave.
Darin vs Orion.
Leonard, Adam, Nick, Julie, and Alex arrive at base camp with several knocked out members.
Leonard, Johnny, Python, Adam, Nick. and Alex vs Kirk.
Bob, X, Scampers, John, Ana, and Dawn leave to go find Arthur and Audrey and Stella stays at the camp.
Stella, Sakura, Python, Johnny, and Jade meet up with Kirk.
Stella, Sakura, Python, Johnny, and Jade vs Kirk.
Bob, X, and Ana go head on ahead as John, Dawn, and Scampers were forced to stop by Orion.
John, Dawn, and Scampers vs Orion.
Tanya arrives at Marie's grave and her past is revealed.
Tanya finds Orion and she well attacks him due to him hurting her friends.
Tanya, John, Dawn, and Scampers vs Orion.
Darin arrives and he tells the others to leave.
Darin vs Orion.
Leonard, Adam, Nick, Julie, and Alex arrive at base camp with several knocked out members.
Leonard, Johnny, Python, Adam, Nick. and Alex vs Kirk.